These documented Results of 4-Varn' system can make you Proud of your Hindu heritage (2002-2004-2005)—A

They Impeached Humanity (2007)—A


Thursday, 12 Jan 2012

A section of powerful men who were in control of education system, and of media, abused these so thoroughly and in such a conspiratory manner that they eventually succeeded in branding something as an Inhuman Social Crime that, in reality, had been the Embodiment or Perfect Example of Humanity through the millenniums.

Here is a Case Study into thorough Brainwashing of present day humans in believing the Untruth as Truth, and the Truth as Untruth, by abuse of Education and Media on a massive scale.

Evidences and Analysis presented in this work will show you how those who, in reality, perpetrated a Crime against Humanity made the World think that those who were, in reality, the Perfect Examples of Humanity happened to be the True Social Criminals.

Here follows the story of one of the massive Social Frauds carried out successfully by a section of very powerful men and women, and how the rest of the World fell prey to what I call Parrot Humanoid Syndrome (which is defined elsewhere at this web site).  

Before you proceed

Bombay 25 Oct 2007

My loyalty does not rest with any individual, any political outfit, any social organization, or any religious body for that matter. My loyalty rests with One - and only One - Shri Naaraayan, my Aaraadhya (whom I worship).

As I sit down to pen my thoughts, I remain aware that it is not easy for readers to accept truth in its bare naked form. With this realization, I wouldn't be surprised if a reader loves one of my works and then gets wild with another piece of my work. Similarly, the same work may make one reader elated, and make another reader angry. And yet, I wouldn't want to change my stance for I am not here to sell my works in one way or other. Neither I seek recognition, nor I am after praise, nor do I want wealth. And, please do not expect me to get into debate with you for I am not here to convince you or to make you think my way. I am not here to earn your respect. Nor I am here to raise a band of followers. Practically I have no reason to please or displease anyone of you in particular. My worldly ambitions have been fulfilled with the Grace of Shri Naaraayan.

The blanket

There is something you need to understand at the very beginning before you begin to read any of my works. If your slate is full you won't have any place to write on it until you clean it up well. Similarly, your mind, your thoughts, your emotions - almost your whole being - is covered with a blanket. This blanket is made of primarily three components - your religion, your education system and media around you. Using (or abusing) the Media (the immensely powerful tool that it is) you are constantly being bombarded with what you should know. These invisible shackles are too demanding to let you loose.

Free to form opinion?

You think that you are free to form your independent opinion - almost about anything - but the truth happens to be otherwise. You are also constantly reminded that you are making an informed choice but the reality is opposite. You never realize that you are always being fed with selective information. Your religious guides tell you what they want you to know. Much the same is the case with your educators and your media. Your psyche formation - right from your childhood through adolescence to the adulthood - takes place under their guidance. And, my objective is to break that cordon of cultivated misinformation, and the resultant ignorance.

Repetition has poisoned your minds

When an Untruth is repeated thousand times it begins to sound like truth. When it is repeated hundreds of thousands of time it becomes The Truth, and the real truth becomes the Untruth. Your school textbooks are the best tool to achieve this fete. From the very childhood your brains are washed thoroughly leading you to a make believe world of which you have no direct experience because it relates to that Past where “you” were not Present!

Your direct experiences of today (if any) are projected as the direct outcome of that remote past of which you have no true experience, except whatever you may have been told via your textbooks, your religious guides, and media stories. Guides of organized religions have their own agenda that itself guides their thought and action, and based on that they guide the thoughts and actions of their followers. Contents of educational textbooks and media coverages get widely influenced by the images that their religious guides have helped them form over generations. If there remains any question of doubt it is duly taken care of by those who control things from behind the scene, the very support system which regulates breathing of educational institutions and media outlets (that is the inflow of finances and the power centers).

Repetition can only offer the cure

The repetition which has carefully shaped the untruth as truth can only be neutralized by equal amount of repetition. And therefore, you must not frown upon any repetition in my works, though they are often not verbatim repetitions. You may as well enjoy reading them.

Explanatory notes

In quoted text, throughout this work, term India and Indian have been substituted by term India and Indian respectively. Exceptions are titles of the books and names of the organizations, only to avoid any confusion with regard to their identity. Why have I done this? Let me explain it my way -

What is in a मंत्र Mantr? Why is it that it must be repeated again and again, over and again? Like ॐ Om your new Mantr ought to be भारतवर्ष India.

When you identify your country as India, you relate yourself to a history of few hundred years. When you identify your nation as India, you relate yourself to a heritage that goes back to the time immemorial. Every time you think of your nation you must think of it as India ~ it must become your second nature. If you write it as India, if you call it as India, if you see it in print again and again written as India you cannot truly perceive it as India. You must understand what is in a name and the significance of its repetition.

