Blowing the Bugle
..................................................................... 3
Notes that apply to the
entire work ............................................. 4
Quotes from Christian Bible and from the History of Christianity...... 5
Quoted References
.................................................................... 6
Part - 1.........................................................................
Foundation of Christianity ............................................
Teachings of the Only Son of God Jesus Christ as documented in the
Teachings of the Christian God as documented in the Christian Bible........ 16
How those teachings shaped the conducts of the Christians? ........ 27
Part - 2.......................................................................
Foundation of Hinduism ............................................. 29
Now, have a taste of Hindu teachings for a change ......................
And, how those teachings shaped the conducts of the Hindus ....... 31
Many Gods vs. One God
........................................................... 34
Paramahansa Yogananda
......................................................... 37
Part - 3.......................................................................
Christianity’s masked Crusade against Hinduism ....... 41
Christians could not tolerate the existence of a superior civilization
the face of this Earth and they had to conspire to wipe it out totally
Curtain Raiser
Part - 4.......................................................................
Christianity spreads its Wings .................................... 58
Seed of Christianity
................................................................. 59
Seed of Hinduism
.................................................................... 66
Know Jesus better
................................................................... 73
The budding Plant of Christianity
............................................... 81
Christianity as a Grown-up Tree
.............................................. 151
Garden that beckons ~ the ChristianAmerica ~ the land of plenty 186
Teachings of Jesus now shape every sphere of American life and
USA and Secularism?
............................................................. 209
Positive thinking or Hypocrisy?
............................................... 212
Money talks, Morality is for Show
............................................ 216
Not White but
Christian.......................................................... 219
Christianity knows nothing of God
........................................... 225
Christianity Strangles all other religions
................................... 228
Part - 5.....................................................................
................................................................... 232
Why seek shelter under the slogan ‘Hinduism is not a religion but a
way of life’?
.................................................................... 233
Self-defeating emotions of we Hindus
...................................... 238
Aasuric religions
................................................................... 242
What kind of Advancement are we looking for? .........................
Letters from the Readers
....................................................... 254
The Last Word ..........................................................
Other Works.............................................................
Copyright, Price & Contact ....................................... 261
As I see it Hindu has forgotten his KshaatrDharm. Kshatriya is a warrior. Intellectual Kshatriya is a warrior by application of his intellect. His arms and ammunitions are his thoughts, which would raise, in time, the warriors for the field.
It will be the battle of mind, because it is the Hindu mind that has been enslaved by a systematic process of conspiracy against the Hindu society, over the generations.
I would not be here defending Hinduism. I would rather be challenging those, intellectually of course, who have offended Hinduism for so long!
My effort is guided by the following statement:
As long as Christianity wages an ideological war on Hinduism, its curious theories and unique claims must be thoroughly investigated, and vigorously replied to, by informed Hindus of integrity and conviction. Ishwar Sharan.
I am simply bringing out the facts that many people in BhaaratVarsh' are ignorant till today (2003-04). Much the same as I had been for all my life until recently though I am supposed to be well educated and well traveled, a quality that did not enlighten me any better on the subject on hand.
This work is essentially in service to Hindu society, which has been kept in dark for long and that too deliberately on purpose.
Notes that apply to the entire work
What is in a मंत्र Mantr' (Mantra)? Why is it that it must be repeated again and again, over and again? Like ॐ Om your new Mantr' ought to be भारतवर्ष BhaaratVarsh''.
When you identify your country as India, you relate yourself to a history of few hundred years. When you identify your nation as BhaaratVarsh', you relate yourself to a heritage that goes back to time immemorial.
Every time you think of your nation you must think of it as
BhaaratVarsh' ~ it must become your second nature.
If you write it as India, if you call it as India, if you see it in
again and again written as India you cannot truly perceive it
as BhaaratVarsh'. You must understand what is in a name and
the significance of its repetition.
In quoted text, throughout this work, term India and Indian have been substituted by term BhaaratVarsh' and Bhaaratiya respectively. Exceptions are titles of the books and names of the organizations, only to avoid any confusion with regard to their identity.
Quoted texts, throughout this work, will have some words highlighted with bold or underlined to hold readers’ attention to those words.
Quoted texts, throughout this work, will have some insertions like [*text matter] with a view to help readers with greater clarity.
My use of term 'his' would generally mean 'his/her' unless the context demands otherwise.
Quotes from Christian Bible and from the History of Christianity
In this work I shall be quoting extensively from Christian Bible and history of Christianity. I shall be quoting real-life conducts of many Popes, Cardinal, Archbishops, and Bishops as well as well respected Saints of Christianity.
I shall try to demonstrate a close link between the teachings of Christian Bible and shaping of characters of Christian Popes, Cardinal, Archbishops, Bishops and Saints of Christianity.
I shall also try to demonstrate how those teachings of Christian Bible have percolated down to the level of Christian men, women and children. For this I shall be exposing many real-life incidences from the ChristianWorld.
I shall also try to demonstrate what kind of influence it has had on Hindu men, women and children. This influence is a matter of major concern to me. Or else, I would not have bothered to peep into the forbidden territory of ChristianWorld.
I shall be reproducing the teachings of Christian Bible as it is. However, I shall put certain words in bold or italics or with underline and that will be done with the sole objective of drawing your attention towards the significance of those words.
For this purpose I shall be using the Holy Bible, pocket size edition, King James Version, Pilot books, Athens, Georgia, Broadman & Holman Publishers, Belgium, 1996. King James Version is the Vatican Authorized version under the authority of Pope.
I have quoted from the following works of various authors, which are listed here in alphabetical order:
*A Hindu View of the World-Essays in the intellectual Kshatriya
N S Rajaram, Voice of India, New Delhi, 1998
*A Sanskrit English
Dictionary, M Monier-Williams, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 2002
*Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda, Yogoda Satsanga
Society of India, Kolkata, 1998
*Chants of India, Pundit Ravi Shankar,
Angel Records, 2002
*Dr Dean Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart
Disease, Ballantine Books, USA, 1996
*Hindu Temples: What happened
to them Vol. II The Islamic Evidence, Sita Ram Goel, Voice of India,
New Delhi, 2000
*Hindu Voice, Mumbai, a monthly magazine espousing cause of Hinduism
*How I became a Hindu-my Discovery of the Vedic
Dharma, David Frawley (Vamadeva Shastri), Voice of India, New Delhi,
*In defence of Hinduism, Swami Vivekananda, Advaita Ashrama,
Calcutta, June 1999
*INDIA what can it teach us? F Max Muller,
Longmans, Green and Co, London, 1883, Penguin Books India, New
Delhi 2000
*Jesus Christ-An Artifice for Aggression, Sita Ram Goel,
Voice of India, New Delhi, 2001
*Pseudo-Secularism, Christian Missions
and Hindu Resistance, Sita Ram Goel, Voice of India, New Delhi, 1998
*Selections from Hindu Scriptures, Series No 1, Manu Smriti, Prof G C
Asnani, Pune, 2000
*The Legend of Baba Amte, Veena Adige, Bharatiya
Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, book Review by M V Kamath in The Free Press
Journal, Mumbai edition, 9 Nov 2003, Spectrum p 6
*The Final Verdict,
Aroup Chatterjee,
*The Goa Inquisition, AK
Priolkar, Voice of India, New Delhi, 1991
*The Missionary
Teresa in Theory and Practice, Christopher Hitchens, Verso, London,
New York, editorial review at
*The Myth of Saint
Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, Ishwar Sharan, Voice of India,
New Delhi, 1995
*The New Oxford Dictionary of English, Indian edition,
Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2001 [2152-page edition]
Student’s Sanskrit English Dictionary, Vaman Shivram Apte, Motilal
Banarsidass, Delhi, 2000
My English spellings of Sanskrit terms are different from those commonly seen in print. These are my reasons: We have a Sanskrit phonetic tradition: ending vowels are pronounced. We also have an English phonetic tradition: ending ‘a’ is pronounced as long-a आ.
In an attempt to keep up with the Sanskrit phonetic tradition we tend to use ending ‘a’ quite often totally ignoring the English phonetic tradition. When a reader pronounces the Sanskrit term written in English alphabet, he naturally uses the English phonetic tradition simply because he is reading it in English.
This practice of indiscriminate use of tailing-a in the end of
practically every Sanskrit term written in English has defeated
the very purpose of its implementation. We see today en-mass
distortion in Sanskrit pronunciations. Therefore, I do not use
the tailing-a, because it does more harm than any good.
योग has become योगा ~ धर्म has become धर्मा ~ कर्म has become
कर्मा ~ वेद has become वेदा ~ male कृष्ण has become female कृष्णा
(Draupadi) ~ राम has become a woman of low origin रामा.
In Mahabharata ‘a’ appears in five places. Reader has no visual clue as to whether all represent short-a, or all represent long-a, or some represent short and some long-a.
Reader should not be expected to go hunting for an expert. Reader should have the necessary visual clue built-in the spelling itself. In such situations, I prefer to take a different approach. I write MahaaBhaarat.
You might ask why I write my name as Maanoj मानोज whereas Sanskrit term is Manoj मनोज. It is because I have chosen my name to be मानोज not मनोज knowingly that it is not same as the Sanskrit term.
Let us use the same analogy. Shri Krishn श्री कृष्ण did not chose his name as Krishna कृष्णा or Shri Raam राम did not chose his name as Rama रामा.
The principle is quite simple: write as you want it pronounced by others.
Teachings of the Only Son of God Jesus Christ as documented in the Christian Bible
Source: Oxford Dictionary p 1249, p 792
New Testament is the second part of the Christian Bible
Gospel is the record of Jesus Christ’s life and teachings in the first four books of the New Testament
Jesus Christ’s statements as documented by his chief disciple Saint Matthew in the 1st Gospel of New Testament in the Christian Bible
Source: Oxford Dictionary p 1143, p 77
St Matthew was an Apostle, and the author of the first Gospel
Each of the twelve chief disciples of Jesus Christ is an Apostle
Source: Christian Bible New Testament
Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against the mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 10:36 And a man’s foe shall be they of his own household. 10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me. 12: 30 He that is not with me is against me
Validated by Saint Luke in the 3rd Gospel of the New Testament in the Christian Bible
Source: Oxford Dictionary p 1099
St Luke was an evangelist, and the author of the third Gospel
Source: Christian Bible New Testament
Luke 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: 12:52 For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. 12:53 The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 14:26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
Nay a negative answer Oxford Dictionary p 1237
Revalidated by chief disciple Saint Thomas in the Gospel of Thomas
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 76 n 36
Ishwar Sharan: Gospel of Thomas: the second century Coptic text of this Gnostic gospel, probably written in Syria, was discovered in Egypt in 1946. It contains the secret sayings of Jesus as recorded by St Thomas.
Source: Oxford Dictionary p 1928 and p 77
St Thomas was an Apostle ~ Each of the twelve chief disciples of Jesus Christ is an Apostle
Source: Gospel of Thomas as quoted in The Myth of Saint Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple p 76 n
Gospel of Thomas 16 Jesus said: Perhaps men think that I came to cast peace on the world; and they do not know that I came to cast division upon earth, fire, sword, war. For five will be in a house; there will be three against two and two against three, the father against the son and the son against the father. And they will stand because they are single ones. 56 Jesus said: He who will not hate his father and his mother cannot be my disciple. And he who will not hate his brothers and sisters, and carry his cross as I have, will not become worthy of me.
Teachings of the Christian God as documented in the Christian Bible
Source: Oxford Dictionary p 1291, p 504, p 1818
Old Testament is the first part of the Christian Bible
Statute (in biblical use) a law or decree made by a sovereign, or by God
Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Bible
Source: Christian Bible Old Testament
Deuteronomy 12:1 These are the statutes and judgments, which ye shall observe to do in the land, which the LORD God of thy fathers giveth thee to possess it, all the days ye live upon the earth. 12:2 Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the nations which ye shall possess served their Gods, upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and every green tree: 12:3 And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.
Hew chop, cut with axe [Collins English Gem Dictionary p 246]
Graven image a carved idol or representation of a god used as an object of worship [Oxford Dictionary p 801]
The Message to the Christians
- Follow these laws as long as you live on this earth, never ever forget them, and religiously put them in action.
- Utterly destroy those nations, people of which worship other gods ~ when you capture them!
- Destroy idols of their gods, and obliterate the names of their gods from that place!
Source: Christian Bible Old Testament
Deuteronomy 13 Idolaters to be put to death
Source: Oxford Dictionary p 909
idolater a person who worships idol or idols
Hindus worship idols and they are idolaters
Source: Christian Bible Old Testament
13:6 If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other Gods, which thou hast not known, nor thy fathers; 13:7 Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth; 13:8 Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: 13:9 But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shalt be first upon him to put him to death, and after
Source: Christian Bible Old Testament
Deuteronomy 20:16 But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth: 20:17 But thou shalt utterly destroy them Message Cities that you get from your God in inheritance you must not leave there anything alive that breaths, you must utterly destroy them
Source: Christian Bible Old Testament
Deuteronomy 32:24 They shall be burnt with hunger, and devoured with burning heat, and with bitter destruction: I will also send the teeth of beasts upon them, with the poison of serpents of the dust. 32:25 The sword without, and terror within, shall destroy both the young man and the virgin, the suckling also with the man of gray hairs.
Make them starve so that the fire of hunger consumes them. Throw them in fire so that the burning fire can consume them alive. Spare not the babies sucking mother’s milk and old men of gray hair with their one foot in the grave - kill them all.
Source: Oxford Dictionary p 1272
Numbers is the fourth book of the Bible
Source: Christian Bible Old Testament
Numbers 31:17 Now therefore kill every male among little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. 31:18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
- Kill their every little male child, kill their women, but keep their virgins alive for yourself.
Source: Oxford Dictionary p 966
Isaiah was a major Hebrew prophet
Isaiah is a book of Bible containing his prophecies
Source: Christian Bible Old Testament
Isaiah 13:16 Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished (*raped).
Ravish force a woman to have sexual intercourse against her will [Oxford Dictionary p 1541]
Dash strike or fling something somewhere with great force, especially so as to have a destructive effect [Oxford Dictionary p 468]
- Violently kill their children in front of their eyes, destroy their houses, and rape their wives!
Source: Oxford Dictionary p 1228
Nahum a book of the Bible
Source: Christian Bible Old Testament
Nahum 1:2 God is jealous, and the LORD revengeth; the LORD revengeth, and is furious; the LORD will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserveth wrath for his enemies.
Source: Oxford Dictionary p 645
Exodus is the second book of the Bible
Source: Christian Bible Old Testament
Exodus 23:24 Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their works: but thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their images.
- Utterly overthrow their gods, and break the idols of their gods! Never bow down to their gods.
Exodus 34:13 But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves. 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:
- Destroy everything that relates to their way of worshipping their gods!
How those teachings shaped the conducts of the Christians?
Source: The Goa Inquisition, AK Priolkar, cover 3
The Goa Inquisition was established in 1560 as recommended earlier by Saint Francis Xavier, and finally abolished in 1812. Although its headquarters were at Goa, its jurisdiction extended to entire Portuguese possessions to the East of the Cape of Good Hope, and it had its Commissaries in other major centers.
Source: Oxford Dictionary p 2135 p 981
Francis Xavier 1506-52 Spanish Catholic missionary; known as the Apostle of the Indies. One of the original seven Jesuits, from 1540 he travelled to Southern India, Shri Lanka, Malacca, the Moluccas, and Japan, making thousands of converts.
Jesuit a member of the Society of Jesus
Goa (1560-1812)
Source: The Empire of the Soul, Paul Williams Roberts, Harper Collins, 1999 quoted in The Saint Business, Rajeev Srinivasan, Hindu Voice, Nov 2003, pp 4-5
Children were flogged and slowly dismembered (*tear or cut limb from limb) in front of their parents, whose (*parents’) eyelids had been sliced off (*so they couldn’t close their eyes) to make sure they missed nothing. Extremities (*the hands and feet) were amputated carefully, so that a person could remain conscious even when all that remained was a torso (*the trunk of the human body) and head. Male genitals were removed and burned in front of wives, breasts hacked off and vaginas penetrated by swords while husbands were forced to watch. ... And it went on for two hundred years.
Part - 2
Foundation of
Now, have a taste of Hindu teachings for a change
Cambridge University, 1882 Source: INDIA what can it teach us? Max Muller, p 59, p 67 respectively
Max Muller: I have left to the last of the witness who might otherwise have been suspected – I mean the Hindus themselves. The whole of their literature from one end to the other is pervaded by expressions of love and reverence for truth.
I doubt whether in any other of the ancient literatures of the world you will find traces of that extreme sensitiveness of conscience which despairs of our ever speaking the truth.
And, how those teachings shaped the conducts of the Hindus
Cambridge University, 1882 Source: INDIA what can it teach us? Max Muller, p 50
Max Muller: It is extremely strange that whenever, either in Greek, or in Chinese, or in Persian, or in Arab writings, we meet any attempts at describing the distinguishing features in the national character of the Bhaaratiyas (*Hindus), regard for truth and justice should always be mentioned first.
Cambridge University, 1882 Source: INDIA what can it teach us? Max Muller, p 53
Max Muller: So I could go on quoting from book after book, and again and again we should see how it was the love of truth that struck all the people who came in contact with BhaaratVarsh', as the prominent feature in the national character of its inhabitants. No one ever accused them of falsehood.
Source: INDIA what can it teach us? Max Muller, Penguin, p 57, read with endnotes 43, 44 seemingly referring to Mill’s History, vol. i. p 371
(Sir Thomas Munro was the eminent Governor of Madras Presidency in
Southern BhaaratVarsh')
Sir Thomas Munro: If a good system of agriculture, unrivalled manufacturing skill, a capacity to produce whatever can contribute to either convenience or luxury, schools established in every village for teaching, reading, writing, and arithmetic, the general practice of hospitality and charity amongst each other, and above all, a treatment of the female sex full of confidence, respect, and delicacy, are among the signs which denote a civilized people – then the Hindus are not inferior to the nations of Europe, and if civilization is to become an article of trade between England and BhaaratVarsh', I am convinced that England will gain by the import cargo.
To be formatted...
A great civilization indeed!
Hindu teachings and ancient Hindu
Education system manned by Hindu
Braahmans made this a reality, which
lasted for 5,000 years after the battle
of MahaaBhaarat following which
Dharm was reestablished!
Many Gods vs. One God
Many gods or many manifestations of one god?
Hindus believe in many gods. Some would say not many gods
but many manifestations of one god. I leave it you the way you
like to say it. I bring out this clarification because one gentleman
had objected to my using “Hindus believe in many gods”.
I shall use “Hindus believe in many gods” because not only world
perceives that way but also most common Hindus perceive that
way. World perception is reflected through the following Oxford
Dictionary description:
polytheism the belief in or worship of more than one god [p 1439]
monotheism the doctrine or belief that there is only one God [p
Today the world is divided into two distinct factions. Monotheists
and polytheists. There are atheists but in small numbers in relative
terms. Monotheist religions like Judaism, Christianity and Islam
had been bent upon obliterating all polytheist religions from the
face of the earth ever since these monotheist religions came into
existence. Before that the world was “pagan” as they call it.
Pagan a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the
main world religions [p 1332]
Today the world is dominated by monotheist religions and
therefore they take the liberty to describe themselves as main
world religions.
Why Hindus believe in many gods?
I would want to describe it in very simple terms:
God, who could create such an extraordinarily diverse
universe, can easily assume any form He wants at His
He is under no compulsion to have or not to have a form.
Besides, He can present Himself in as many forms as He
may want.
Why Hindus believe in God with form?
God has himself created humans, animals, birds, fishes, trees,
and what not, just look around and you will see them. Then ask
yourself a simple question: One who could create so many forms;
can He not take that form for Himself?
Can He not present Himself in one of those forms if His devotee
wants to see Him in that particular form, and if He is pleased
with His devotee, and if He wishes to grant him the vision to see
Him in the form of his choice?
What is the result of such belief?
As Hindu believes in many gods, he does not fight on Hindu god,
Muslim god, and Christian god. For him, there are hundreds of
gods, one more or one less does not make a difference to him.
That is why, when the first batch of refugee Syrian Christians
arrived at Cranganore, Malabaar in BhaaratVarsh' in the year 345
(running from the religious persecution of Persian King Shaapur
II who considered them a state liability) Hindu king not only
gave them land to live but also to build church so that they could
freely practice their own religion. Similarly in Gujaraat, king
SiddhRaja JaiSimh and his successors continued to provide
Muslims trade settlers the opportunity to build mosques and freely
practice their own religion, and as the inscriptions are witness,
these things happened much before Gujaraat passed under Muslim
rule after invasions of Ulugh Khan in 1299.
Christians do not believe in many gods; what is the result
of such belief?
As Christians believe in one God, and that is only Christian God,
they eliminated all civilizations that believed in many gods. They
did not eliminate Islam because it believed in one God, like them,
but they had been continually at war with Islam because they
believe in another God. Even today what is happening between
Osama Bin Laden and President Bush is nothing but same Crusade
and Jihad, though Christians do not say it because they have
learned with time to hide their true motives. They could not
eliminate Hindu civilization, but they substantially corrupted it
through imposed Christian education for past six generations.
They have effectively destroyed the fabric of Hindu society.
When I started looking at Christian Bible, I learned it pronounces
death for idolaters, like Hindus. That is why, these refugee Syrian
Christians waited for thousand years, lived on Hindu hospitality
and finally, when Vasco da Gama arrived in BhaaratVarsh' with
his ship and cannons, they approached him and pleaded him to
wage war against Hindu king.
Persian King Shaapur II considered them a state liability and he
was right. Hindu kings treated them as state guests and the guests
betrayed their hosts even after thousand years’ hospitality.
Christian history is witness what Christianity has made of
Saint Francis Xavier took a large grant from Hindu king of Quilon
to build churches, and then he converted entire villages into
Christianity in one stroke, and then he got Hindu temples pulled
down and Hindu god idols destroyed, and he wrote to the Society
of Jesus that he could not describe in words the joy he felt watching
this happen.
In Christianity such people are respected as saints. In Hinduism
such people are not respected because they possess inhumane
qualities. The two religions are opposite in their values.
This is where the whole game begins:
Monotheism’s avowed determination effort to
obliterate Polytheism from the face of the Earth
Islam’s Zihaad against Hinduism
Christianity’s (masked) Crusade against Hinduism
Knowingly/unknowingly majority
Hindu preachers have built castles
with the sand, taking due advantage
of the current age of deception.
They have been leading their Hindu
followers into a make-believe world,
keeping them insulated from the
crude reality!
Paramahansa Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi, which
received worldwide acclaim
I have a significant message for you at the end of this episode.
After about 25 years break I took to spiritual readings again
sometimes around Christmas of 1998.
The first book on my hand was that of Paramahansa Yogananda’s
Autobiography of a Yogi borrowed from Unionville Public Library
in Markham, Canada. The book had received worldwide acclaim.
Paramahansa Yogananda had been fairly successful in USA and
gathered a fairly large following of white men and women.
His book had a very significant impact on me. I bought several
copies and gave as gift to my colleagues. I recommended it to
many more. This book speaks of Jesus Christ very highly on
numerous occasions, and draws a parallel between Christianity
and Hinduism. It cemented my earlier impression that Christianity
happened to be a great humanitarian religion.
Today as I added a note about Trinity and Tridev, I thought it
necessary to check if my 5 year-old-memory weren’t failing me.
In the process, look, at what I unexpectedly stumbled on!
Paramahansa Yogananda equated Hindu teachings with
teachings of Jesus
Source: An Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda, p 85 fn
Paramahansa Yogananda: Hindu scriptures
teach that family attachment is delusive if
it prevents the devotee from seeking the
Giver of all boons, including one of loving
relatives, not to mention life itself. Jesus
similarly taught: “He that loveth father or
mother more than me is not worthy of me.”
- Matthew 10:37 (Bible).
Thus, declaring that Jesus similarly taught, Yogananda draws a
parallel between Hinduism and Christianity. A reader takes his
word for granted, because Paramahansa Yogananda sounds very
sincere throughout this book and he creates an impression that
he knows Christianity and Hinduism like the back of his hand.
So, trusting him and at the same time unsure of the truth in his
statement, I decided to check the Bible and, lo, what I find!
Did Paramahansa Yogananda tell the whole truth to his
readers and followers?
Bible, Matthew 10:34 “Think not I am come
to send peace on earth: I come not to send
peace, but a sword.” 10:35 “For I am come
to set a man at variance against his father,
and the daughter against the mother, and
the daughter in law against her mother in
law. 10:36 And a man’s foe shall be they of
his own household.” 10:37 “He that loveth
father or mother more than me is not worthy
of me; and he that loveth son or daughter
more than me is not worthy of me.”
Now think for a moment. Are the teachings of Hinduism and Jesus
truly ‘similar’ as Paramahansa Yogananda made us to believe?
Let us expand on what Hinduism teaches us
Let me put it in my words. Hinduism teaches that any attachment
whatsoever of any kind, be it towards parents, wife, children,
relatives, friends, money, power, position, fame, or anything for
that matter, which we come across in our day to day life in this
mortal world, can effectively come in the way of attaining soul’s
final dissolution into the Supreme Soul, which frees the soul from
the cycle of birth and death.
The logic is simple, as long as we remain attached to these worldly
things, we would naturally want to remain wrapped up in their
thoughts, and we wouldn’t try adequately enough to advance
towards the process of dissolution into the Supreme Soul.
Let us now expand on what Jesus of Bible taught
But Jesus says in no uncertain terms that he has not come to
earth to bring peace, instead he has come to bring sword (war)
and he has come to put son against father, daughter against
mother, daughter-in-law against mother-in-law, and turn the
family of a man as his foe (enemy); and in that context, one who
loves his parents more than Jesus, in other words, does not turn
against his parents, is not worthy of Jesus.
Why did Paramahansa Yogananda deliberately suppress
major part of the statement made by Jesus as documented
in Bible?
On what basis Paramahansa Yogananda draws a parallel between
Hinduism and Christianity in this particular context, and how does
he use Mathew 10:37 by suppressing 10:34, 10:35, 10:36? Does
Paramahansa Yogananda bring his readers and followers closer
to the Truth or does he take them farther from the Truth? Why is
it that he deliberately omitted stating 10:34, 10:35, 10:36 that
indicate the context in which 10:37 was said?
Don’t think it was an unintended mistake; Paramahansa
Yogananda knew Bible rather too well to make such a clever
Please do not pamper yourself with the thought that it was a
simple mistake on his part. You would be fooling yourself if you
do believe that. Paramahansa Yogananda knew Bible too well
and gives the impression of having understood Jesus so well that
he could not have simply made a mistake. You got to read the
whole of Autobiography of a Yogi sincerely to know that it is
simply not possible that it could have been an unintended mistake.
This is one of the people whom I respected dearly, only to be
disillusioned later!
Spiritual gurus promote their own-brand-religion
At his Self-Realization Fellowship Sunday gatherings at Toronto,
I saw Shri Krishn and Jesus placed side by side at the altar. In
today’s world these things create pretty good impression. Today,
we live in a world of ‘Brand’ images. This is how different spiritual
gurus promote their own-brand-religion! Today even religion is
for marketing. As you will proceed through this work, you will
see that this comes from the influence of Christianity. You tend
to become the kind of company you keep, and the kind of influence
you allow on yourself.
Therefore, you must be mentally prepared to look at things
afresh disregarding your preconceived notions
When you read or listen to such celebrities, your impressions are
formed based on what they convey to you. It is important that
you train your mind to disregard those preconceived notions if
you wish to derive any benefit from my work.
You must not trust, nor distrust whatever you have learned so
far. You must be mentally prepared to absorb unexpected shocks,
and also prepared to look at things afresh, if you wish to proceed
with my work; otherwise, it is a wasted effort, please do not
spend your time!
Part - 3
Crusade against
Christians could not
tolerate the
existence of a
superior civilization
on the face of this
Earth and they had
to conspire to
wipe it out totally
Source: The Awakening Ray, Vol. 4 No. 5, The Gnostic Centre] [Reproduced
Niti issue of April 2002 at p 10 a periodic publication of Bharat Vikas
Delhi] [see]
[quoted in IndiaCause newsletter 17 August 2003]
T B Macaulay: I propose that
we replace her old and ancient
education system, her culture,
for if the Bhaaratiyas think that
all that is foreign and English is
good and greater than their own,
they will lose their self-esteem,
their native self-culture and
they will become what we want
them, a truly dominated
Source: Oxford Dictionary, p 1107
Macaulay Thomas Babington, 1st Baron (1800-59), English
historian, essayist, and philanthropist. He was a civil servant
in BhaaratVarsh', where he established a system of
education, a new criminal code, before returning to Britain
and devoting himself to literature and politics.
T B Macaulay was successful in his designs. He destroyed the
ancient Hindu Education system which produced extraordinary
results in form of truthful character of the Hindus as a nation. He
replaced it with far inferior Christian missionary education system
which produced morally depraved nation of people in a matter of
one hundred and twelve years (1835-1947).
He also destroyed the extraordinary Hindu Judiciary system. Many
foreign visitors throughout past two thousand years (4th century
onwards) had documented their observations expressing
extraordinary character of Hindu Justice. But T B Macaulay had
to replace it with far inferior ChristianBritish system of justice
which revolved around money making for all those who were
part of that system while delivering little justice to the common
people. That degenerate system of judiciary prevails even today
as the legacy of the ChristianBritish and Macaulay’s children
merrily carry it around with renewed enthusiasm.
Source: A Hindu view of the world, N S Rajaram, p 181
T B Macaulay: We must at present
do our best to form a class who
may be interpreters between us
and the millions whom we govern;
a class of persons, Bhaaratiyas in
blood and color, but English in
taste, in opinions, in morals
and in intellect.
People refer to him as Macaulay or Lord Macaulay. His full name
was Thomas Babington Macaulay. I prefer to refer to him as T B
Macaulay. The initials T B have a special significance. It helps us
keep reminded of his true contribution towards BhaaratVarsh'
which was akin to the disease of T B (Tuberculosis).
And, this is how Hindus were turned
substantially anti-Hindu by
implementing T B Macaulay’s
Christian Missionary Education
Source: Effects of Colonization on Indian Thought, Michel Danino, quoted
IndiaCause Newsletter 17 Aug 2003
T B Macaulay to his father in
1836: Our (*Christian missionary)
English schools are flourishing
wonderfully.... It is my belief that
if our plans of education are
followed up, there will not be a
single idolater among the
respectable classes in Bengal
thirty years hence.
Idolater who worships an idol or idols [Oxford Dictionary p 909]
Dr Ananda Coomaraswamy: A single generation of (*Christian
missionary) English education suffices to break the threads
of tradition and create a nondescript and superficial being
deprived of all roots – a sort of intellectual pariah who
does not belong to the East or the West, the past or the
future. Of all Bhaaratiya problems the educational is the most
difficult and most tragic.
T B Macaulay himself was fiercely
Christian and he could not tolerate
the survival of a Hindu nation with
Hindu civilization on the face of this
earth. It was his masked Crusade
against Hinduism.
He had to complete the task that Muslims could
not complete through Zihaad against Hinduism.
Curtain Raiser
There was a Great Civilization though, today, it may sound
like a fairy tale because Christian missionary education
system prevalent in our country did not tell us about this
It is extremely strange that whenever, either in Greek, or in Chinese,
or in Persian, or in Arab writings, we meet any attempts at describing
the distinguishing features in the national character of the Bhaaratiyas
(*Hindus), regard for truth and justice should always be mentioned
first. Max Muller, Cambridge University, 1882
So I could go on quoting from book after book, and again and again
we should see how it was the love of truth that struck all the people
who came in contact with BhaaratVarsh', as the prominent feature in
the national character of its inhabitants. No one ever accused them
of falsehood. Max Muller, Cambridge University, 1882
If a good system of agriculture, unrivalled manufacturing skill, a
capacity to produce whatever can contribute to either convenience
or luxury, schools established in every village for teaching, reading,
writing, and arithmetic, the general practice of hospitality and charity
amongst each other, and above all, a treatment of the female sex
full of confidence, respect, and delicacy, are among the signs which
denote a civilized people – then the Hindus are not inferior to the
nations of Europe, and if civilization is to become an article of trade
between England and India (BhaaratVarsh'), I am convinced that
England will gain by the import cargo. Sir Thomas Munro
Hindus generally think that today’s state of affairs had been around
for a fairly long time, and nothing much can be done about it. If
only they all knew, it was not that long ago, they would want to
reverse it. But then, who will tell them? Those who have means
to do so won’t do that because it would clash with their vested
interests. Their vested interests are now same as that of the
ChristianBritish. They are products of that education system which
ChristianBritish implemented 170 years ago. After ChristianBritish
left BhaaratVarsh', they left their legacy back in form of these
Vast majority of Hindus do not know till date that their ancient
Hindu Education System was superior to Christian Missionary
Education System, and their Hindu Culture was superior to
Christian Culture, as was unambiguously admitted by few
distinguished ChristianBritish people. If only our people knew
the truth, they would want to reinstate it. But then, Hindus, for
past six generations, have been fraudulently taught through
Christian Missionary Education System that they had a rotten
civilization, one ridden with meaningless rituals and superstitious
traditions, and nothing worth being proud of. Products of that
education system merrily keep parroting the same thing all over
through mass media exposure and every other way.
A Civilization that had lasted 5,000 years, was destroyed
within 112 years (1835-1947)
Dharm was reestablished after the battle of MahaaBhaarat. Even
after 5,000 years, we could see its reflection in Hindu society.
This, in itself, is the testimony that MahaaBhaarat was a necessity
of the time.
This fact has been ignored generally, and rather too often
references are made to MahaaBhaarat as if it were nothing but
bloodshed. By doing so, we fail to appreciate its significance not
only in national context but also in social context. It is important
that now we relearn to look at things in perspective, and learn to
understand the value of what should be valued or else we fail to
derive its benefit.
The prime lesson that MahaaBhaarat teaches us is that we must
not let Adharm grow beyond limit, or else we pay the price for it!
It also teaches that Adharm must be resisted, fought, and
This is where we were, only 170 years ago, not so long ago
If a good system of agriculture, unrivalled manufacturing skill, a
capacity to produce whatever can contribute to either convenience
or luxury, schools established in every village for teaching, reading,
writing, and arithmetic, the general practice of hospitality and charity
amongst each other, and above all, a treatment of the female sex
full of confidence, respect, and delicacy, are among the signs which
denote a civilized people – then the Hindus are not inferior to the
nations of Europe, and if civilization is to become an article of trade
between England and BhaaratVarsh', I am convinced that England
will gain by the import cargo. Sir Thomas Munro
I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her
culture, for if the Bhaaratiyas think that all that is foreign and
is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self-esteem,
their native self-culture and they will become what we want them, a
truly dominated nation. T B Macaulay
This is where we have reached
No sense of national pride (slowly returning but a long way to
go). Always looking up to ChristianizedWest.
