The Seed and the Roots

Why is it so important to understand Bible? Why other sources are not dependable?

Christian Bible or the Holy Bible, as it is titled in print, comprises of the Old Testament and the New Testament. To understand Christianity, one must understand the so-called Holy Bible. Present day Christianity’s very foundation is based on the teachings in the Bible. Therefore, understanding the character of these teachings is a prerequisite for understanding Christianity.

It is no use attempting to understand Christianity based on television talks, church sermons, leaflets and propaganda materials. It is essentially a self-deceptive exercise, in vain.

Enormous amounts of money are spent every year for cosmetic purposes, the Vatican being the mammoth multinational organization having no parallel. We will provide you [in our works, at relevant places] with statistical data from dependable Christian sources [so you have no doubt about their validity] to demonstrate the enormity of such funding, which is used for face lifting on a regular pattern.

Any attempt to understand Christianity without understanding its Creed (as documented through the Holy Bible) would be a futile exercise. This is the reason that we chose to present the very first lesson of this book from the so-called Holy Bible itself.

Bible tells very clearly that Christian God is a Jealous God; can someone so jealous tolerate any other god? Christian God is revengeful, and he has his enemies!

Refer to Christian Bible, Exodus 20:5, 34:14 and Nahum 1:2, etc.

Is this description of the God or that of Satan?

Bible instructs Christians that those who try to convert you into another religion, kill them with your own hands, be they your own brother, your son, your daughter, your loving wife, or your friend

Refer to Christian Bible, Deuteronomy 13:6, 13:8, 13:9, 13:10, etc.

So, a Christian must stone to death someone who tries to convert a Christian into any other religion. How about applying the same law in reverse order to Christians? If a Christian wants to convert a person (who belongs to another religion, say, Hindooism) into Christianity then that Christian must be stoned to death. If this law were to be applied equitably (fairly and impartially), the first person to be stoned to death would be the Pope himself because he advocates all the time in favor of converting Hindoos into Christianity. Then all Christian missionaries would be stoned to death because they are all the while engaged in converting Hindoos in covert manner. These champions of Christianity must have a dose of their own medicine, shouldn’t they?

Bible instructs Christians that those who worship idols should be put to death

Deuteronomy 13 has been titled as “Idolaters to be put to death”. This indicates, all that has been said under section “13” apply to idolaters. In Christianity, a Hindoo is an idolater because he or she worships idols. Let us see what law has been pronounced for idolater Hindoos under Deuteronomy 13.

Bible instructs Christians to Kill every one, leave no one breathing; starve, burn, destroy, kill young men, virgins, babies sucking their mothers’ milk, and old men nearing their death; if you don’t believe me, please feel free to check Holy Bible for yourself, I am giving you here the references and verbatim quotes from Bible

Refer to Christian Bible, Deuteronomy 20:16,  20:17, 32:24, 32:25, etc.
How beautiful are these teachings, lovely aren’t they; so very compassionate! You are sure to attain God by following these teachings; won’t you? Have no doubts, ever! Would you call these exceptions? Don’t you see a systematic pattern all throughout? Do you want to see lot more of how these teachings have been implemented throughout the course of history with considerable zeal and dedication towards them? Have you started getting a feel of what an Aasuric culture means? By the way, does Hindooism teach you any thing like that?

Now, compare these teachings of Christian Bible with comparable teachings of Hindoo Manu Smriti, and experience the difference for yourself. Manu Smriti instructs the king not to use concealed weapons, barbed weapons, poisoned weapons, or weapons with blazing fire. It has to be man to man fight, battle of bravery and strength. And history is witness that this is what Hindoos followed. I am not talking about fake history that was rewritten by JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru University) and AMU (Aligarh Muslim University) Communist-Marxist historians and introduced in schools of India during Nehru dynasty

