There was a Great Civilization though, today, it may sound like a fairy tale because Christian missionary education system prevalent in our country did not tell us about this
Sir Thomas Munro, a Knight of the erstwhile British Empire and the eminent Governor of Madras
“If a good system of agriculture, unrivalled manufacturing skill, a capacity to produce whatever can contribute to either convenience or luxury, schools established in every village for teaching, reading, writing, and arithmetic, the general practice of hospitality and charity amongst each other, and above all, a treatment of the female sex full of confidence, respect, and delicacy, are among the signs which denote a civilized people – then the Hindoos are not inferior to the nations of Europe, and if civilization is to become an article of trade between England and India (India), I am convinced that England will gain by the import cargo.” Quoted in Mill’s History, vol. i. p371, re-quoted by F Max Muller, p57, p231
You have read numerous testimonies to that effect in my prior work Arise Arjun: Awaken my Hindoo nation.
Over 99.99% Hindoos do not know till date (2004) that their glorious past had existed until 170 years ago. They also do not know that there was an ulterior motive behind methodically destroying their great civilization by the ChristianBritish. Hindoos generally think that today’s state of affairs had been around for a fairly long time, and nothing much can be done about it. If only they all knew, it was only 170 years, they would want to reverse it. But then, who will tell them? Those who have means to do so, won’t do that because it would clash with their vested interests. Their vested interests are now same as that of the ChristianBritish. They are products of that education system which ChristianBritish implemented 170 years ago. After ChristianBritish left BhaaratVarsh, they left their legacy back in form of these people.
Over 99.99% Hindoos do not know till date (2004) that their ancient Hindoo Education System was superior to Christian Missionary Education System, and their Hindoo Culture was superior to Christian Culture, as was unambiguously admitted by distinguished ChristianBritish people. If only they knew the truth, they would want to reinstate it. But then, Hindoos, for past six generations, have been fraudulently taught through Christian Missionary Education System that they had a rotten civilization, one ridden with meaningless rituals and superstitious traditions, and nothing worth being proud of. Products of that education system merrily keep parroting the same thing all over through mass media exposure and every other way.
A Civilization that had lasted 5,000 years, was destroyed within 112 years (1835-1947)
If you read numerous testimonies as reproduced in Arise Arjun: Awaken my Hindoo nation you would realize that Dharm' was reestablished after the battle of MahaaBhaarat. Even after 5,000 years, we see its reflection in Hindoo society. This, in itself, is the testimony that MahaaBhaarat was a necessity of the time.
This fact has been ignored generally, and rather too often references are made to MahaaBhaarat as if it were nothing but bloodshed. By doing so, we fail to appreciate its significance not only in national context but also in social context. It is important that now we relearn to look at things in perspective, and learn to understand the value of what should be valued or else we fail to derive its benefit.
The prime lesson that MahaaBhaarat teaches us is that we must not let Adharm' grow beyond limit, or else we pay the price for it! It also teaches that Adharm' must be resisted, fought, and eliminated.
This is where we were, only 170 years ago, not so long ago
“If a good system of agriculture, unrivalled manufacturing skill, a capacity to produce whatever can contribute to either convenience or luxury, schools established in every village for teaching, reading, writing, and arithmetic, the general practice of hospitality and charity amongst each other, and above all, a treatment of the female sex full of confidence, respect, and delicacy, are among the signs which denote a civilized people – then the Hindoos are not inferior to the nations of Europe, and if civilization is to become an article of trade between England and India (India), I am convinced that England will gain by the import cargo.”
This is where we have landed today
No sense of national pride (slowly returning but a long way to go). Looking up towards Christianized-West. A beggar on every street.
This is what happened in-between
Macaulay’s English Christian Missionary Education System was imposed upon us. Ancient Hindoo education system was wiped out systematically (a) by withdrawing all governmental support and by officially de-recognizing indigenous educational qualifications (ex: AyurVidya), (b) by inducing distrust towards indigenous knowledge base, in minds of children, using Christian missionary education system (ex: JyotirVidya).
Nation’s wealth was siphoned out systematically and fraudulently. Indigenous industries were methodically destroyed (ex: by cutting thumbs of weavers who made Dhaka Malmal, 40 yard sari could pass through one ring). Hindoo technology was systematically eliminated and Hindoo children were taught that no such technology ever existed. Hindoo children were taught to look down upon and distrust their heritage. Hindoo children never realized the conspiracy they were subjected to.
Was Britain essentially ChristianBritain?
Yes, we have dealt with this matter in detail in a subsequent chapter.
Was Macaulay’s Education System essentially a Christian Education System?
Yes, it was established and run by Christian missionaries. Macaulay himself had an undeniably Christian psyche.
What was the prime cause of our extraordinary downfall?
Our prolonged association with Christian missionary education system has been the prime cause of extraordinary downfall of Hindoo society. When I speak of downfall, I refer to ‘Where we were’ and ‘Where we have reached’ as described before.
What is the solution, if there is any?