This is what happened in-between
Macaulay’s English Christian Missionary Education System was
imposed upon us. Ancient Hindu education system was wiped
out systematically (a) by withdrawing all governmental support
and by officially de-recognizing indigenous educational
qualifications (ex: AyurVidya), (b) by inducing distrust towards
indigenous knowledge base, in minds of children, using Christian
missionary education system (ex: JyotirVidya).
Nation’s wealth was siphoned out systematically and fraudulently.
Indigenous industries were methodically destroyed (ex: by cutting
thumbs of weavers who made Dhaka Malmal, 40 yard sari could
pass through one ring). Hindu technology was systematically
eliminated and Hindu children were taught that no such technology
ever existed. Hindu children were taught to look down upon and
distrust their heritage. Hindu children never realized the
systematic conspiracy they were subjected to.
Was Britain essentially ChristianBritain?
Yes, we have dealt with this matter in detail later in this work.
Was Macaulay’s Education System essentially a Christian
Education System?
Yes, it was established and run by Christian missionaries. Macaulay
himself had an undeniably Christian psyche.
What was the prime cause of our extraordinary downfall?
Our prolonged association with Christian missionary education
system has been the prime cause of extraordinary downfall of
Hindu society. When I speak of downfall, I refer to ‘Where we
were’ and ‘Where we have reached’ as described before.
What is the solution, if there is any?
Eliminate the root cause. Discard the Christian missionary
education system. Reestablish Hindu ancient education system,
which had allowed Hindu society to maintain extraordinarily high
moral values, of which each and every visitor to BhaaratVarsh'
spoke of! Want more details? There is plenty in my other works.
Understand the true motive behind Macaulay’s Education
Macaulay proudly wrote his father in 1836: Our English schools are
flourishing wonderfully.... It is my belief that if our plans of
are followed up, there will not be a single idolater among the
respectable classes in Bengal thirty years hence.
Hindus are idolaters, who worship idols, images of gods. Christian
Bible Deuteronomy 13 header is titled as idolaters to be put to
death. Bible pronounces death for Hindu idolaters; Macaulay
pronounces elimination of idolaters in a relatively more acceptable
manner in today’s supposedly civilized world.
We must at present do our best to form a class who may be
interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a class
of persons, Bhaaratiyas in blood and color, but English in taste, in
opinions, in morals and in intellect. T B Macaulay
Hindu society has remained Hindu for name sake but a very large
section thereof has been Christianized, not by religious conversion
but by psyche conversion. Their thought process has been
Christianized. Thus, body remains Hindu but character becomes
Christianized. The beauty is that many of them still think that
they have Hindu thought process. This is because they have lost
the ability to distinguish between what is Hindu thought process
and what is Christian thought process. Just because they have a
leaning towards Hinduism they tend to think that they have Hindu
thought process.
Understand the effect of English language education on
Hindu psyche
This is what happens when we live with it for one generation.
Source: A Hindu view of the world, N S Rajaram, p 188
Dr Ananda Coomaraswamy: A single
generation of (*Christian) English education
suffices to break the threads of tradition and
create a nondescript and superficial being
deprived of all roots – a sort of intellectual
pariah who does not belong to the East or
the West, the past or the future. Of all
Bhaaratiya problems the educational is the
most difficult and most tragic.
A healthy tree derives its life source from its roots. When the
roots are rotten, the tree is no-more healthy. This is the state of
Hindu society today. Christian missionary education system has
worked like pests and made the foundation hollow.
Look at statistics denoting the vast coverage of Christian
Missionary Education in BhaaratVarsh'
This is what we have lived with, for six generations, assuming
that a new generation is ready in 30 years.
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 123 fn
It is estimated that 60 percent of all students
in BhaaratVarsh' attend Roman Catholic
schools and colleges. [Ref: Malachi Martin,
The Jesuits].
The real figure is much higher as this book
was published over 15 years ago in 1987.
They do not include non-Catholic
educational institutions, which have
proliferated in recent years with rapid spread
of evangelical Protestant churches in
More significantly, 90 percent of those who formulate administer
and monitor national policies and practices are the ones who
graduate from Christian educational institutions and
FakeSecularist infected universities.
You must not refer to these three in isolation; referring to
them in isolation dilutes your focus on the root cause
• Macaulay’s education system
• English language education
• Christian missionary education
They are all connected by an invisible thread. Understanding that
interrelationship is key to the issue.
Introduce yourself to the children of Macaulay who come
in different varieties
I am a Hindu by accident used to say Jawaharlal Nehru, the first
Prime Minister of independent BhaaratVarsh' from 1947 till his
death, the founder of the Nehru dynasty from the clutches of
which, we are still unable to come out!
I am born a Hindu as a result of my sins during earlier births,
wrote Motilal Nehru, the father of Jawaharlal Nehru, who was a
renowned barrister of his time and known to be a very wealthy
But all children of Macaulay need not be of that category. Two
days ago (April 2004), a 76 years old gentleman from Mumbai
called me and claimed that he was educated in Gujaraati medium
school, hence he was not a product of Macaulayite education
system. Simultaneously, he defended Macaulay action fully. And
he did so after having read the 1st edition of this book. This is
another type of Macaulay’s children. These are in vast majority
today. They will not want to do anything about reversing that
action. Thus, the situation will remain as it is today.
While this gentleman claims himself not to be a Macaulay product,
he forgets that his present mind-set is not the result of his
schooling alone. He did his college, university and IAS through
Macaulay’s Christian Missionary education system. He lived and
grew up in an environment that made him very much of a
Macaulay product. And yet he happens to retain his Hindu leanings
because of his strong knowledge of Sanskrit, Hindi, Gujaraati,
Tamil and probably few other Bhaaratiya languages. Despite all
this independence of thought that he claims he defends Macaulay’s
action, which led to substantial down gradation of this 5,000
year old civilization. This attitude of defending a wrong action
will never let him get out of that mental slavery of which he is a
Now, this must be understood clearly that I am not pointing at
him as an individual. When I present you his example, I am
speaking of most of you people who may be reading this book
some day or other.
I am trying to make you aware of the fact that your thought
process and your value system happens to be the product of the
total environment that you are part of. I am using this term
‘environment’ in a fairly wider sense. The movies that you watch,
the television serials that you enjoy, the books that you read, the
newspaper and magazines you subscribe to, the friends and
colleagues with whom you interact, your family with whom you
live, everything is part of that environment.
The movie maker has something to say to you, that is his own
thought process or belief system. He does not say to you this
directly. He uses different casts in his story and he makes them
deliver their dialogues. In those statements and emotions are
hidden his own thought process and belief system. They influence
you indirectly, often without even your knowing you.
I am doing the same thing here but with a basic difference in
approach. I am being direct and thereby giving you an opportunity
to either accept or discard it. But they, be they movie makers, be
they television serial script writers or directors, be they news
paper journalists or editors, or whatever, are not always being so
Many a times they appear to be telling you only a story through
their movie and consciously you think of it as a story only, but a
lot of it leaves an impression on your mind, of which you are not
consciously aware, and with time different belief system get
cemented on your psyche.
Let me give you an example, though there could be plenty. These
days (during first half of year 2004) Star Plus television channel
telecasts every Thursday a serial Sara Aakaash. It is about an air
force base equipped with latest fighter planes Sukhoi and their
pilots. Then they come to a kingly state situated at the border of
BhaaratVarsh' and Pakistan. The Minister adds ‘Satya ki Vijay ho
(let the truth prevail)’ with every sentence he speaks. That
establishes him as a Hindu in viewers mind. He is the villain, a
traitor to the nation, and an oppressor of poor villagers. He is
also a plotter, manipulator. Then you have the Hindu prince as
arrogant, and cruel. The one who stands against them and defeats
them is a girl with Christian name Monica, though she comes
from a Hindu Singh family. This ChristianizedHindu is the patriot
and a savior of the poor villagers. Those non-ChristianizedHindu
kingly characters are the oppressors, traitor, and archaic Hinduritual
bound people. [Surprisingly, kingly in today’s background
with Sukhoi flying every day in that TV serial!] Then, the heroine
goes to Pakistan. All Muslims show deep love for her. Even a
Muslim priest is benevolent to her. Pakistan Government and
Bhaaratiya Government are gaga in love with each other. Both
jointly fighting the enemy terrorists. No mention, however, that
these terrorists are created by the same Pakistan Government
and funded and assisted by them all the while. This is how the
public is fooled with make-believe stories. The message is loud
and clear to the viewers. Hindu rulers (mind you, in today’s
environment of year 2004) with their archaic thoughts, as traitors
and oppressors of Hindu villagers. The messiah of simpleton
villagers as the Christian educated Christian named heroine, who
encourages villagers to revolt against the oppressor ruling class.
Muslims so very loving towards Hindus. Pakistan Government
such a friend of BhaaratVarsh'. The two governments fighting the
common enemy, terrorist. This is how the images are created
through use of media. For that, all you need is money, motive
and those who can give it a shape.
Another Star Plus TV episode Bhaabhi [March - April 2005] we
have a court room scene. Nautiaal is the name of the lawyer who
represents the villain. This lawyer has a huge Tilak on his forehead,
a very conspicuous one identify him as a staunch Hindu who
would go to the court to plead his case with a prominent Tilak on
his forehead. And, he is not an old guy who does it by traditional
habit that may be difficult to die. He is a very young man, a
product of Christianized education but it was felt necessary that
he must be portrayed as a staunch Hindu on the screen for he
was defending the villain and indirectly happened to be the one
who represented the evil side of the story. None other than him
on the screen had any one who would strongly suggest that he or
she was a Hindu. Not even the victim Manju from her dress or
even appearance would indicate being a Hindu. Saroj who
represented the victim as her pleader did not also have any
positive indication on her appearance or dress that would strongly
suggest that she was a Hindu to a casual onlooker. Thus the
victim’s side was fully secular and the villain’s side was staunch
Hindu. So much so that the villains name was Jagdish Uppal
which spoken by Saroj and Manju always in such a manner that
it was not easy to distinguish it from Jagjit Uppal who happens to
be a renowned Hindu astrologer and long time Taj Hotel’s inhouse
astrologer in Mumbai. Makers of the TV serial will say this
all was by mere coincidence. Then Nautiaal makes derogatory
remarks on Saroj who was not a qualified lawyer but was given
an opportunity by the judge to plead for the victim. Those strong
derogatory remarks against women in general and Saroj in
particular had to come from the staunch Hindu man Nautiaal to
be promptly flayed by the extraordinary presence of mind of
secular looking Saroj. Anyhow the point I make here is these all
innocent coincidences repeated over and again through many
episodes with a variety of backgrounds do leave an inerasable
mark on the psyche of the viewers, and particularly the youth
and the adolescent in their formative stages in life. Repetition is
what cements impressions with time. Those impressions guide
their thought process and build their attitudes. Those attitudes
reflect in their future actions. It is a long drawn clever game plan
that is not easily noticed by all with regard to its harmful and
lasting impact.
Yesterday night (3 May 2004) a college day friend of mine called
after 30 years. He got my number from a common friend. It was
good to hear him. He told me that he had settled at a place called
Pichhor in Madhya Pradesh. You may not have even heard the
name of that place. I mention this, to make you realize that it is
not a place big enough to be known by many, and certainly you
cannot expect it to be a Westernized place. During the
conversation he told me that he would now give the phone to his
son and I could possibly give him some direction for life (it is a
Hindu way of seeking advice from or blessings of elders). I spoke
to his son in Hindi, which happened to be his mother tongue but
not my mother tongue (In Canada, they call it your first language,
not mother tongue; mother does not occupy such a significant
place in their overall life system that they could ascribe their first
language to their mother). Anyhow, returning to the base issue.
Hindi wasn’t my mother tongue but knowing it was his, I spoke
to him all the while in Hindi. What struck after I kept down the
phone is that whatever little he spoke to me or responded to me
was wholly in English! So, in a small place like Pichhor, the
influence of English is no less than one’s mother tongue. I have
noticed it rather too often that in most television talks the first
time comers tend to respond in English to every question in Hindi
thrown at them by the anchor Aman Varma. I thought initially
that they all tried to impress that they knew English but gradually
I tend to identify that English has spread its wings far and wide.
Thus, plants have been separated from their roots!
You may find a particular kind of repetition in my works
You may find me expressing the core message in different ways,
with different set of examples, in different scenarios, in different
words, in different places.
Some of you may think that we are intelligent enough, why not
say it once and we understand. Granted that you are capable of
understanding the message through a single expression. You may
even not need to read my work, as you may be aware of the
message already. But then, has it percolated down to your
thoughts so deep that it already finds its expression in all your
actions? If you were to ask this question to yourself, you may
often find a big NO for the answer! Why?
This is how our minds are preprogrammed on a regular
basis through exposure to mass media and prevailing
education system
Most of our actions are guided not by ‘what should be done’ but
by ‘what we are used to doing or seeing as done by others so
often’. What we are used to doing often depends on ‘what we are
used to thinking’. What we are used to thinking often depends on
‘what we have been taught all along’ or ‘what we get to see or
hear so often’. What we get to see or hear or read so often depends
generally on ‘what receives regular media exposure’.
What receives regular media exposure mostly depends on ‘what
they want to show you or let you know’. Who are they? They
could be those who control the media or they could be those who
are associated with media in one way or the other.
Similarly, ‘what you have been taught all along’ depends on ‘who
designed your school text books and with what underlying motive’.
‘What their underlying motives are’ depends on ‘who they are’
and ‘what their ideology is’. If they are from CommunistMarxist
block they will design text books in one manner. If they are
Christian missionaries they will design them in another manner.
They all have their vested interest and hidden agenda. They won’t
give you truth.
This is why we need the repetition of alternate thought
process to counteract the age-long repetition caused by
education system and mass media
The point is our actions are often guided by our preconceived
notions or preprogramming of our minds, which is attained through
the education system of which we are part of, and through
repeated media exposure. This is where we need the repetition
of alternate thought process to counteract the repetition caused
by education system and mass media.
You need to also appreciate that the reading habits of
people are not same
There is yet another reason. I do not expect all my readers to
read all my books, and also read them sequentially. These books
are all interconnected and revolve around one basic theme, that
is, the human life and its various aspects.
Nor do I expect all my readers even to read one of my single
books in continuity from start to end. Different people have
different kind of reading habits. Some just open a book casually
and start reading one section that may attract their attention at
that given point of time. Therefore, I need to repeat things over
without which that section of that book may not be complete.
Yet, my primary reason remains to be the one I have explained
in earlier paragraphs.
Understand that Macaulay is no more your problem; your
current problem is his legacy, the Christian Missionary
Education System that envelopes you from all directions,
and being missionary, it has a mission; that is to
Christianize your psyche
Many of you are aware of Macaulay and the harm he did. Many of
you even write in the magazines, newspaper articles about illeffects
of it. But always I see you all speaking of Macaulay, as if
Macaulay was the real culprit. So, you have chosen your enemy
and hitting at it. Your readers know that this ghostly character
Macaulay, of whom he is hearing for the first time, or may be he
has been hearing of him rather too often, in either case this guy
is dead and gone. So why waste tears, forget him and go your
way, continue with what you are doing. The problem is that you
have made Macaulay as the hero or the villain or whatever.
In the process you are loosing sight of the fact that Macaulay by
himself, or his so-called education system, or English education
system, or whatever, all these identities are meaningless, because
behind all these masks remain one and only one true identity
and that is the Christian Missionary Education System. Now, this
being a missionary system, it has a mission. What is that mission?
That is what you need to be fully aware of. That is to Christianize
your psyche.
Why it is today so very necessary to understand the true
face of Christianity, which happens to be very-very different
from the masked one that you get to see generally
This Christian Missionary Education System springs from the very
base of Christianity. It imbibes all qualities of Christian Faith,
and it grows with Christian Traditions. Therefore, it becomes
necessary that you understand Christianity’s inborn character
better than you do now.
You aren’t able to see its true character because enormous
amounts of money are spent to keep a lid on it. To counteract
any possible unwanted exposure, service-to-humanity-brandreligion-
image is projected consistently.
Money and media power hide the Truth, our minds are
preprogrammed through a methodical exposure to a make-believe
world. You need to penetrate that mechanism and look beyond.
Remember that the Truth often lies behind the Smoke Screen.
Let us familiarize ourselves with the Seed, the spread of
Roots, the budding Plant, the grown-up Tree, and the
attractive Garden of Christianity in its various phases of
Today we do not critically look at the Seed, nor we examine the
Roots that remain under the Soil. Today we only look at the strong,
powerful Tree that has spread its branches all over our existence,
and effectively clouded our ability to look beyond.
The Seed is the Holy Bible. The Roots are the teachings of the
Bible. The budding Plant is the effect of Teachings of the Bible on
the ‘Past’ during formative years of Christianity, which are now
historical facts. The Grown-up Tree is the effect of Teachings of
the Bible on the ‘Present day’ world, and similarly the effect of
Teachings of the Bible on the ‘modern USA’. And, much more in
next two volumes that will follow.
Part - 4
spreads its
Seed of Christianity
Why is it so important to understand Bible? Why other
sources are not dependable?
Christian Bible or the Holy Bible, as it is titled in print, comprises
of the Old Testament and the New Testament. To understand
Christianity, one must understand the so-called Holy Bible. Present
day Christianity’s very foundation is based on the teachings in
the Bible. Therefore, understanding the character of these
teachings is a prerequisite for understanding Christianity.
It is no use attempting to understand Christianity based on
television talks, church sermons, leaflets and propaganda
materials. It is essentially a self-deceptive exercise, in vain.
Enormous amounts of money are spent every year for cosmetic
purposes, the Vatican being the mammoth multinational
organization having no parallel. We will later provide you with
statistical data from dependable Christian sources to demonstrate
the enormity of such funding, which is used for face lifting on a
regular pattern.
Any attempt to understand Christianity without understanding
its Creed (as documented through the Holy Bible) would be a
futile exercise. This is the reason that we chose to present the
very first lesson of this book from the so-called Holy Bible itself.
Laws of Christian Bible that directly affect all other religions
on this earth. These Laws are given to Christians by
Christian God. Kill those who serve any god other than
Christian God. Destroy the images of their gods. Obliterate
names of their gods from that place. Continue to follow
these laws as long as you live on this earth. Here are the
quotes from Christian Bible
Christian Bible Old Testament Deuteronomy 12:1 These are the
statutes and judgments, which ye shall observe to do in the land,
which the LORD God of thy fathers giveth thee to possess it, all the
days ye live upon the earth. 12:2 Ye shall utterly destroy all the
places, wherein the nations which ye shall possess served their Gods,
upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and every green tree:
12:3 And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and
burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images
of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.
Hew chop, cut with axe [Collins English Gem Dictionary p 246]
Graven image a carved idol or representation of a god used as an
object of worship [Oxford Dictionary p 801]
Christian Bible Old Testament Exodus 23:24 Thou shalt not bow
down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their works: but
thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their images.
Exodus 34:13 But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images,
and cut down their groves. 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other
god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:
Christian Bible Old Testament Deuteronomy 7:5 But thus shall ye
deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their
images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images
with fire. 7:6 For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God:
the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto
himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
There are plenty of such things. You will find them scattered all
over if you have the appetite to keep looking. As for me it is
disgusting and I do not want to keep filling pages with these.
Christian Bible tells Christians as to how they are required
to treat those men, women and children who follow other
religions (a) they should kill children in front of their
parents (b) they should rape their wives (c) they should
kill every male child (d) they should kill every woman who
has experienced sex with a man (e) save every virgin for
themselves (probably to produce more monsters like
themselves). Do you find all these unbelievable? Check the
Holy Bible for yourself, here are the references and quotes
with dictionary meanings
Christian Bible Old Testament Isaiah 13:16 Their children also shall
be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled,
and their wives ravished (*raped).
Ravish force a woman to have sexual intercourse against her will
[Oxford Dictionary p 1541] Dash strike or fling something somewhere
with great force, especially so as to have a destructive effect [Oxford
Dictionary p 468]
Christian Bible Old Testament Numbers 31:17 Now therefore kill
every male among little ones, and kill every woman that hath known
man by lying with him. 31:18 But all the women children, that have
not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
Every male among little ones [baby boys, male children]. Every woman
hath known man by lying with him [married women, or women who have had
slept with men]. Women children that have not known a man by lying with
[those who have not slept with men, basically the virgins who have had
no sex
with men].
Following those instructions from the Christian God, this
is Christians actually treated those men, women and
children who followed Hindu religion. Paul William Robert
tells us that children were slowly cut into pieces in front of
their parents. Eyelids of parents were sliced off so that
they could not close their eyes and were forced to watch
their children being cut into pieces. Parents’ hands and
feet were cut off so carefully that they do not faint away.
Male genitals were removed and burnt in front of their
wives. Wives breasts were cut off and vaginas were
penetrated with sword while husbands were forced to
watch. This went on in Goa and surrounding territories for
two hundred years. It was not an odd incidence, which
happened just once. But Christian missionary education
system in BhaaratVarsh' told our children that Christianity
has been a religion of peace, love and service to humanity.
Have you met bigger liars in your life? You have heard of
Raakshas in Hindu stories; now do you understand who
they were? Can you have better example than Christians?
But, of course, Christian edited Oxford Dictionary defines
Christians as decent, kind and fair. Do you find any such
qualities in Christian teachings or Christian acts? Aren’t
they pretty good at turning the truth as untruth, and
untruth as truth?
We Hindus, however, do not know that Christians did not forget
these teachings and they practiced these teachings religiously,
many-many centuries later in BhaaratVarsh', and that too
continuously for 200 years.
This has been carefully kept out of Bhaaratiya history textbooks,
and the opposite of it has been taught to us in school through
Macaulayite English Christian Missionary Education system
prevailing in BhaaratVarsh' for past 170 years.
Let us look at few glimpses now. Remember, these are glimpses
only, they are not complete account of all that happened, because
the purpose of this work is to introduce you to the deliberately
hidden facts; then it would be your responsibility to search and
find more.
Various titles that I shall present to you, will only focus at
familiarizing you with various aspects of what deludes you; then
it would be for you to decide what you need to do about it.
Children were flogged and slowly dismembered (*tear or cut limb
from limb) in front of their parents, whose (*parents’) eyelids had
been sliced off (*so they couldn’t close their eyes) to make sure
they missed nothing. Extremities (*the hands and feet) were
amputated carefully, so that a person could remain conscious even
when all that remained was a torso (*the trunk of the human body)
and head. Male genitals were removed and burned in front of wives,
breasts hacked off and vaginas penetrated by swords while husbands
were forced to watch. ... So notorious was the Inquisition in
Portuguese (*Christian!) BhaaratVarsh' that word of its horrors even
reached home. The Archbishop of Evora, in Portugal, eventually wrote
“If everywhere Inquisition was an infamous court, the infamy,
however base, however vile, however corrupt and determined by
worldly interests, it was never more so than in Goa.” ... And it went
on for two hundred years. Paul William Roberts.
O my Bhaaratiya converted Christian friends! Do you realize that
those who suffered these inhumane acts, they were your Hindu
ancestors? Are you proud of your Christian heritage that is noting
but the product of pain, agony, torture, insult, humiliation of
your forefathers?
Do you realize that your mother-ancestors were subjected to such
inhumane barbaric acts as penetrating their vaginas by swords
and their breasts hacked off by Christian zealots? Do you realize
that your father-ancestors were subjected to such inhumane
barbaric acts as their genitals removed and burnt by champions
of Christianity? Why don’t you, for a moment visualize, placing
yourself in their shoes and have your vaginas penetrated by the
swords of Christianity, or have your genitals removed and burnt
in front of your eyes? That will be a lovely experience, don’t you
think so?
Do you recognize those scoundrels who made your ancestors suffer
so badly? They called themselves Christians. And, you call yourself
Christian! Aren’t you ashamed of calling yourself a Christian?
Those are the scoundrels whom you worship now! You call them
Saints and what not. Do you see the irony? Such people are
called Raakshas in Hinduism.
Paul William Robert says “So notorious was the Inquisition in
Portuguese India”. In the context of Inquisition, their Portuguese
nationality did not drive them to do these inhumane acts.
Their Christian faith, teachings of their holy Bible, and Christian
missionary zeal, inspired them to do these things! The concept of
Inquisition was invented by the Pope, in Italy, not by the
Portuguese in Portugal. The Inquisition was established in
BhaaratVarsh' at the recommendation of the Spanish Christian
Jesuit Saint named Francis Xavier. Therefore, the responsibility
lies with the Christianity, not with the Portuguese. Portuguese
nationals may have been instrumental but Christianity was
essentially the driving force behind them.
Isn’t it that based on the same logic, we speak not of German
horrors but of Nazi horrors? Why the ChristianWest speaks of
Nazi horrors but not of German horrors? Were they Nazis, not
Germans? They were Germans, but their nationality, as Germans
did not make them do those acts of horrors. It was the
commitment to Nazi ideology that made them commit those
horrible acts against humanity. This is why we talk of Nazi
atrocities, not of German atrocities. Why then should we speak
of Portuguese atrocities, why not Christian atrocities, when it
was the Christian ideology, the teachings of the Bible, which drove
them to do those acts of horrible crime against humanity? In
fact, Nazi atrocities were noting in comparison to Christian
atrocities, if we were to compare their acts.
Who were Nazis? Were they not Christians? They were more
committed Christians than other Christians of their time. They
all paid Church Tax. Nazi contribution to Vatican was over $100
million, worth nearly a billion and half in today’s values and Vatican
also share Nazi gold loot. [details later]
Their Nazi ideology was an extension of Christian ideology. It
had all the ingredients. It was Nazi imperialism, which evolved
from Christian imperialism [details later]. It was Nazi atrocity, a
relatively small portion of overall Christian atrocities. You will
more of such Christian atrocities through these pages.
Why Hollywood movies speak of Nazi horrors, but not of Christian
horrors? Is it because most of those film makers are Christians
themselves? Why most media men and women do the same? Is
it for the same reason?
Why did they highlight slanting Swastik so much? So that it creates
an impression Nazism had some relationship with Hinduism? No
one ever cared to clarify that Hinduism has straight Swastik and
a slanting Swastik is considered bad in Hinduism!
Bible tells very clearly that Christian God is a Jealous God;
can someone so jealous tolerate any other god? Christian
God is revengeful, and he has his enemies!
Christian Bible Exodus 20:3 Thou shalt have no other Gods before
me. 20:5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them:
for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God
Christian Bible Exodus 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god:
for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:
Christian Bible Old Testament Nahum 1:2 God is jealous, and the
LORD revengeth; the LORD revengeth, and is furious; the LORD will
take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserveth wrath for his
Is this description of the God or that of Satan?
Bible instructs Christians that those who try to convert you
into another religion, kill them with your own hands, be
they your own brother, your son, your daughter, your loving
wife, or your friend
Christian Bible Deuteronomy 13:6 If thy brother, the son of thy
mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy
friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let
us go and serve other Gods, which thou hast not known, nor thy
fathers; 13:7 Namely, of the gods of the people which are round
about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of
the earth even unto the other end of the earth; 13:8 Thou shalt not
consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity
him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: 13:9
But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shalt be first upon him to
put him to death, and afterwards the hands of all people. 13:10 And
thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die; because he hath sought
to thrust thee away from the LORD thy God
So, a Christian must stone to death someone who tries to convert
a Christian into any other religion. How about applying the same
law in reverse order to Christians? If a Christian wants to convert
a person (who belongs to another religion, say, Hinduism) into
Christianity then that Christian must be stoned to death. If this
law were to be applied equitably (fairly and impartially), the first
person to be stoned to death would be the Pope himself because
he advocates all the time in favor of converting Hindus into
Christianity. Then all Christian missionaries would be stoned to
death because they are all the while engaged in converting Hindus
in covert manner. These champions of Christianity must have a
dose of their own medicine, shouldn’t they?
Bible instructs Christians that those who worship idols
should be put to death
Christian Bible Deuteronomy 13 titled Idolaters to be put to death.
This indicates all that has been said under section “13” apply to
idolaters. In Christianity, a Hindu is an idolater because he or she
worships idols.
Bible instructs Christians to Kill every one, leave no one
breathing; starve, burn, destroy, kill young men, virgins,
babies sucking their mothers’ milk, and old men nearing
their death; if you don’t believe me, please feel free to check
Holy Bible for yourself, I am giving you here the references
and the quotes from the Bible
Christian Bible Deuteronomy 20:16 But of the cities of these people,
which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou
shalt save alive nothing that breatheth: 20:17 But thou shalt utterly
destroy them.
Are we speaking of a butcher God?
Christian Bible Deuteronomy 32:24 They shall be burnt with hunger,
and devoured with burning heat, and with bitter destruction: I will
also send the teeth of beasts upon them, with the poison of serpents
of the dust. 32:25 The sword without, and terror within, shall destroy
both the young man and the virgin, the suckling also with the man
of gray hairs.
How beautiful are these teachings, lovely aren’t they; so very
compassionate! You are sure to attain God by following these
teachings; won’t you? Have no doubts, ever! Would you call these
exceptions? Don’t you see a systematic pattern all throughout?
Do you want to see lot more of how these teachings have been
implemented throughout the course of history with considerable
zeal and dedication towards them? Have you started getting a
feel of what an Aasuric culture means? By the way, does Hinduism
teach you any thing like that?
Seed of Hinduism
Now, compare these teachings of Christian Bible with
comparable teachings of Hindu ManuSmriti, and experience
the difference for yourself. ManuSmriti instructs the king
not to use concealed weapons, barbed weapons, poisoned
weapons, or weapons with blazing fire. It has to be man to
man fight, battle of bravery and strength. And history is
witness that this is what Hindus followed. I am not talking
about fake history that was rewritten by JNU (Jawaharlal
Nehru University) and AMU (Aligarh Muslim University)
CommunistMarxist historians and introduced in schools of
BhaaratVarsh' during Nehru dynasty
Manu: The archetypal first man of Hindu mythology, survivor of the
great flood and father of the human race. He is also the legendary
author of one of the most famous codes of the Hindu law, the
ManuSmriti [Laws of Manu], composed in Sanskrit [Oxford
Dictionary, p 1127] Archetypal very typical of a certain kind of a
person or thing [Oxford Dictionary, p 86]
Source: Selections from Hindu Scriptures, Manu Smriti, Prof G C Asnani,
p 25
Hindu ManuSmriti 7:90 When a King fights
with his foe in battle, he should not strike
with weapons which are concealed, barbed,
poisoned, or the points of which are blazing
with fire
For Hindus, technology was not meant for mass killing, and that
is why, they did not develop gunpowder. A race that could develop
the technology for creating an alloy, which could withstand tyranny
of weather for many-many centuries without a trace of rusting,
do you think that race could not have developed gunpowder and
guns-cannons, the weapons of mass destruction using blazing
fire? I am referring to the alloy used in that huge metallic tower
(iron pillar) Garur Dhwaj, which stands close to Kutub Minaar of
Delhi. On this tower, we find even today, Sanskrit inscription in
Braahmi script.
Hindu ManuSmriti also instructs a king not to strike an
enemy who is running away for life, one whom fear has
engulfed, one who seeks pardon, one who surrenders, an
eunuch, one who is in sleep, one who has lost his armor,
one who is naked, one who is disarmed, one who is not
taking part in the fight, one who is fighting with another
person, one whose weapons are broken, one who is in
sorrow, one who is very badly wounded, one who is
terrified. Manu Smriti instructs Hindu king to fight the battle
of an honorable warrior, not of a savage one. For Hindus,
each day’s battle ended with sunset, and the next day’s
battle began with the sunrise. Muslims and Christians did
not fight a battle of honorable warrior.
Source: Selections from Hindu Scriptures, Manu Smriti, Prof G C Asnani,
p 25
Hindu ManuSmriti 7:91 Let the King not
strike one who in flight and fear has climbed
around, not a eunuch, nor one who joins
the palms of his hands in supplication, nor
one who flees with flying hair, nor one who
sits down, nor one who says, “I am thine.”
7:92 Nor one who sleeps, nor one who has
lost his coat of mail (*armor), nor one who
is naked, nor one who is disarmed, nor one
who looks on without taking part in the fight,
nor one who is fighting with another foe;
7:93 Nor one whose weapons are broken,
who is afflicted with sorrow, who has been
grievously wounded, who is terrified, nor
one who is running away; he should
remember the rule of conduct of an
honorable warrior
Coat of mail a jacket covered with or composed of metal rings or
plates, serving as armor [Oxford Dictionary, p 351]
Following this, Prithvi Raaj Chauhaan allowed another life to fleeing
Mohammed Ghori. That Ghori, ungrateful, following barbaric
Islamic laws returned, bribed JaiChand, and captured Prithvi Raaj
Chauhaan and shoved fire rods into his eyes.
However, our ChristianizedHindus (in other words, Hindus raised
by Christian education) fail to understand this, because what has
clouded their mind and thought process is the Christian motto
‘Survival of the cunning’. Our ChristianizedHindus have come to
accept that concept as more important in life than being humans.
ManuSmriti instructs you to behave like humans, not barbarians.
Present day Hindus raised by Christianized education system are
thoroughly ignorant of nobler Hindu thought process, and they
argue in favor of Christian ways. They need to ask themselves an
honest question: had this world been a better place to live if
Muslims and Christians fought by the code of conduct as instituted
by Manu?
Is it not quite obvious that while ManuSmriti is civilized,
compassionate and humane, the Bible is barbaric and Aasuric?
Do yourself a favor and ask yourself a question, why did
Christian missionaries malign Hindu Manu Smriti so much?
Was it out of a deep-rooted sense of insecurity that, if the
two were to be compared on same footing, the Christian
Bible would look like a creation of savage people of stone
age, who never graduated from their animal instincts?
Aren’t animals far better? Animals certainly don’t rape women
who worship other gods, but Bible teaches Christians to do that!
Animals do not kill infants unless they are very hungry, and there
are no grown ups left, but Bible teaches Christians to do that!
Great teachings, aren’t these? Your children will derive great moral
values from those teachings of Christianity, won’t they? You should
have as much Christian influence on your children as much as
you can, shouldn’t you?
Isn’t it why you love to send your children to English-medium
Christian schools, so that they can turnout to be good Hindu born-
Christian influenced citizens of the future? Would you think that
time hasn’t yet come to review your preferences?