Manu: “The archetypal first man of Hindoo mythology, survivor of the great flood and father of the human race. He is also the legendary author of one of the most famous codes of the Hindoo law, the ManuSmriti [Laws of Manu], composed in Sanskrit.” Oxford Dictionary, p1127
Archetypal: “very typical of a certain kind of a person or thing.” Oxford Dictionary, p86
Hindoo Manu Smriti 7:90 “When a King fights with his foe in battle, he should not strike with weapons which are concealed, barbed, poisoned, or the points of which are blazing with fire” quoted by Prof. GC Asnani, p25

For Hindoos, technology was not meant for mass killing, and that is why, they did not develop gunpowder. A race that could develop the technology for creating an alloy, which could withstand tyranny of weather for many-many centuries without a trace of rusting, do you think that race could not have developed gunpowder and guns-cannons, the weapons of mass destruction using blazing fire? I am referring to the alloy used in that huge metallic tower (iron pillar) Garur Dhwaj, which stands close to Kutub Minaar of Delhi. On this tower, we find even today, Sanskrit inscription in Braahmi script (

Hindoo Manu Smriti also instructs a king not to strike an enemy who is running away for life, one whom fear has engulfed, one who seeks pardon, one who surrenders, an eunuch, one who is in sleep, one who has lost his armor, one who is naked, one who is disarmed, one who is not taking part in the fight, one who is fighting with another person, one whose weapons are broken, one who is in sorrow, one who is very badly wounded, one who is terrified. Manu Smriti instructs Hindoo king to fight the battle of an honorable warrior, not of a savage one. For Hindoos, each day’s battle ended with sunset, and the next day’s battle began with the sunrise. Muslims and Christians did not fight a battle of honorable warrior.

Hindoo Manu Smriti 7:91 “Let the King not strike one who in flight and fear has climbed around, not a eunuch, nor one who joins the palms of his hands in supplication, nor one who flees with flying hair, nor one who sits down, nor one who says, “I am thine.” 7:92 Nor one who sleeps, nor one who has lost his coat of mail (armour), nor one who is naked, nor one who is disarmed, nor one who looks on without taking part in the fight, nor one who is fighting with another foe; 7:93 Nor one whose weapons are broken, who is afflicted with sorrow, who has been grievously wounded, who is terrified, nor one who is running away; he should remember the rule of conduct of an honorable warrior” quoted by Prof. GC Asnani, p25.
Coat of mail = a jacket covered with or composed of metal rings or plates, serving as armour, Oxford Dictionary, p351

Following this, Prithvi Raaj Chauhaan allowed another life to fleeing Mohammed Gori. That Gori, ungrateful, following barbaric Islamic laws returned, bribed JaiChand, and captured Prithvi Raaj Chauhaan and shoved fire rods into his eyes.

However, our ChristianizedHindoos (in other words, Hindoos raised by Christian education) fail to understand this, because what has clouded their mind and thought process is the Christian motto ‘Survival of the cunning’. Our ChristianizedHindoos have come to accept that concept as more important in life than being humans. Manu Smriti instructs you to behave like humans, not barbarians.

Present day Hindoos raised by Christianized education system are thoroughly ignorant of nobler Hindoo thought process, and they argue in favor of Christian ways. They need to ask themselves an honest question: had this world been a better place to live if Muslims and Christians fought by the code of conduct as instituted by Manu?

Here is an example. On 21 January 2004, I received a newsletter from IndiaCause of USA reproducing an article by some MM (full name withheld) Ph.D. talking of some ‘PrithviRaaj Syndrome’ describing it, as

“in the modern context, the defeat of PrithviRaaj Chauhaan in the hands of Muhammad Gori is one of being outwitted by an opponent. This eventual defeat was preceded by PrithviRaaj’s inability to understand the enemy and letting the enemy live to fight the other day on numerous (sic.) occasions.”

How Prithvi Raaj Chauhaan was to assume that he was dealing with a barbarian aasuric enemy? How was he to know what that barbarian’s barbaric religion had taught him?

