Christianity began with the motive of Imperialism, much later it covered its face with the mask of service-to-humanity-brand religion
“Christianity, and especially Roman Christianity, has very little to do with religious faith. It is, and has always, been a system of imperialist politics and financial racketeering practiced under the guise of religion.” Ishwar Sharan, pp. 121-122
Find hard to believe? Naturally, I could not blame you. Our mind has been pre-programmed by false propaganda. Much the same way they turn people Communist, by filling their heads from the very childhood, calling untruth as truth. First let us establish that it is so, and then we will tell you, in one of our subsequent publications, how the whole process of camouflage began.
Let us see how this definition fits Christianity? For that, first we need to critically examine:
- What is imperialism?
- What is politics?
Imperialism “A policy of extending a country’s power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means.” Oxford Dictionary, p916
Let us see how Christianity established itself by use of Military Force. For that, let us look at the life and conduct of 1st Pope of Christianity, some 1,700 years ago.
Let us see how Christianity spread its wings through Colonization. For that, let us look at the life and conduct of Pope Alexander VI (1492-1503) of Christianity.
Let us see how Christianity continues to spread its wings by Other Means. For that, let us look at the Christianity’s Postwar World Policy extracted from Christian sources [see Vol. 2]
Colonize “(of a country or its citizens) send a group of settlers to (a place) and establish political control over it.” “Come to settle among and establish political control over (the indigenous people of an area).” “Appropriate (a place or domain) for one’s own use.” Oxford Dictionary, p361
Politics “The activities associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate or conflict between individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.” “Activities within an organization which are aimed at improving someone’s status or position and are typically considered to be devious or divisive.” Oxford Dictionary, p361
My present and future works will provide you with ample testimony of:
- How Christianity achieves power
- How devious are the acts of Christianity
- How divisive are the acts of Christianity
But, it will be a very different perspective than that we are so much used to hearing and reading so often. In my own special way, I shall try to help you understand clearly the validity of the definition given by Ishwar Sharan.
Breaking myths and destroying preconceived notions is my objective in writing these books. These notions are the result of a systematic pre-programming of Indian psyche, which has been achieved through a tenacious effort over the past few centuries. As it happens with every Aquarian effort, the effect of these writings will not be felt soon. It will take many years before the truth in these statements will become fully visible to the masses.