Now, let us see what Hindu thinkers said, as opposed to
Christian Holy Bible
Why should I say, how great Hinduism is? Let someone else say
it. Why should I defend my religion? Let a Christian defend it. Let
us listen to a Christian say this:
I have left to the last of the witness who might otherwise have been
suspected – I mean the Hindus themselves. The whole of their
literature from one end to the other is pervaded by expressions of
love and reverence for truth. Max Muller
I doubt whether in any other of the ancient literatures of the world
you will find traces of that extreme sensitiveness of conscience which
despairs of our ever speaking the truth. Max Muller
I need not defend Hinduism. Let Hinduism speak for itself! Come
with me, and enjoy your journey...
Hindu BhagavadGita said, God is equal to all, He has no
Source: A Hindu View of the World, N S Rajaram, p 27
BhagavadGita 4:11, 9:29 - Whoever, by whatsoever
path approaches me, I accept him for his salvation. All
creatures great and small – I am equal to all; I hate
none, nor have I any favorites. Those who worship other
Gods with devotion, worship me.
Hindu Veds said, all paths lead to same God; this teaches
us to respect other peoples’ gods
Source: A Hindu View of the World, N S Rajaram, p 22
Rig’Ved I.164.46 - Cosmic reality is one, but the wise
perceive it in many ways: As Indr, Mitr, Varun, Agni,
mighty Garutmat, Yam, and Matarisvan – the giver of
Source: A Hindu View of the World, N S Rajaram, p 27
Shivmahimna Stotr 3 - As numberless rivers following
different paths – straight or zigzag – merge in the same
ocean, so too the aspirants of various tastes and
capacities reach thee through effort.
Hindu Veds said, let us not close our minds, let knowledge
come to us from every source and inspire our intellect
Source: A Hindu View of the World, N S Rajaram, p 26
Rig’Ved I.89.1 - Let felicitous thoughts come to us from
every source.
Source: A Hindu View of the World, N S Rajaram, p 24
Rig’Ved III.62.10 Gaayatri Mantr - I pay homage to
the supreme grandeur of the divine light, that it may
inspire our intellect.
Felicitous (core sense) well chosen or suited to the circumstances;
(sub sense) pleasing and fortunate [Oxford Dictionary, p 673]
Hindu Upanishads said, may God protect all, nourish all!
May we be united and do well for humanity! May we never
hate one another! May there be Peace Everywhere! May all
be happy, healthy, no one suffer!
Source: Chants of India, Pundit Ravi Shankar, CD
Taittriya Upanishad, BrahmaValli & BhriguValli,
Shaanti Mantr - May the Lord protect us together! May
He nourish us together! May we work together uniting
our strength for the good of humanity! May our learning
be luminous and purposeful! May we never hate one
another! May there be peace, peace, and perfect peace.
Source: Chants of India, Pundit Ravi Shankar, CD
Taittriya Aranyak, 4th Prashn, Pravargya Mantrs, 42nd
Anuvaak - May there be peace on earth, peace in the
ether, peace in the heaven, peace in all directions, peace
in fire, peace in the air, peace in the sun, peace in the
moon, peace in the constellations, peace in the waters,
peace in the plants and herbs, peace in trees, peace
towards cattle, peace towards goats, peace towards
horses, peace towards mankind, peace in the absolute
Brahm, peace in those who have attained Brahm, may
there be peace, only peace. May that peace be in me,
peace alone! Through that peace may I confirm peace
in myself, and all bipeds, and quadrupeds! May there
be peace in me, peace alone.
This is the central portion of the famous Maha Shaanti Mantr, the
great prayer for peace. As well as the final Anuvaak of the Pravargya
Mantr-s, it is also the Shaanti mantr of the 5th Prashn of Taittriya
Aranyak, which is the Brahmana for Pravargya.
Source: The Student’s Sanskrit English Dictionary, V S Apte, p 23, p 368
Pravargya A ceremony preliminary to the Som sacrifice.
Source: A Sanskrit English Dictionary, M Monier-Williams, p 38, p 1015
Anuvaak A chapter of the Ved, a subdivision or section.
Brahmana Each of the four Ved has two distinct parts, Mantr and
Brahmana; Mantr (words of prayer and adoration), Brahmana
(directions for the details of the ceremonies at which the Mantr-s
were to be used and explanations…).
Source: Chants of India, Pundit Ravi Shankar, CD
Sarve Shaam (the traditional prayer) - May good befall
all! May there be peace for all! May all be fit for
perfection, and may all experience that which is
auspicious. May all be happy! May all be healthy! May
all experience what is good and let no one suffer.
Hindu Upanishads said, respect your mother, father, guru,
and guest; follow only their faultless deeds, not their faulty
Source: Chants of India, Pundit Ravi Shankar, CD
Taittriya Upanishad, ShikshaaValli, 10th Anuvaak -
Do not neglect your duties to the gods and your
ancestors. May your mother be like a god unto you!
May your father be like a god unto you! May your Guru
be like a god unto you! May your guest be like a god
unto you! Wherever you have observed faultless deeds
performed, you should follow those alone, and no others.
When you have seen us, your teachers, perform good
actions follow those alone.
Commonly known as ShishyaAnushaasanam, this section contains
the final Mantr-s of instruction given by the guru to his students as
they prepare to leave the Aashram and enter the life of a householder.
See the very difference between Hindu thought process, and
Christian thought process. Which one would you want your future
generations to follow?
Hindu Upanishads and Veds said: lead me from this
transitory world to God; release me from the cycle of birth
& death
Source: Chants of India, Pundit Ravi Shankar, CD
BrihadAranyak Upanishad, 1st Adhyaay, 3rd
Brahmana, 28th Mantr - O Lord! Please lead me from
the unreal to the real. Lead me from darkness to light.
Lead me from death to immortality. May there be peace,
peace, and perfect peace!
What is Real and Unreal?
Let me explain, in the context of this Mantr ‘unreal’ would mean
transitory and ‘real’ would mean permanent.
Let us understand it in this way: this world is transitory, whereas
God is permanent. God existed before this world came into
existence. God will exist after this world ceases to be in existence.
What is Immortality?
In the context of this Mantr ‘Immortality’ would mean freedom
from the cycle of birth and death. Let me expand it further, if a
person is not born, then s/he does not die. Our soul is not born
again (encased in a body) after it dissolves in the Supreme Soul.
That is what we call liberation or Moksh. Having attained Moksh,
if we are not required to be born again, then we effectively become
immortal. This is my simple understanding of the concept.
Source: Chants of India, Pundit Ravi Shankar, CD
Rig’Ved, Taittriya Upanishad, Rudr mantr, 1st Kanda
Maha MrityunJay Mantr - We worship Lord Shiv the threeeyed
one, the one who is the master of all senses and
qualities, and the one who is the sustainer of all growth.
May he release us from the bondage of death as a
ripened cucumber is released from its stalk, and may
he (not deprive us of immortality) grant us immortality
West has lot to learn from Hinduism but that can happen only
when it is out of the suffocating grip of this Aasuric religion called
I do not wish to define term Aasuric at this stage. It will come
about, but in a later work. The idea is, to first present ample
examples, so that readers themselves start getting a feel without
my attempting to define it!
Know Jesus better
Now, let us come to the teachings of Jesus about which
you could be carrying a totally different impression
depending on what you may have read or what you may
have been told, but believe me there is no better place to
look for them than the Christian Bible itself, and then you
should look for the reflection of those teachings in the real
life conducts of Christian Popes, Saints, Cardinals,
Archbishops, Priests
It would not be so easy for you to break through your preconceived
notions about the Jesus Christ but we urge you to read what
Jesus himself said, as documented by two of his chief disciples,
and then think it over if you must carry on with your old
We will demonstrate the hidden truth in those statements by
establishing that true Christians world over religiously followed
those sayings of Jesus Christ.
Thus we would want to convey that there exists a definite
correlation between the thought process of Jesus and his followers.
Apostle Each of the twelve chief disciples of Jesus Christ. The twelve
apostles were Peter, Andrew, James, John, Phillip, Bartholomew,
Thomas, Matthew, James (the Less), Judas (or Thaddaeus), Simon,
and Judas Iscariot. After the suicide of Judas Iscariot his place was
taken by Matthias [Oxford Dictionary, p 77]
They had themselves heard the Jesus, as the saying goes, coming
from the horse’s mouth, leaving no scope for doubt. They
independently documented the sayings of Jesus, as they heard
him say from time to time. Let us look at the documentation as
to what Jesus taught or intended to teach the mankind.
St Luke An evangelist, closely associated with St Paul and traditionally
the author of the third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles [Oxford
Dictionary, p 1099]
Jesus made it very clear that you are either his friend or
his enemy, no in-between
Christian Bible Matthew 12:30 He that is not with me is against me
So, you can be a Christian or enemy of Christian. This is not an
exaggeration. The conducts of earlier day Christian Popes, Saints
and missionaries will confirm that [details later]. Even today it is
no different. The conduct of American President Bush reflects
that [details later]. And the conduct of Christians in BhaaratVarsh'
“today” also falls in the pattern [details later].
Jesus threatened of eternal damnation to all those who
did not agree with him
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 120
Jesus was the first religious teacher in
history to threaten those who did not agree
with him with eternal damnation. This is the
only original idea that he contributed to the
world’s vast body of religious thought, and
in two millennia it has destroyed nations
and whole civilizations and caused Thomas
Jefferson to declare, “The Christian God is
cruel, vindictive, capricious and unjust”
Damnation condemnation to eternal punishment in hell. Eternal
lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning. Capricious
given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior.
Unjust not based on or behaving according to what is normally
right and fair. Vindictive having or showing a strong or unreasoning
desire for revenge [Oxford Dictionary p 463, p 631, p 271, p 2024,
p 2062]
Jesus wanted War NOT Peace, he said it without any
ambiguity, but Christians don’t tell you that, so check their
Holy Bible, here is the reference and the quote
Christian Bible Matthew 10:34 Think not I am come to send peace
on earth: I come not to send peace, but a sword.
Jesus wanted Division NOT Peace, he said so without any
ambiguity, but Christians don’t tell you that, so check their
Holy Bible, here is the reference and the quote.
Also think, from where did Christians learn the Divide and
Rule Policy!
Christian Bible Luke 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give
peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:
Do Christian missionaries tell you what was the true agenda of
Jesus? Do you realize how Christians learned the Divide and Rule
policy? They learned it from their messiah.
Jesus wanted Fire, Sword, War NOT Peace, he wanted each
house Divided, Father against Son and Son against Father;
he said so without any ambiguity, here is the reference
and the quote. Also think, why do we have now broken
families every where around?
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 76 fn
Gospel of Thomas The second century Coptic text of this Gnostic
gospel, probably written in Syria, was discovered in Egypt in 1946.
It contains the secret sayings of Jesus as recorded by St Thomas.
Gospel of Thomas 16 Jesus said: Perhaps men think that I came
to cast peace on the world; and they do not know that I came to
cast division upon earth, fire, sword, war. For five will be in a house,
there will be three against two and two against three, the father
against the son and the son against the father. And they will stand
because they are single ones.
Jesus Christ did succeed in bringing upon earth fire and sword.
Here is an example. The scene is Christianized BhaaratVarsh'.
Source: The Free Press Journal, 1 April 2004, front page bottom
New Delhi: Guns, knives, and hockey sticks - the list of
new additions to school bags is endless. If one were to
go by the findings of a recent survey, which brings out
the startling fact that more and more of school going
children are carrying weapons with them, reports PTI.
According to Dr Ravi Prakash Gupta, pediatrician and
project coordinator, Sahyog, 61 out of 850 students
surveyed admitted carrying weapons like gun, knife,
stick or hockey stick to educational institutions and as
many as 80 adolescents said they were threatened or
injured by someone with a weapon in the past 12
Do Christian missionaries tell you, when they want to convert
you into Christianity that Jesus Christ himself said, without any
ambiguity, that he came to this earth to create hatred amongst
family members? Do you see now who brought in KaliYug (‘a’
pronounced as in ‘rural’ not as in ‘arm’)? If you wish to avoid the
evil, you must have the ability to identify it. Do you now realize
why we have broken families all over?
Ask yourself, why do we search for Peace today so badly?
Why, in earlier days, humanity did not crave for peace so
much? What went wrong with the advent of Christianity
and Islam?
Why people speak of peace so much today? Is it because peace is
not there! Aasuric religions like Christianity and Islam have
practiced so much of mass killing over past 2,000 years that
people are today gasping for breath and starving for peace.
Why people did not speak of peace so much in earlier days? Was
it because there was peace! So, there was no need for so much
talk. Civilized religion like Hinduism had taught that unwarranted
killings are no good.
Hinduism taught that you must defend yourself but must not kill
for the sake of killing. But this Christianity, through its Christian
education system taught Gandhi, Nehru and the like the opposite,
who in turn misguided Hindus. Gandhi taught Hindus that they
should give up their right to self-defense [details later]. Nehru
taught Hindus that they were a worthless lot [details later]. Net
result, Hindus went into Coma!
Jesus wanted Enmity amongst family members, he said so
without any ambiguity; he wanted man’s own family as
his enemy, he wanted son against father, he wanted
daughter against mother, he wanted daughter in law
against mother in law. Do Christian missionaries tell you
that? No, they don’t. So check their Holy Bible, here is the
reference and the quote.
Also, think why we have so many disturbances today within
each family itself!
Christian Bible Matthew 10:35 “For I am come to set a man at
variance against his father, and the daughter against the mother,
and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 10:36 And a
man’s foe shall be they of his own household.
Jesus wanted the institution of family destroyed
threadbare, he wanted every house divided, he wanted
father against son, he wanted son against father, he wanted
mother against daughter, he wanted daughter against
mother, he wanted mother in law against daughter in law,
he wanted daughter in law against mother in law. He said
so in simple language, so don’t find excuses with
interpretation! He said so without any ambiguity, so don’t
try to find another clever interpretation. He used simple
English a child would understand, so don’t play with words.
It is crystal clear but Christians don’t tell you that, so check
their Holy Bible, here is the reference and the quote.
You must realize one fundamental truth: if you are going
to respect evil, you will turn evil yourself in a matter of
time. And that is precisely what has happened. Remember
that evil gradually destroys good, if good does not try to
protect itself
Christian Bible Luke 12:52 For from henceforth there shall be five
in one house divided, three against two, and two against three.
12:53 The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against
the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against
the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the
daughter in law against her mother in law.
Why today there is so much discord in each family? This is because,
you learn to live in accordance with the values you come to respect.
You don’t have to preach those values; your conducts themselves
reflect the values you have come to adopt.
Jesus makes it pretty clear that you must learn to hate
your father, mother, brothers, and sisters if you want to
be his disciple. He does not mince words. He does not say
things indirectly. He says it straight and simple
Gospel of Thomas 56 Jesus said: He who will not hate his father
and his mother cannot be my disciple. And he who will not hate his
brothers and sisters, and carry his cross as I have, will not become
worthy of me.
Naturally, Christian children cannot be expected to do any better.
By the time they grow up and become financially independent
they have hardly any respect or compassion left for their parents.
Children leave parents no sooner than they become sixteen and
often care not, and parents are also becoming pretty much the
same. No wonder Christian societies of the West witness
disintegrating family system so quickly!
Now see the effect of teachings of Jesus on present day
Hindu society
Hinduism taught and practiced the opposite for thousands of years.
But now, with many generations of predominant Christian
education system prevailing in BhaaratVarsh', our Hindu society
has been showing the very similar destructive tendencies. Such
is the effect of bad company for too long.
Our Hindu children are becoming ‘Christianized’ but we think they
are becoming ‘Westernized’. When we identify the cause with a
wrong name we go looking for solution at wrong places!
We do not realize that Western is essentially Christian [details
later]. And Christianity is based on hatred. But by false
propaganda, they have made us believe that Christianity is based
on peace, love and service to humanity [details later].
They have a reason to do so. They know it too well that if the true
face of Christianity is in the out, people would simply kick it away.
To keep the mass appeal they put a mask but they carry on with
their real plans. It is you who is fooled.
Jesus said let rich and powerful become richer and more
powerful; let poor and weak become poorer and weaker
Source: The Myth of Saint Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 76 n
Gospel of Thomas 42 Jesus said: He who has (something) in his
hand, to him it will be given; and he who has nothing, from him
even the little he has will be taken away.
That is precisely what Christian nations had been doing all the
while. How else today’s predominantly Christian America
maintains its economic supremacy? Naturally by selling arms and
ammunitions to third-world countries, creating animosity amongst
them through undercover operations, keep them fighting, and
eyeing for Iran Iraq’s oil-wealth.
Jesus wanted to turn a Woman into a man because only
then she could go to heaven
Source: The Myth of Saint Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 76 n
Gospel of Thomas 112 Simon Peter said to them: Let Mariham go
away from us. For women are not worthy of life. Jesus said: Lo, I
will draw her so that I will make her a man so that she too may
become a living spirit, which is like you men; for every woman who
makes herself a man will enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus says that he would turn a woman into a man so that she
too can become a living spirit. In other words, a woman is not a
living spirit - she is probably a ghost?
Who was Saint Thomas?
An Apostle; known as Doubting Thomas. He earned his nickname by
saying that he would not believe that Christ had risen again until he
had seen and touched his wounds (John 20:24-9) Oxford Dictionary,
p 1928
Perhaps Thomas knew Jesus better or else, he would not have
doubted Jesus’ ability to rise from the grave. He must have known
what Jesus really was, and what he was truly capable of. World
today has been fooled, but Thomas was probably not.
Do you find it pretty difficult to believe all this stuff? I
wouldn’t have believed all this a year ago because then I
hadn’t checked the Bible myself. You can check Bible for
yourself because I have given in this book all references
with each quote from Jesus
It is very much possible that you may find hard to digest many of
such evidences that I shall produce gradually, because your mind
has been preprogrammed by massive propaganda that Christianity
is a religion of peace and love, and service to the humanity.
This image building had been necessary to cover up the real face
of their operations worldwide, particularly in third-world countries.
Enormous amounts of money have gone into that face-lifting
operation and you will know of its magnitude from the statistics
that we will reproduce from authentic Christian sources. Today,
you do not have to purchase the mass media. All you have to do
is to hire an advertising position, or rent a time slot in a television
channel and broadcast all that you need. Media is in the business
to sell. Christianity is in the business to buy, the way they buy
new Christians from poor segments of the society. These segments
have been made poor by Christianity’s cunning maneuvers. You
will learn about them through my works.
Demolishing your preconceived notions is the first necessity; only
thereafter, your vision will penetrate through the smoke screen,
and only then, you will be able to look beyond.
Whatever you have read so far, would you call them Divine
teachings or, barbaric teachings? It is for you to decide!
Now you need to see how well those teachings have percolated
down to the real-life conducts of Christian Popes, Christian Saints,
Christian Cardinals, Christian Archbishops, and conducts of
Christian Converts from Hinduism. Such is the powerful magic of
Christian thought process!
All you need to do is to continue the journey with me through the
pages of this work, and other works to follow soon, in print ...
This ‘one work’ alone may be inadequate to tear off the mask!
The budding Plant
of Christianity
Christianity began with the motive of Imperialism, much
later it covered its face with the mask of service-tohumanity-
brand religion
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, pp 121-122
Ishwar Sharan: Christianity, and especially
Roman Christianity, has very little to do with
religious faith. It is, and has always, been a
system of imperialist politics and financial
racketeering practiced under the guise of
Find hard to believe? Naturally, I could not blame you. Our mind
has been preprogrammed by false propaganda. Much the same
way they turn people Communist, by filling their heads from the
very childhood, calling untruth as truth. First let us establish that
it is so, and then we will tell you, in one of our subsequent
publications, how the whole process of camouflage began.
Let us see how this definition fits Christianity? For that, first we
need to critically examine:
What is imperialism?
What is politics?
Imperialism A policy of extending a country’s power and
influence through colonization, use of military force, or other
means. Oxford Dictionary, p 916
Let us see how Christianity established itself by use of Military
Force. For that, let us look at the life and conduct of 1st Pope of
Christianity, some 1,700 years ago.
Let us see how Christianity spread its wings through Colonization.
For that, let us look at the life and conduct of Pope Alexander VI
(1492-1503) of Christianity.
Let us see how Christianity continues to spread its wings by Other
Means. For that, let us look at the Christianity’s Postwar World
Policy extracted from Christian sources [details later]
Colonize (of a country or its citizens) send a group of settlers
to (a place) and establish political control over it. Come to
settle among and establish political control over (the
indigenous people of an area). Appropriate (a place or domain)
for one’s own use. Oxford Dictionary, p 361
Politics The activities associated with the governance of a
country or area, especially the debate or conflict between
individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.
Activities within an organization which are aimed at improving
someone’s status or position and are typically considered to
be devious or divisive. Oxford Dictionary, p 361
My different works will provide you with ample testimony of:
How Christianity achieves power
How devious are the ways of Christianity
How divisive are the acts of Christianity
But, it will be a very different perspective than that we are so
much used to hearing and reading so often. In my own special
way, I shall try to help you understand clearly the validity of the
above definition given by Ishwar Sharan.
Breaking myths and destroying preconceived notions is my
objective in writing these books. These notions are the result of a
systematic preprogramming of Bhaaratiya psyche, which has been
achieved through a tenacious effort over the past few centuries.
As it happens with every Aquarian effort, the effect of these
writings will not be felt soon. It will take many years before the
truth in these statements will become fully visible to the masses.
Introduce yourself to the 1st Supreme Spiritual Leader of
Christianity, 1st Pope Pontifex Maximus Constantine who
killed his son, his wife, son of his sister, and a number of
his friends; this was the quickest way for him to attain
Christian God; incidentally, what would you expect his
followers to be like? Don’t you expect them to follow his
Let us look at how Christianity began; who the 1st Pope of
Christianity was, and what his conducts were like; this should
tell you lot more about the true character of this religion!
Joseph McCabe tells us the horrific story of how Christianity was
imposed on the Empire; Emperor Constantine assumed the
position of Pontifex Maximus - Christianity’s 1st Pope.
Source: Joseph McCabe, The Testament of Christian Civilization, quoted
in The
Myth of Saint Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, Ishwar Sharan, p 45
Joseph McCabe: Constantine,
natural son of a rural tavern-girl
… and a Roman officer, waded
through rivers of blood to the
throne, and he was driven from
Rome to Constantinople by the
scorn of the Romans because he
put to death, first his excellent
… son, and then the son of his
sister, a boy of promising
character, then his wife and a
number of friends.’ This summary
statement of a terrible crime,
which Eutropius makes … is
confirmed by St Jerome … and
now not disputed.
Source: The Myth of Saint Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, Ishwar
p 45 notes
Emperor Constantine ... patronized the new
cult for political reasons and became its
savior when he called the Council of Nicca
in 325 C. E., where Christianity was officially
recognized in the Empire.
He retained the title and position
of Pontifex Maximus during his
lifetime and can be called
Christianity’s first pope, as the
bishop of Rome, whom he
elevated, would assume this office
after him.
Pontifex Maximus (in the Roman Catholic Church) a title of the
Pope Oxford Dictionary, p 1440
1st Pope killed his son!
1st Pope killed his wife!
1st Pope killed son of his sister!
1st Pope killed number of friends!
1st Pope waded through rivers of blood to the throne!
If this was the character of the founder of the religion what would
you expect from the followers of that religion?
Learn for yourself those teachings of Jesus and Moses,
which shaped the killer character of the 1st Pope, and you
can verify them if you have a Holy Bible
Christian Bible Matthew 12: 30 He that is not with me is against
Christian Bible Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send
peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
Christian Bible Luke 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give
peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:
Gospel of Thomas 16 Jesus said: Perhaps men think that I came to
cast peace on the world; and they do not know that I came to cast
division upon earth, fire, sword, war. For five will be in a house;
there will be three against two and two against three, the father
against the son and the son against the father. And they will stand
because they are single ones.
Christian Bible Matthew 10:35 For I am come to set a man at
variance against his father, and the daughter against the mother,
and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 10:36 And a
man’s foe shall be they of his own household.
Christian Bible Luke 12:52 For from henceforth there shall be five
in one house divided, three against two, and two against three.
12:53 The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against
the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against
the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the
daughter in law against her mother in law.
Christian Bible 14:26 If any man come to me, and hate not his
father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters,
yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
Christian Bible Deuteronomy 13 Idolaters to be put to death 13:6
If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or
the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul,
entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other Gods, which
thou hast not known, nor thy fathers; 13:7 Namely, of the gods of
the people which are round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off
from thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of
the earth; 13:8 Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto
him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither
shalt thou conceal him: 13:9 But thou shalt surely kill him; thine
hand shalt be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the
hands of all people. 13:10 And thou shalt stone him with stones,
that he die; because he hath sought to thrust thee away from the
LORD thy God
Christian Bible Deuteronomy 20:16 But of the cities of these people,
which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou
shalt save alive nothing that breatheth: 20:17 But thou shalt utterly
destroy them
Christian Bible Deuteronomy 32:24 They shall be burnt with hunger,
and devoured with burning heat, and with bitter destruction: I will
also send the teeth of beasts upon them, with the poison of serpents
of the dust. 32:25 The sword without, and terror within, shall destroy
both the young man and the virgin, the suckling also with the man
of gray hairs.
If these were the teachings of the two Messiahs of that religion,
which guided and shaped the killer character of the 1st Pope,
what would you expect from that religion? Does this feel like a
divine religion to you, or an Aasuric religion?
No doubt 1st Pope was the true follower of Christ and Moses. He
was the worthy representative for establishing the political empire
under the guise of religion.
Wouldn’t you expect the exemplary character of the first
supreme spiritual leader of Christianity would naturally
percolate down to the followers of Christianity?
So we have seen who the first supreme religious leader of
Christianity was. His character and conduct would naturally
percolate down to his followers.
After all, who becomes a follower? One who admires the leader!
This admiration inspires one to fall into the footsteps of the leader.
Therefore, do not expect the innate character of the followers to
be much different from that of the leaders and messiahs!
So it would now be clear to you that Christianity did not
start as a spiritual religion but as a political movement,
having later put on the mask of a religion to protect itself
from rejection
It would be apparent that Christianity did not start as a spiritual
religion. It started as a political movement given the shape of a
This was the beginning and we will see how it continued. If this
were to be the only instance in the history of Christianity, one
could possibly argue that it was an exception. But if we find this
happening rather too often then many questions will arise.
Question may also arise if this state of affairs continues till date.
We will offer answer to that as well, if you continue your journey
with me.
Well, here is yet another Supreme Spiritual Leader of
Christianity, Pope Alexander VI, who had sex with his
daughter, poisoned his cardinals to get their wealth, bought
and sold church privileges, and organized in his palace,
wild parties with excessive drinking and indiscriminate
sexual activities; he was the great spiritual head of
Christianity who showed his followers the way to Christian
God; have you thought, what would be his followers like?
Won’t they be like him?
Source: The Myth of Saint Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 79 fn
This Vicar of Christ was known as Alexander
the Scabrous and ruled from 1492 to 1503.
Joseph McCabe in A Testament of Christian
Civilization writes, “He brought into Italy
[from Spain] an unscrupulous brood of
relatives, the Borgias, who spread graft and
depravity on all sides and opened the vilest
page in history of higher authorities of any
known religion.”
He played vicious power politics,
practiced simony, held famous
public orgies in the Apostolic
Palace, committed incest with his
daughter, went whoring with his
son, poisoned his cardinals to
get their wealth, and himself died
of poisoning.
The legend on his triumphal arch read
‘Chastity and Charity’.
Vicar of Christ a title of the Pope [p 2058] Apostolic of or relating
to the Pope [p 78] Cardinals are nominated by the Pope, and from
the Sacred College, which elects succeeding popes (now invariably
from among their own member) [p 275] Ecclesiastical of or relating
to the Christian Church or its clergy [p 585] Incest the crime of
having sexual intercourse with a parent, child, sibling, or grandchild
[p 922] Orgies a wild party, especially one involving excessive
drinking and indiscriminate sexual activity [p 1308] Simony buying
or selling of ecclesiastical privileges, for example pardons or
[p 1736] Oxford Dictionary
Pope had sex with his daughter
Pope poisoned his Cardinals to get their wealth
Pope bought and sold church privileges
Pope, in his palace, organized wild parties with excessive
drinking and indiscriminate sexual activities
If the supreme spiritual leader is like this, what would you expect
of his followers down the line? Do not get carried away by what
they have to show, look at what they do. That would best explain
them. What does these all tell us about Christian Popes? That
Christian Popes did have great characters! And, they were not so
much religious/spiritual heads as they were political heads. Let
us see more of it.
Now you have the same great spiritual character, Christian
Pope Alexander VI, who officially proclaimed dominion over
the whole World by a papal edict of 1493, and Columbus,
Vasco da Gama sailed in search of sea route to the land of
extraordinary riches, BhaaratVarsh'.
Source: The Myth of Saint Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, pp 79-80
C B Firth: In a famous bull of 1493 Pope
Alexander VI, to settle rivalry between Spain
and Portugal, the two colonial powers of
those days, drew a line down the map of
the Atlantic ocean south of the Azores
Islands to form a boundary between their
respective spheres of influence.
All lands not already under
Christian rule ‘discovered or yet
to be discovered’ to the west of
the line, he assigned to Spain,
those to the east, to Portugal.
Along with this fantastic enactment went a
command to Spanish and Portuguese kings
‘to send to the said lands and islands good
men who fear God and are learned, skilled
and expert, to instruct the inhabitants in
the Catholic faith and good morals’.
Moreover, other foreigners were forbidden
to enter those lands without license from
these kings. Whatever may be thought
nowadays of such orders, the Spaniards and
Portuguese were prepared to act on them;
and not only in claiming and exercising, as
far as they were able, rights of dominion
and trade; they were seriously prepared to
propagate Christianity.
Bull a papal edict [p 239] Edict an official order or proclamation
issued by a person in authority [p 588] Oxford Dictionary
So what we see here is that the Christian Pope divided this world
as if it were his property. He not only divided the known world
but also that part of the world, which had not been discovered by
his people yet. Columbus and Vasco da Gama set their sails in
search of undiscovered lands of riches!
Now what would you call it: Spirituality or Imperialistic Politics?
If it were only one instance you might want to argue that it was
an exception. But no, it was not, as we will see that the same
tendency of imperialism exists even till today. And it is not only
tendency but it is now a very well defined policy. The story will
unfold as we progress through this work.
This is how the rivalry began between Christians. “All lands not
already under Christian rule ‘discovered or yet to be discovered’
to the west of the line, he assigned to Spain, those to the east, to
With this famous bull of 1493 the quest for the richest land
‘BhaaratVarsh'’ began. Columbus set his sails but as he was to
sail west of the line, he landed in what we call Americas today.
Vasco da Gama set his sails and as he was to explore the east of
the line, he landed in what we call India today. BhaaratVarsh' was
then called a ‘golden bird’ and Columbus and Vasco da Gama
were both looking for the limitless riches of this country. Vasco
was lucky. So Portuguese came, Dutch came, French came and
came the British. When ChristianBritish left BhaaratVarsh', what
legacy did they leave behind? They made the world’s known richest
nation amongst one of the poorest. That was their greatest
contribution to the humanity.
Finally, it were the ChristianBritish who made their greatest
contribution to the humanity by turning the known richest
nation in the world into one of the poorest, in a matter of
190 years (1757-1947); here is an interesting symbolic
analogy to the ways in which they operated
I had gone to bed early with a throbbing headache. For quite
some time my face (that was the only portion of my body that lay
uncovered) was being assaulted by mosquitoes. Finally, I got up
and came out of the mosquito net, which I had thought of as a
safe shelter when I had gone inside it, few hours ago.
I put on the light and went back inside to inspect. To my surprise
there were some fifteen-twenty of them clinging to the interior
walls of the net! Most of them seemed plump and flush with fresh
blood, which reminded me of my own blood that they sucked
through the night while I slept.
I decided to take a pick on them. I hit at one clamping my both
palms. As my palms struck each other there was noise created
by the strike. I opened my palms to ensure that it wasn’t an
empty strike leading to a self-deceptive feel of the kill. My palms
did have bloodstain; fresh blood, now from the belly of the dead
mosquito, which happened to be my own blood that it had sucked
a bit by bit through the course of the night. I did not want
bloodstain on my hand. I wiped them on the bed sheet and now
the sheet, with the fresh bloodstain, bore the evidence of the
killing I just made. Now my hands were clean though there was
a trace of dried blood on them and the frail body of the dead
mosquito was now lying somewhere on the sheet, which I had no
interest in. So, I focused on the next bloodsucker and struck
again. Same story this time. I went on taking a pick at the third,
fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and
so on.
I wonder how so many of them had found entry into my safe
heavens of the mosquito net? But there was no denial that they
were there, fooling my security system, and apparently they were
there for quite some time, or else they would not be so flush with
fresh blood of my body.
I also realized now that they would have injected into my body,
me quite unknowingly about it, some kind of disease (be it dengue
fever or malaria or anything) into my blood stream, which will
probably reveal itself in course of time.
While writing these lines, suddenly I was struck with the similarity
of Macaulay having injected the English Christian Education
system, in a conspiratorial manner without the conscious
knowledge of unsuspecting Hindu about its hidden motive, which
has now assumed the proportion of a disease having no antidote
available to Hindu!
Anyhow, let me go back to the story of my taking a pick at each
one of them, one by one. Every time, I made a killing, I wiped
my hands clean, so that by next killing I should know that I did
make a fresh killing. I did not want to carry the dead bodies and
bloodstain of some of them on my hands only to be fooled with
every new hit that I made a killing, whereas what lay on my
hands was the dead body and blood stain of one of those whom
I had killed earlier. So by this method of wiping my hands clean
after every new pick, I was certain about which hits resulted into
corrective action and which failed.
I spoke of corrective action because elimination of these
bloodsuckers was essentially a corrective measure that I ought
to have taken much earlier. But, in my apathy I let them suck
plenty of my blood through the course of the entire night. While
I had a disturbed sleep all through night, it was my laziness that
did not allow me to get up until now and get cracking, and that
made me pay the price in terms of loosing my blood through the
night, but more importantly having allowed them to have injected
into my blood stream all those diseases all through the night.
Not that all of them were visibly flush with my blood in their
belly, though most of them were, yet I finally took a pick on the
slender ones too, because I realized that if I leave them in my
company for longer and go back to sleep, they would turn plump
with my fresh blood as I shall sleep again!