Prithvi Raaj fought by Hindoo norms of the land. That enemy was on his knees, seeking pardon. That enemy was apparently in no condition to fight the valor of Prithvi Raaj. That enemy was running away for his life and his men’s lives.

Was Prithvi Raaj raised on barbaric principles that such enemy must be killed? Prithvi Raaj had not been taught the barbaric thought processes that other aasuric religions had evolved away from this Hindoo land. Why did our ChristianizedHindoo Ph.D. not come to teach Prithvi Raaj Chauhaan those barbaric laws of war that his enemy practiced? Where was then our ChristianizedHindoo Ph.D.? What is the point our wise-guy today sitting on judgment on the acts of Prithvi Raaj Chauhaan?

Does our ChristianizedHindoo Ph.D. not realize that world would have been a much better place to live if these Aasuric Religions were taught the laws of warfare according to Hindoo Manu Smriti? And, he looks down at them and names it Prithvi Raaj Syndrome!

Are these Christians and ChristianizedHindoos fit to pass value judgments on Hindooism? Are they worthy of sitting on judgment about Hindoos and Hindooism?

Is it not quite obvious that while Manu Smriti is civilized, compassionate and humane, the Bible is barbaric and aasuric?

Do yourself a favor and ask yourself a question, why did Christian missionaries malign Hindoo Manu Smriti so much? Was it out of a deep-rooted sense of insecurity that, if the two were to be compared on same footing, the Christian Bible would look like a creation of savage people of stone age, who never graduated from their animal instincts?

Aren’t animals far better? Animals certainly don’t rape women who worship other gods, but Bible teaches Christians to do that! Animals do not kill infants unless they are very hungry, and there are no grown ups left, but Bible teaches Christians to do that!

Great teachings, aren’t these? Your children will derive great moral values from those teachings of Christianity, won’t they? You should have as much Christian influence on your children as much as you can, shouldn’t you?

Isn’t it why you love to send your children to English-medium Christian schools, so that they can turnout to be good Hindoo born-Christian influenced citizens of the future? Would you think that time hasn’t yet come to review your preferences?

Now, let us see what Hindoo thinkers said, as opposed to Christian Holy Bible?

Why should I say, how great Hindooism is? Let someone else say it. Why should I defend my religion? Let a Christian defend it. Let us listen to a Christian say this:

“I have left to the last of the witness who might otherwise have been suspected – I mean the Hindoos themselves. The whole of their literature from one end to the other is pervaded by expressions of love and reverence for truth.” F. Max Muller, German Indologist and Professor at Oxford University, UK, p59

I need not defend Hindooism. Let Hindooism speak for itself! Come with me, and enjoy your journey...

Hindoo BhagavadGita said, God is equal to all, He has no favorites

Hindoo BhagavadGita 4.11 & 9.29 “Whoever, by whatsoever path approaches me, I accept him for his salvation. All creatures great and small – I am equal to all; I hate none, nor have I any favorites. Those who worship other Gods with devotion, worship me” reproduced Dr. NS Rajaram, p27

Hindoo Veds said, all paths lead to same God; this teaches us to respect other peoples’ gods

Hindoo RigVed I.164.46 “Cosmic reality is one, but the wise perceive it in many ways: As Indr, Mitr, Varun, Agni, mighty Garutmat, Yam, and Matarisvan – the giver of breath” reproduced Dr. NS Rajaram, p22
Hindoo Shivmahimna Stotr 3 (attributed to Gandharv Pushpdant) “As numberless rivers following different paths – straight or zigzag – merge in the same ocean, so too the aspirants of various tastes and capacities reach thee through effort” reproduced NS Rajaram, p27

Hindoo Veds said, let us not close our minds, let knowledge come to us from every source and inspire our intellect

Hindoo RigVed I.89.1 “Let felicitous thoughts come to us from every source” reproduced Dr. NS Rajaram, p26
Felicitous = (core sense) well chosen or suited to the circumstances; (subsense) pleasing and fortunate. Oxford Dictionary, p 673
Hindoo RigVed III.62.10 “Gaayatri Mantr: I pay homage to the supreme grandeur of the divine light, that it may inspire our intellect” reproduced NS Rajaram, p24

Hindoo Upanishads said, may God protect all, nourish all! May we be united and do well for humanity! May we never hate one another! May there be Peace Everywhere! May all be happy, healthy, no one suffer!