• Quoted texts, throughout this work, may have some words highlighted with bold or italics or underlined. My purpose is to hold reader’s attention around those words.

• Quoted texts, throughout this work, may/may not have some insertions like [*added text matter] or (*added text matter). My intension is to help readers with greater clarity.

• I spell Sanskrit terms in English differently. The reason has been explained in a logical manner later in this work.

• My use of term his would generally mean his/her unless the context demands otherwise.


Every time the word Caste System is uttered it puts Hindus on the defensive

Centuries long Christian missionary propaganda followed by CommunistMarxist intermittent offensive has made the word Caste a dreaded one for the Hindus. Therefore, anti-Hindus and self-professed Hindu reformers1 do not miss an opportunity to drop this dreaded word Caste whenever they want Hindus to take a retreat. Indian Christianized media2 makes it a point to constantly keep this word Caste into focus every now and then as if Hinduism and Caste system were synonymous. Given this scenario, I urge you to think about it differently.

The very thought of Caste system triggers an image in your mind that feels like an epitome of Social Injustice

If Hindu society practiced social injustice at such massive scale as it is made out to be then all those foreign visitors must have noticed it and mentioned it. But what did they do? Each of them invariably praised Hindu Justice.

Now, it is a matter of plain common sense that the following two contradictions cannot simply exist together. One that Hindu society practiced gross social injustice. Other that Hindu justice and love for truth were unmatched by any civilization of which any such documentation is available.

Naturally, one of them is the liar but which one? Either all those foreign visitors from 4th century BC onwards joined together from their graves to conspire and praise Hindu justice and its love for truth. Or all those Christian missionary educators conspired to systematically tarnish the image of Hinduism. And all those Christian educators harvested new crops of educators, generation after generation, which continued to carry out the legacy of those liars and conspirators.

Now this happens to be only one aspect of the massive conspiracy and social fraud committed by them. As you will proceed through this work and other works of mine you will see on how many fronts they have worked to destroy a civilization that was superior to their own. As they could not raise themselves to the level of this great civilization, they chose to pull it down below the level of their own. They worked at it systematically and consistently spreading their wings in every possible direction to consign this great civilization into the oblivion. And, as you will read their own admissions3, the most amazing thing that you will learn is that it was not their nationality which drove them to do so but their religious faith lead them to destroy this civilization. If you truly believe that Caste system is the biggest Curse on Hinduism and that it destroyed Hinduism then I invite you to use your head that the Creator of this Universe has placed on your shoulder and think about what I have to say.

What does the very thought of Caste system represent? Does it not speak of Gross Social Injustice towards a very large section of Humanity?

If yes, then let that be the premise on which you hold your believe system, and let me challenge that very premise of yours. You have been told by your educators how bad Caste system is. You keep on reading and hearing different kinds of news items presented by the anti-Hindu media on a regular basis that keep cementing your thought process that Caste system, indeed, is the nuisance.

So let us examine your belief system that the Caste system is an evil so far a social structure is concerned

And before you proceed you must remember that this particular thought process has been inducted into Hindu psyche only 170 years ago when the rural based ancient Hindu education system was systematically eliminated from its roots, and was replaced by urban based Christian Missionary education system in 1835 which had a specific mission, and that was to convert English educated Hindus into non-idolater so that the first brick can be laid firmly towards building a ChristianizedHindu society.

That was what Macaulay, again, summarized best when he proudly wrote his father in 1836: “Our English schools are flourishing wonderfully ... It is my belief that if our plans of education are followed up, there will not be a single idolater among the respectable classes in Bengal thirty years hence”.6

Now I invite you to take a special note of the fact that all the testimonies that I am going to present hereafter are (a) not by people who had a specific mission (b) not by people who subscribed to a single ideology (c) not by people who were part of a single theology (d) not by people who were in any way connected with each other by an invisible thread (e) not by people who had any reason to carry any special leaning in favor of the Hindus (f) not by people who could be accused by any stretch of imagination that they were working together towards building a specific image for the Hindus.

On the other hand, as you will proceed through this work, and series of other works, you will come to notice very clearly that the opposite of this can be attributed to those people who have been consistently working towards tarnishing the image of the Hindus. I would not expect you to be impartial because your minds have been preprogrammed by your educators and anti-Hindu media exposures. Yet if you have some ability left within you to think on your own, instead of being guided by interested parties, then you will be able to see some light. But if you cannot I would not blame you any further. I would simply let it go realizing that you have been brainwashed beyond repair.