By the time I finished my task on hand, I was wide awake, and I
came out of the net to wash my hands. That is when I suddenly
remembered the ChristianBritish! And that made me to start the
computer and get playing on the keyboard, as I would lose these
thoughts if I were to leave the job undone for another time. So
this is it, the story of the early morning killings that I made, and
as I see now it is 6:14 AM on the task bar, and the computer date
shows Thursday 29 January 2004.
The old British lady in Toronto had told me that there was
a time when ‘Dogs and British were not allowed’ in
Canadian homes; I wish I had asked why they did so?
Speaking of the ChristianBritish, I remember of my first job in
Canada. It was early part of 1996 [February to June]. I was
working for a firm of Chartered Accountants. The reception was
handled by an elderly lady in her late 50’s. She had settled in
Canada for quite some time but couldn’t forget her earlier days.
During these four-five months she must have narrated this story
to me probably four-five times. She mentioned of her earlier days
when she came from Britain and settled in Canada. She spoke of
many Canadian homes with a plate outside, which read “British
and Dogs are not allowed”. While I felt surprise at it, I also felt a
bit amused, because I remembered having read that
ChristianBritish homes in UK used to have similar plates with
only one difference. That is, they read “Dogs and Indians are not
allowed”. Beyond this, I never thought in those days while in
Canada. But now I see another perspective in the whole story. It
occurs to me that ChristianBritish treated Bhaaratiya Hindus as
their slaves and they called us Coolie.
Coolie offensive a person from the Indian subcontinent; a person of
Indian descent; origin probably associated with Urdu Kuli ‘slave’.
Oxford Dictionary, p 404
When Barrister Gandhi boarded in first class compartment with a
valid ticket, he was physically thrown out with his baggage as a
Coolie was not supposed to travel in a first class compartment.
Being kind of slaves, we were not quite humans to the
ChristianBritish as Jews were not to Romans. So, it is
understandable that they put such boards outside their homes
that ‘Dogs and Indians are not allowed’.
However, I did not quite understand then as to what made
Canadians (I wouldn’t know now if they were British Canadians
or native Canadians; I wish I had asked her) put such boards in
front of their houses ‘Dogs and British are not allowed’. But now
I think, I understand. The kind of parasite the ChristianBritish
had been (having sucked lifeblood of various nations and that
too by treachery and deception) it couldn’t be much of a surprise
that many earlier day Canadians preferred to restrict British entry
inside their personal property.
I guess, Canadians suspected that they would never know when
the British would be ‘in’ and the Canadian would be ‘out’ of the
house! That is precisely what happened in BhaaratVarsh'.
Christians came with Bible in hand on our land. Now we have
Bible in our hand, and they have our land! For your information,
Church is the biggest single landowner in BhaaratVarsh' today,
and this information is from Christian sources.
So, beware of the Christians, and among Christians, the
ChristianBritish in particular. British were more Christian than
any other European nation of that time. We will explain that soon,
as to why I say so, when we come to some more historical
documentation afterwards in a different context.
Here comes the time for Christian American imperialism,
now that the Christian British Sun has set, hopefully forever
After Christian British it is now the time of Christian American
imperialism. It works in two ways, one that is happening now in
Iraq, and the other that is happening in BhaaratVarsh'. In Iraq it
was use of force and in BhaaratVarsh' it is use of money that
‘buys’ new Christians.
But there is a big difference. In Iraq it is US government that is
after it for its oil wealth, in BhaaratVarsh' it is US Christian empire
that is after it for its human wealth.
There is another difference. What President Bush is doing will
have a temporary effect and it is visible. What Christian empire
is doing is long lasting and not easily visible. It is a dangerous
game, not only limited to conversion. And I do not call it Christian
empire for nothing: it can buy BhaaratVarsh', Pakistan and
BanglaDesh put together. We will provide the statistics later.
But there is yet another aspect. What President Bush is doing is
partly visible. His greed for Iraq’s oil wealth is not a secret any
more. But does he have a deeper motive? Do we know how much
of US government funds that are directed in a covert manner
towards conversion of Bhaaratiya Hindus in to Christianity? No,
we do not have the statistics. Charge it to Defense budget and no
one will ever know, nor will anyone question!
It is very important that we Hindus know history of Christianity
better. Then only we will be able to see things in perspective.
For too long we have respected evil because evil has been
presented to us as noble! By respecting evil for too long we have
ourselves turned evil by imbibing their hidden qualities. A bad
company is essentially bad though howsoever attractive it may
Let us return to Vasco da Gama, who came with blessings
of Pope Alexander VI to instruct Hindus in the Catholic faith
and to teach Hindus good morals; but Vasco da Gama’s
own conduct reflected total absence of any moral
whatsoever; he was a worthy follower of the Pope to whom
you have already been introduced
Christian Pope Alexander VI in his famous order of 1493 instructed
Spanish and Portuguese kings ‘to send to the said lands and
islands good men who fear God and are learned, skilled and expert,
to instruct the inhabitants in the Catholic faith and good morals’.
So, we now have a supposedly good Christian man who feared
God and came to teach Hindus about Catholic faith and good
morals. His name happened to be Vasco da Gama. Pope wanted
such good men to spread Christianity world over.
Was Pope speaking of ‘good men’ like himself? Obviously yes!
You have read the exemplary character of the Christian Pope
himself. Now visualize what havoc such ‘good men’ would have
played when they landed in BhaaratVarsh'. Let us start with the
example of Vasco da Gama who discovered sea route to
BhaaratVarsh' through Arabian Sea.
Source: The Myth of Saint Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 64
Vasco da Gama arrived at Calicut in 1498 with the help
of an Arab pilot. He was clever navigator and one of
history’s most brutal men.
I remember having read in school that Vasco da Gama discovered
BhaaratVarsh' after Columbus failed and that, both had sailed for
untold riches that the then ‘golden bird’ BhaaratVarsh' promised
them. But I have no memory of having ever been told that Vasco
da Gama was a barbarian, worse than an animal, who had no
Source: Sita Ram Goel, Papacy: Its Doctrine and History, quoted in The
Myth of
Saint Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 64
Vasco da Gama had bombarded Calicut
when the Zamorin ruler of that place refused
to be dictated by him. He had plundered
the ships bringing rice to the city and cut
off the ears, noses and hands of the crews.
The Zamorin had sent to him a
Brahmin envoy after securing
Portuguese safe-conduct. Vasco
da Gama had cut off the nose,
ears and hands of the Braahman
and strung them around his
neck together with a palm-leaf on
which a message was conveyed
to the Bhaaratiya king that he
could cook and eat a curry
made from his envoy’s limbs.
Now, compare this with Hindu traditions. When we read our
Raamaayan or MahaaBhaarat or any other Hindu history we find
so often that a doot [King’s envoy] always enjoyed immunity and
it need not be specifically asked for, it was taken for granted as a
Now we see a case where Vasco da Gama explicitly agreed for
safety of the envoy and did not keep his own word. Did this
‘Christian God fearing good man’ have any ethics? When leaders
are like this what would you expect the followers to be like?
Centuries ago these characters came to teach morals to Hindus
and till today they teach those very morals to Hindus through
their Christianized education system. We have not been able to
throw out Christian education system as yet because the policy
makers, administrators and monitors of our education system
are the loyal products of that system itself. They not only protect
that system but also encourage it as well, through all necessary
financial support it needs, directly and indirectly.
Now let us meet a Saint of Christianity, the saintly Francis
Xavier, who came to BhaaratVarsh', accepted from Hindu
king of Quilon a large grant for building churches; then
converted entire Hindu villages into Christianity in one
stroke, and then got Hindu temples pulled down and Hindu
idols broken, and to top it all, he wrote to the Society of
Jesus that he could not describe in words what kind of joy
he felt in watching the spectacle of pulling down Hindu
temples and destroying Hindu idols; incidentally, what
would you expect his followers to be like?
Another supposedly good Christian man who, also feared God
and came to teach Hindus about Catholic faith and good morals.
His name was Francis Xavier. Christians call him a Saint!
Saint (core sense) a person acknowledged as holy or virtuous and
typically regarded as being in heaven after death Oxford Dictionary
p 1637
So, what we understand from this Oxford Dictionary definition of
a saint is that such a person is holy, presumably in thoughts and
action, and also goes to heaven after death. And this tells us
that, in Christianity, you go to heaven if you cheat the way St
Xavier did, that is pulling down Hindu temples in return of an
obligation towards the Hindu king from whom he received a large
grant to build Christian church. So, you see that betrayal and
disloyalty is in the blood of Christianity, and holy men of
Christianity are shining examples of such betrayal. These holy
men of Christianity show the way to the rest of the masses in
ChristianWorld how to betray and deceive people of other faiths.
These are the good morals of Christian saints, which all Christians
are expected to follow. Therefore, please learn to beware of these
holy men of Christianity in preservation of self interests because
if you do not, they will stab you from your back, and you will
never know what hit you. There is another thing that you need to
learn from the above Oxford Dictionary definition. That is, if you
are a Christian, and particularly a Christian Saint, you must destroy
other peoples’ temples to find a place for yourself in the heaven,
specially made for Christians.
When Christians call him a Saint, an average Christian will try to
become like him, and even if they cannot become one like him,
they will at least try to become a fraction of what he was like.
Now, if all these millions of Christians in BhaaratVarsh' become
even a fraction of what their respected one Xavier was like, then
all these Bhaaratiya Christians put together can become a colossal
mass of another Saint like Francis Xavier. To understand that
combined force of Bhaaratiya Christian strength, we have to first
know the character of their respected one called a Saint by the
name Francis Xavier.
Francis Xavier 1506-52 Spanish Catholic missionary; known as
the Apostle of the Indies. One of the original seven Jesuits, from
1540 he travelled to Southern India, Shri Lanka, Malacca, the
Moluccas, and Japan, making thousands of converts Oxford Dictionary
p 2135
The name of St Xavier happens to be well respected in our country.
Like many others I had believed he must be a saint as his name
starts with that word, and there are so many educational
institutions dedicated to his name all over the country where our
Hindu children receive their education. We therefore need to know
more about such a great person and his character a little better
than we do today, for these schools never tell us the truth.
Source: Sita Ram Goel, St Francis Xavier, quoted in The Myth of Saint
and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 80
Xavier wrote in a letter to the Society of
Jesus, “Following the baptisms, the new
Christians return to their homes and come
back with their wives and families to be in
their turn also prepared for baptism. After
all have been baptized, I order that
everywhere the temples of the false gods
be pulled down and idols broken.
I know not how to describe in
words the joy I feel before the
spectacle of pulling down and
destroying the idols by the very
people who formerly worshipped
Xavier did this after the Hindu raja of
Quilon had given him a large grant to build
It would appear from their conducts that Christian Saints do not
possess the quality of being faithful to those who have done them
a favor! Hindu king gave him large grant to build churches, but
he had Hindu temples pulled down, and he felt immense joy in
doing that. During my childhood I had read a story. There was a
lion who had a nail stuck in his foot and he was in pain but could
do nothing about it. A passerby man took the nail out and relieved
him from the pain. Later the king got the lion caught and the
man for whatever reason, I do not remember. The lion was kept
hungry for few days and then the man was sent to his cage. The
hungry lion was expected to eat away the man alive, but he did
nothing of this sort, for he remembered the small favor the man
had once done to him. Saint of Christianity, name Francis Xavier,
did not have similar high ethical standards as the beast of the
jungle. Being a Saint of Christianity he was beyond all those
petty things. He accepted liberal grant from Hindu king for building
churches and then when he found himself powerful enough, he
got Hindu temples pulled down by Hindu converts in to
The word saint is attached great importance in Hinduism. Hindu
saints have been spiritual leaders. Now we need to understand
what they exactly mean by ‘Saint’ in Christianity. If this were to
be the quality and character of the Saints in Christianity, then
what would be the character of those who would follow such saints?
Soon through the pages of this book, we will get to see the
characters of present day Bhaaratiya Christians, as reflected
through their conducts, in similar situations.
Hindu Raja of Quilon gave Xavier a large grant to build churches.
After taking the grant, Xavier converted Hindus into Christianity.
Then Xavier got Hindu temples pulled down by these very Christian
converts. Xavier wrote to Society of Jesus that he could not
describe in words the joy he felt watching this! Now, in memory
of that St Xavier we have numerous education institutions in
Mumbai and other places in BhaaratVarsh'. He is the ideal for
many Christians, who try to become like him, if the circumstances
permit. Where Hindus are in majority, they do not show up their
true color but in North East, where Hindus have been
systematically turned into a minority, their true character is often
revealed. However, Christian educated media refrains from
reporting these in Hindu dominated areas. As a result, Hindus in
those places remain quite oblivious of the impending threat.
Now, let us come to understand why St Xavier wrote to
the Society of Jesus about his immense hatred towards
Hindu Braahmans, and let us also understand what gave
rise to the historical conspiracy of launching massive anti-
Braahman propaganda, of which full benefit was taken by
the later day Christian Missionary schools all over
BhaaratVarsh' to inject venom against Hindu Braahmans
into unsuspecting minds of Hindu children, an activity
which was continued with whole hearted enthusiasm by
Christian educated Hindus, and later day Communist
Marxist thinkers who were products of Nehru dynasty
Source: Sita Ram Goel, St Francis Xavier, quoted in The Myth of Saint
and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 80
Xavier wrote in another letter to the Society
of Jesus, “There are in these parts among
the pagans a class of men called Braahmans.
They are as perverse and wicked a set as
can anywhere be found, and to whom
applies the Psalm, which says: ‘From an
unholy race, and wicked and crafty men,
deliver me, Lord.’
If it were not for the
Braahmans, we should have
all the heathens embracing
our faith.”
Heathen chiefly derogatory a person who does not belong to a
widely held religion (especially one who is not a Christian, Jew, or
Muslim) as regarded by those who do. A follower of a polytheistic
religion: a pagan. Heathen people collectively, especially in biblical
use) those who did not worship the God of Israel. An unenlightened
person; a person regarded as lacking culture or moral principles
Oxford Dictionary p 848
This is why Christian missionaries hated Hindu Braahmans so
much. Hindus had faith in Braahmans and they would not want
to get converted into Christianity so easily. This is why Christianity
embarked upon a massive anti-Braahman propaganda, the
historical facts whereof we will bring to you, through other works
because this is not the right place to expose that conspiracy.
Later day Communist intellectuals, who wanted control over Hindu
minds, turned this Christian missionary initiated campaign into
full-scale war on Braahmans. More than that, they blackened
Hindu history of Braahmans on purpose, and that too by fabrication
of history. I am aware that it will not be an easy task, demolishing
the preprogrammed mind-set that has been developed over
generations through misleading teaching and massive
propaganda. But whatever worth it is, I have to give it a try for
the sake of truth; Truth that has been bruised over and again
through centuries. Their crime towards Hinduism is not at one
front but on several fronts. They have made untruth look like
truth and simultaneously they have made truth look like untruth.
This is a crime towards history and humanity as well. Therefore,
it must be exposed and we must see them in their true colors.
There is no reason for us to feel inferior, which we have been
made to feel for centuries. They should feel inferior and guilty
because it is them who have perpetrated crime against humanity.
St Xavier wrote to the Society of Jesus that if it were not for the
Braahmans, he would have converted all Hindus into Christianity.
Hindus trusted Braahmans more than they trusted St Xavier. This
was the beginning of massive propaganda against Braahmans.
This is a long story and there will be another book on it to show
you how history is fabricated and human emotions are
manipulated through generations. Today’s convent educated
Bhaaratiya elite keep emulating Francis Xavier in their hatred
towards Hindu Braahmans, which is often evident from their
writings. Worst of all, ChristianizedHindus, the products of
Christian missionary education, who predominantly reign over
the mass media, keep injecting the venom through their scripts
in movies, television serials, etc. This is done in small doses with
consistent repetition that it leaves definitive impressions on the
minds of the audience, and the common people do not quite
realize what is being done to their thought process, gradually
and consistently. This technique of brainwashing is quite popular
with Christians and Communists, and they resort to it in large
scale to turn Hindus first into indifferent Hindus, then into
ChristianizedHindus, and then into anti-Hindus. Finally, they hope
to turn them Christian one day.
Now, familiarize yourself with different categories of
Christian Swamis and learn about their Aasuric character,
which should tell you what makes Christianity an Aasuric
Source: The Myth of Saint Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 65
They [Christian Portuguese] came with
canon and a papal mandate to instruct the
inhabitants of the land in the Catholic faith
… their arrival and that of the first Jesuit
missionary Francis Xavier in 1542 turned
Christianity in BhaaratVarsh' into a violent
and destructive political force that
continues to operate in the country till
Jesuits a member of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic order
of priests founded by St Ignatius Loyola, St Francis Xavier, and others
in 1534, to do missionary work. The order was zealous in opposing
reformation. Despite periodic persecution it has retained an important
influence in Catholic thought and education Oxford Dictionary p 981
Source: The Myth of Saint Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 80
K A Nilakanta Shastri: The Franciscan friars
and Jesuits were busy demolishing temples
and building churches in the coastal cities,
and the Portuguese governor of Goa was
reported to be organizing a plundering raid
against the rich temples of Kaanchipuram.
Franciscan a friar, sister, or lay member of a Christian religious
order founded in 1209 by St. Francis of Assisi or based on its rule,
and noted for its preachers and missionaries [p 727] Friar a member
of any of certain religious orders of men, specially the four mendicant
orders (Augustinians, Carmelites, Dominicans, and Franciscans) [p
733] Mendicant of or denoting one of religious orders who originally
relied solely on alms [p 1156] Dominican a member of the Roman
Catholic order of preaching friars founded by St. Dominic, or of a
religious order for women founded on similar principles [p 547] Oxford
So, now we understand who these Franciscan Friars, Jesuits were,
who demolished Hindu temples. They were kind of Swamis we
have in Hindu religion. This presents you with an opportunity to
compare Hindu Swamis with Christian Swamis and learn about
their true character. Those who told you that all religions are
equal, did they lie to you, or were they speaking out of their
Hindu preachers, who preach their millions of Hindu followers
that all religions are equal, are inadvertently committing a crime
towards the humanity by spreading untruth out of their ignorance.
Before preaching they need to get themselves educated better
about the truth. Passing on ignorance is like a blind man showing
path to another blind man!
There are also a large number of Academics who teach their
millions of students that all religions are equal. They are
inadvertently or knowingly committing a crime towards their
profession by teaching untruth out of their ignorance or hidden
agenda. Before becoming teachers they need to get themselves
taught better about the truth. Passing the untruth knowingly or
unknowingly makes them misfit for their profession.
It is important that you understand clearly the hidden
influence on Hindu psyche when you send your children to
some of these schools
Xavier has been titled a Christian Saint, and thousands of schools
have sprung all over BhaaratVarsh', in the name of this pseudosaint.
You have also learned that it was St Xavier on whose
recommendation Christian Inquisition was instituted in
BhaaratVarsh'. Try to visualize what would possibly be the character
of those who will try to be like him. And, who will try to be like
him? Those, who will learn to respect him. Aren’t some of them
going to be your children? Hindu children? In fact, most of them
will be Hindu children!
We Hindus send our children to these schools. It is a human
tendency that whatever we associate ourselves with - we tend to
view that respectfully. In this case, we associate ourselves with
the name St Xavier, as our children go to those schools. This very
natural human tendency leads us to respect the person called St
When we respect St Xavier, we naturally tend to respect anything
that is associated with him. In this case, Christianity is associated
with him. This is how we come to respect Christianity.
With that we come to respect the birthplace of Christianity, that
is, the West. That in turn leads us to respect whatever is Western,
and whatever is associated with the West.
End result of this becomes, finally, an indifference towards
whatever is ‘Hindu’, and all that is Eastern or whatever is
associated with the East.
What should we expect from our future generations if we cannot
protect them from such unintended influence on their psyche?
Let us look at real-life incidences, as to how even today
Christian schools methodically train your unsuspecting
Hindu children into anti-Hindu sentiments, even without
your knowing any thing about it
Here is a simple example as to how they cement anti-Hindu
feelings in minds of your children. They set up questions in
examinations that would force children to think in a certain
direction, argue in favor of that through essays or debates. For
instance, students of standard XII at Father Agnel School, Mumbai
were asked to write an essay on Hindutv philosophy and its
disastrous effects on secular BhaaratVarsh' in their English
language paper.
This was accidentally reported in The Free Press Bombay Journal,
April 5, 2003 page 9 center, column 6. Do you know how many
more such cases are there? Who will report them to you? Do you
think, your children will report it, when they grow up to be anti-
Hindu in their thinking?
These schools would never ask your children to write essays on
Christian philosophy and its inhumane abuse of Hindu
Let us return to other Supreme Spiritual leaders of
Christianity, and their extraordinary spiritual overtures, one
of them happened to be Pope Gregory IX, who established
Inquisition; we will soon witness what his followers turned
out to be like
Inquisition an ecclesiastical (church) tribunal established by Pope
Gregory IX c.1232 for the suppression of heresy. It was active chiefly
in northern Italy and southern France, becoming notorious for the
use of torture. In 1542 the papal Inquisition was reinstituted to
combat Protestantism, eventually becoming an organ of papal
government Oxford Dictionary p 943
Heresy belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially
Christian) doctrine [p 858] Papal of or relating to a pope or to the
papacy [p 1342] Oxford Dictionary
Inquisition, an extraordinary gift (or curse?) of Christianity
to Humanity, and its Horrors, unparalleled in the history of
mankind, the intensity of which can put Nazi atrocities to
shame; let us have a few glimpses in the background of
BhaaratVarsh', something we Hindus know nothing about
because our history had been rewritten by Christians to
make it look like a religion of service to humanity
Most Hindus are totally unaware of it because our school textbooks
on history deliberately suppress it. This happens because those
who write these history books have been raised, generations after
generations, by these Christian educational institutions.
Source: Goa Inquisition, A K Priolkar, cover 3
The Goa Inquisition was established in 1560 as
recommended earlier by St. Francis Xavier, and finally
abolished in 1812. Although its headquarters were at
Goa, its jurisdiction extended to entire Portuguese
possessions to the East of the Cape of Good Hope, and
it had its Commissaries in other major centers.
Source: The Saint Business, Rajeev Srinivasan, Hindu Voice, Nov 2003, p
Now, on to the good deeds of St Xavier. Here is an extract
from The Empire of the Soul by Paul William Roberts
(Harper Collins, 1999): “Xavier embodies and
exemplifies the bewildering contradictions of [the
Jesuits]. The Goans of the time saw the best side of
Xavier in what little of him they saw. They knew nothing
of the part he had played in Portugal’s Inquisition, nor
did they know that he had pleaded with his monarch,
Dom Joao, to ‘order the establishment of the Inquisition
in Goa.’ Most of Xavier’s mass conversions - during which
he Christianized entire villages in a stroke - were
performed in Kerala.” ‘Set up as a kind of tribunal, the
inquisition was headed by a judge dispatched from
Portugal. The palaces in which these holy terrorists
ensconced themselves were known locally as Vodlem
Gor - the Big House. It became a symbol of fear.”
“Children were flogged and slowly dismembered in front
of their parents, whose (*parents’) eyelids had been
sliced off (*so they couldn’t close their eyes) to make
sure they missed nothing. Extremities (*the hands and
feet) were amputated carefully, so that a person could
remain conscious even when all that remained was a
torso (*the trunk of the human body) and head. Male
genitals were removed and burned in front of wives,
breasts hacked off and vaginas penetrated by swords
while husbands were forced to watch.” “So notorious
was the Inquisition in Portuguese (*Christian!) India
(*BhaaratVarsh'!) that word of its horrors even reached
home. The Archbishop of Evora, in Portugal, eventually
wrote, “If everywhere the Inquisition was an infamous
court, the infamy, however base, however vile, however
corrupt and determined by worldly interests, it was never
more so than in Goa.” And it went on for two hundred
Animals kill but when they are hungry. They eat the flesh and
blood but not with this kind of savagery as depicted above.
These were the glimpses of acts carried out by Christians with
the desire of Christian Popes. Wouldn’t it be an insult to animal
species if we were to place animals and Christian Popes and
Christian Saints in one category?
These are the Christian Popes and Christian Saints who instituted
and implemented Inquisition with the kind of barbarism and
savagery, probably unparalleled in the history of mankind.
And these are the people who have been sitting on judgment, for
past few centuries, on Hindu Value system!
With their massive network of educational institutions spread all
over BhaaratVarsh', they have been teaching Hindu children over
many generations, how primitive Hinduism is, and how advanced
Christianity is!
In BhaaratVarsh' Christianity has been given a face-lift with
considerable propaganda as a ‘religion of peace’. Certain section
of media that has major presence in the market place, laboriously
works to promote this image. It so happens because these media
men and women have been raised by these Christian educational
institutions, generations after generations. And, the hidden side
of this could be the enormous Christian missionary money that
takes round in our country under the disguise of setting of
educational institutions, health facilities, etc. A fraction of this
huge kitty could be enough to buy these big name journalists,
whose credentials rarely (but accidentally do) get exposed.
Nothing of this will change substantially because we, as humans,
cannot fight against our preconceived notions that are built over
the years, and particularly through our childhood and through
our formative years of adolescence.
The only way to correct this situation would be to tell the truth to
children from the childhood through their education system, so
that they do not live rest of their lives under false notions. And
that can happen only when we can find an alternative to Christian
missionary education system that plagues the Bhaaratiya psyche.
Personally, I knew nothing of inhumane tortures until I visited
Italy last year and was shown the torture houses (huge palatial
buildings with underground cellars), and then I located research
work on Goa Inquisition after my return to BhaaratVarsh'.
It’s an interesting incidence that BhagavadGita took me to
the birthplace of Inquisitions, a word that I hadn’t read or
even heard before; but with an overdose of scientific temper
today, you would merrily brand it as a mere coincidence
Professor D Meo first contacted me. There was no medium (in
form a human being) known to both of us, who could have
introduced us, or referred one to the other. The inspiration that
worked behind Prof Meo’s desire to locate me (while we two lived
thousands of miles apart from each other) is not identifiable in
human terms. Slowly, we got acquainted and later, I exchanged
my work on BhagavadGita, and that brought me an invitation to
visit Italy.
Was it a mere coincidence that something like BhagavadGita
(which is perceived by handful few knowledgeable Europeans as
a Divine Poem and, which is known by we Hindus as predominantly
a spiritual work), and a chance acquaintance based on this
premise, was to bring me face to face with the hidden reality of
an Aasuric religion like Christianity, which I had all along perceived
as a religion of service to humanity?
Is it not something that we cannot explain logically and therefore,
we would find it easier to brush it off as a coincidence? As if,
every thing in this creation must stand to the benchmarking of
limited human logic (of which we humans are so very proud of)
in these modern times of modern science!
How can we humans (who think that we have advanced so very
substantially over our predecessors) admit the limitations of
human logical faculties? How can we admit that our logical
faculties have developed so little that it can at best penetrate
very short distances in this ever-expanding limitless creation by
the Creator?
I would not want to throw up a debate at this point to be
questioned by those champions of human logic that my chance
visit to Italy was not a part of a divine game plan that can unfold
itself only in course of time (which their limited human logic will
not be able to define at this point of time). Remember these
words whatever happens under the heavens has a purpose behind
it, which may be invisible to the limited human perceptive abilities,
at the point of time it does happen.
Logic is based on knowledge. We can apply our logic only to such
matters that we have knowledge of. Admit it or not, it is a fact
that we do not have adequate knowledge of this vast limitless
creation, and its method of functioning.
Logic does not travel to those unknown lands, where our
knowledge has not traversed yet!
Here is something that is often not noticed by most of us,
that is, modern science is vested with an undeniably
Christian psyche
The modern science was born in the West and those men of
modern science were born as Christians, raised as Christians,
their psyche was developed as that of Christians, through their
childhood, and through their formative years of adolescence, only
to be transformed into men of Christian convictions by the time
they matured as adults. However, one difference they had, and it
was a thought process about the world around us (as explained
in terms of Physics, etc.) that did not quite match with the
Christianity’s remarkably poor understanding of the world around.
But this difference was not sufficient to change their entire outlook.
They may have looked differently at Christian beliefs about matters
of Physics, etc. but any knowledge of the Ancients that has not
been originally part of the ChristianWorld was ‘not’ (and is ‘not’)
knowledge to them. In many respects, modern science may know
even less than the ancients of the East knew, but it does not
want to learn from them because such knowledge was not the
treasure of ancients who had Christian roots.
This is why the Western world, which is predominantly a
ChristianWorld, refuses to examine the knowledge of the Ancients
from the East, and refuses to put them to modern ways of scientific
testing, before summarily branding them as ‘unscientific’. Today’s
so-called scientists of the present day Eastern world are basically
the product of the same Western education system, which had
been imposed upon them many generations ago, and they too
fall in the line with their Western counterparts, when it comes to
the knowledge of the Ancients.
Who is a true scientist? Not necessarily one who holds University
recognition as a scientist is truly a scientist, though today these
are the people who are understood to be the scientists of the
modern times. A true scientist is one who has the scientific spirit,
one who has a scientific bent of mind, one who does not dismiss
as ‘unscientific’ something that he or she has not put to rigorous
and consistent testing, patiently, after taking due pains to
research, honestly, into all facets of available knowledge and
evidence. But today’s most so-called scientists who carry the badge
of a scientist do ‘not’ seem to reflect this quality and this tendency,
in their conduct, when it comes to the knowledge of the Ancients.
Today billions and billions of dollars are spent over many-many
projects world over in the name of scientific quest, mostly in
nature of reinventing the wheel. But only if a fraction of those
vast amounts of money were to be sincerely and honestly invested
towards reexamination of the knowledge base of Ancients of the
East, with due respect that is warranted towards them, our modern
day scientists would have discovered a lot more about the
functioning of this universe (and would have discovered much
quicker than they do nowadays by their trial and error methods).
I have deviated a bit from the main theme, only to describe the
undesirable Christian bias on our modern day scientific thinking,
and loss to humanity on account of that.
For a change, why not think it over; if Popes and Saints of
Christianity developed themselves into such horrible
characters under the influence of those philosophies that
Christianity preaches, what will happen to your children?
Have you ever thought seriously, why Hindus have been
moving so far away from Hindu values?
Would you want Hindu Children to grow up to become like the
Popes and Saints of Christianity, whose characters you have
witnessed so far, and also like those whose characters you are
now going to learn about, hereafter? If yes, then you must keep
them under the influence of Christian education system, of which
you are quite proud of. Isn’t it why you send your children to
these Christian schools so often?
If popes and saints of Christianity could not escape cruel inhuman
behavior and character development under the influence of such
philosophies that Christianity preaches, do you think your children
whom you send for education to such Christian missionary schools
will be able to free themselves from developing such ‘latent’
character and thought process?
I speak of latent character because it will not be all that visible to
you. Your affection towards your children and your high esteem
of missionary education system will simply not let you see beyond
what is apparent.
Some of you must argue. So you would come up with a smart
argument: may be all these facts that you are presenting are
true, but the Christian schools we send our children to, do not
teach them to become like those people. Well, if you love to
argue, why don’t you become a bit smarter than that, and put up
yet another argument: granted they don’t teach all that stuff in
those schools, how come that those who graduate to become the
bigwigs in Christianity invariably turn out to be such scoundrels?
Well, well, just don’t get impatient, proceed through this whole
book, and the next book, and the next book, and the next, and
see for yourself how numerous these rogues are. Then console
yourself saying, may be, our children will not be that talented;
they won’t turn to be such big scoundrels, so we will settle for
their becoming small rogues!
The present situation will not only stay but will compound further.
Ninety percent of Hindu children will continue to be raised on
Christian value based education system. During their formative
years they would have moved far from Hindu value system, and
that has been happening for past many generations. Please do
not underestimate the significance of this.
It can have very far-reaching impact and do irreversible damage
and in reality, it has already done that to a great extent. If we do
not wake up to this impending threat, situation can go out of
hand permanently.
How long do you want to remain oblivious of the camouflage
around you? How long do you wish to keep refusing to look beyond
what has been shown to you? Ask yourself, how long do you wish
to continue to overlook something so significant that affects all
your future generations? How long do you wish to remain occupied
with your own needs ignoring needs of your descendants?
Let us try to understand why Jesus chose to promote the
concept of God without Form in those days when rest of
the humanity believed in God with Form
In Islam, Prophet Mohammed happens to be more important than
Allah. In Christianity, we hear more of Jesus than that of God.
These two men have assumed the position of God, keeping God
in the backyard. Is this why they opposed the then prevailing (all
over the world - now known as Pagan civilizations) concept of
God with Form? If there would be a God with Form, naturally
humans would give ‘that god’ more importance. Now that there
is no God with Form in Christianity and Islam, followers attach
more significance to Jesus and Mohammed.
Is it that these two men knew well about the human craving for
associating itself with some Form, whatever it may be, because
human himself (or herself) is with Form. When human is not
Formless, how can such human fall in love with something that is
Formless? Would you love your child if it were to be Formless?
Why do you crave to have a photograph of your dead child? Is it
that you need a ‘Form’ to relate with, and feel human?
Did Jesus and Mohammed know well that when they promote the
concept of Formless God, naturally by human instincts, followers
would prefer Jesus and Mohammed with Form than the God
without Form? Yet they needed the concept of God, because
keeping him in the backyard they could enjoy the fruits of human
following. They must be amused in their graves thinking that
they fooled the world, and these human fools took the bait.
Christians treated Hindu Temples with violent disrespect
and there are so many incidences but the history I was
taught never told me so; why Christian schools taught us
lies; is it what they are supposed to do? And, why did they
treat Hindu temples with such distasteful disrespect that
you will see here? Is it not because the Christian God
instructed Christians to continue to do so until Christians
live on this earth? Would you want to continue following
such a god? Won’t you be turning barbarians by following
such a god?
Desecrate treat (a sacred place or thing) with violent disrespect;
violate [p 499] Iconoclast a destroyer of images used in religious
worship, in particular; in historical context a supporter of the 8th
and the 9th century movement in the Byzantine Church, which sought
to abolish the veneration of icons and other religious images – a
puritan of the 16th or 17th century [p 906] Oxford Dictionary
Oxford Dictionary definition reflects that destroying god’s idols
of other religions was not new to Christianity. They practiced it
since 8th century, and they continued it when they came to
BhaaratVarsh', even until a few centuries ago.
By and large, Hindus are unaware that Christians too destroyed
Hindu temples on a fairly large scale and they too [like Muslims]
found pleasure in kicking the idols of Hindu gods. This is what
their religion Christianity [and Islam] had taught them, supposedly
two great [?] religions of the world with very large number of
followers. We do not know of this, because their dirty history has
been suppressed on purpose. On the top of it, an image has been
built that Christianity had been a religion of peace, love and service
to humanity.