Hindoo Taittriya Upanishad, BrahmaValli & BhriguValli, Shaanti Mantr “May the Lord protect us together! May He nourish us together! May we work together uniting our strength for the good of humanity! May our learning be luminous and purposeful! May we never hate one another! May there be peace, peace, and perfect peace” reproduced Ravi Shankar, Chants of India
Hindoo Taittriya Aranyak, 4th Prashn, Pravargya Mantrs, 42nd Anuvaak “May there be peace on earth, peace in the ether, peace in the heaven, peace in all directions, peace in fire, peace in the air, peace in the sun, peace in the moon, peace in the constellations, peace in the waters, peace in the plants and herbs, peace in trees, peace towards cattle, peace towards goats, peace towards horses, peace towards mankind, peace in the absolute Brahm, peace in those who have attained Brahm, may there be peace, only peace. May that peace be in me, peace alone! Through that peace may I confirm peace in myself, and all bipeds, and quadrupeds! May there be peace in me, peace alone” reproduced Ravi Shankar, Chants of India
This is the central portion of the famous Mahaa Shaanti Mantr, the great prayer for peace. As well as the final Anuvaak of the Pravargya Mantrs, it is also the Shaanti mantr of the 5th Prashn of Taittriya Aranyak, which is the Brahmana for Pravargya.
Anuvaak = Subdivision of Ved, section, chapter. Vaman Shivram Apte, p23
Anuvaak = A chapter of the Ved, a subdivision or section. M. Monier-Williams, p38
Brahmana = Each of the four Veds has two distinct parts, Mantr and Brahmana; Mantr (words of prayer and adoration), Brahmana (directions for the details of the ceremonies at which the Mantrs were to be used and explanations…). M. Monier-Williams, p1015
Pravargya = A ceremony preliminary to the Som sacrifice. Vaman Shivram Apte, p368
Hindoo Sarve Shaam (the traditional prayer) “May good befall all! May there be peace for all! May all be fit for perfection, and may all experience that which is auspicious. May all be happy! May all be healthy! May all experience what is good and let no one suffer” reproduced Ravi Shankar, Chants of India

Hindoo Upanishads said, respect your mother, father, guru, and guest; follow only their faultless deeds, not their faulty deeds

Hindoo Taittriya Upanishad, ShikshaaValli, 10th Anuvaak “Do not neglect your duties to the gods and your ancestors. May your mother be like a god unto you! May your father be like a god unto you! May your Guru be like a god unto you! May your guest be like a god unto you! Wherever you have observed faultless deeds performed, you should follow those alone, and no others. When you have seen us, your teachers, perform good actions follow those alone” reproduced Ravi Shankar, Chants of India
Commonly known as ShishyaAnushaasanam', this section contains the final mantrs of instruction given by the guru to his students as they prepare to leave the Aashram and enter the life of a householder.

See the very difference between Hindoo thought process, and Christian thought process. Which one would you want your future generations to follow?

Hindoo Upanishads and Veds said, lead me from this transitory world to God; release me from the cycle of birth & death

Hindoo BrihadAranyak Upanishad, 1st Adhyaay, 3rd Brahmana, 28th Mantr “O Lord! Please lead me from the unreal to the real. Lead me from darkness to light. Lead me from death to immortality. May there be peace, peace, and perfect peace” reproduced Ravi Shankar, Chants of India

What is Real and Unreal?

Let me explain, in the context of this Mantr ‘unreal’ would mean transitory, and ‘real’ would mean permanent.

Let us understand it in this way: this world is transitory, whereas God is permanent. God existed before this world came into existence. God will exist after this world ceases to be in existence.

