Thursday, 28 June 2012, 08:20 +05:30
Food you eat not only builds your body or gives you calories. That would be a very superficial way of evaluating contribution of food in your over all development.
Food you eat not only helps you with your health. Again, to perceive health as reflective of a strong, disease free body is indicative of a very limited perspective.
Food does many things, and a few among them are: (a) building your mind, your thought process (b) building your heart, your emotions, your feelings...
You can look at your mind and heart as lumps of physical entities but that wouldn't lead you to a wholesome approach in understanding the concept.
What you eat also makes what you are, and the same applies to how you eat...
These two have a significant bearing on how balanced is your thought process and how well your thoughts relate to your feelings and emotions...the kind of interaction they have with each other, and what they finally produce out of that.
In Hindoo World we speak of food in terms of सात्विक (Saatvik'), राजसिक (Raajasik'), and तामसिक (Taamasik') — conceptually whereof there is no place in the Christian World or Muslim World or Jewish World.
However, that is not what I would want to discuss here. Rather, I might want to restrict my recommendations to a few simplistic things to start with:
- Think only of the food that you eat, while you eat
- No conversation, no television, no distraction
Train your mind and body to be in communion with the food that you eat...
Build a bond with the food you eat...
Next thing next, about what you eat, where you eat, when you eat...