Christian Bible Deuteronomy 12:1 These are the statutes and
judgments, which ye shall observe to do in the land, which the LORD
God of thy fathers giveth thee to possess it, all the days ye live
on the earth. 12:2 Ye shall utterly destroy all the places wherein
the nations, which ye possess served their Gods, upon the high
mountains, and upon the hills, and every green tree: And ye shall
overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their
groves with fire; and ye shall hue down the graven images of their
gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.
J Frederick Price and K Rangaachaari translated the private diary
of Aanand Ranga Pillai detailing how Vedpuri Ishwaran Temple at
Pondicherry was treated with violent disrespect and demolished.
Source: J Frederick Price and K Rangaachaari translating The Private
Diary of
Aanand Ranga Pillai, reproduced by Sita Ram Goel, History of
Encounters, quoted in The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p
The Vedpuri Ishwaran Temple was the
principle place of worship for the Hindus of
Pondicherry. The Jesuit missionaries built
the Church of St Paul adjacent to it and
obtained an order from the King of France
that the Hindu temple should be destroyed…
March 17, 1746: On Wednesday night at
11 two unknown persons entered the
Ishwaran Temple carrying in a vessel of
liquid filth, which they poured on the
heads of the gods around the altar, and
into the temple, through the drain of the
shrine of Ishwaran; and having broken the
pot of dirt on the image of the god Nandi
they went away through a part of the
building which had been demolished … As
the report of this sacrilege spread, Hindu
‘from the Braahman to the pariah’ held a
public meeting. The governor Dupliex, when
he heard of it, sent his chief peon to disperse
the meeting … the people, however, defied
the order and protested, ‘you better kill us
December 31, 1746: It was reported tonight
at 7 that an earthen jar filled with filth
was thrown from within the grounds
of the Church of St Paul into the temple
of Vedpuri Ishwaran. It very nearly fell
on the head of Shankar Aiyan, who was at
the shrine of the God Pillaiyar on his way
round the temple in the performance of his
religious duties. When the jar struck the
ground and broke to pieces the stench
emitted was unbearable … the temple was
now doomed to destruction.
September 8: Yesterday 200 soldiers, 60
or 70 troopers and sepoys were stationed
at St Paul’s Church in view of the matter on
hand. This morning, M Gerbault (the
engineer), the priests with diggers, masons,
coolies and other 200 in all, with spades,
pickaxes and whatever needed to demolish
walls, began to pull down the southern wall
of the Vedpuri Ishwaran Temple and the
outhouses. At once the temple manager,
Braahmans and mendicants came and told
me … Just then … news was brought that
Father Coeurdoux, the superior of St.
Paul’s Church had kicked the inner
shrine with his foot and had ordered the
Coffrees to remove the doors and the
Christians to break the Vaahanams … [Pillai
now went to Governor Dupliex in an attempt
to save the temple as did the other caste
leaders who sought to save the temple’s
movable articles but it was all to no avail]
Then Father Coeurdoux of Karikal came
with a great hammer, kicked the Lingam,
broke it with his hammer, and ordered
the Coffrees and the Europeans to break
the images of Vishnu and other gods.
Madame [Dupliex] went and told the priest
that he might break the idols as he pleased.
He answered that she had accomplished
what had been impossible for fifty years,
that she must be one of those Mahaatma
[great soul] who established this [Christian]
religion in old days and he would publish
her fame through the world … Then [the
native convert] Varlam also kicked the great
Lingam nine or ten times with his sandals
in the presence of Madame and the priest
and spat on it out of gladness and hoping
that the priest and Madame will also regard
him as Mahaatma. Then he followed
Madame. I can neither write nor describe
what abominations were done in the
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 80
K A Nilakanta Shastri: [The Portuguese]
acted throughout as if they had a divine
right to the pillage, robbery, and massacre
of the natives of BhaaratVarsh'. Not to mince
matters, their whole record is one of a series
of atrocities.
Never call the culprit by wrong name. That is how you shift
the focus. Once you identify the wrong enemy, you simply
go on the wrong track. When you call them Portuguese,
you tend to forget about their action because they are
history to you as you see no more Portuguese around you.
You don’t realize that the threat looms large on your head
till today because Portuguese were never the true culprit.
The culprit all along was Christianity. It is the teachings of
Christianity that prompted them to do those acts in those
days. As you will see in this book afterwards that the same
Christianity is making our own people do similar acts even
today but you don’t come to know about them because
Christianized English media avoids reporting them
Let us look at this example, as to how Hindu psyche shapes with
Christian missionary education. K A Nilakanta Shastri (it sounds
like a Hindu name) writes “[The Portuguese] acted throughout...”
Why Portuguese? Why not Christian?
Did they act in their zeal as Portuguese nationals? Or, did they
act in their zeal as Christian faithful? Were they driven by
Portuguese ideology or were they driven by Christian ideology? If
they did those acts, it was because Christianity had taught them
to do so, and also inspired them to do so. Why then our historians,
educated at Christian missionary schools, simply leave the identity
of the true culprit, which happens to be the Christian upbringing
and Christian ideology of those savage men? Their nationality
was not the real culprit, yet our people fail to realize that, or do
not want to realize that?
Have you ever wondered why Christians, after desecrating
images of Hindu gods, buried them under Christian altars?
Was it to get the feel of crushing Hinduism under their
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 84
The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception
is built on or beside this temple site, and the local
tradition is that the broken Lingam is hidden under an
altar in the church. The Christian practice of covering a
desecrated image or sacred stone with an altar is very
old and churches in England, France, Italy and Spain
that have been built on Pagan sites are found to contain
these images and other relics.
We may want to ask ourselves a question. Why did they bury
desecrated images under Christian altars? Was it to get the feel
of victory of Christianity over pagan civilizations? Was it to get
the feel of crushing existing religions under their feet? Was it
their quest for supremacy of Christianity that they were
Hinduism, on the other hand, provided shelter to refugee
Christians who arrived on our land, running away from the
persecution by Persian King Shaapur II [details later]. Hindus
gave them not only shelter but also land and grants to build
churches. Hinduism has been driven by the desire for quest of
Truth, not supremacy of religion and therefore, they did the
opposite of what these savage Christians did.
However, to put Hinduism at par with Christianity and Islam,
later day CommunistMarxistHistorians who took over the control
of central institutions like ICHR [Indian Council of Historical
Research] and NCERT [National Council for Educational Research
& Training] during Nehru dynasty, in particular Indira regime,
fabricated history to show that Hindu Braahmans destroyed
Buddhism in BhaaratVarsh', ignoring evidence [acknowledged by
Buddhists] that Hindu Braahmans carried on the show after
Buddhists fled the scene at the time of Muslim invasion, and
Hindu Braahmans handed back the site to Buddhists later. We
will get into those details in other publications about Islam. Islam’s
records are full of instances that it was Islam which destroyed
Buddhism in BhaaratVarsh', and that had been the accepted
version of history by all concerned, until these
CommunistMarxistCheats [titled as professors of JNU and AMU]
arrived on the scene to control all research and educational
facilities of the nation.
What about our own archaeologists? Don’t they have a duty
towards the nation? Should they not try to unearth left
over evidence? Granted that they are the product of
Christian missionary education system but have they sold
their souls? When German scholars can come to our land
and probe into such matters, why can’t our own people do
it? You will be able to do it only when you come out of that
Christianized mind set. When you learn to be proud of your
Hindu heritage, then you will attempt to reinstate it
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 91
They did not leave much evidence behind in the churches
they built on or near temple sites. But it is also true
that Bhaaratiya archaeologists have not studied Christian
churches as closely and in the same probing manner
that they have studied mosques and other Muslim
monuments. The exceptions are German scholars whose
work on Bhaaratiya churches is yet to be translated and
published in English. They assert that most sixteenth
and seventeenth century churches in BhaaratVarsh'
contain temple rubble and are built on temple sites.
In this context, earlier day Muslims had been more honest. They
did not try to hide what they did. Instead they recorded every
detail faithfully. They were actually proud of their actions because
they had been following the examples set by their Prophet
Mohammed. Christians were not that honest in this regard and
church authorities often tried to hide the evidence of destroyed
Hindu, Jain and Buddhist religious buildings. Hiding evidence and
fabricating history has been their specialty all along, right from
the beginning of Christianity. You will find plenty of evidence in
my future publications.
But our own archaeologists have a duty towards the nation. If
these invaders once abused our national heritage then our people
must find it out now. They must look closely and discover the
evidence, which would not have totally disappeared.
It may be true that most our people have missionary education,
and from the very childhood they have been brainwashed that
Christianity has been a great religion, and therefore, our people
may not feel inspired enough to investigate into the acts of these
rogues, who adopted cunning ways of doing what they did, and
then concealed their actions and projected an image as if they
were angels. Beware of such types more than barbarian Muslims
who did not hide what they did. However, present day Muslim
academics of BhaaratVarsh' equipped with their Christian
missionary education have also turned as cunning in hiding and
whitewashing evidence as Christians [details later].
What Christians did to Hindus, I may be able to pardon
that. They hid the truth from me, which also I may be able
to pardon. But they made me believe all my life (until I
myself probed into their history) that they were great
people, kind, loving. At the same time they spread venom
against Hinduism in every possible fraudulent manner, and
this was the limit! I am outraged looking at the height of
deceit. They used every possible means, not only education
system but also the media in every form. I don’t pardon
cheats of this magnitude!
I had no inkling of all this because the history I had been taught
in school told me nothing about it. Those who wrote the history
books, they hid the truth; in effect they lied to me. If they had
told me the truth I would have treated it as a matter of past and
resolved to prevent its repetition in future.
The truth of that past, which I would have otherwise ignored,
because I had no control over it - ‘that past’ has now been brought
into my present in form of a lie, a deceit, and that is why I am
outraged. The lie must be exposed. The truth must prevail.
Here again, we see our yet another historian, identifying
the true culprit with wrong name, and thereby diverting
our attention to the wrong enemy
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 81
M Arunaachalam: Portuguese sacked the famous
Tiruchendur Murugan Temple on the sea coast and threw
the idol into the sea. Sometime later, in 1654, the
chieftain Vadamalaiyappa Pillai of Tirunelveli salvaged
the idol from the sea and installed it at the present
Tiruchendur temple.
Here is yet another example of the influence of Christian
missionary education on Hindu psyche. We saw earlier K A
Nilakanta Shastri write about Portuguese, not about Christian.
Now we see another historian with Hindu sounding name M
Arunaachalam, who also says Portuguese, not Christian. He too
ignores the fact that it was not the Portuguese nationality but the
Christian faith that inspired them to sack the famous Tiruchendur
Murugan Temple.
Here are so many examples of desecration of Hindu temples
by Christians but we have been kept in dark all along.
Should all our history books not be rewritten? Should our
new generations not know the truth? Why must your
descendants live in a make-believe world dominated by
colossal mass of untruth and nothing but untruth?
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 81
M Arunaachalam: The Tirumalai Nayak Mahal [at
Madurai] is another example. Jealous of its magnificence,
the British began demolishing it, but public agitation
checked it and what we have today is only a part of
what was originally there.
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 82
British fired on the temples of Kalahasti in Andhra
Pradesh to intimidate the local populace. Victoria
Terminus in Bombay is built on the original site of city’s
famous Mumba Devi Temple. In Madras they obliterated
the small Hindu shrines that once stood inside Fort St
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 82
Henry Love: French used Hindu temples as barracks in
their military operations against the British. Between
1672 and 1674 at Madras [now Chennai] they fortified
the rebuild Kapaleeshwar Temple in Mylapore and
ParthSaarathy Temple in Triplicane when Golconda and
the Dutch besieged them.
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 86
M Arunaachalam: The Kapaleeshwar Temple at
Mylapore, Madras is a standing example of Christian
desecration. The great temple of Shiv was situated not
at its present site but at the site of present San Thome
Church even up to 16th century. It was demolished by
Portuguese vandals and their missionaries of that period
who erected their church on the site where the Hindu
temple originally stood. Rama Raya, the Vijayanagar
ruler, to save the Hindu temples, waged war on the
Portuguese in Mylapore and Goa simultaneously. The
Portuguese were defeated and he took a tribute from
them for their vandalism. But when the Vijayanagar
rule fell at the battle of Talikota (1565) before the
Mohammedans, the Portuguese continued their
demolition work.
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 86
R S Whiteway: When San Thome was held to ransom
for the intolerant acts of some Jesuits and Franciscans,
the Raja of Vijayanagar [Rama Raya who came to
Mylapore in 1559] kept such faith with the Portuguese
that, as one of them says, such humanity and
justice are not to be found among Christians.
Our magnanimity is wasted when it is bestowed on unworthy
recipients. It is important that we know these finer aspects of our
history that one of the ChristianPortuguese says [1559] such
humanity and justice are not to be found among Christians. It is
also important that we Hindus realize that our magnanimity is
wasted if it is bestowed on unworthy recipients, like, when the
Vijayanagar rule fell at the battle of Talikota (1565) before the
Mohammedans, the Portuguese continued their demolition work.
Something like this our Prime Minister Atal Behari Bajpayee is
trying with President Musharraf. This might earn Bajpayee a Nobel
Prize like Kissinger and Arafat but at what cost to the nation?
By and large Christians do not show any ethics. As we see from
the ChristianBritish history, as to how they gradually colonized
entire BhaaratVarsh', and also from the actions of
ChristianPortuguese, we would realize that power hungry
Christians are generally not trustworthy and, by and large, they
do not show any sense of ethics.
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 86
N Murugesa Mudaliar: Mylapore fell into the hands of
the Portuguese in 1566 when the temple suffered
demolition. The present temple was rebuilt around three
hundred years ago. There are some fragmentary
inscriptions from the old temple still found in the St.
Thomas Cathedral. Later devout Hindus built the present
temple of Mylapore at a different site, a few furlongs
west, out of what they could salvage from the ruins of
the old temple. A number of carved temple stones can
still be seen on the compound wall of the church.
Source: V R Ramachandra Dikshitar quoted in Tiru Mayil Kapaleecharam
Kumbhabisheka Malar 1982 quoted in The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore
Shiva Temple, p 86
V R Ramachandra Dikshitar: The great Shiv temple
covered the area now occupied by the palace of the
Roman Catholic bishop of Madras. This estate, on the
south side of San Thome Cathedral, still contains
scattered temple ruins and includes a museum.
Source: Dr R Nagaswamy, former Director of Archaeology, Tamil Naadu
Government, and present Director of the Indian Institute of Culture,
Testimony of Religious Ethos, The Hindu, Madras, 30 April 1990 quoted in
Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, pp 87-88
Dr R Nagaswamy: A few Chola records found in the San
Thome Cathedral and Bishop’s House refer to
Kapaleeshwar Temple. A Chola record in fragment found
on the east wall of the San Thome Cathedral refers to
the image of Lord Nataraaj [Shiv] of the Kapaleeshwar
temple. A fragmentary inscription, 12th century Chola
record in the San Thome Church region, refers to a Jain
temple dedicated to NeminaathSwami.
So, we see that Christians also destroyed Jain temple. But our
recent day Marxist historians love to attribute any such destruction
to Hindu Braahmans. They also destroyed Buddhist temples.
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 91
Dr Nagaswamy, in The Hindu article Testimony of
Religious Ethos mentions the finding of Buddhist relics
and a mutilated Buddha image in Mylapore. The Chola
period image is now in the Madras Museum.
Source: Historian T R de Souza quoted by MD David in Western Colonialism
Asia and Christianity, quoted in The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore
Temple, p 81
T R de Souza: At least from 1540 onwards
and in the island of Goa before that year,
all Hindu idols had been annihilated or
had disappeared, all the temples had
been destroyed and their sites and
building material were in most cases utilized
to erect new Christian churches and chapels.
Here is something truly amusing, that is, Oxford dictionary
definition of a Christian as one who is decent, kind and
fair; isn’t it a joke of the millennium?
Here is how Oxford dictionary defines the term ‘Christian’. It
sounds more like a joke, looking at the conducts of Christians
and their history!
Source: Oxford Dictionary p 325
Christian: having or showing qualities
associated with Christians, especially
those of decency, kindness, and fairness
We have seen above the characters and actions of Popes and
Saints of Christianity. At times they have demonstrated that
animals have better ethics than them.
In light of this, the description above in Oxford Dictionary sounds
more like a joke!
• Do you see any decency in the acts of 1st Pope, Pope
Alexander VI, St Xavier, Vasco da Gama, or any other whose
actions are described above?
• Do you see any kindness or fairness in their actions?
• Were they not Christians?
• Actually, they were champions of Christianity!
It appears that Christians themselves have given them all those
adjectives, which they did not possess. After all, the dictionary is
also written and edited by Christians. Hope, someday non-
Christians will write the true meaning of the word ‘Christian’ for
that dictionary!
Now you need to witness something very disturbing, that
is Christians have not changed, they are very much same
today and they treat Hindu gods with (no less than before)
distasteful and violent disrespect, and they do it here in
BhaaratVarsh', even today, wherever they are more in
number; so, those of you, who have been merrily snoring,
thinking that those bad Christian conducts are a matter of
past, are here for a jolt: on 13 August 2003 Christians did
shit on Shiv Lingam at the instigation of a Christian priest
Source: Christians commit sacrilege, S V Badri, Hindu Voice, Sept 2003,
pp 40-
This morning (13th August
2003) I received a SOS from one
Mrs Gunasekaran, village
Kovilancheri, Kaanchi district,
Tamil Naadu. She informed me
that the Shiv Lingam was
desecrated by the Christians.
Somebody used it as toilet seat.
And had garlanded Shiv with
torn chappals! She was in tears.
And the entire Hindu community
in the village was shocked beyond
We drove to Kovilancheri. By the time we reached the
spot, despite our prior request not to tamper with the
Lingam so we could take a few photographs of the
vandalism, the Inspector of Police, Salaiyur, Shri
Krishnamurthy had the place cleaned (his argument was
he could not stand the sight and had wanted it to be
cleaned instantly).
The Hindus in the village gathered in large numbers
(women outnumbered men 2:1).
We did the following: 1. Made the villagers draft a
complaint to the police in the letterhead of Grama Nala
Sangham. 2. Complaint to the Collector of Kaanchi, Shri
Venkatesan, IAS, was drafted by Hindu Munnani and
faxed, copy sent to CM cell. 3. Performed a Shuddhi of
the ShivLingam and later an Abhishekam and
Apart from informing all Hindu leaders instantly, I also
contacted the SP of Kaanchi, Shri Sankar, IPS, with a
request to visit the site personally, which he did. We
described to him the background of the village: of how
the Church had come illegally on the temple land; of
how the temple land was used as inducement to convert
unsuspecting Dalit families to Christianity. We showed
him the church that was barely 100 meters away from
the ShivLingam. The SP ordered the Inspector of Police
for a thorough investigation of the case, after registering
a FIR. He assured us that he would directly follow this
Letter to the Chief Minister of Tamil Naadu “Madam,
Kovilancheri is a village close to Mambakkam, Chennai
and comes under the Kaanchipuram district.
There is an 800 plus year old ShivLingam, open to sky
and uncared for. Though the Shiv owns close to 7.5
acres of land, as per village records (Village 58 -
Kovilancheri - Survey: 101/2). The village consists
predominantly of Vanniars with Dalits outnumbering
them in the colony.
100 meters away from the ShivLingam, a Church had
suddenly sprung up, almost a year ago. The Pastor of
the church is: Mathew Munuswamy and the President
of the organization is: James Santhosam. The church is
called Samadhana Prabhu Oozhiyargal (Telephone Office
24941765 and Residence 24661372).
The church had not only come illegally on the temple
land but has also used the temple land as inducement
to lure the helpless Dalit members embrace Christianity
by offering them the temple land for ‘enjoyment’. Close
to 50 families have thus been converted.
Now, look at the trick, and this is not the only example, I have
come across many. They have kept the name of the organization
as Samadhana Prabhu Oozhiyargal. Prabhu is a very common
term used by Hindus practically on a day-to-day basis. God is
often remembered as Prabhu! Samadhana is a Hindu term
meaning peace in Tamil, not a Christian term. So, what we see
here that they work under the disguise of a name, which sounds
Hindu name. And, they do anti-Hindu acts. Christian educated
English media does not care to report these events at all, and if
they do, they report part information, without any mention of
their being Christians, which would give readers impression that
the mischief was done by a Hindu organization. This would create
anti-Hindu sentiments. This would divide Hindus as they would
think that it is Hindus who do such anti-Hindu acts. We often get
to read articles by champions of Hinduism blaming Hindus alone.
In this manner Hindus themselves play a pawn in the hands of
these conspirators, and those champions themselves as Hindus
do no understand this Christian game plan.
[Note: after reading the previous edition of this book one gentleman
wrote to
me: letters 17 September 2004, 6 October 2004 and 20 October 2004]:
Do you know that the Holy Bible is called Satya Ved
Pustakam in Malayaalam? It is a bigger fraud.
The Christian Priest is called Vaidikan which, when
loosely translated into English, means One who is expert
in the Veds [Vedas].
The Sunday School is called Veda Talam Class in
I saw a Christian monastery behind ISKON Bangalore
and it was named Sat Chit Aanand Bhavan.
There is a famous church in Bangalore which is called
Dharma Ram Church in which you could see Jesus Christ
sitting in PadmAasan.
Behind Dharma Ram premises which runs into several
acres I noticed a Christian seminary and nun’s hostel
near it. It is named OMI BHAVAN.
Now please do not get into one of those favorite self-deceptive
fits that ‘Look! Christians are adopting Hindu ways’. If you do all
you will do is to fool yourself. They change their attire based on
what suits them when. It is somewhat similar to that lizard like
creature (I forget its name) which changes its color as per season
(or as the need be, whatever). Their cloak is only to attract Hindus
into their fold. Then as they are in, deferent stories are given to
them. Example: Veds evolved from Jesus and all such nonsense.
Fabrication is an area in which Christians have considerable hold.
Returning to the earlier theme, we see from the above description
Samadhana Prabhu Oozhiyargal that Christianity not only resorts
to illegal and unfair means but also attempts to create unnecessary
friction through mischievous acts.
Now this particular act of shitting on the ShivLingam is not only
mischievous - it would be very mild to describe it so. Despite this
Hindus kept their calm. Had they resorted to revenge could you
have blamed them?
Christians did it to Romans two thousand years ago, as we will
learn soon. They have ‘not’ changed a bit in two thousand years.
But we do ‘not’ come to know because ‘media’ does not cover
these facts. These men and women who cover the news are
product of same Christian missionary education system. They
probably do not see anything wrong in these acts. They also have
a good excuse that making such news public would create
communal disharmony. Under this pretext, they continue to hide
the true character of Christians of today.
Would you consider this pardonable? Newly converted Christians
are instigated by their so-called ‘Fathers’, who are basically rogues,
a bunch of scoundrels. These so-called Dalits who lived in the
same village for centuries wouldn’t do something so horrendous
by themselves, but for the instigation of these scoundrels whom
Christianity calls Priests. Don’t tell me, Christian sentiments are
hurt by name-calling. Where were you when Hindu feelings were
hurt by such lousy actions? If we look at the characters of Saints
and Popes of Christianity we will have no doubts left as to what
those down the line would be like - I am talking about their
That wasn’t the only incidence; if only, we were to start
looking we will find many more; here is just another one
of them. So long Christians live in Hindu surroundings they
are ‘gentleman’. The moment they develop their own
neighborhood and if a Hindu comes to live there, they want
the Hindu to stop observing their religious requirements,
or leave the neighborhood. When they become a Christian
nation like America, they even pass law to fine Hindus if
they were to fly their religious flag! The problem is that
our Christian educated Bhaaratiya journalists and editors
with special agendas have no appetite to bring out truth to
Source: P Deivamuthu, Editor, Hindu Voice, September 2003, p 26
Malvani village is a suburb in
Mumbai, predominantly occupied
by Christians. A Hindu family,
which came to reside in that area
is being harassed by the residents.
The Hindu family’s only
mistake is that they are
Hindus and observe all Hindu
Shri Elaya Thambi and his wife Radhamani
bought a residential Room No 3/3 Ankit
Cottage, Malvani Village, Malaad West,
Mumbai 400 095, in 1998. They decided to
shift to this room, along with their two
children - a daughter and a son. Their
trouble started the moment they decided
to enter the premises. As is the case with
all Hindus, they decided to have a Yagya on
the day of GrihaPravesh. For this purpose,
they engaged a Purohit and made grand
arrangements for the pooja. On the day of
GrihaPravesh with Yagya, her Christian
neighbors entered the room.
They objected to them for performing the
pooja, which according to them, is satanic.
They objected to the smoke emanating from
the Yagya. Even incense sticks were not
allowed to be lighted. Placing of Tulsi pot
near the entrance was also objected to.
Ringing of Pooja bells was not allowed. They
even threatened the Purohit with dire
consequences, which made him run away
from the place, leaving all his Pooja
accessories. Smt Radhamani was attacked
with sticks.
The main objection of the
Christians was that this was a
Christian locality and only
Christian and Western
festivals are allowed. They
told them in no uncertain
terms that they should either
become Christians or leave the
place, selling it to a Christian.
More than Elaya Thambi, it was Radhamani who was
more stubborn in opposing the Christians. She insisted
on her rights to live as a free citizen in a democratic
country. This brought her untold miseries.
Her 16 year old daughter has been chased many times,
while on her way to school, by some of her Christian
neighbors and their associates. They are making vulgar
and obscene postures to her, which still continues.
Her 8 year old son has been kidnapped a few times.
However, he was saved by the timely intervention of
friends and well-wishers.
Smt Radhamani has made several complaints to the
Malvani police station and also to the Asst Commissioner
of Police. While the complaints were registered, no action
has been taken by the Police, and Smt Radhamani
continues to receive threats and anonymous telephone
calls at odd times. She has even lodged a complaint
with the Mahila & Crime Protection Cell. Her written
complaint to the Rev Father, St Anthony Church, Malvani
Village, for intervening in the matter has also been
Frustrated at the noncooperation from all concerned,
Smt Radhamani has finally decided to take up the matter
to the court. She has filed a writ petition in the Mumbai
High Court, requesting the Court to order the Malvani
Police Station to take stringent action against the
culprits, so that she can live peacefully.
As VHP activist, I along with my colleague in Malaad
went to their place and met this family. After narrating
the series of incidents, they provided me with a bunch
of papers-Xerox copies of complaints to the Police station
and petition to the Court. I studied the entire papers
and made this story.
Now let look at the chronology. Problem started in 1998. Five
years later it appeared in print when Hindu Voice published it.
Since then two years have passed. While updating this edition, I
wrote to Shri Deivamuthu if he was aware of any further
Source: P Deivamuthu, Email 10 February 2005
A few months back there was a fight between the lady
and other Christians. The Lady was thrashed by
Christians, and she went to VHP office at Grant Road to
complain. I am not aware of anything more. I am also
not aware of the fate of the court case.
If in a small locality in the outskirts of Mumbai, this can
happen, then what would happen if a large part of
BhaaratVarsh' were to become Christian?
Do you see, that in this Hindu land BhaaratVarsh', Hindus cannot
perform GrihaPravesh Pooja (religious ceremonies while occupying
a new house) if it happens to be a Christian dominated locality?
Do we Hindus do such things to Christians in Hindu dominated
O, my fellow Hindus, how long do you wish to remain
apathetic towards these happenings just because this did
not happen to your own family? How long do you wish to
feel complacent and console yourself being tolerant and
keep ignoring such happenings that are unfair, unjust, and
a significant threat to Hinduism?
Do you notice that Police Commissioner did not take action; Father
of the Church did not take action. Try to think, why? Do you
realize that they treat you Hindus as a boneless community, which
can be ignored and sidetracked? Don’t you realize that your socalled
tolerance is perceived as your cowardice? Don’t you realize
that Paandavs consistently tolerated atrocities of Kauravs, did
not stand up against them in-time, and finally Shri Bhagawaan
Krishn had to tell Arjun to lift his Gaandeev and set in pace the
historic battle of MahaaBhaarat? Tolerating unfairness beyond a
limit can make a volcano erupt one day!
Christianity and Islam believe in keeping their minds shut,
stay within closed walls of a dark room, and keep all
windows tightly shut so that no light penetrates even by
Hindu Rig’Ved I.89.1 Let felicitous thoughts come to us from every
Hindu Rig’Ved III.62.10 Gaayatri Mantr: I pay homage to the
supreme grandeur of the divine light, that it may inspire our intellect.
Felicitous (core sense) well chosen or suited to the circumstances;
(sub sense) pleasing and fortunate.
Hinduism believes in letting the light come from every direction,
the light of knowledge, the light of truth. But then, Christianity
and Islam do not. Let us look at one example, as to how it works
with Christianity at lower levels (common people), and then, see
how that gets translated in to the thought process of those at the
higher levels (distinguished spokespersons) of Christianity.
Hindu children are encouraged to read material about
Christianity but Christians reprimand their children if they
want to learn anything good about Hinduism
I am reminded of a personal episode, which I did not pay attention
then, but now I see the connection. It was year 2000; I lived in
Nerul, Navi Mumbai. A lady used to cook meals for me. She used
to bring her 9-10 year old daughter with her, always. Her daughter
would sit in a corner of the living room while her mother did the
cooking in the kitchen. One day this lady brought me some booklet
of Jehovah. She wanted me to read it and she wanted to bring
her preacher to talk to me later. I did not read the book because
I had already seen plenty of them in Canada, and known what
they generally contain, but out of politeness, I never told her
that I did not read it. One day I gave to her daughter one of my
favorite books to read. It was published by Ramakrishna Mission
and it contained few short stories for young children. I loved this
book, even at this age, for its simple manner in which valuable
lessons were conveyed to the children, such lessons that were
equally significant to we adults. One of the stories I particularly
remember was that of Ganesh as a child, and his mother Paarvati
[Sri Ramakrishna tells Stories - God resides in everyone]. By a
small incidence mother Paarvati teaches the lesson to child Ganesh
that God resides in everyone, without exception, even in animals.
Fatima, the daughter, was reading the story with interest, while
Jennifer (earlier name Jeenat), the mother, came out of kitchen
and took the book away from her daughter, and slightly
reprimanded her for reading it.
I couldn’t realize the significance of this at that time, because I
was so very ignorant of the true nature of Christian faith. Now
that I have read some parts of the Christian Bible, and learned
how Christian God forbids Christians from any exposure to other
religions, particularly to those who worship idols, and he insists
that Christians must destroy those religions and their followers,
as long as they live on this earth, I can understand the action by
the Christian mother, in trying to stop the Christian child from
the very childhood from getting to read anything of Hinduism,
howsoever good for humanity that lesson may have been.
But at the same time, I find my young Hindu relatives bringing
home from their Christian schools the books about Christianity,
which the students are encouraged to read. So, as you see, it is
one-way traffic. No question of exchange, it is only imposing one
on the other, that’s it! In a Christian school, Christian prayers can
be uttered but Hindu prayers cannot be, though most students
would be Hindu. Now, my fellow Hindus, don’t you see the
impending threat to your religion in these designs?
Or, you do not want to see? Has your mental impotence grown to
such a degree that you have become totally indifferent to such
one-way games that cannot be said to be fair, but you seem to
have no concern left for fairness towards yourself. Do you only
want to be fair to others, but not to yourself? Are your all duties
are towards others, none towards yourself? Am I teaching you to
be selfish, would you say? Has common sense left you totally?
Has Gandhi and the likes made you totally incapable of thinking
independently? Haven’t you ever learned a few lessons in selfdefense?
Now let us go back into their past and see how they were
in earlier days, and learn the true reason from Arthur
Frederick Ide as to why Rome turned against the
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, pp 119-120
Arthur Frederick Ide: One primary reason
Rome turned against the Christians was that
Christians were violently intolerant.
Christians would not accept altars to gods
other than their own even though the
Romans offered an altar to the Christian
god. Christians spat upon those who would
not convert. They hid documents.
They alienated families. They
prayed for the end of the empire
and the enthronement of their god
as the new king. These were
actions, which were socially
disconcerting, disrupting, and
It was a news to me from H G Wells, and so may be to
many of you, that almost every country in Europe, except
England, at one time or another, been provoked to expel
the Jesuits, so forget all those lies you have been told about
how good Christians were, and start wondering as to why
England happened to be the only exception?
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 121 fn
H G Wells: Almost every country
in Europe except England had
at one time or another been
provoked to expel the Jesuits,
and … their obdurate persistence
in evildoing continues to this
So we see that almost every country in Europe found it necessary,
at one time or other, to kick Christians out. This could not have
been by accident. Hindu BhaaratVarsh' has treated them better.
And if you want to know how Christians have treated Hindu
BhaaratVarsh', please see subsequent volumes of this work.
Here the interesting point to note is that it was only England,
which never felt it necessary to kick Christians out. What could
be the reason? Is it because they were more Christian than rest
of the others? Probably, yes. Probably, that is why only they
could create a British Empire that stood next to Christian Empire,
in its magnitude. Do you see the analogy?
T G Percival Spear, reputed Cambridge historian, describes
Roman Catholicism, as a tradition of intolerance in context
of BhaaratVarsh'
Source: T G Percival Spear, reputed Cambridge historian, commenting on
Portuguese in BhaaratVarsh' in an Encyclopedia Britannica article, quoted
in The
Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, pp 118-119
T G Percival Spear: Then came
Roman Catholicism, which today
has perhaps 5,000,000 followers
and an array of churches,
convents, and colleges all over
BhaaratVarsh'. A by-product has
been a tradition of intolerance,
which still lingers.
A reputed Cambridge historian has thus spoken of the intolerance
amongst Christians in BhaaratVarsh'. Hindus need to take a note
of that. It is not Hindus who divided the Bhaaratiya society; it is
Christians and Muslims who did it. We will provide ample evidence
thereof in our forthcoming works.
Why is it that Thomas Jefferson declared Christian God as
cruel, vindictive, capricious and unjust?
Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826) 3rd President of the US 1801-9. He
played a key role in the American leadership during the War of
Independence and was principal drafter of the Declaration of
Independence (1776) Oxford Dictionary p 979
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 120
Percival Spear’s remarks about a
‘tradition of intolerance’ is
unfortunately true to Christianity
itself. Jesus was the first
religious teacher in history to
threaten those who did not agree
with him with eternal
damnation. This is the only
original idea that he contributed
to the world’s vast body of
religious thought, and in two
millennia it has destroyed
nations and whole civilizations
and caused Thomas Jefferson to
declare, “The Christian God is
cruel, vindictive, capricious
and unjust”
Damnation condemnation to eternal punishment in hell [ p 463].