What is Immortality?

In the context of this Mantr ‘Immortality’ would mean freedom from the cycle of birth and death. Let me expand it further, if a person is not born, then s/he does not die. Our soul is not born again (encased in a body) after it dissolves in the Supreme Soul. That is what we call liberation or Moksh. Having attained Moksh, if we are not required to be born again, then we effectively become immortal. This is my simple understanding of the concept.

Hindoo RigVed, Taittriya Upanishad, Rudr mantr, 1st Kanda Mahaa Mrityunjaya Mantr “We worship Lord Shiv the three-eyed one, the one who is the master of all senses and qualities, and the one who is the sustainer of all growth. May he release us from the bondage of death as a ripened cucumber is released from its stalk, and may he (not deprive us of immortality) grant us immortality” reproduced Ravi Shankar, Chants of India

West has lot to learn from Hindooism but that can happen only when it is out of the suffocating grip of this Aasuric religion called Christianity!

I do not wish to define term Aasuric for my foreign readers, at this stage. It will come about, but in a later work. The idea is, to first present ample examples, so that readers themselves start getting a feel without my attempting to define it!

Now, let us come to the teachings of Jesus about which you could be carrying a totally different impression depending on what you may have read or what you may have been told, but believe me there is no better place to look for them than the Christian Bible itself, and then you should look for the reflection of those teachings in the real life conducts of Christian Popes, Saints, Cardinals, Archbishops, Priests

It would not be so easy for you to break through your preconceived notions about the Jesus Christ but we urge you to read what Jesus himself said, as documented by two of his chief disciples, and then think it over if you must carry on with your old impressions.

We will demonstrate the hidden truth in those statements by establishing that true Christians world over religiously followed those sayings of Jesus Christ.

Thus we would want to convey that there exists a definite correlation between the thought process of Jesus and his followers.

Apostle “Each of the twelve chief disciples of Jesus Christ. The twelve apostles were Peter, Andrew, James, John, Phillip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James (the Less), Judas (or Thaddaeus), Simon, and Judas Iscariot. After the suicide of Judas Iscariot his place was taken by Matthias.” Oxford Dictionary, p 77

They had themselves heard the Jesus, as the saying goes, coming from the horse’s mouth, leaving no scope for doubt. They independently documented the sayings of Jesus, as they heard him say from time to time. Let us look at the documentation as to what Jesus taught or intended to teach the mankind.

St. Luke “An evangelist, closely associated with St. Paul and traditionally the author of the third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles, Feast day, 18 October.” Oxford Dictionary, p 1099

Jesus threatened of eternal damnation to all those who did not agree with him

“Jesus was the first religious teacher in history to threaten those who did not agree with him with eternal damnation. This is the only original idea that he contributed to the world’s vast body of religious thought, and in two millennia it has destroyed nations and whole civilizations and caused Thomas Jefferson to declare, ‘The Christian God is cruel, vindictive, capricious and unjust’.” Ishwar Sharan, p120
Damnation = condemnation to eternal punishment in hell.
Eternal = lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning.
Capricious = given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior.
Unjust = not based on or behaving according to what is normally right and fair.
Vindictive = having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge. Oxford Dictionary, p463, p631, p271, p2024, p2062

Jesus wanted War NOT Peace, he said it without any ambiguity, but Christians don’t tell you that, so check their Holy Bible, here is the reference and verbatim quote

Refer to Christian Bible, Matthew 10:34, etc.

Jesus wanted Division NOT Peace, he said so without any ambiguity, but Christians don’t tell you that, so check their Holy Bible, here is the reference and verbatim quote. Also think, from where did Christians learn the Divide and Rule Policy!

Refer to Christian Bible, Luke 12:51, etc.

Do Christian missionaries tell you what was the true agenda of Jesus? Do you realize how Christians learned the Divide and Rule policy? They learned it from their messiah.