Hindu society’s foundation was based on 4-Varn System: Braahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shoodr Varn. 16th century Christian missionaries coined a new term for this: Caste system. Let us see why they did it

Caste is not a Indian word but a derogatory epithet8 introduced by Portuguese (*Christian) Missionaries in the 16th century to describe the Hindu society.7

Christian missionaries soon found out that Hindus would not trust them as they trusted Hindu Braahmans. They also realized that they could not even dream of bringing themselves up to the level of Hindu Braahmans. They could think of only one way that happened to have become their second nature since the very inception of Christianity. That is, frequent resorting to Intellectual, Historical and Social Frauds4. So they decided to tarnish the image of Braahmans.

Xavier wrote in another letter to the Society of Jesus: “If it were not for the Braahmans, we should have all the heathens embracing our faith”.9

In 19th-century Thomas Babington Macaulay introduced the Christian Missionary English education system in India. Christian educators slowly poisoned the minds of unsuspecting Hindu children5 against Braahmans, including the children of Braahmans who received ChristianEnglish Education.

In 20th-century, Nehru dynasty pampered the Marxist_Fake_Secularist_Educators who continued the process with great gusto. Education system, news media, magazines, cinema, and every other possible medium of communication to people were used by them. With continued repetition every one came to believe that Hindu society practiced gross social injustice in the name of Caste system.


Go To >> These documented Results of 4-Varn' system can make you Proud of your Hindu heritage (2002-2004-2005) - B

1 And, Braahman haters like Arya Samaajees [details in other works]
2 Heavily funded by Western Churches and Arab Petro-Dollars [details in other works]
3 Further reading: Do your History textbooks tell you these Facts?
4 Recommended further reading: That Unknown Face of Christianity
5 Further reading: Do your History textbooks tell you these Facts?  
6 Michel Danino, Effects of Colonization on Indian Thought, quoted in IndiaCause Newsletter date 17 Aug 2003
7 A Hindu View of the World - Essays in the intellectual Kshatriya Tradition, N S Rajaram ISBN 81-85990-52-2 [1998] p 161
8 Epithet - an offensive word or phrase that is used about a person or group of people:
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, 6th Ed 2000 ISBN 0194315851 CD-ROM
9 Francis Xavier: The Man and his Mission by Sita Ram Goel 1985, quoted in The Myth of Saint Thomas & the Mylapore Shiva Temple, Ishwar Sharan ISBN 81-85990-21-2 [1995] p 80

Tuesday, 3 Jan 2012

The subject matter of this work was first documented in 2002 and was published on the Internet as part of my commentaries on BhagavadGita which had a very different approach than most other published works on BhagavadGita.

In later days of 2003 those commentaries were made part of Gita Today — a different perspective (ISBN 81-89746-05-7) and was published in 2004 in form of a printed book. Referring to a certain section of that book Shri Narendra Devadas of USA told me that it was the best (simplest) work on astrology that he had ever read, and he offered to bear some expenses of publishing a small booklet which could cover Hindoo Varn' (Sanskrit वर्ण) Vyavastha with relevant explanations from Astronomy and Astrology. That is how a new title These documented Results of 4-Varn' system can make you Proud of your Hindu heritage (ISBN 81-89746-11-1) was published in 2005.

Two years later in 2007 I rewrote that book in a different style, with needed polish and restructured manner, which was published under a new title They Impeached Humanity (ISBN 978-81-89990-03-9) as a sequel to my previous publication Save Humanity (ISBN 978-81-89990-00-8). The entire cost of publishing thousand copies of Save Humanity was borne by Shri K Prabhakar, a Chartered Accountant from Chennai.

Thursday, 12 Jan 2012

"They Impeached Humanity" had flashed in my mind as a sequel to "Save Humanity" which was published immediately before this book. Impeach is not commonly used in India, and therefore, it requires some explaining. We will first look into those definitions of impeach which are relevant to the context of this book. Then, bearing those definitions in mind, if you would proceed with the subject matter of this book, you will gradually come to realize why I chose this title. Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines it as 1 a : to bring an accusation against b : to charge with a crime or misdemeanor; 2 : to cast doubt on; especially : to challenge the credibility or validity of (ref: 12 Jan 2012, 13:20 +05:30). Dictionary dot com similarly defines it 3. as to bring an accusation against. 4. to call in question; cast an imputation upon: to impeach a person's motives. The same dictionary further defines Imputation as 2. an attribution, as of fault or crime; accusation. (ref: 12 Jan 2012, 13:19).