Eternal lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning [p
631]. Capricious given to sudden and unaccountable changes of
mood or behavior [p 271]. Unjust not based on or behaving according
to what is normally right and fair [p 2024]. Vindictive having or
showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge [ p 2062]. Oxford
Don’t you see how aptly Thomas Jefferson has described Christian
God? You can visualize the character of the Christian God from
the followers of the characters of the Christian God. Christian
followers try to imbibe in themselves the character of the Christian
God. Their conducts themselves reveal such character, disregard
how much they try to hide it or cover it up with nice goody-goody
words. A question to my Hindu fellow beings: Do you want your
children to be raised to become one of them? Remember that the
time they spend in their Christian school, outside home with friends
from such Christian schools, inside home in front of television
that throws up plenty of Christianized thoughts and ideas of the
script writers (they don’t mention that these are Christianized
thoughts because they themselves do not realize that these are,
nor do you realize because when you see or hear a thing again
and again, over and again, you feel as if it is all part of you,
nothing alien about it), the thrust presented by the TV serial
directors who have also graduated from those Christian schools,
all these together leave much deeper impression on your children’s
psyche as compared to the little time they spend with their parents
in today’s environment.
Arthur Frederick Ide tells us that Christian were not
executed for their faith but only after their actions were
seen as riot inducing, treasonous, detrimental to the family
unit and especially dangerous to children
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 120
Arthur Frederick Ide: Contrary to the
Christian apologist Justin, the Christians
were not dispatched from this life because
they were Christians.
Christians were executed only
after their actions (not their
beliefs) were seen as riot
inducing, treasonous, and
detrimental to the family unit,
and especially dangerous to
the children.
No wonder the family unit has been so fast disintegrating in
Christian society, and its ill effect is also showing up on Hindu
society, which has been under Christian education for six
generations now.
As for their actions being treasonous no more evidence is needed
than what they did to Hindus after they came to BhaaratVarsh' as
refugees from Syria and Hindu rulers gave them land, grants and
privileges. They lived on Hindu land for centuries and then, when
Vasco da Gama arrived, they approached him and asked him to
wage war against Hindus [details later].
Christians did not understand the meaning of the word loyalty in
those days, nor do they understand it now. In ChristianWest, in
their corporate organism, there is nothing like the word loyalty.
That disease is fast spreading in Bhaaratiya corporate world as
well, and we are so very proud of that culture now. But now that
they are in power, which often they acquired by illegitimate means
(take the history of BhaaratVarsh' or of Native Americans or of
Native Canadians or of Native New Zealanders or of Native
Australians), and being in power they have white-washed their
records and presented them differently by use of media and money
Well, lessons for Hindus are here everywhere, but are we
willing to learn from the past, and the present? Are we
alert about what is going on around us? Bhaaratiya media
men and women infected with Christian education won’t
bring you the truth of today, so do not live under the
mistaken impression that newspapers and magazines tell
you all that you need to know, and for a change start
reading books that bring you hidden truth at a substantial
It is not enough to grieve that Hindu community is so helpless in
a predominantly Hindu nation. Nothing will substantially change
until Hindus emerge united and powerful.
Powerful does not mean, one has to demonstrate power by
suppressing the weak, for instance, President Bush’s recent show
of strength in Iraq. True to his Christian heritage of duplicity, he
spoke of WMDs while eyeing at Oil Wealth. Christian appetite for
power and money is phenomenal.
To be strong, one has to be united. Strength has to be visible
characteristic that others should come to respect with veneration.
To be so, one has to be truly strong. To be strong, one has to be
Hindus have not been united in the manner Muslims and Christians
were. It was good and bad. It was good because they did not
impose Hinduism on others by force or coercion as did (and still
do), the Muslims and the Christians. It was bad because Hindus
could not wholly resist the barbaric and cunning onslaught by
these two. That does not mean you need to turn evil like Muslims,
Christians and Communists (FakeSecularists). At the same time,
you need to realize that now the water has crossed the level of
the neck. If Hindus do not unite now Hinduism will soon be
drowning. Do not be overconfident.
Do not say if we have survived thousand years we should continue
to survive another thousand. Survival with dignity and survival
of the ‘good’ is important. Today ‘good’ has become weaker and
‘bad’ has become stronger. No point saying ‘it is KaliYug’. While
you may not be able to turn the course of the events fully, you
are certainly not so very ‘impotent’ that you cannot even resist
the evil.
Earlier Hinduism faced the onslaught from barbarians like Muslims
who knew the only language of sword, cannon, rape, and murder.
All this could not destroy Hinduism. Instead, it encouraged them
to resist with all their might. Finally, Muslims were almost
exhausted and Mogul rule was on its last leg.
But there are some Hindus who must find fault with Hindus alone
for Muslim and Christian rule. These people are one of the many
enemies of Hindus, because they only try to inject inferiority
complex amongst Hindus. They would say, Hindus were not
technologically advanced enough to fight these two, or Hindus
were too complacent to meet the onslaught, and so on.
To let these skeptic fools acquire some wisdom, herein below we
have some information about Hindu past. From these few
examples given below they should try to understand Hindu
character a little better, and if they feel that they know not enough
then they can refer to chapter one of Arise Arjun awaken my
Hindu nation.
When they condemn Hindus, they do not realize that our Christian
Education System has made them silent admirers of Aasuric
religion Christianity and its imbedded traits, making them vocal
assaulter of Hinduism. These people either speak so out of their
own deep sense of inferiority complex that the Christian education
system has successfully built in them, or, as the silent admirers
of Christian thought process, they speak from the vanity of feeling
superior compared to the rest of the Hindus.
Source: Mehren, Manuel de la Cosmographie du moyen age, traduction de
din Abou Abdallah de Damas, Paris, Leroux, 1874, p 391, quoted in INDIA
what it can teach us? p 257
Max Muller: Again in the thirteenth century, Shems-ed
din Abu Abdallah quotes the following judgment of Bedi
ezr Zenan:
Bedi ezr Zenan: The Bhaaratiyas (*Hindus)
are innumerable, like grains of sand, free
from all deceit and violence. They fear
neither death nor life.
Source: Samuel Johnson, India, p 294, quoted INDIA what it can teach us?
p 52
Max Muller: In the 16th century, Abul Fazl, the minister
of the Emperor Akbar, says in his Aayine Akbari:
Abul Fazl: The Hindus are religious, affable,
cheerful, lovers of justice, given to
retirement, able in business, admirers of
truth, grateful and of unbounded fidelity;
and their soldiers know not what it is
to fly from the field of battle.
It was the time when Hindus could have recovered from the
accumulated fatigue of thousand-year war with Muslims, but
around that time came the Christians. Christians were a mix of
barbarism and cunning of high order.
While it is necessary that Hindus must unite, it would not be
possible until Hindus have adequate awareness of what is truly
happening around them.
Unfortunately Hindu leaders do not keep Hindus well informed.
Many Hindu preachers/leaders are themselves so very ignorant
about the facts that they tend to often pass on their ignorance to
millions, in form of glorifying Christianity and Islam. I have
overheard three of them (Hindu preachers - I won’t take names
because that is not the purpose here) occasionally influencing
millions every morning (year 2003 on hired TV channels, again
2005) with wrong facts about Christianity and Islam.
These ignorant Hindu preachers do no less harm to Hinduism.
Before becoming preachers and start hiring television channel
for broadcast using their devotees’ money, they need to study
well Islam and Christianity from authentic sources and then verify
for themselves what they have learned, if they must speak about
these religions. Otherwise, they can avoid mention of these
religions, which they don’t understand very well.
Awareness of facts is the first thing that we need. Reading facts
once, and then forgetting them, won’t work. Facts have to be
brought out repeatedly and frequently that they leave a permanent
impression on Hindu psyche. This has to be done on war footing.
Organizational support is a must. Financial support is exceedingly
important in today’s media driven world. Resourceful Hindus all
over the world must put in whatever they can afford.
Now let us take a detour and learn about some of Dalit
game played by Christian missionaries
Today most families have become single families, except
prosperous business families where common business interest
keeps them together under Hindu joint family system. This singlefamily
system has been promoted by ChristianEnglish education
system through past several generations, and this supposedly
beneficial system has now spread all over Hindu society like
At this point, please do not get into argument that Dalits are not
part of Hindu society. This particular topic needs a separate and
detailed discussion on its own merit. The subject will be addressed
in depth in subsequent volumes of this work.
Since it has become fashionable to discuss only the demerits of
Hindu joint family system, there is a need to take a microscopic
look at the Christian single-family system and its demerits.
Someday, I will demonstrate with ample real life examples that
this Christian system, which Jesus advocated, happens to be the
worst nuisance to the institution of family. Jesus had claimed
that he had come to the world to split the family and put each
family member against the other, a fact that Christian missionaries
hide very carefully lest their true face becomes visible. By injecting
this separatist attitude, Jesus has done one of the greatest harms
to the humanity. Most people today are the product of Christian
education system and therefore, they fail to see anything wrong
in this disease that Christianity has spread, because Christianity,
true to its character, only shows the half-truth.
Let us go back to the event we described earlier, about Christians
using Shiv Lingam as toilet seat on 13 August 2003. S V Badri in
his letter to the Chief Minister of Tamil Naadu mentioned that the
village consisted predominantly of Vanniars with Dalits
outnumbering them in the colony. Let us think for a moment why
are Dalits more in number?
First we go by modern logic. Economically poorer section of our
society is often known to have one primary source of
entertainment, and that is sex. This gives rise to greater number
of children in the family. Dominant male member in such families
are often known to indulge in drinking habits. It happens to be
the general pass time at the end of the day when woman of the
family is busy in the kitchen.
Being single-family system there are no elders in controlling
position to restrict such liquor indulging habits. The influence of
liquor robs one of logic and sense. The result is simple. One does
what one pleases. The sex becomes often the cheapest mode of
entertainment. End result is larger family. Larger family adds to
the economic woes but influence of liquor habit keeps one
indifferent towards the growing menace. The process leads to
outnumbering more sensible section of the society. Over a period
of time the ratio becomes very high.
Christian missionaries, supported by CommunistMarxist
Intellectuals and FakeSecularist politicians gladly blame this tilting
of scale to atrocities by other class naming them Hindus, and
naming the rest as Dalits (oppressed). This is how they divide
the society, create animosity, lure towards conversion into
Christianity stating a blatant lie that there would be no more
disparity after conversion, and thus, the game goes on.
Hindus need to wake up, recognize this game plan, which has
been working silently against them for centuries. Now it has grown
to such proportions that the Hindu society has started bleeding
towards death. Unless the Hindu society wakes up soon, and
united-together acts to counter this move effectively, it would
continue to bleed Hindu society till death.
We will discuss in depth on this issue in our forthcoming book,
which offers a vastly different perspective on the issue of
untouchability, and we will see how right from 16th century
onwards, Christian missionaries had been practicing this.
So far we have spoken of modern logic, which is understood and
accepted with relative ease. Now let us look at the ancient logic,
which is based on the Laws of Creation, simply described in today’s
language ‘Mother Nature’s balancing system’.
Visualize a gigantic wheel and identify a point on it. You will
notice that as the wheel moves on, this particular point that you
have identified also moves on. You see it on the top, you see it on
the horizon, and you see it at the bottom.
In a human society, the family of birth becomes a determining
factor. A person who is born in an American or European family
is generally more prosperous today than a person who is born in
a Bhaaratiya family. Centuries ago, before Columbus and Vasco
Da Gama set their sails in search of the land of plenty;
BhaaratVarsh', the golden bird, the story was different. In those
days, a person who was born in a Bhaaratiya family was essentially
far more prosperous than a person who was born in an American
or European family.
Nature has a slow but essentially a balancing phenomenon. The
wheel moves on and the top reaches the bottom and the bottom
reaches the top. This process is identifiable through human actions.
The human becomes an instrument in giving shape to Nature’s
designs. In this case, Christianized English were the instrument.
British, who were essentially Christians, arrived in BhaaratVarsh'
centuries ago, and through their cunning (not uprightness),
through their deception (not honesty), they acquired the
imperialistic control over this nation, a desire that is something
ingrained in the blood stream of Christianity, and a methodology
that is consistently practiced by them all over the globe. Over
150 years they converted the richest known land on the earth
into one of the poorest. This is, so far, the greatest contribution
of the Christianity driven British to the humanity. A nation that
calls itself Great(?) Britain!
They robbed this nation, culturally and economically, but they
taught Bhaaratiya people that they made us civilized. After all,
they are the one who define what should be the contemporary
meaning of being civilized!
Macaulayite Education system was in essence ‘Christian’
education system, which had one special motive amongst
many, as written by Macaulay in his letter to his father,
that through this education system he aimed at eliminating
idolaters (Hindus), much the same way as Bible speaks of
eliminating idolaters (who worship idols) with one
difference that Macaulay wore the mask of ‘civilized’
whereas Bible spoke of it more in a barbaric fashion
Macaulay’s Education system, for all practical purposes, was run
by Christian missionaries. Admit it or not, it was essentially a
Christianity driven education system.
As you continue your journey with me, you will learn that the
very foundation of Christianity lies on a big fraud, and the whole
structure of Christianity is erected on frauds after frauds.
Truth is something, which you may find hard to locate in
Christianity’s history. However, they made it a point to talk about
truthfulness a lot, as often as they could, indicating their immense
love for truthfulness. As a result of this, those who heard them,
naturally carried the impression that those, who admire
truthfulness so much, they themselves must be very truthful.
Christianity has acquired, over the years, great skills in lying
successfully by use of money and media. They have one motto,
you may be a thief, but you are not a thief until you are caught
and proved. In fact, they went one step ahead. You are not a
thief until majority of people believe that you are a thief. It hardly
matters, whether you are caught and it is proved, or not!
The Vatican was caught laundering drug money [details later]
but most people do not know about it. Mother Teresa was loaded
with crime money. She did not use this crime money for helping
the poor of Calcutta [details later]; standing on whose shoulders
she managed the Nobel Prize. But most people know nothing
about it, so she has been put on fast track to Sainthood!
Thus, they can be liars, they can be thieves, they may be caught
red handed, charges proved, but so long as they can manage to
hush up the things by use of their enormous money and purchased
media, they are saintly people respected by the world, and they
are the guides to the humanity giving it directions for the future!
Do we need to wonder, in which direction [details later] the
humanity would move under their able stewardship?
Macaulay provides evidence of his Christian thought in his own
words when he says “there will not be a single idolater among
the respectable classes in Bengal thirty years hence.” He uses
the word idolater. The fifth book of the Bible is Deuteronomy.
Section 13 of Deuteronomy has been titled, “Idolaters to be put
to death” An idolater is one who worships an idol, that is, a Hindu.
And, Macaulay prophecy came true in less than 50 years,
only two generations were sufficient to turn the table
Source: Michel Danino quoted in IndiaCause Newsletter 17 August 2003
That was what Macaulay, again, summarized best when he proudly
wrote his father in 1836: “Our English schools are flourishing
wonderfully.... It is my belief that if our plans of education are
up, there will not be a single idolater among the respectable classes
in Bengal thirty years hence.”
This reminded me of “M” about whom Aldous Huxley writes in his
foreword to The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna “Never have the casual
and unstudied utterances of a great religious teacher been set
down with so minute fidelity. Making good use of his natural gifts
and the circumstances in which he found himself, “M” produced a
book unique, so far as my knowledge goes, in the literature of
hagiography.” Aldous Huxley, Foreword, pp v.
Hagiography the writing of the lives of saints Oxford Dictionary p
Who was “M”? Aldous Huxley describes: “M”, as the author
modestly styles himself, was peculiarly qualified for his task. Ref:
Aldous Huxley, Foreword, pp v. His name was Mahendra Nath
Gupta. He was the headmaster/principal of Vidya Saagar School.
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna was originally recorded in Bengali,
in five volumes, by M. Later it was translated into English, also
by Swami Nikhilananda [1895-1973] founder of Ramakrishna-
Vivekananda Center, New York, USA.
The dairy of “M” recorded (in February 1882) the details of his
first argument with the Master.
Source: The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, p 80
“But, sir,” he said to the Master, “one should explain to
those who worship the clay image that it is not God,
and that, while worshipping it, they should have God in
view and not the clay image. One should not worship
This tells us that Macaulay’s prophecy did become a reality in
less than 50 years time. He had mentioned, “There will not be a
single idolater among the respectable classes in Bengal thirty
years hence.” And, “M” (being the headmaster/principal of
respected Vidya Saagar School) is a befitting example. His dairy
recorded this event forty-five years after Macaulay wrote to his
Now meet some worthy children of Macaulay and peep into
their minds
On Thursday evening, 15 January 2004, I was at Birla Maatushri
Hall at Church Gate in Mumbai. I heard the distinguished speaker
say, Jawaharlal Nehru used to say: I am a Hindu by accident.
Now that I sit down to write these lines, this thought occurs to
me, and I shall be blatant disregarding the harshness of word
chosen in this context. I would want to share with you the
thoughts, honestly, as they surfaced my mind, though some may
argue that it crosses the limits of decency when we speak of
someone so celebrated a personality as Jawaharlal Nehru.
Coming back to his feelings that he was born a Hindu by accident!
Had he have a bit of intelligence, Jawaharlal would have realized
that it was not his misfortune, but the misfortune of the Hindu
community that he was born a Hindu. Till today, Hindu community
is paying the price for his birth in Hindu community, and it will
many-many years before the damage he has done can be rectified.
What better can be expected of someone (Jawaharlal) who was
born of a father like Motilal Nehru? The speaker at Birla Maatushri
narrated yet another instance. Motilal had been to Europe. He
checked in a hotel. He was asked to write his name, religion and
other details in the register maintained for guests at the hotel.
He wrote his name, his religion as Hindu, and added an
unwarranted comment that it was because of his sins of earlier
births that he was born a Hindu.
Motilal was so very ashamed of being a Hindu that he wrote so.
He was not asked to write his comments on Hinduism in the
Register of Guests kept at the hotel. But he wanted to tell the
world how lowly he thought of Hinduism. How did those thoughts
enter his thick skull? Naturally, the Christian missionaries, through
their education system, did a pretty good job on him. He was a
well-known barrister, considered to be a super rich one, and a
good one at his profession.
He considered his present birth as a Hindu was on account of sins
he had committed in his earlier births. Probably, he would have
been happier born as a Christian? Did he realize that present day
Christianity does not endorse that a human could have had earlier
births? What was he then, a hotchpotch of Hindu and Christian
Have you wondered why non-English educated people want
to send their children to Christian schools?
National pride lacks significantly amongst English educated elite
in particular (English educated masses in general) and they
continue to occupy places of importance in the society. They keep
blabbering their allegiance towards their Western masters (till
They monitor and influence anything that is of any significance
in national policy and its administration. As a result, the rest of
the people (who are not English educated) look up to these
powerful ones with awe. And, they want their children to get
English education, so that their children too, can become
influential, when they grow up.
In this manner, we keep producing generation after generation,
and keep harvesting the stooges of Westernity [effectively
Christianity], who always look up to the West (ChristianWorld)
for everything that they admire, and simultaneously, look down
upon (and suppress and gradually destroy) anything good that
may have been left of our Eastern (Hindu) heritage. This is how
they keep sabotaging Hindu society.
No true and lasting solution will ever emerge until we go back to
the root and reinstate Hindu education system, Hindu life system,
Hindu value system.
Nothing much can be achieved unless and until we discard his
conspiratorial education system ‘totally and thoroughly from its
root’ and replace it by what had earlier produced those excellent
characters as described by many-many foreign observers [details
Modern day stooges will not allow that to happen. These stooges
include our present day bureaucrats, politicians, journalists, judges
and educationists [see Ayodhya Shri Raam Mandir facts that did
not reach you all].
The only hope we have is from common people. Though these
people themselves are product of the same system but they have
less self-interest to protect that system. Therefore, they might
agree to eliminate it, once convinced.
But for the stooges, they won’t do anything except defending it
because they enjoy wholly the fruits of this system after their
ChristianBritish masters have left. They have simply occupied
those vacant ChristianBritish chairs for grinding their own axes.
Please do not wait for God to interfere; those who preach
you that whatever is happening around is happening with
the knowledge and will of God, they are only showing you
the escapist way
God has given us the free will to protect our individual and
collective interests by ourselves. We should not be expecting Him
to interfere in day-to-day happenings of this world.
I have come across some Hindu preachers who tend to say that
nothing in this world happens without the will of God and,
therefore, all that is happening around us must be happening
with His consent.
They want to focus their attention on God, which is fine. They do
not want to get mixed up with all this, is also fine because it is
their individual decision for their own self. They want to escape
their individual responsibility towards the world around them - it
is their decision, right or wrong! But they have no right to mislead
the rest of the people saying that this all is happening with the
Will of God. That would amount to teaching them how to escape
their individual responsibility towards the world around them.
They say it because of their part understanding of the Creation
process. Part understanding is not good. The preacher must
understand the whole, or must not preach.
Now about the understanding of the Creation process, it is a
matter of profound intensity, and I would want to discuss this in
depth in another work. This one is not the right place, as touching
upon that issue on the surface wouldn’t suffice. One needs to go
really deep in this subject to do justice with it, and to make the
point drive home.
Each one of us has the individual responsibility to stand against
injustice because it is Adharm. If we do not, we suffer, and such
suffering becomes a cyclic process. It does not cease, instead it
keeps compounding.
How long do you wish to live under the rosy view that
ChristianWest brought us the technology and
Many of us have become so blind that we cannot see beyond
what they showed us, and many of us believe that ChristianBritish
did so much for modernizing BhaaratVarsh', for instance bringing
They do not realize that ChristianBritish did not bring railways to
BhaaratVarsh' to help Hindus. They brought railways to help
themselves, so that they could mobilize their troops quickly from
one place to another to keep Hindus enslaved.
They also fail to realize that ChristianBritish did not bring railways
to BhaaratVarsh' for free; they charged a price for it and that
price was many times more than that they would have got by
selling it to any other independent nation. In case of BhaaratVarsh',
they were the buyers as the rulers of BhaaratVarsh', and at the
same time, they themselves were the sellers as the British nation,
and therefore, there was simply no question of price negotiations.
How else do you think that ChristianBritish turned the world’s
richest nation into one of the poorest within a matter of hundred
and ninety years (1757-1947)?
ChristianBritain systematically destroyed Bhaaratiya
indigenous industry and dumped on us, at a price many
times more than the normal price, excess production of
their industrial revolution, which otherwise they would
have had to dump into nearest Sea
Do you recollect the statement of Sir Thomas Munro, the eminent
Governor of Madras Presidency?
If a good system of agriculture, unrivalled manufacturing
skill, a capacity to produce whatever can contribute to
either convenience or luxury, ....
Did they have any magic by which they turned this extraordinarily
prosperous nation into a very-very poor nation? No, they simply
destroyed all Bhaaratiya indigenous industries, and at the same
time they needed to sell their products of industrial revolution,
so they found a ready market in BhaaratVarsh', or else, they would
have had to dump their excess production into the nearest sea.
This happened to be one of many ways, which they used to suck
the lifeblood of BhaaratVarsh'.
There is another myth that many of English educated
Hindus love to cherish till today: that ChristianBritish
brought us technology. They fail to realize, how did those
nations get technology that were not under ChristianBritish
rule? How did Germany in the West and Japan in the East
beat ChristianBritish hollow though ChristianBritish did not
bring them the technology?
What they fail to realize that if the cycle of time were moving in
a certain direction it would influence all concerned. BhaaratVarsh'
would have developed technology on its own at a much cheaper
cost than those ChristianBritish who looted us for all the imported
Hindus had different concept about technology. We did not develop
killer technology because we did not believe in hatred the way
Christians and Muslims did.
On the other hand, bloodthirsty Christians believed in technology
that could kill and therefore, they developed guns, canons, and
destructive nuclear, and biological warfare technology. A great
contribution to humanity, indeed! What better can be expected
of those who believe in killing only for action, and peace for talks;
dual standard bearers.
Come with me and learn something about great Hindu
technologies that ChristianBritish systematically wiped out
and taught us we had nothing worth its name. Prof
MacDonnell tells us that European surgery has borrowed
the operation of rhinoplasty (formation of artificial noses)
from BhaaratVarsh' and that Hindus had attained such
finesse in surgery that they could cut a hair longitudinally!
Would you not want to ask yourself a question: When Hindu
surgeons had attained such finesse that they could cut hair
by its length, would they have been primitive in other areas
of science? Would they have reached such heights by a
straight jump to that level without passing through earlier
stages of development that would have been necessary to
reach there?
Source: Prof MacDonnell, History of Sanskrit Literature, quoted in Vastu
to Modern Times, Niranjan Babu, p 148
Prof MacDonnell: European
surgery has borrowed the
operation of rhinoplasty
(*formation of artificial noses,
plastic surgery) from
BhaaratVarsh'. They had
attained such finesse in
surgery that they could cut a
hair longitudinally!
The ancient medical men beginning from
the great Dhanwantari (whose prescriptions
were said to be infallible), Sushrut, Charak
and others down the line were bold and
skilful in their surgery. They conducted
amputations, arrested bleeding by pressure,
bandage or boiling oil, performed operations
in the abdomen and uterus, cured hernia,
fistula and piles, set broken bones and
dislocations and could deftly remove foreign
substances from the body. The great
surgeon Sushrut is said to have advised
dissection of dead bodies to a student of
surgery and stressed the importance of
knowledge gained from experiment and
Now do not be extra smart to claim that all these information are
creation of fiction. Visualize a situation that our “modern
civilization and its scientific achievements” are destroyed by a
bunch of barbarians (like Muslim invaders) and another bunch of
cunning lot (like Christian conspirators). However, the information
on present day developments is somehow saved. But then the
subsequent non-Christian generations, through their non-Christian
education system, can proclaim all that as nothing but work of
fiction. Will that make the reality of “today” a matter of fiction?
Both looted Hindu riches. One destroyed the other eliminated,
Hindu learning. Barbarian champions of Islam invaded
BhaaratVarsh' and looted and raped and put fire to its educational
institutions. Arrived then the cunning Christians and they
eliminated Hindu education system, withdrew all educational
grants to Hindu systems of learning, and diverted all funding to
support Christian Britain’s technology and educational systems.
After all, ChristianBritain needed to sell its allopathic medicines
to Hindus at high prices so that they could bleed Hindus financially
and at the same time, make Christians richer. They looted us in
a civilized Christian way, not in barbaric Muslim way.
European surgery borrowed Technology from Hindus: Rhinoplasty
- Plastic Surgery of Noses. Does our Christian education system
tell us that? No, it does not. On the contrary, it tells us that we
learned Plastic Surgery from the ChristianWest. Aren’t they firstrate
liars? But then, this happens to be a very small lie. Christianity
specializes in lies and frauds. Frauds in respect of history are a
way of life with Christianity. It has been so common place that it
has become the second nature of Christianity [see forthcoming volumes].
Christianity as a
Grown-up Tree
Christianity has grown into a system of Financial
Racketeering but it has also mastered the technique of
putting up a mask that has great public appeal
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, pp 121-122
Christianity, and especially Roman Christianity, has very
little to do with religious faith. It is and has always been
a system of imperialist politics and financial racketeering
practiced under the guise of religion.
Finance the management of large amounts of money [p 685]
Financial of or relating to finance [p 686] Racket an illegal or
dishonest scheme for obtaining money Racketeer A person who
engages in dishonest and fraudulent business dealings [p 1527]
Oxford Dictionary
Does this definition hold good for Christianity? Yes, indeed, it
does. But no point saying it, we need to prove it with evidence.
So let us proceed. Things have changed now. Christianity cannot
behave like it did earlier. So it needs a different mask to give
itself new identity. Christianity cannot continue any more the
way once 1st Pope of Christianity, or Pope Alexander VI, or Saint
Francis Xavier operated. They need to change the method of
operation with time, and Christianity is quite adept at it. Let us
see how it is done these days. But first let us look at the root, so
you know the nature of influence at the origin.
Have you known that one of the Supreme Spiritual heads
of Christianity, Pope Pius XII shared Nazi gold loot? I hadn’t
known about it until a year and half ago; Christianity has
perfected the art of hiding truth
Let us see why Pope Pius XII supported Hitler during Second
World War.
Source: A Hindu view of the world, N S Rajaram, p 134
In 1944 alone the Nazi
contribution to the Vatican
amounted to over $100 million–
worth nearly a billion and half
in today’s values. The Vatican
managed also to get a large
share of the Nazi gold looted
from the Jews of Europe during
the Second World War.
This has now become a major scandal in
Europe. While Swiss banks are opening
up their records, the Vatican has maintained
secrecy over its collaboration with the
Nazis, including its participation in the
looting of the Jews of Europe.
Let us understand how Christianity is a ‘product’ to be
marketed well and Pope heads that marketing outfit; let
us also understand what shapes their thought process and
belief system
Through our subsequent works, we will show you, how big a
business it is for Christianity to convert Hindus into Christianity.
Christianity is a product to be marketed and Pope heads that
marketing outfit. We will also see that it is a product that does
not have a direct genuine consumer demand, because the product
itself is lousy and fraudulent [details later]. Therefore, it becomes
necessary to create an artificial demand. And we all know that to
create an artificial demand one needs plenty of money.
This leads to the next question as to how one gets that money.
Generally, when we sell an ongoing product it generates revenue
and from that revenue we feed marketing budget. Here the product
is faith, that is, faith in Christianity. So that faith must generate
N S Rajaram tells us that some European countries, Germany in
particular, levy a ‘church tax’ of about two percent on every wage
earner and thus, the believers in Christianity are taxed for their
faith. But then comes the merger of the East and West Germany
and resulting economic hardships. So more and more German
Christians start claiming themselves as non-Christians and
thereby, avoid paying church tax.
That creates serious resource crunch for the church. Next question,
how does church deal with the gloomy situation? As the church
deems itself beyond law and ethics, it adopts unique ways for
generation of revenue to feed their marketing budget.
Let us see what led Vatican Bank, a Cardinal and an
Archbishop to get involved with drug money laundering,
and try to understand what kind of disastrous effect it can
have on youngsters in the society, and also let us see a
few real life instances; then let us know, what makes a
Supreme Spiritual leader like one of the Popes to collect
10% of earnings of lepers and prostitutes; ask yourself as
to what makes money so very dear to these people of
immense spirituality, who work for the Christian God, and
how do they raise their followers to become like them
Source: A Hindu view of the world, N S Rajaram, p 135
Loss of revenue following Europe’s rejection
of Christianity has led the Church to resort
to extreme measures including collaboration
with narcotics traffickers and drug
money laundering.
The Vatican Bank for years has
been acting as a conduit for drug
money. The Chief, Archbishop
Marcinkus is wanted by the
police, in several countries.
He has avoided arrest only by staying within
the walls of the Vatican, which enjoys
immunity as a sovereign state.
Investigations in Britain, Germany,
Switzerland and Italy have shown that the
Vatican is deeply involved in the
international drug trade.
Archbishop The chief bishop responsible for a large district Oxford
Dictionary, p 86
So, we see higher they rise; the bigger crook they become, in
Reading these things, a few questions come to my mind: How is
it that Vatican Bank’s Chief Archbishop Marcinkus, wanted by the
police in several countries, could avoid arrest by staying within
the walls of the Vatican? Did this happen with the permission of
Pope? Was Vatican Bank’s Chief Archbishop Marcinkus acting with
explicit consent of Pope?
Why did Pope approve Vatican’s involvement in drug money
laundering? Is it because Vatican needed more money? Why would
Vatican need more money? Is it to ‘buy’ more Christians from
other religions, something that they name as ‘evangelization’ and
‘Proselytizing’ in Christianity’s civilized language?
What would be the effect of Vatican’s involvement into drug money
laundering? Would it be converting younger generations into drug
addicts? How important is money? Is it so very important? What
would be the purpose of Vatican’s sharing Nazi gold loots? What
use would it have been put to? Would it have been used for ‘buying’
new Christians?
What kind of moral value will they have whose rebirth into the
new religion ‘Christianity’ has been nourished by the blood of
innocents who were tortured, burnt, and killed by Nazis or the
younger generations who have been turned into drug addicts? If
we nourish the plant with poison, what would the grown up tree
yield? May be some day coming generations will ask these
questions to pope?
Source: A Hindu view of the world, N S Rajaram, p 135
The following recent episode will go to show
how deep must be the links between the
Vatican and drug traffickers. In May 1993,
Cardinal Posadas-Ocampo, the highestranking
Church official in Mexico was
assassinated in the Guadalajara airport.
Later investigations showed that
the Cardinal had been acting as
an agent of the notorious
Colombian drug lord Pablo
It is now known that the Cardinal had been
trying to arrange safe asylum in Mexico for
Escobar. Escobar himself was, later gunned
down by the Colombian authorities assisted
by the US Drug enforcement agents showing
that he was badly in need of a safe asylum.
There have been many such
scandals, but this is enough to
show how far removed the Church
is from any spiritual concerns.
So, these characters are called Cardinals. What great spiritual
leaders are these: they must be showing great path to the
Cardinal A leading dignitary of the Roman Catholic Church. Cardinals
are nominated by the Pope, and from the Sacred College, which
elects succeeding popes (now invariably from among their own
member) Oxford Dictionary, p 275
Now let us try to understand the significance of this definition
given by Oxford Dictionary, in practical terms. A Cardinal is
nominated by Pope, and later one of them becomes the next
Pope. So, here we see a Cardinal acting as an agent of a drug
lord. If he does his job well, and if he does not get killed in the
process, he stands a bright chance for becoming the next Pope.
Who else could better manage an empire for financial racketing,
as is the Christian Church?
Our modern day reporting system has a unique approach. It deals
with issues separately like modern allopathic treatment (if there
is a boil on the body they will treat the boil and ignore the root
cause of it). Our whole outlook has become like that: we do not
wish to connect the cause and effect and see the relationship
between the two.
Let us trace the connection between the following two news reports
with what we have seen happening in the Christian spiritual world
of drug money laundering! Now our most modern religion
Christianity’s highest spiritual leader the Pope and his able
assistants like Cardinals and Archbishops have pushed our modern
society deeper into being drug addicts.
Source: The Free Press Journal, 23 June 2003, p 7
London: In a major embarrassment to British Prime
Minister Tony Blair, his sister-in-law Lauren Booth has
decided to quit ‘crime-ridden’ Britain and live in the
South of France, reports PTI. Lauren, sister of Cherie
Blair, said she has been driven from the country by the
drug-pushers and muggers who plague the streets
around her London home. “I’ve been a Londoner all my
life but now I am moving to France, driven out by the
grime and the crime that have made so much of this
city unlivable in.”