Jesus wanted Fire, Sword, War NOT Peace, he wanted each house Divided, Father against Son and Son against Father; he said so without any ambiguity, here is the reference and verbatim quote. Also think, why do we have now broken families every where around?

Refer to Gospel of Thomas 16, etc.

Jesus Christ did succeed in bringing upon earth fire and sword. Here is an example. The scene is Christianized India.

“New Delhi: Guns, knives, and hockey sticks - the list of new additions to school bags is endless. If one were to go by the findings of a recent survey, which brings out the startling fact that more and more of school going children are carrying weapons with them, reports PTI. ... According to Dr. Ravi Prakash Gupta, pediatrician and project coordinator, Sahyog, 61 out of 850 students surveyed admitted carrying weapons like gun, knife, stick or hockey stick to educational institutions and as many as 80 adolescents said they were threatened or injured by someone with a weapon in the past 12 months.” The Free Press Journal, 1 April 2004, front page bottom

Do Christian missionaries tell you, when they want to convert you into Christianity that Jesus Christ himself said, without any ambiguity, that he came to this earth to create hatred amongst family members? Do you now see who is the Kali (‘a’ pronounced as in ‘rural’ not as in ‘arm’) who brought in Kali Yug? If you wish to avoid the evil, you must have the ability to identify it. Do you now realize why we have broken families all over?

Ask yourself, why do we search for Peace today so badly? Why, in earlier days, humanity did not crave for peace so much? What went wrong with the advent of Christianity and Islam?

Why people speak of peace so much today? Is it because peace is not there! Aasuric religions like Christianity and Islam have practiced so much of mass killing over past 2,000 years that people are today gasping for breath and starving for peace.

Why people did not speak of peace so much in earlier days? Was it because there was peace! So, there was no need for so much talk. Civilized religion like Hindooism had taught that unwarranted killings are no good.

Hindooism taught that you must defend yourself but must not kill for killing. But this Christianity, through its Christian education system taught Gandhi, Nehru and the like the opposite, who in turn misguided Hindoos. Gandhi taught Hindoos that they should give up their right to self-defense [see Arise Arjun awaken my Hindoo nation]. Nehru taught Hindoos that they were a worthless lot [see Chapter-2 and my subsequent works]. Net result, Hindoos went into Coma!

Jesus wanted Enmity amongst family members, he said so without any ambiguity; he wanted man’s own family as his enemy, he wanted son against father, he wanted daughter against mother, he wanted daughter in law against mother in law. Do Christian missionaries tell you that? No, they don’t. So check their Holy Bible, here is the reference and verbatim quote. Also, think why do we have so many disturbances within each family itself !

Refer to Christian Bible, Matthew 10:35, 10:36, etc.

Jesus wanted the institution of family destroyed threadbare, he wanted every house divided, he wanted father against son, he wanted son against father, he wanted mother against daughter, he wanted daughter against mother, he wanted mother in law against daughter in law, he wanted daughter in law against mother in law. He said so in simple language, so don’t find excuses with interpretation! He said so without any ambiguity, so don’t try to find another clever interpretation. He used simple English a child would understand, so don’t play with words. It is crystal clear but Christians don’t tell you that, so check their Holy Bible, here is the reference and verbatim quote. You must realize one fundamental truth: if you are going to respect evil, you will turn evil yourself in a matter of time. And that is precisely what has happened. Remember that evil gradually destroys good, if good does not try to protect itself

Refer to Christian Bible, Luke 12:52, 12:53, etc.

Why today there is so much discord in each family? This is because, you learn to live in accordance with the values you come to respect. You don’t have to preach those values, your conducts themselves reflect the values you have come to adopt.

Jesus makes it pretty clear that you must learn to hate your father, mother, brothers, and sisters if you want to be his disciple. He does not mince words. He does not say things indirectly. He says it straight and simple

Refer to Gospel of Thomas 56, etc.

Naturally, Christian children cannot be expected to do any better. By the time they grow up and become financially independent they have hardly any respect or compassion left for their parents. Children leave parents no sooner than they become sixteen and often care not, and parents are also becoming pretty much the same. No wonder Christian societies of the West witness disintegrating family system so quickly!