Eliminate the root cause. Discard the Christian missionary education system. Reestablish Hindoo ancient education system, which had allowed Hindoo society to maintain extraordinarily high moral values, of which each and every visitor to BhaaratVarsh spoke of! Want more details? Please read my other works.
Understand the true motive behind Macaulay’s Education System
Macaulay proudly wrote his father in 1836: “Our English schools are flourishing wonderfully.... It is my belief that if our plans of education are followed up, there will not be a single idolater among the respectable classes in Bengal thirty years hence.” Michel Danino, quoted by IndiaCause Newsletter dated August 17, 2003
Hindoos are idolaters, who worship idols, images of gods. Deuteronomy, the fifth book of Holy Bible, has its section 13 header titled as idolaters to be put to death. Bible pronounces death for Hindoo idolaters, Macaulay pronounces elimination of idolaters in a relatively more acceptable manner in today’s supposedly civilized world.
“We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a class of persons, Indians (Bhaaratiyas) in blood and color, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals and in intellect” as stated by Macaulay himself, quoted by Dr. NS Rajaram, p181
Hindoo society has remained Hindoo for name sake but a very large section thereof has been Christianized, not by religious conversion but by psyche conversion. Their thought process has been Christianized. Thus, body remains Hindoo but character becomes Christianized. The beauty is that many of them still think that they have Hindoo thought process. This is because they have lost the ability to distinguish between what is Hindoo thought process and what is Christian thought process. Just because they have leaning towards Hindooism they tend to think that they have Hindoo thought process.
Understand the effect of English language education on Hindoo psyche
This is what happens when we live with it for one generation.
“A single generation of English (note added: Christian) education suffices to break the threads of tradition and create a non-descript and superficial being deprived of all roots – a sort of intellectual pariah who does not belong to the East or the West, the past or the future. Of all Indian (Bhaaratiya) problems the educational is the most difficult and most tragic.” Dr. Ananda Coomaraswamy, quoted by Rajaram, p188
A healthy tree derives its life source from its roots. When the roots are rotten, the tree is no-more healthy. This is the state of Hindoo society today. Christian missionary education system has worked like pests and made the foundation hollow.
Look at statistics denoting the vast coverage of Christian Missionary Education in BhaaratVarsh
This is what we have lived with, for six generations, assuming that a new generation is ready in 25 years.
“It is estimated that 60 percent of all students in India (BhaaratVarsh) attend Roman Catholic schools and colleges.” [Ref.: Malachi Martin, The Jesuits] The real figure is much higher as this book was published over 15 years ago in 1987. They do not include non-Catholic educational institutions, which have proliferated in recent years with rapid spread of evangelical Protestant churches in India (BhaaratVarsh).” Ishwar Sharan, p123n
More significantly, 90 percent of those who formulate, administer and monitor national policies and practices are the ones who graduate from Christian educational institutions and FakeSecularist infected universities.
You must not refer to these three in isolation; referring to them in isolation dilutes your focus on the root cause
Macaulay’s education system
English language education
Christian missionary education
They are all connected by an invisible thread. Understanding that inter-relationship is key to the issue.
Introduce yourself to the children of Macaulay who come in different varieties
I am a Hindoo by accident used to say Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of independent India (BhaaratVarsh) from 1947 till his death, the founder of the Nehru dynasty from the clutches of which, we are still unable to come out!
I am born a Hindoo as a result of my sins during earlier births, wrote Motilal Nehru, the father of Jawaharlal Nehru, who was known to be a very wealthy person.
But all children of Macaulay need not be of that category. Two days ago, 76 years old AKDI (full name withheld) claimed that he was educated in Gujraati medium school, hence he was not a product of Macaulay education system. Simultaneously, he defended Macaulay conspiracy saying that British were the victors and it was natural that they imposed their education system on us. He said so after reading the 1st edition of this book. He summarily ignored that ChristianBritish did not implement Christian Missionary Education System on Hindoos in natural course. They did so when Macaulay warned them that they would never conquer this nation until they replaced Hindoo Ancient Education System and Hindoo Culture by Christian Missionary Education System and Christian Culture.
Why does AKDI knowingly ignore ChristianBritish motives behind their action? This is another type of Macaulay’s children. These are in vast majority today. As they do not find anything wrong in that action, even after they become aware of the motive behind such action, they will not want to do anything about reversing that action. Thus, the situation will remain as it is today.
While AKDI claims himself not to be a Macaulay product, he forgets that his present mind-set is not the result of his schooling alone. He did his college, university and IAS through Macaulay’s Christian Missionary education system. He lived and grew up in an environment that made him very much of a Macaulay product. And yet he happens to retain his Hindoo leanings because of his strong knowledge of Sanskrit, Hindi, Gujraati, Tamil and probably few other Bhaaratiya languages. Despite all this independence of thought that he claims, he defends ChristianBritish conspiracy, which led to substantial down gradation of this 5,000 year old civilization. This attitude of defending a wrong action will never let him get out of that mental slavery of which he is a prisoner.