They have not left behind the women folk. After all, modern
ChristianWest treats women equally or at least pretends (they
won’t elects an woman President for USA) to do that. BhaaratVarsh'
is not far behind because most of its educational institutions are
Christian missionary funded and guided. Result of it is what
Source: The Free Press Journal, 23 June 2003, p 3
New Delhi: The involvement of women in drug trafficking
has gone up to alarming proportions with the number
of women operators arrested in the first six months of
this year exceeding the total of the entire last year,”
Deputy Commissioner of police (narcotics and Crime
Prevention) DL Kashyap stated.
Hats off to you Pope, Archbishop and Cardinals of Christianity
who have shown the wonderful way of how to make a living to
the women folk. You are worthy of our admiration! You are the
truly spiritual gurus of Aasuric culture that is Christianity. You
will definitely succeed in taking humanity to dogs. This is how
you will probably get them salvation that Pope you claimed
Christianity ‘alone’ can get. What a great spiritual leader of the
world you are, and how great followers you have!
Source: The Free Press Journal, 24 June 2003, p 3
Shiv Khera: Educating the mind without morals creates
a maniac in society.
This is precisely what Christianity does to its followers!
It is not the first time popes have been collecting illegitimate
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 122 fn
When the Portuguese (*Christians) were
attempting to evangelize BhaaratVarsh' – ‘to
instruct the inhabitants in Catholic Faith and
good morals’ as decreed by the Pope – the
Pope himself was taxing lepers and
prostitutes in Rome, ten percent of their
incomes, and was doing this on the authority
of Catholicism’s greatest theologian St.
Thomas Aquinas.
Just think of the character of these people who call themselves
Saints (Thomas Aquinas) and Popes. These are shame to
humanity. They want to teach the world good morals, themselves
who have no morals at all!
St Thomas Aquinas (1225-74), Italian philosopher, theologian, and
Dominican friar; known as the Angelic Doctor. He is regarded as the
greatest figure of scholasticism; one of his most important
achievements was the introduction of the work of Aristotle to Christian
Western Europe. His works include commentaries on Aristotle as
well as the Summa Contra Gentiles, intended as a manual for
missionaries, and Summa Theologiae, the greatest achievement of
the medieval systematic theology. He also devised the official Roman
Catholic tenets. Oxford Dictionary, p 83
Our Christianized Journalists are so much in love with
money that they can sell their souls and they show no love
for truth
Our major newspaper publishing houses that control the lion’s
share of publishing business be it in English or Hindi or other
regional languages - these papers have been pretty careful about
keeping the lid on any such information, which could have a
significant blow to Christian missionary operations.
Why - that would be any body’s guess. Missionaries in
BhaaratVarsh' operate with enormous amount of money, glimpses
of which we will provide you in our subsequent publications.
And, you should know that today journalism is more of money
game than anything else. A major newspaper like The Times of
India selling their editorial space for money has been in the news
sometime ago. I generally keep newspaper cuttings because I
would not want to invent news, but in this case I could not trace
it. Therefore, I called Shri M V Kamath on phone now - 16 October
2003 around 5 PM - to reconfirm if my memory did not fail me
that a couple of months ago, he wrote an article in The Free
Press Journal editorial page, which dealt with the topic concerning
kind of a war between Hindustan Times of Delhi and The Times of
India to grab greater readership, in which both did some
mudslinging at each other, and in that process a few facts - rather
business secrets - that were otherwise carefully hidden from the
common public, came out in the open. In this war of accusations
Hindustan Times blamed The Times of India for selling its editorial
space, a fact that was not refuted by The Times of India. Shri M
V Kamath readily confirmed that this was in the news and I was
satisfied that my memory did not fail me. I had not personally
read these allegations, which happened to be facts, as they were
not refuted, because I do not get to see Delhi editions of these
papers. What better example would you need if editorial comments
are available for sale in the market place like commercial
advertisement spots!
In other words, editor writes and people think that it is he who is
writing it, but actually he writes my views if I am able to pay for
the space in which he writes. So, I need money to buy his pen!
What kind of credibility from these newspapers can you expect
who can sell their souls and stoop to this level?
These editors are big name journalists. They set the standards
for journalism. Following their footprints, the small timers ape
them aspiring to become like them.
These big guns happen to be well-respected names in the
profession of journalism. If this happens to be their character,
what better character would you expect from those who follow
these leaders of journalism?
These are the people in today’s big mass media business, whose
prime business is money making, and as we will see later that
their childhood-adolescence-days Christian education influence
has lot to do with it.
Incidentally, they also happen to be the one who champion
themselves as the secularists, who favor no religion. Between
the lines you need to read, they favor no religion because they
have no religion of their own, except the religion of money, power
and fame, which again happens to be the ‘true’ religion of
Christianity, as you will see through my works.
The specialty of these FakeSecularists, however, is that they double
it up in its effect: first, by their childhood-adolescence-days
Christian education influence and then, youth-time
CommunistMarxistInfluence. In totality, they make doubly
dangerous combination.
To acquire money, power and fame they can sell their souls.
Basically, a FakeSecularist is one, who does not believe in God,
who has no religion except one, that is, opportunism. And,
Christianity trains them how to put a beautiful mask on their face
so no one can easily detect their true identity.
They keep politicians on the forefront, projecting them as root
cause of all evil, pretending themselves the innocent ones.
Christian educated elites who administer our nation pull
money out of Hindu temples, let them face closure, and
pour that money into Christian churches, Muslim madarsas,
and for journey to Mecca for Hajj, while Hindu devotees
are made to pay, during Kumbh Mela, for each dip into
Ganga; thus, Hindu pays, Christian-Muslim enjoys
Hindus voluntarily donate at the temples out of their respect
towards the places of worship. Then government takes away the
collections of these temples. Then the temples are allowed to
starve for funds, and many are forced to close down. Funds so
collected are cleverly diverted towards Christian and Muslim
institutions, churches and mosques.
Who maneuvers such moves? The elite who administer the nation,
and the politicians, most of them have Christianized psyche
through Christian education system. However, it has become
fashionable to blame politicians alone, whose image has been
popularized through media exposures, as those of an uneducated
corrupt person.
In this manner public attention is never allowed to get focused at
others, who do the real work of managing ‘the business of the
government’ quietly behind the screen.
Here we have a few numbers. For the year 2002-03 Congress
ruled government of Karnaataka collected 79 Crores (790 million)
from Hindu temples. Less than 10% of such collection (7.1 Crore)
was spent on temple renovation and maintenance. But more than
16% of Hindu temple revenue was spent on development of
Christian institutions and churches. More than 74% (58 + 1.15
million) of Hindu temple revenue was spent on development of
Muslim madarsas, mosques, and Hajj subsidy to visit Saudi Arabia.
These numbers are from the Government records. You can see a
copy of the exact replica of Finance Department’s document as
published as a Hindu Voice exclusive in December 2003 issue on
page 3.
While Hindu paid tax is spent on Hajj subsidy, Saudi Arabia earns
$1.3 billion from HAJJ ( (
newsletter of 12 February 2004). The Chief Minister of Karnaataka
carries on his shoulder a well-respected Hindu name, the name
of Bhagavaan Shri Krishn but he writes it in Christianized
Anglicized fashion as Krishna. I wouldn’t be surprised, if he turns
out to be a Christian in disguise of a Hindu, to fool Hindus. At
least, one of such Congress Chief Minister, Ajit Jogi’s secret is
now out in public. Though his name sounds like a respected Hindu
Yogi (Jogi) but he, in reality, happens to be a Christian. Similarly,
there many FakeSecularists and Christians who regularly fool
Hindus by carrying a Hindu name.
Source: Anjali Patel,, 29 October 2003
5,000 temples in Karnaataka to be closed down due to
lack of funding and maintenance. During Kumbh Mela
in Naasik each Hindu was forced to pay Rs 25 to Rs 50
for a dip in the holy water. Today, if a Hindu or Sikh
wishes to visit holy places in Kailaash MaanSarovar or
Gurudwaara in Pakistan, leave alone subsidy, they are
forced to shell out large amount of money to visit their
holy places.
But the same government [administered by these elites] dares
not touch the revenue of rich mosques. Such revenue gets
channeled into funding thousands and thousands of madarsas
across the country that raise Islamic terrorists [who covertly
support activities like serial bomb blasts; recent case 25 August
2003 in Mumbai]. All this happens in the name of secularism and
for the greed of Muslim vote bank. On occasions mosques have
been found to hoard armaments that had been used for killing
Hindus [recent case of Maraad beach massacre of fishermen in
Kerala] but that does not bother our elite, administrators.
Our elites [those who govern the nation in one way or another;
or, those who are branded as ‘intellectuals’ and are able to
influence public opinion through media coverage or by selecting
material for textbooks] have a special character. They lose no
opportunity for poking fun at Hindus who make offerings to their
deities but at the same time they do not seem to appreciate the
voluntary nature of such offerings. These elites, however, turn a
blind eye to church taxing its faithful in many different ways.
If we look at the upbringing of these elites and those who write
frequently in English dailies and periodicals we will find them
coming from the same source, namely Christian education system.
Meet another Saint in the making, named Mother Teresa
and her love for Crime money; learn about her Charles
Keating and Duvalier connections
We Hindus have raised Mother Teresa to sky. Something we do
to many who are least worthy of it. Let us look at the real faces of
these Christian missionaries to learn their true characters and
thereafter ask ourselves: should we send our children to such
missionary schools to be raised to become one like them?
Source: A Hindu view of the world, N S Rajaram, p 140
Among her special favorites were Charles Keating – now
serving a ten-year sentence in a California prison – and
Robert Maxwell who committed suicide when the
Scotland Yard got too close to him. Both had swindled
hundreds of millions of dollars from their depositors and
investors. Paul W Turley, the California Deputy District
Attorney who prosecuted Keating stated that Keating
stole more than $900 million! Many individuals lost their
life savings. Turley wrote: “The victims of Keating’s fraud
come from a wide spectrum of society. … Most were
people of modest means and unfamiliar with high
Why did Keating give more than a million dollar to Mother
Teresa? When his case was being tried, she wrote to
the trial judge Lance Ito asking him to show clemency
towards Keating because: “He has always been kind
and generous to God’s poor.”
In addition, she appealed to the judge to: “Look into
his heart and do what Jesus would have done in that
Learning to this appeal, District Attorney Turley wrote
back to Mother Teresa: “I submit the same challenge to
you. Ask yourself what Jesus would have done if he
were given the fruits of the crime …money that had
been stolen. …I submit that Jesus would promptly return
the money to its rightful owners. …Do not keep the
money. Return it to the rightful owners.” But Mother
Teresa ignored his appeal and kept the stolen money.
This was not the only such instance.
As we will see soon that she never spent that money stolen from
the poor to help the poor of Calcutta. Instead she used it for
buying new Christians. Now let us hear about the best selling
piece of investigative journalism by Christopher Hitchens:
Source: The editorials review of Christopher Hitchens, The Missionary
Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice,
The most riveting material in the book is contained in two letters:
one from Mother Teresa to Judge Lance Ito—then weighing what
sentence to dole out to the convicted Keating—which cited all the
work Keating has done “to help the poor,” and another from a Los
Angeles deputy DA, Paul Turley, back to Mother Teresa that
eloquently stated that rather than working to reduce Keating’s
sentence, she should return the money he gave her to its rightful
owners, the defrauded bondholders. (Significantly, Mother Teresa
never replied.) And why do former missionary workers and visiting
doctors consistently observe that the order’s medical practices
seem so inadequate, especially given all the money that comes
in? (Hitchens acidly observes that on the other hand, Mother
Teresa herself always manages to receive world-class medical
care.) Hitchens’s answer is that Mother Teresa is first and foremost
interested not in providing medical treatment, but in furthering
Catholic doctrine and—quite literally—becoming a saint.
Source: A Hindu view of the world, N S Rajaram, pp 140-141
She helped produce political propaganda films for the
notorious dictator Duvalier of Haiti and his wife Michele
who stole billions of dollars from their impoverished
country before running away to Spain. Mother Teresa
not only accepted millions from Dictator Duvalier (who
was guilty of mass executions), but also honors and
decorations from his bloody hands. What is it about
Christian missionaries, from Mother Teresa to Pat
Robertson that draws them to such thieves and mass
murderers as Duvalier and Mobutu?
Haiti From 1957 to 1986 the country was under the oppressive
dictatorship of the Duvalier family Oxford Dictionary, p 827
Have you ever noticed that they do so little but show such
a lot; look here at Dr Robin Cox, Mary Loudon, Anne Sebba
reports; look at Mother Teresa’s hidden bank balance of
50 million dollars, but not a cent of it for poor of Calcutta;
those poor suffered badly in her make-believe hospital,
while the world learned they were being served by Mother
I too like a fool donated her money out of sheer ignorance.
Bhaaratiya Press slept and did not do their job for all they needed
was to go and look at her hospitals.
Source: A Hindu view of the world, N S Rajaram, p 138
In her home for the dying, no medication or painkillers
are allowed even to terminally ill patients. Even her
child-care institution in Calcutta is a cheerless place
where children have neither toys nor playgrounds.
They are told only to pray.
Reading this I have wondered, whom they were supposed to pray?
Would that be anyone other than Jesus? In the disguise of prayer,
would it be a clever ploy to convert the kids into Christianity from
their very childhood? These kids may not even know the difference
between two religions! Many months later my doubt was
reconfirmed when I read the following:
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 122 fn
Mother Teresa likes to tell her international
donor audiences, from whom she collects
millions of tax-free dollars for missionary
enterprise, that what BhaaratVarsh' really
need is Jesus.
We observe that the former Yugoslavia, Northern Ireland,
South Africa, Rwanda, Brazil, the Philippines - to name
a few - all have Jesus, and have had him for some time,
but that he does not seem to have done any of them
any moral, spiritual, or material good.
Some time during late 2000 I boldly announced to my aunt that
if there was a true Karm-Yogi in today’s world, it was Mother
Teresa, who did service to humanity without seeking any return
for it. What a fool was I, now I feel! Sometime early 1999 I
picked up Mother Teresa: A Complete Authorized Biography by
Kathryn Spink from the shelf of Flemingdon Library in North York,
Toronto. It was supposed to be the only authorized biography of
Mother Teresa, which was to be published only after her death.
Innocently I believed author’s version that Mother Teresa wanted
to maintain a low profile because her dedication was to the masses,
serving those whom no one cared for. It never crossed my mind
that publication of it after her death was a master-stroke. No one
wants to dig up the skeletons after the death of someone otherwise
so honorable. On the contrary, after death even not so honorable
rogues are also known to have been honored. Publication during
her lifetime could have attracted few investigative eyes but after
death, all hard feelings are generally buried.
Why then am I digging up past skeletons, not letting her soul (or
ghost) rest in peace? It is not because I felt cheated. I have
every reason to be angry on being cheated but that does not put
me on to write this. It is detest for fraud, hatred towards presenting
untruth and pass it for truth that troubles me more, because,
this is something that does great harm to humanity. Never worship
false gods is fine to say, but more important is never worship
fraudulent gods.
Mother Teresa wasn’t here to serve the masses. She was here to
convert the masses on the guise of service, which scantily she
provided. I was offended when I had asked my uncle, who lived
great part of his life in Calcutta (now Kolkata), if he had visited
Mother Teresa’s place of work and he responded in negative. I
thought it was a case of gross indifference towards someone so
noble and so great but now I know it wasn’t so; instead it was
the true reflection of Mother Teresa’s true worth in Kolkata, and
her true worth was determined by her true contribution to the
poor of Kolkata.
When we speak here of her true contribution, we mean ‘true’ to
the letter, not the advertised contribution, which the ChristianWest
is so fond of making a big show of. It happens to be a typical
Western tendency to do little and show a lot. I lived part of my
life in the West. I observed them carefully and as I examine more
of their present and the past, I find deep influence of Christianity
and hypocrisy, as these two things go together. Hypocrisy because
what they show is not what they are, but unfortunately, they do
not always realize consciously that they are being such hypocrites.
The whole Western culture is marketing-driven. And, you
should know that any culture that is marketing-driven
would only show what sells! If you were to tell the whole
truth, most products would never sell. If you do not find
out for yourself what has not been told to you, it is your
problem, that’s the simple attitude. And, it originates from
Christianity, because if you examine carefully, Christianity
is nothing but mass marketing of a product called
‘salvation/redemption’ the true meaning of which they
themselves are not aware.
Like Pope John Paul II said when he visited BhaaratVarsh' last
Source: The Coming of the Third Millennium, Pope John Paul II, quoted in
I became a Hindu, David Frawley, p 147
The Asia Synod will deal with the challenge for
evangelization posed by the encounter with ancient
religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism. While
expressing esteem for the elements of truth in these
religions, the Church must make it clear that Christ is
‘the one’ mediator (*middleman) between God and man
and ‘the sole’ Redeemer of humanity.
It claims Jesus acquired sole distributorship for granting salvation.
He patented it. Typically marketing attitude! This is a topic, which
we will deal with, later, in greater depth.
For the time being let us return to our dear Mother Teresa. Let
me admit that I myself never lived in Kolkata and therefore, I
had no inkling of the truth that lay behind that entire facade
about great humanitarian Mother Teresa. Someone who lived there
most of his life would probably describe it better, and therefore,
let us hear it in words of Dr Aroup Chatterjee.
Source: Dr Aroup Chatterjee, The Final Verdict, Introduction
I am Calcuttan born and bred, and our family has lived
in the city for as long as can be traced. I know Calcutta
well, and many people who matter there, and many
more who do not. I do not have Calcutta ‘in my blood’,
but the place has definitely made me what I am, warts
and all. My mother tongue is Bengali, the language of
Calcutta, but I speak Hindi passably, which is spoken
by a large number of the destitute of Calcutta. I had no
interest whatsoever in Mother Teresa before I came to
England. Difficult it may seem to a Westerner to
comprehend, but she was not a significant entity in
Calcutta in her lifetime; paradoxically posthumously her
image has risen significantly there - primarily because
of the Bhaaratiya need to emulate the West in many
unimportant matters. I had had some interest in the
destitute of Calcutta during my college days, when I
dabbled in leftist politics for a while. I also took a keen
interest in human rights issues. Never in the course of
my (modest) interaction with the very poor of Calcutta,
did I cross paths with Mother Teresa’s organization -
indeed; I cannot ever recall her name being uttered.
Now the question is, why ChristianWest would make such
a big pomp and show of Mother Teresa, who was like a
nonentity as it would appear from what different people of
Kolkata have to say. It is because, by advertising small
achievements and showing them duly magnified many
times over, they are able to generate lot more revenue.
For them Mother Teresa is a brand to be marketed well, so
it can draw lot more money in the name of charity from
unsuspecting people, from whom the whole truth is kept
carefully hidden
I myself happened to be one of those and if I did not find out for
myself the whole truth and donated money to them regularly for
some time, it was my problem, in their view. As far they are
concerned, they are not obliged to tell the whole truth because
they are simply marketing a product, namely, Mother Teresa brand
Source: A Hindu view of the world, N S Rajaram, p 138
Her hospitals are in a highly unhygienic
state. This happens to be the opinion not of
a hostile reporter, but of Dr Robin Cox, editor
of the prestigious British publication Lancet
– the foremost medical journal in the world.
For those who do not know of Lancet reputation, for them I would
want to add that Dr Dean Ornish, the revolutionary American
cardiologist also describes The Lancet as the most well respected
international medical journal. Refer Dr Dean Ornish’s Program
for Reversing Heart Disease, Ballantine Books, USA, 1996, p 17
Source: A Hindu view of the world, N S Rajaram, p 138
Mary Loudon, another English investigator found patients
sleeping on the floor - as many as sixty in a single room.
Even rudimentary health procedures were not being
followed. Loudon saw unsterilized needles being used
and reused after being simply washed in cold water.
Also, patients in need of simple surgery were allowed
to die instead of being sent to other hospitals in Calcutta.
It was not just patients that were treated under such
appalling conditions; even health workers could not
escape infections. Anne Sebba has pointed out that
several of the nurses caught tuberculosis, and possibly
AIDS. In all these, there is a single remedy offered to
the inmates regardless their condition – prayer.
Source: A Hindu view of the world, N S Rajaram, pp 138-139
This has greatly contributed to the image of Mother
Teresa as a woman driven by faith and love for Jesus; it
has contributed even more to her bank balance, for
prayers costs nothing. But she did not display the same
reserve – not to say piety – during her own illnesses.
She was always careful to get treated at the best
hospitals in the world like the Massachusetts General in
Boston. When she was unable to travel, as during her
final illness, she was treated by the specialist at the
prestigious R K Birla Heart Research Center in Calcutta
– a Hindu charitable institution. So neither money, nor
Christian faith, was allowed to come in the way, when
her-own health was involved. But for the poor it is
different. Prayer is good for them.
Now this Hindu charitable organization R K Birla Heart
Research Center in Kolkata, did not ask Mother Teresa to
get converted into Hinduism, while providing health care
to Mother Teresa when she needed it badly and could not
visit her favorite Massachusetts General in Boston, because
they were not trading in charity. But if a Hindu had gone to
Mother Teresa for treatment she would have got him/her
converted into Christianity. These people who make such
publicity in the name of service to humanity are in reality
flesh traders of a different kind. They want the whole body
and soul in lieu of their scanty service!
Source: A Hindu view of the world, N S Rajaram, p 139
From the appalling condition of her
institutions, one would be wrong to conclude
that the Missionaries of Charity is only doing
what its limited resources allow. Nothing
could be further from the truth. It is one of
the richest Catholic institutions in the world.
Recently, a single current account
in a bank in the Bronx (New York)
showed a deposit of $50 million!
So she had plenty of money but she would not spend it for
the poor of Calcutta, and at the same time she would want
to have the Nobel Prize for having helped the poor of
Calcutta. Did she help the poor of Calcutta in getting better
health or, did poor of Calcutta help her get the Nobel Prize,
tons of donation money, and tons of new converts into
Christianity? Are these missionaries nothing but some
greedy merchants of soul?
Source: A Hindu view of the world, N S Rajaram, p 141
As far as the poor are concerned, Mother Teresa’s
successor Sister Nirmala put it in perspective:
“The poor are God’s gift, to us. Without the
poor we would all be without jobs”.
But Mother Teresa herself never had the courage to admit this
truth! She gave to the world a totally opposite and carefully
cultivated impression that poor of Kolkata were dependant on
her services. She did not let the world know that, in reality, she
was dependant on poor of Kolkata for getting tons of charity
Using the mask of charity, she paid no taxes on such earnings,
and merrily used those funds for ‘buying’ more new Christian
converts. She was clever enough not to hoard the fortune she
made in this covert manner, in Bhaaratiya banks lest it becomes
known to public. So she hid 50 million dollars in New York bank.
Nor she told people that she was using this facade of ‘service to
the poor’ to manage the Nobel Prize and the title of the Saint.
After all, she was true to her Christian faith of hypocrisy. It seems
Christians are always on ‘Sale’. They would do anything that would
fetch them money, power and fame.
We will see plenty of evidence that there is a common pattern
amongst Christian Missionaries. One: that they manage to keep
a beautiful face before masses. Two: that they love to get crime
money and hold to it for ‘buying’ new Christians. Three: hypocrisy
seems to be in their blood. Mother Teresa seemed to be no
Familiarize yourself with the games they play and how they
build images that give you a very different picture from
what the truth is
Why is it that Christian organizations stole the show all the while?
Why is it that Hindus never did anything for themselves? Why is
it that it took Christian missionaries to come to Hindu land and
provide service to Hindus?
There was a time when I had asked these questions to myself but
at that point of time I had no satisfactory answers. I had seen in
olden day Bengali movies that a Hindu becomes a Christian and
then he goes door to door serving the poor in the name of Jesus.
The theme would be this; the story would be different in different
movies. The message would be the one: Christianity and service
to humanity are two aspects of the same coin. One cannot exist
without the other. Thus, Christianity and Service-to-Humanity
would become synonymous.
The question of foul play of any kind wouldn’t simply arise in my
small mind. It would never occur to me, what could possibly be
the background of those who make these movies, and what could
possibly be their agenda?
Service to the poor is such a humanitarian work that no questions
need be asked thereafter. If someone would do that, such person
is essentially out of his mind, or cynical to the highest degree
and therefore, must be avoided for company, or else our thoughts
would be corrupted!
It would never occur to me, why are they so poor? Who made
them so poor? Is there a possibility that they are today being
served by the same people who made them poor? Ridiculous!
How can that be? Therefore, it is necessary that we go back a few
steps into the history and reexamine our impressions.
Source: Sir Thomas Munro, the eminent Governor of Madras, quoted in
History, vol. i. p 371, re-quoted by F Max Muller, p 57, p 231
If a good system of agriculture, unrivalled manufacturing
skill, a capacity to produce whatever can contribute to
either convenience or luxury, schools established in every
village for teaching, reading, writing, and arithmetic,
the general practice of hospitality and charity amongst
each other, and above all, a treatment of the female
sex full of confidence, respect, and delicacy, are among
the signs which denote a civilized people – then the
Hindus are not inferior to the nations of Europe, and if
civilization is to become an article of trade between
England and BhaaratVarsh', I am convinced that England
will gain by the import cargo.
Here we need to ask ourselves many more questions. Why did
Christopher Columbus [note: 1451-1506, who mistakenly landed
in America and thought it was India and called the natives as
Indians, and till today Native Americans are called Indians! We,
however, distinguish them from ourselves calling them Red Indians
because they look pinkish and we look brownish] and Vasco da
Gama (1469-1524) set their sails with a desire to discover sea
route to BhaaratVarsh'? Wasn’t it because BhaaratVarsh' was known
to be the golden bird, the richest nation on earth in those days?
Why did the Portuguese, the Dutch, the French and the British,
all of them did fight it out between themselves for supremacy on
this land of BhaaratVarsh'? Why a knight of the British Empire Sir
Thomas Munro, the eminent Governor of Madras (now Chennai),
spoke so eloquently about Hindu practice of hospitality and charity
(read many more accounts in my earlier title Arise Arjun awaken
my Hindu nation)?
Was it all a long time ago? What happened in a matter of few
decades that there were so many poor everywhere that they all
suddenly started needing Christian missionary attention? What
happened to that hospitality and charity of which eminent
Governor of Madras spoke so eloquently? Do you realize now
what happened? ChristianBritish methodically sucked the lifeblood
of Bhaaratiyas and made them so poor that now they needed
help. They encouraged ChristianBritish missionaries to serve those
poor with a small fraction of what they had already sucked out.
With that they gave further bait to Hindus. If you remain Hindu
you have no support whatsoever to help the poor. But if you turn
Christian then you have some support to help these poor. Thus,
Christians became the messiah of the then poor Hindus!
Somewhat similar game was replayed during Nehru dynasty. Hindu
was made a dirty word through fabrication of history. We will
discuss the entire sequence of events in one of our other works.
In ChristianBritish days you needed to become a Christian to get
governmental or institutional financial support (remember Michael
MadhuSudan Dutt?). During FakeSecularNehruDynasty you
needed to become a non-Hindu to get the freebie.
Recognize, who did the actual job of service with scanty
resources, and who took the credit, full blown many a times
over, with news splashed world wide?
Teresa came to BhaaratVarsh' with a great idea in her mind. She
employed Hindu women (converting them into Christianity) to
do the job for her, without giving those employed adequate means
to serve, and without adequate service to those whom she claimed
to serve.
But she and her Christian organizations advertised a lot. These
were not commercially paid advertisements. Millions of dollars
that she amassed, which she never spent on the poor of Kolkata,
a small fraction of that she threw at the journalists, who raised
Teresa to the sky, lifting her on their shoulders. Many of these
journalists were Christian born. The others were Hindu born but
Christian educated, morally converted into Christianity, if not
formally baptized. Their big name newspapers and periodicals
happened to be the mouthpiece of this nation.
Under Teresa Christian banner, it was Hindu women, converted
to Christianity, who did the real job of service, while Teresa took
the full credit. These Hindu born women did the actual job of
‘whatever scanty service they could provide with limited means
extended by 50 million dollar rich Teresa’.
These Hindu born women did it out of their ‘Hindu spirit for no
credit’ while promoting the name of Jesus because that is what
Teresa had filled in their heads mornings and evenings. This is
how Christian imperialism spreads its wings everywhere.
Christianity’s entire structure stands on the premise of exploitation,
be it exploitation of Mother Nature or exploitation of the mankind.
Get to know of Mother Teresa’s personal letters and diary
that tell the inner truth
Finally, let us see what personal diary of Mother Teresa says:
Source: PTI London 29 November, quoted Indian Express, 30 November 2002
Her letters and diaries present a completely different
picture of the nun from her public image as a woman
confident of her faith, The Daily Telegraph reported on
IL Messeggero said: “The real Mother Teresa was one
who for one year had visions and who for the next 50
had doubts - up until her death.”
“…My smile is a great cloak
[*disguise, pretext] that hides a
multitude of pains,’ wrote Mother
‘In my own soul, I feel the terrible
pain of this loss. I feel that God
does not want me, that God is
not God and that He does not
really exist,” she wrote.
Is it not natural that she got into those doubts that God does not
want her? How can God want a hypocrite and a patron of criminals?
I would not be surprised if a simple girl Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiun
of Albania started as a true God lover but longtime association
with, and bad influence of, Christianity corrupted her soul
thoroughly giving birth to a Mother Teresa, who later turned out
to be a half-fraud, true to her Christian heritage. A heritage,
which turned Popes, Saints, Cardinals and Archbishops of
Christianity into such personalities who had no relationship to
true spirituality for miles; for them, spirituality had all been for
show, not for dedication.
Why is Pope John Paul II in such a big hurry? Is he afraid
that if he were to let the normal procedure be followed,
Mother Teresa may never get to acquire her sainthood? Is
it because, her not gaining sainthood would be a big
monetary loss to Christianity? Is it because Pope wants to
use Saint image of Mother Teresa for getting new Christian
converts in BhaaratVarsh'? Does he want Saint image of
Mother Teresa to bring more American public dollars to
‘buy’ more new Christians in BhaaratVarsh'?
Sometime ago I had read something like this: that pope was
putting Mother Teresa on fast track towards sainthood. Now that
I think of it in this context, I find myself amused. It sounds like a
fast track on sports ground! Well Christian sainthood has to be
truly a sport event, and you got to collect lot of points for that;
for example, Nobel Prize, 50 million dollars in a single current
account in a US bank, and perhaps much more that we haven’t
dug out as yet.
Why would Pope want to put Mother Teresa on fast track to
sainthood? Why would he want to bypass certain basic
requirements that are prescribed in Christianity for granting
anyone the title of Saint?
Have you ever wondered what Bhaaratiya Christianized
media had been doing all these days, carefully keeping
under wraps all these things about Mother Teresa, which
were going on for a long time right under their nose? Do
you care to think over, what should be done about such
Bhaaratiya media, the popular media, major newspapers and
magazine publishing houses, those who have millions in circulation
and billions in revenue, to put a few of them together, what have
they all been doing? They were right here and they could not find
it out? Or, they did find out but wanted to put a lid on it? Why
would they do so? Who all do the reporting for PTI (Press Trust of
India), TOI (The Times of India), The Hindu, and all such big
To figure out the answer to this we need to know who they are.
What is their upbringing? Where did they receive their education?
Were their minds preprogrammed through the missionary
education system to blindly respect Christianity?
Were they totally ignorant of The Lancet, Mary Loudon, Christopher
Hitchens and Anne Sebba? If they were, then it’s a shame on
their journalistic abilities. If they were entirely incapable of
investigation they could have at least taken the lead from these
people but they did not. If they knew all this and hushed it up
then it is a shame on their journalistic professional ethics.
Instead, they raised her to the sky and held her there all along
with great reverence. If this is the character of opinion-makers
to the nation, will the nation not go to dogs?
There are big names involved behind these major newspaper
and magazine publishing houses. Many a well-known (and
unfortunately well-respected) names associate with these business
houses, whose business seems to be something other than bring
truth to the public. Were they all sleeping or have they been busy
with other games? Some day the nation will ask those questions
that they will not be able to answer.
[Note: please do not think that this is an isolated case. You will find
instances (rather too many), as you will proceed through my various
There seems to be a pattern, a well designed and a well established
They have to start questioning their own conscience, of course, if
the have any. If they did have a conscience they would not need
a reminder, and if they do need a reminder then it’s a shame.
What has happened to our nation, that once all said, was so very
truthful [see Arise Arjun awaken my Hindu nation Chapter 1].
And now today, these leaders, the intellectual leaders, seem to
know not ‘truth’ what it means.
Cleverly they had been diverting public attention all along toward
political leaders and their brand of duplicity, only to keep under
cover their own brand of duplicity. Wake up my Nation; wake up,
at least now!
One thing you need to understand clearly: Corruption and
Christianity go hand in hand because it is all money and
power game. Prior to Christianized education, Hindus were
such a truthful lot, and there is plenty of documented
evidence, and we will bring you all that later and also
demonstrate how Hindu society has been brought down to
the level of Christian society
The media you rely on is one of the most corrupt and with no
ethics. And all these big name self-proclaimed secularist editors
and columnists are nothing but pimps, and now it is high time
that they all should be thrown out because they truly deserve
nothing better than kicks.
But kicking them out will not solve the problem as new crops of
the same variety are underway and they will join the main stream
pretty soon. You have to dismantle the factories that manufacture
These Christian and Communist educational institutions, spread
all over the nation like spider web, have strangled the nation of
its life giving breath, which (not so long ago) used to be the
unique Hindu quality of truth, justice and ethics. They have
embedded Christianity’s and Communism’s corruption all over
the psyche of Hindu masses. Only their names have remained
Hindu with misleading impression that it is Hindus who have
become corrupt. It is Christianity and Communism, which have
corrupted Hindus within two centuries through Macaulay
For a change, now compare this high profile Christian
Mother Teresa with low profile Hindu Braahman Baba Amte,
and examine who did the job and who took the credit?
After that, ask yourself, why is it that Bhaaratiya
Christianized media raised Mother Teresa to sky and
dumped Baba Amte to dust?
We have seen our Christian educated journalists who raised a
half-fraud Christian woman, whose interest was more in the Nobel
Prize and the title of Saint, and less in lepers, but who cleverly
used Christian educated media to her advantage to create the
false image. Now let us see how the same media ignored a
Braahman who worked for lepers without those incentives, which
the likes of Mother Teresa crave for. You will then know, how
characterless our Christian educated media is, when it comes to
the question of fairness.