Now see the effect of teachings of Jesus on present day Hindoo society

Hindooism taught and practiced the opposite for thousands of years. But now, with many generations of predominant Christian education system prevailing in India, our Hindoo society has been showing the very similar destructive tendencies. Such is the effect of bad company for too long.

Our Hindoo children are becoming ‘Christianized’ but we think they are becoming ‘Westernized’. When we identify the cause with a wrong name we go looking for solution at wrong places!

We do not realize that Western is essentially Christian [see Chapter-4]. And Christianity is based on hatred. But by false propaganda, they have made us believe that Christianity is based on peace, love and service to humanity [see Chapter-2].

They have a reason to do so. They know it too well that if the true face of Christianity is in the out, people would simply kick it away. To keep the mass appeal they put a mask but they carry on with their real plans. It is you who is fooled.

Jesus said let rich and powerful become richer and more powerful; let poor and weak become poorer and weaker

Refer to Gospel of Thomas 42, etc.

That is precisely what Christian nations had been doing all the while. How else ChristianBritish became rich? Naturally at the cost of all those countries they colonized. How else today’s predominantly Christian America maintains its economic supremacy? Naturally by selling arms and ammunitions to third-world countries, creating animosity amongst them through undercover operations, keep them fighting, and eyeing for Iran Iraq’s oil-wealth.

Jesus wanted to turn a Woman into a man because only then she could go to heaven

Gospel of Thomas 112 “Simon Peter said to them: Let Mariham go away from us. For women are not worthy of life. Jesus said: Lo, I will draw her so that I will make her a man so that she too may become a living spirit, which is like you men; for every woman who makes herself a man will enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Quoted by Ishwar Sharan, n76

Jesus says that he would turn a woman into a man so that she too can become a living spirit. In other words, a woman is not a living spirit - she is probably a ghost?

Who was Saint Thomas?

“An Apostle; known as Doubting Thomas. He earned his nickname by saying that he would not believe that Christ had risen again until he had seen and touched his wounds (John 20:24-9).” Oxford Dictionary, p1928

Perhaps Thomas knew Jesus better or else, he would not have doubted Jesus’ ability to rise from the grave. He must have known, what Jesus really was, and what he was truly capable of. World today has been fooled, but Thomas was probably not.

Do you find it pretty difficult to believe all this stuff? I wouldn’t have believed all this a year ago because then I hadn’t checked the Bible myself. You can check Bible for yourself because I have given in this book all references with each quote from Jesus

It is very much possible that you may find hard to digest many of such evidences that I shall produce gradually, because your mind has been preprogrammed by massive propaganda that Christianity is a religion of peace and love, and service to the humanity.

This image building had been necessary to cover up the real face of their operations worldwide, particularly in third-world countries.

Enormous amounts of money have gone into that face-lifting operation and you will know of its magnitude from the statistics that we will reproduce from authentic Christian sources. Today, you do not have to purchase the mass media. All you have to do is to hire an advertising position, or rent a time slot in a television channel and broadcast all that you need. Media is in the business to sell. Christianity is in the business to buy, the way they buy new Christians from poor segments of the society. These segments have been made poor by Christianity’s cunning maneuvers. You will learn about them through my works.

Demolishing your pre-conceived notions is the first necessity; only thereafter, your vision will penetrate through the smoke screen, and only then, you will be able to look beyond.

Whatever you have read so far, would you call them Divine teachings or, barbaric teachings? It is for you to decide!

Now you need to see how well those teachings have percolated down to the real-life conducts of Christian Popes, Christian Saints, Christian Cardinals, Christian Archbishops, and conducts of Christian Converts from Hindooism. Such is the powerful magic of Christian thought process!

All you need to do is to continue the journey with me through the pages of this work, and other works to follow soon, in print ... This ‘one work’ alone may be inadequate to tear off the mask!