Now, this must be understood clearly that I am not pointing at him as an individual. I mentioned his initials to let you know that the character I am referring to is not a creation of fiction. When I present you his example, I am speaking of most of you people who may be reading this book some day or other.
I am trying to make you aware of the fact that your thought process and your value system happens to be the product of the total environment that you are part of. I am using this term ‘environment’ in a fairly wider sense. The movies that you watch, the television serials that you enjoy, the books that you read, the newspaper and magazines you subscribe to, the friends and colleagues with whom you interact, your family with whom you live, everything is part of that environment.
The movie maker has something to say to you, that is his own thought process or belief system. He does not say to you this directly. He uses different casts in his story and he makes them deliver their dialogues. In those statements and emotions are hidden his own thought process and belief system. They influence you indirectly, often without even your knowing you.
I am doing the same thing here but with a basic difference in approach. I am being direct and thereby giving you an opportunity to either accept or discard it. But they, be they movie makers, be they television serial script writers or directors, be they news paper journalists or editors, or whatever, are not always being so direct.
Many a times they appear to be telling you only a story through their movie and consciously you think of it as a story only, but a lot of it leaves an impression on your mind, of which you are not consciously aware, and with time different belief system get cemented on your psyche.
Yesterday night (3 May 2004) a college day friend of mine called after 30 years. AC (full name withheld) got my number from a common friend AS. It was good to hear him. He told me that he had settled at a place called Pichhor in Madhya Pradesh. You may not have even heard the name of that place. I mention this, to make you realize that it is not a place big enough to be known by many, and certainly you cannot expect it to be an Westernized place. During the conversation he told me that he would now give the phone to his son and I could possibly give him some direction for life ( it is a Hindoo way of seeking advice from or blessings of elders). I spoke to his son in Hindi, which happened to be his mother tongue but not my mother tongue (In Canada, they call it your first language, not mother tongue; mother does not occupy such a significant place in their overall life system that they could ascribe their first language to their mother). Anyhow, returning to the base issue. Hindi wasn’t my mother tongue but knowing it was his, I spoke to him all the while in Hindi. What struck after I kept down the phone is that whatever little he spoke to me or responded to me was wholly in English! So, in a small place like Pichhor, the influence of English is no less than one’s mother tongue. I have noticed it rather too often that in most television talks the first time comers tend to respond in English to every question in Hindi thrown at them by the anchor. I thought initially that they all tried to impress that they knew English but gradually I tend to identify that English has spread its wings far and wide. Thus, plants have been separated from their roots!
Understand that Macaulay is no more your problem; your current problem is his legacy, the Christian Missionary Education System that envelopes you from all directions, and being missionary, it has a mission; that is to Christianize your psyche
Many of you are aware of Macaulay and the harm he did. Many of you even write in the magazines, newspaper articles about ill-effects of it. But always I see you all speaking of Macaulay, as if Macaulay was the real culprit. So, you have chosen your enemy and hitting at it. Your readers know that this ghostly character Macaulay, of whom he is hearing for the first time, or may be he has been hearing of him rather too often, in either case this guy is dead and gone. So why waste tears, forget him and go your way, continue with what you are doing. The problem is that you have made Macaulay as the hero or the villain or whatever.
In the process you are loosing sight of the fact that Macaulay by himself, or his so-called education system, or English education system, or whatever, all these identities are meaningless, because behind all these masks remain one and only one true identity, and that is the Christian Missionary Education System. Now, this being a missionary system, it has a mission. What is that mission? That is what you need to be fully aware of. That is to Christianize your psyche.
Why it is today so very necessary to understand the true face of Christianity, which happens to be very-very different from the masked one that you get to see generally
This Christian Missionary Education System springs from the very base of Christianity. It imbibes all qualities of Christian Faith, and it grows with
Christian Traditions. Therefore, it becomes necessary that you understand Christianity’s in-born character better than you do now.
You aren’t able to see its true character because, enormous amounts of money are spent to keep a lid on it. To counteract any possible unwanted exposure,
service-to-humanity-brand-religion-image is projected consistently.
Money and media power hide the Truth, our minds are pre-programmed through a methodical exposure to a make-believe world. You need to penetrate that mechanism and look beyond. Remember that the Truth often lies behind the Smoke Screen.
Let us familiarize ourselves with the Seed, the spread of Roots, the budding Plant, the grown-up Tree, and the attractive Garden of Christianity in its various phases of growth
Today we do not critically look at the Seed, nor we examine the Roots that remain under the Soil. Today we only look at the strong, powerful Tree that has spread its branches all over our existence, and effectively clouds our ability to look beyond.
The Seed is the Holy Bible. The Roots are the teachings of the Bible. The budding Plant is the effect of Teachings of the Bible on the ‘Past’ during formative years of Christianity, which are now historical facts. The Grown-up Tree is the effect of Teachings of the Bible on the ‘Present day’ world, and similarly the effect of Teachings of the Bible on the ‘modern USA’. And, much more in the titles that will follow...