Source: Veena Adige, Book review by MV Kamath, The Free Press Journal,
Mumbai, 9 November 2003, Spectrum p 6
Baba Amte was born in a wealthy, high caste Braahman
family, studied law and had a flourishing practice but
the steep fees he charged worried him. His hero was
Sane Guruji, the great MahaaRaashtrian social reformer.
In his late thirties he decided to dedicate his life to
social service after he saw a leper, disowned by his
family, die in the street. It was to lead him to set up a
leprosarium and the MahaaRogi Seva Samiti to
rehabilitate leprosy-affected people.
One Shri R K Patil of Naagpur offered him a house and
seven acres of land. Vinoba Bhave inaugurated
AanandVan in 1951, which was soon to attract patients.
By 1954 there were sixty of them. Word quickly spread
and assistance came pouring in. AanandVan became
the hub of tremendous activity. What was once a
wasteland was to become a center of intense care? As
one patient was to say: “AanandVan is a place where
the loneliest, the unloved, the sufferers of the ultimate
degradation of our bodies are taught to overcome fear”.
In all his work Baba had the full support of his wife
SaadhanaaTaai, and subsequently from his sons. As word
of his selfless dedicated work spread, awards were quick
to come, one after another. Baba used the prize monies
he received to get into new ventures like AshokVan and
Hemalkasa. AanandVan itself came to be known as a
place which cheerfully received abandoned children; that
further led to the setting up of communes of which there
now are four: Mukti Sadan, Krishi Sadan, Mukti Sadan
(sic.) and Nitrangan. Veena Adige traces the growth of
AanandVan (which presently houses 2,500 people) and
the efforts that went into it in great detail. It is a story
of love, care, dedication, and selflessness and total
Now, our media is hardly interested in such people like Baba
Amte. They are interested in half-fake kinds of Mother Teresa.
Why? Is it because there is so much money in it? Those millions
of dollars that Mother Teresa had stacked up in New York bank,
did she share a bit with our enlightened media men and women?
Is this all money game? Must our media run after those who
have plenty of it, like hungry dogs after the bones? With this kind
of character, are they going to build the nation, as they happen
to be the opinion-makers to the nation? Our Christian education
system has made of them, nothing but money-mongers like
Christianity’s flag-bearers themselves are, of which brilliant
examples happen to be the likes of Mother Teresa, Pat Robertson,
Archbishop Marcinkus, Cardinal Posadas-Ocampo, Pope Alexander
VI, Pope Pius XII, etc.
Has it ever bothered you that Mother Teresa gave Calcutta
‘the charnel house image’ in return of Nobel Prize for herself
and 50 million dollars in bank?
Source: A Hindu view of the world, N S Rajaram, pp 136-137
The image of Mother Teresa which Indians – Calcuttans
in particular – take enormous pride in has permanently
tarred Calcutta, if not all of BhaaratVarsh' as a wretched
place. If the Mother had remained in Albania as Agnes
Bojaxhiun no one would have heard of her. But thanks
to Calcutta – the supposedly wretched place to which
she brought succor – she became without a doubt the
most admired woman in the world. So whatever Mother
Teresa did for Calcutta fades into insignificance
compared to what Calcutta did for mother Teresa. Why
is it that the Bhaaratiya elite feels no shame at the
sight of this foreign woman rising to great heights while
at the same time one of their greatest cities is
condemned as the most wretched place on the earth?
Calcutta is no longer the city of C V Raman or
Rabindrnath Tagore (*Robindro Naath Thaakur) – both
real Nobel laureates, just not ‘peace’ laureates like
Kissinger and Yasser Arafat – but of Mother Teresa. While
Bhaaratiya intellectuals have willingly swallowed this
humiliation heaped on Calcutta (and BhaaratVarsh'), it
was left to a Westerner – Germaine Greer – to appreciate
the truth with some sensitivity.
And we fools worship such a person! Don’t we have any selfrespect
left? Has Macaulay been so successful in his cunningdesign
that till today we cannot kick his ghost out?
Source: A Hindu view of the world, N S Rajaram, p 137
Germaine Greer: Much as she has tried to show that
the poor need missionary charity elsewhere, Mother
Teresa is Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Part of the general
veneration for her stems from a conviction that only a
saint could bear to live in such hideous place. The fact
that her principle work was caring for the dying has
reinforced the impression held by people who have never
been there that Calcutta is a charnel house. If the cult
of the Christian Mother Teresa is fed by contempt for
Hindu India (BhaaratVarsh'), it must do more evil than
good. However, many people are helped by Mother
Teresa and her nuns, there are close to a billion others
who will continue to be judged unfairly as unable or
unwilling to take care of their own.
Source: Dr Aroup Chatterjee, The Final Verdict, Introduction
In the midst of all this I remembered the ‘Calcutta’ of
the West - Calcutta the metaphor, not the city. In my
three years in the West I had come to realize that the
city had become synonymous with the worst of human
suffering and degradation in the eyes of the world. I
read and heard again and again that Calcutta contained
an endless number of ‘sewers and gutters’ where an
endless number of dead and dying people lay - but not
for long - as ‘roving angels’ in the shape of the followers
of a certain nun would come along looking for them.
Then they would whisk them away in their smart
ambulances. As in my twenty-seven years in Calcutta I
had never seen such a scene, (and neither have I met a
Calcuttan who has), it hurt me deeply that such a wrong
stereotype had become permanently ingrained in world
psyche. I felt suddenly overwhelmingly sad that a city,
indeed an entire culture should be continuously insulted
in this way.
At last you need to wake up, and face the reality as
compared to the fairy tale
Source: Dr Aroup Chatterjee, The Final Verdict, Introduction
Why I decided to do ‘something about it’ I cannot easily
tell. As a person I am flawed enough to understand lies
and deceit. Why certain people, themselves no pillars
of rectitude, decide to make a stand against untruth
and injustice is a very complex issue. Also, my wife,
brought up (a Roman Catholic) in Ireland on Teresa
mythology, felt angry and cheated when she went to
Calcutta and saw how the reality compared with the
fairy tale; she has encouraged me in my endeavors.
This is how money and media together can make truth as
untruth and similarly, the untruth as truth!
So you see, how money and media together can make truth as
untruth, and at the same time, turn untruth as truth. Those
interested in recently published work of Dr Aroup Chatterjee The
Final Verdict may want to visit and refer
to the book. The web site gives all 14 chapters. There you will
find lot more hard facts.
My purpose is only to raise awareness that the truth lies behind
the smoke screen and need of the time is to penetrate through
and look beyond.
Now, compare all this glorious Christianity with the Hindu
thought process of those days when it was not fully
adulterated by the bad influence of Christian thought
process, which has by now thoroughly corrupted the Hindu
character with six generations of Christian Education
I am talking about Sir Jagdish Chandr Bose, who was knighted in
1917 for his Crescograph and other inventions. However, his name
does not feature in the 2152 pages Indian (Bhaaratiya) edition of
Oxford Dictionary, which does not fail to list many other relatively
insignificant achievers. This discrimination must be based on some
criterion that they can only explain.
Source: An Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda, pp 65-66
Using his Crescograph, Bose demonstrated that plants
have a sensitive nervous system and a varied emotional
life. Love, hate, joy, fear, pleasure, pain, excitability,
stupor, and countless other appropriate responses to
stimuli are as universal in plants as in animals [p 66].
The Bose Crescograph has the enormousness of ten
million magnifications [pp 65-66].
Look at the spirit behind this dedicatory inaugural speech delivered
by J C Bose, when the Bose Institute was opened:
Source: An Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda, pp 67-69
I dedicate today this institute as not merely a laboratory
but a temple.
The lectures given here will not be mere repetitions of
secondhand knowledge. They will announce new
discoveries, demonstrated for the first time in these
halls. Through regular publication of the work of the
Institute, these Bhaaratiya contributions will reach the
whole world.
They will become public property. No patents will
ever be taken.
The spirit of our national culture demands that we should
forever be free from the desecration of utilizing
knowledge only for personal gain.
It is my further wish that the facilities of this institute
be available, so far as possible, to workers from all
countries. In this I am attempting to carry on the
traditions of my country. As far back as twenty-five
centuries, BhaaratVarsh' welcomed to its ancient
universities, at Naalanda and TakshShila, scholars from
all parts of the world.
The point I am trying to make is that here we see an example of
the total absence of greed in form of money and power that it
unleashes. Just think of an invention almost a century ago, which
could magnify an object by ten million times! What kind of fortune
could he have amassed from patenting such an invention during
this period? And then, of course, Oxford Dictionary would have
found it fit to give him a place somewhere in its 2152 pages. But,
one like J C Bose who forgoes that greed and the power that
money could yield, remains ignored in this Christianity dominated
This is only one of the many basic differences between Hindu
thought process and Christian thought process. The bigger, the
wealthier, the power yielding (disregard how that power is
acquired) and the power-hungry (to the extent that destroying
others by unfair means is not considered immoral) characters
are welcome in Christianity. It is encouraged in every way and it
flourishes there. Ethics, goodness, wealth for prosperity of all,
power for protection of the weak, humility have been cherished
Ethos of Hinduism that have now been crushed by Christianity
driven world and its education system.
Creation is a cyclic process. Focus your gauge at a specific point
on a moving cycle. It is at the top now, then it moves to the
horizon, then it is at the bottom, then again at the horizon, finally
at the top again. Civilized values of Hinduism were the admired
ones for almost five thousand years continually after the battle of
MahaaBhaarat in which Dharm was reestablished [details in other
works]. Now barbaric values (survival of the fittest by application
of their cunning) of Christianity are in vogue and they will continue
to be admired until the wheel moves again to another position!
Come and dive with me, understand the deadly impact of
Macaulay’s Christian design, the amputative attitude of
Christianity. Christianity trains you to compartmentalize
issues, as a result you never get to focus at the root cause.
In the end, you engage in self-condemnation, blaming the
victim; finally, you have no solution to the problem
I have already discussed the undeniable Christian influence on
Macaulay’s psyche and therefore, I would not want to delve it
any further. However, the point I wish to make here is so obscure
that I have to take you through an equally obscure path, and you
may keep guessing as to why I am speaking of those things,
while I can possibly come to the point directly. If I do that, you
might summarily dismiss it in the very beginning. Therefore, in
dealing with an issue of obscure nature, sometimes it becomes
necessary to go around a path that may initially appear to be as
‘beating around the bush’ though I have no intention of doing
Allopathy and Christianity may not have any apparent connection
and, therefore, I place before you these questions. Is it a
coincidence that Hippocrates (father of Allopathy medicine) was
a Greek? Is this a coincidence that Bible New Testament was
written originally in Greek? Is this a coincidence that American
architecture bears undeniable influence of Greek architecture?
Or, is there a connection?
Allopathy was born and brought up in the land of Christian
influence. Allopathy has a very special attitude. It is antieverything
that it perceives as a disease. For instance, anti-biotic,
anti-coagulant, anti-depressant, anti-diarrhoeal, anti-emetic,
anti-histamine, anti-perspirant, anti-pyretic, anti-septic,
anti-spasmodic, anti-tetanus, anti-viral, and so on.
Allopathy depends substantially on amputative surgery. Anything
that is undesirable, amputate it. If the poison is spreading through
the leg, cut it off. If the cancerous growth is in a tissue, destroy it.
Is this a coincidence that this amputative attitude of Allopathy
and an equally amputative attitude of Christianity coexist? What
is this amputative attitude of Christianity am I talking about?
Christian Bible Matthew 12:30 He that is not with me is against
One, who is not with me, is essentially against me. That is the
attitude of Christianity. If there is a perceived disease, it must
have an anti-dote. This is the attitude of Allopathy. If there is
some part undesirable in the body, amputate it. This again is the
attitude of Allopathy.
Getting to the root is hardly any one’s concern, as long as this
thought process persists. And, we Hindus too have now become
quite used to this kind of thinking, thanks to generation after
generation Christian education and mental makeup.
This mental-make has yet another characteristic. It
compartmentalizes. It puts things into compartments. It speaks
of Christianity separately. It speaks of Macaulayite education
system separately. It speaks of Western influence separately. It
speaks of modernity separately, as if, they all were unrelated.
Hence, when you look for the cause of a problem, look at any one
of them. In the process, focus yourself at one of them that appears
to be the culprit. Don’t mix up all of them. Effectively, do not go
to the root. Treat the issue in isolation. This very attitude of
isolation is typical of Christian thinking.
Christianity simply cannot coexist with any other parallel thought
process. It must eliminate whatever comes its way. So it did with
Hindu system of education and Hindu culture. And, in about two
centuries that it operated on Hinduism, it has been successful in
quite a substantial degree.
Christian Macaulay had said “...” and here, I am deliberately using
the term Christian Macaulay. I do not want you to lose the sight,
even for a moment, that Macaulay bore undeniable Christian
psyche. His thoughts and actions evolved from the root of
Christianity. Hence Christianity and Macaulay phenomenon must
not be perceived in isolation.
Returning to what Christian Macaulay had said: “...they will lose
their self-esteem...” Did he succeed in it? I wish to give one
example here. There can be millions but I chose deliberately this
example, because I feel this instance has something additional
to reveal. I am going to speak of someone very learned whom I
hold with great respect but, unfortunately, even a person of his
caliber could not remain uninfluenced by Christian Macaulay’s
designs. What could then be expected of others? As for our men
of justice, academicians, press, politicians, etc. you have already
witnessed the Macaulay influence through my earlier work
Ayodhya Shri Raam Mandir facts that did not reach you all. He
wrote a review of my work Ayodhya Shri Raam Mandir facts that
did not reach you all and mentioned, “I would blame my own
Hindus”. There are quite a few who write in Hindu Voice regularly
condemning Hindus.
This has become quite a fashion these days. Often it is done with
an expression of love towards Hinduism, giving an impression as
if they are true well-wishers and their heart bleeds for Hinduism.
What they do not realize that this is what Hindu haters love to
see: demoralize Hindus as much as you can. These supposedly
lovers of Hinduism do not realize what they are doing!
This self-condemnation is typical of present-day Hindus. From
what does this often-witnessed self-condemnation sprout? It
sprouts from the same attitude that Macaulay wanted to inculcate
in Hindus, when he said “...they will lose their self-esteem...”
This low self-esteem is the result of many generations of mental
slavery that Macaulay wanted to achieve “they will become what
we want them, a truly dominated nation” as he put it in his own
words. The beauty is that we are generally not even aware of this
phenomenon. This lack of self-esteem has become our second
nature, and we often indulge in self-condemnation.
Hindu had been the victim of Christian Macaulay conspiracy and
we are blaming the victim. That is the easiest thing to do. Beat
the underdog and it cannot protest.
What do we achieve by that? What is the effect of it? Hindu, who
already has a low morale, loses it further. Everyone points finger
at him - even Hindu himself. Average Hindu has been robbed of
his self-respect. If he tries a bit to gather it back, it gets smashed
by the self-condemnation of supposedly wiser Hindus. In this
process of self-scrutiny we may want to appear, in the eyes of
the world, very impartial; but at what cost? At the cost of the
same oft-beaten Hindu being pushed further down. And
remember, the world does not think of us as impartial, though
howsoever we may want to look like one. Instead, we are perceived
as divided and weak; people who can be taken for granted!
This is no time for Hindus to engage in self-condemnation. If
they refrain from this favorite pass-time, there would be plenty
others who would merrily engage in that activity (including large
brigades of self-proclaimed Bhaaratiya secularists who have had
a substantially impressive crop during last fifty years of Nehru
dynasty). There is no reason for Hindus to play pawns in their
designs, knowingly or unknowingly.
It is the time for Hindus to recognize their own true worth vis-àvis
all other prevailing and dominant systems (be they Christianity,
Islam, Communism or Buddhism - in this context, Buddhism
happens to be an offshoot of Hinduism but it has acquired a
distinct identity today). And for that, it would first be necessary
to know the other systems better. We may think that we already
know, but what we know is what we have been shown, which
may not, and is not, the whole truth.
It is the time for Hindus to assert themselves. If they do not do it,
others are not going to do it on their behalf.
Garden that
beckons ~ the
ChristianAmerica ~
the land of plenty
The image has been built that USA is a secular nation; let
us look at its laws and compare them with dictionary
definition of secular; then, you decide for yourself
Source: Oxford Dictionary p 1681
Secular: denoting attitudes, activities, or
other things that have no religious or
spiritual basis
Source: IndiaCause newsletter 25 February 2004
A Hindu family in America is not
allowed to fly a religious flag,
and if they do should pay a fine
of $100 per day.
US attitude and its law does not conform that US is secular nation.
Why then, media has created an image that USA is a secular
nation? Who these media men and women are? Aren’t they
Christians? Do Christians have no love for truth? The media power
has created an image in our mind that USA has a secular society.
It is very difficult to penetrate that image and look beyond unless
you want to. Even more difficult is ‘to want to challenge our own
Have you known that USA has 84% Christian population,
whereas BhaaratVarsh' has only 81% Hindu population?
Source: [February 2004]
USA has 84% Christian population as compared to
BhaaratVarsh' having 81% Hindu population.
Now the question is why American politicians do not brand USA
as ChristianAmerica while they merrily keep referring to
BhaaratVarsh' as Hindu India? While I do not see anything wrong
in their quoting BhaaratVarsh' as Hindu India, I do expect them
to be honest enough to quote USA as ChristianAmerica. Let the
right identification be used in all referrals. Let us not try to hide
the truth and be hypocrites.
Then the next question would be, if ChristianAmerica can let US
President be sworn on Bible, why should Bhaaratiya Prime Minister
Atal Behari Bajpayee not be sworn on BhagavadGita? If US schools
in certain states can start the day with Christian prayer, why can
Bhaaratiya schools not start the day with Hindu prayers? If US
army can hold Christian sermons on Good Friday, why Bhaaratiya
army should not hold Satya Naaraayan Pooja on appropriate days?
Let there be parity. Let there be fairness. Let truth be accepted
as it is.
Here we have our President Bush who starts his day with
the Bible, and to top that we have our Attorney General
Ashcroft who even holds Bible classes in his Office; such is
their dedication to those teachings of Christian Bible that
you read earlier
Source: Will Rev graham’s America realize it? S Gurumurthy, Hindu Voice,
2003, p 9
The entire American establishment is now
hooked to Bible and Church. President Bush
starts the day with the Bible. So is the
Attorney General Ashcroft. The Attorney
General even holds Bible classes in the
Story doesn’t end here; we have now US Army with 98%
Christians joining in
Source: S Gurumurthy, Hindu Voice, May 2003, p 9
“What is Pentagon? Says the Washington Times, which
carried the report about Rev Graham’s proposed service
at the Pentagon, “Christians of various denominations
are about 98 percent of incoming troops who declare a
religious preference, according to a 1999 study”. So is
it a conscript Christian army? No more a professional
We have seen above the composition of American Army. It has
98% Christians. Can you ever call it a non-Christian nation? Now
let us look at how they make the Christianity’s influence felt in
the army.
Source: S Gurumurthy, Hindu Voice, May 2003, p 9
Two things need notice. First the Defense establishment
of (*secular?) America observes church services for Good
Friday, a pure religious ritual. Imagine the Bhaaratiya
Army or Navy or Air Force doing a Pooja and inviting a
ShankarAachaarya to address them. Second, it
deliberately invites a known anti-Islamic evangelist.
If only Bhaaratiya army ever dares to do it, our FakeSecularists
(CommunistMarxistIntellectuals and English media newspapers,
periodicals and their protégés) will raise such a hell that ... you
Source: S Gurumurthy, Hindu Voice, May 2003, p 9
What is so special about Reverend Graham? “Islam is
“a very evil and a wicked religion”. It is a considered
remark of an American, which he stood by despite all
criticism. He is a revered Christian religious scholar, Rev
Franklin Graham. Rev Graham is a religious scholar
respected by the US Government. He is the son of the
‘famed’ Billy Graham, the Christian evangelist who
attempts to globalize faith. He has been invited to speak
at the sacred Good Friday service at the Pentagon, the
US Defense establishment.
Now let us look at the degree of commitment Pentagon has
towards Christianity.
Source: S Gurumurthy, Hindu Voice, May 2003, p 9
When the Muslims in the US expressed ‘concern’ at the
Pentagon inviting Rev Graham, the Pentagon spokesman
dismissed it ... It said clearly that it has “no plan or
discussion to uninvite”, that is, to withdraw the invitation
to Rev Graham. “He is a recognized religious leader”,
said the Pentagon. The plan is not limited to just invite
Graham. But to avoid future problems, said the
Pentagon, so that there can be no objection about the
Pentagon inviting such ‘recognized’ religious leaders to
sermonize the Pentagon officials in future.
And then of course, we have those freebies that affect
common man; to satisfy Christian sentiments all public
holidays in ChristianWorld are for Christians, but we fools
in BhaaratVarsh', who are branded as Hindu communal,
make sacrifices by sharing our available public holidays
with all religions
What about fixed holidays? In Canada, I worked with an
Information Technology company that was under white
management. We used to get holidays from around 22nd of
December till about 3rd - 4th of January for Christmas. If in a
supposedly Secular nation they can have such long holidays for
Christmas, why in Hindu BhaaratVarsh' we cannot have such long
holidays for Dashehara and Diwaali?
Don’t give me the crap that we already get too many holidays.
May be we do but don’t put it in comparison to the West, which
many ChristianizedHindus love to do. It is true for the
ChristianizedHindu Judges. These people still live in
ChristianBritish day mentality. In those days, white judges used
to go for long summer holidays to UK. Similarly, our brown
Christianized-Judges enjoy long summer vacations even now. They
seem to live in that mentality till today, and they being the Judges,
no one is supposed to question them. This information regarding
abnormally large number of holidays for our judges is based on a
news item that appeared in the Free Press Journal sometime
early 2004 or late 2003, most likely on the front page bottom.
As for common man, whatever holidays they get is due to respect
for all religions in BhaaratVarsh'. So we have holidays for everyone,
Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Jain, Paarsi, Buddhist, Dalit, and name
any. But in Secular West we do not get any holiday for Hindu
festivals. Why? I am not complaining why we do not get. I am
questioning those Christianized-Bhaaratiya fools who look down
upon all that is Bhaaratiya Hindu and look up to ChristianizedWest
as their ideal, as the result of their Christianized education.
Some of these ChristianizedHindus speak in sarcastic manner
about too many holidays in BhaaratVarsh'. They try to convey we
work so little in Hindu-BhaaratVarsh' and they work so much in
the ChristianWest. For the benefit of such fools [I have no better
adjective for them] let me tell you that in the Canadian company
under white management, I used to get during first year 15
workings days, and second year onwards 21 working days in a
calendar year as my holiday entitlement, which means added
Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays if any, I enjoyed not
less than 30 days a year, and add to that those Christmas holidays
for about 14 days plus few other public holidays. Thus, I enjoyed
almost 50 days a year in holidays. Does a common man in
BhaaratVarsh' enjoy more vacation than this? This is the question
to those ChristianizedHindus, who see something wrong in
everything that is Bhaaratiya, and see everything exemplary in
all that is Westernized, which in reality is Christianized. While
these mental-Christian-slaves may think of themselves pretty
highly, it is their mental insolvency that they reflect in reality
from their attitude.
What we see is that while ChristianizedWest speaks about religious
equity and secularism and all that stuff, positively sounding,
impressive undoubtedly, appealing to good sense of course, and
yet in their action they do the opposite. All holidays are for
Christians in the Christianized world. And they call us Hindu nation,
not secular, not religiously tolerant, and yet we do it. We give
holidays to Christians also. And, not only to Christians, but also
to Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Paarsi, name any one. Even those
called Dalits, whom Christian missionaries have given this new
name so that they can convert them easily to Christianity; we
even give holiday for their messiah Bheem Rao Ambedkar’s
birthday. This is religious tolerance; not that, which
ChristianizedWest boasts of.
And, what do those Christian schools in BhaaratVarsh' do?
They don’t give long holidays to children during Dashehara;
instead they invariably fix examinations during that period. Why?
This is a very well thought out plan. Examinations on head,
children cannot go and enjoy their festivals. This is the way to
keep them away from those Hindu festivals.
Year after year, this happens. The result is simple. Children grow
indifferent towards their festivities. And during Christmas, they
never ever fix the examinations. They want Hindu children to
fully enjoy Christmas. Year after year this happens. The result,
Hindu children become more and more interested in Christian
festivities. This is an indirect way to Christianize Hindu children.
Hindu parents do not understand this game plan.
That is why I call Christians as cunning. They are simply not
straight forward in their dealings. But whatever they show is
definitely impressive. Hindu parents go after that. This
deceptiveness is second nature to Christianity. They don’t have
to practice it. It is in their genes. Generations after generations
they have practiced it so well that they do not need any more of
Remember Mother Teresa’s personal dairy? She says my smile is
a cloak. She wouldn’t say it publicly. To public that smile is
genuine. Internally, that is pretext. All that talk of God was also
pretext for her. In her dairy she writes, God is not God, he does
not exist. Therefore, for Christianity outer show and inner truth
are two different things altogether, almost poles apart!
And then, what kind of ChristianizedHindus they produce?
It was my early days in Canada. I was new, you can say raw to
the glamour of ChristianWorld, and I hadn’t yet learned to look
up to everything that was Christian-Western as superior to
whatever we had Hindu-Eastern.
Here you would notice me using word Christian rather frequently.
It is by repetition that you have learned to think of them as
Western. It is only by repetition that you can be made to remember
that whatever you have learned to identify as Western, is primarily
I was invited to my old colleague-friend’s house for a small get
together. Between other two invitees were a Bhaaratiya-Christian
and a Bhaaratiya-Sindhi (I would assume a ChristianizedHindu).
The host was Hindu and he had a Bhaaratiya-Christian wife.
I would not remember very well as to who started this topic,
though I have a reasonable impression as to who it was, but I
would let it pass because that, in itself, is not so important. I
shall rather narrate what transpired there.
One of them said, he was traveling by air and there was a Chinese
gentleman sitting next to him. Somehow the topic came about
use of tissue papers, the toilet papers that ChristianWorld uses
after they shit to clean themselves. I am using plain language,
Americans love to use such lingo; haven’t you noticed that the
most repeatedly spoken word in Hollywood movies is fucking?
That is basically their culture and I am just keeping you in that
environment. In recent times, since globalization, I notice
increased use of toilet papers among ChristianizedHindus in
BhaaratVarsh' as well. They have started following those whom
they have learned to admire!
Returning to the story: the Chinese gentleman asked with surprise,
so you guys don’t use toilet paper? What do you use then? Do
you use tree leafs?
At this moment, three of them burst into laughter. I felt bad but
I hadn’t yet acquired the ability to hit back at them. The Chinese
(presumably American Chinese) thought we Hindus were so
primitive that we might have used tree leafs! And our
ChristianizedBhaaratiyas had a hearty laugh at it. Not at the
Chinese, they were laughing. They were laughing at the primitive
nature of what Hindus do.
The storyteller ended here. He did not enlighten the Chinese. He
carried the stigma of primitiveness about the Hindus back home.
He, of course, wasn’t one of those primitive folks. He had by now
sufficiently advanced in the ChristianWorld, as had also advanced
that Chinese guy.
I wish he had known that what Hindus do was not primitive but
much more advanced than what Christians do. The only difference
is that Hindus had been doing it for very long but ChristianWorld
still lives in that state, which mistakenly they perceive as
advancement. So, let us discuss what is it that Hindus do or had
been doing from time immemorial and how it is not only cleaner
but also more hygienic and medically sound, which would be the
correct standards of advancement, or otherwise.
Hindus use water to clean themselves. It cleans thoroughly even
a bit inside because they use squatting position sitting on their
two legs. ChristianWorld uses toilet paper, which cleans them
superficially because they sit in chair position with the support
of their thighs.
As for hygiene is concerned, I think any fool would know that
washing yourself with water is more hygienic than rubbing with a
paper, howsoever sterilized that paper may be.
And something that ChristianWorld is probably not aware. If only
they start using water instead of rubbing themselves everyday
with paper, howsoever soft it may be, a large number of
hemorrhoid patients will get cured. I am speaking of not very
aggravated stages of hemorrhoid. Ordinary amount of bleeding
and swelling of rectum is fairly commonplace among people living
in the ChristianWorld. All pharmacies carry Anusol kind of
products. Even if you go to counted few homeopathy stores, you
will find prominently displayed anti-hemorrhoid ointments. And
yellow pages are full of big advertisements for colon cleaning.
Now, if only these supposedly advanced people become a little
more advanced, and start using water they will have a good relief
from their nagging problem, and they don’t ever have to use
Anusol and such ointments, where it hurts.
May be the smart ones would start arguing that it is so cold out
there, how can they use water. Fine, that is okay, but please do
not carry the inflated ego that you are more advanced. You would
have been a little more advanced if you had thought of using
warm water, which is available in plenty there. You would have
been a bit more advanced if you had learned to use a hand-held
shower like thing to clean yourself with water. Few people in
Christianized world have started using it but in those days I had
seen it only in one house in Calgary (Canada) and another in
Venezia (Italia, Europe). So, use of water was not yet been
commonplace; at least, until just a few years ago.
Advancement should be measured by not what you produce in
factories in bulk, but whether you match the requirements of
cleanliness, hygiene, and medical well being. So, for a change, I
hope our ChristianizedHindus start taking a bit more pride in the
kind of advancement we had and learn not to be so ashamed of
their culture and their age-old systems.
Teachings of Jesus
now shape every
sphere of American
life and activity
Well, things don’t end there, rather begin; here in America
we have Jesus philosophy all around, even interfering with
the US Foreign Policy
President Bush starts his day with the Bible and therefore, we
can expect to see reflection of the teachings of Bible on his
Christian Bible Matthew 12:30 He that is not with me is against me.
The concept is very clear in Jesus’s mind. Any one, who dares
stand against him, must be treated as the opponent and should
be punished!
So, President Bush and American Christians have understood it
very well that their messiah Jesus Christ has given them a clear
instruction that whosoever is not with the US is against US. When
France objected to US invasion of Iraq, McDonald French Fries
became Freedom Fries! And, France was told not to expect any
role in Iraq’s after-war reconstruction contracts, which meant loss
of huge profits to France. This was the punishment to the French
for not being with the President Bush and his country America.
Then we have Jesus’s presence in shaping the US Business
America produces huge quantities of armaments and sells them
to developing nations at high price and keeps instigating them
(in a covert manner, of course) to fight each other. This is how
USA keeps Jesus and his motto alive.
Christian Bible Matthew 10:34 Think not I am come to send peace
on earth: I come not to send peace, but a sword.
Christian Bible Luke 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace
on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:
Gospel of Thomas 16 Jesus said: Perhaps men think that I came to
cast peace on the world; and they do not know that I came to cast
division upon earth, fire, sword, war.
This very clearly spells out the agenda Jesus Christ had. He did
not want peace in the world. He wanted war every where. He
wanted to divide the humanity! Predominately Christian nation
USA is following Jesus well, making his dream come true!
And we have these multinationals making Jesus dream
come true
Gospel of Thomas 42 Jesus said: He who has (something) in his
hand, to him it will be given; and he who has nothing, from him
even the little he has will be taken away.
American multinationals like Coca Cola, Pepsi and all come to
BhaaratVarsh', buy over indigenous competitors, or wipe them
out using their financial muscle, erect their plants and draw water
from earth so much that the local populace is soon left with little
water to irrigate their lands or drink from their wells. This is how
they make Jesus dream come true, those who already have will
snatch from have-nots whatever little they had.
The sudden decline in underground water resources and resulting
hardships to local populace is reported in some corner of
Christianized media and then it is all hushed up using same
financial muscle. They buy over anyone who makes noise. Once
a year some international agency prepares a report and speaks
of corruption high in developing countries. They make no mention
that such corruption is bred by their Christian brothers by buying
the have-nots all the time. Those who put the seed for so-called
corruption and keep it alive all the while they become clean people
because reporting media too belongs to them.
But the deadliest of all, is the influence of Jesus on the
institution of family, which he wanted threadbare
Now let us see as to how the Teachings of Jesus, as documented
in the Christian Bible without any ambiguity, creates Enmity
amongst family members and destroys Hindu Joint Family system.
Christian Bible Matthew 10:35 For I am come to set a man at
variance against his father, and the daughter against the mother,
and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 10:36 And a
man’s foe shall be they of his own household.
Christian Bible Luke 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give
peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: 12:52 For
from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three
against two, and two against three. 12:53 The father shall be
divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother
against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the
mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law
against her mother in law. 14:26 If any man come to me, and hate
not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren,
and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
Gospel of Thomas 16 Jesus said: Perhaps men think that I came
to cast peace on the world; and they do not know that I came to
cast division upon earth, fire, sword, war. For five will be in a
house; there will be three against two and two against three, the
father against the son and the son against the father. And they
will stand because they are single ones. 56 Jesus said: He who will
not hate his father and his mother cannot be my disciple. And he
who will not hate his brothers and sisters, and carry his cross as I
have, will not become worthy of me.
This very clearly indicates that Jesus Christ was against the
institution of family. He wanted broken families all over. He wanted
the human institution of family ruined totally. Men and women
without family become like street dogs and bitches!
Western nations with prolonged exposure to the ills of Bible have
long moved towards single-family system. With six generations
of continued Christian education system, Bhaaratiya Hindu Joint
Families have been dissolving quickly, and presently they are a
rarity in urban areas.
Why do we hear of feud between mother-in-law daughter-in-law
so often in our movies and television serials? Is it the gift of six
generations of Christian education in BhaaratVarsh'? Why is it
that we do not see reflection of such feuds in Raamaayan and
MahaaBhaarat? Why do we find respect for mother-in-law and
love for daughter-in-law in our Hindu stories?
What is it that Hindu life style taught Hindus for thousands of
years? What is it that Christian life style taught Hindus in past
170 years? Which one do you wish to follow?
Christians have followed their ideal person Jesus so far that they
have not only broken the institution of family but they have made
it threadbare. A family starts from husband and wife. Christianity
has destroyed if anything of value remained in that relationship.
Why is it that we hear North American husband and wife say to
each other so very often ‘I love you’ and respond ‘I love you too’?
Is it to keep reminding themselves that they do love each other,
lest they forget loving each other? Or, is it the deep sense of
insecurity amongst them that they want to keep each other
reminded that they do love each other? Why there is so much
show of love? Is it because it exists, but so very unstable in
An average American household is a split unit. Children start
leaving parents by the time they get sixteen. In 1998, North
America registered over 50% divorces. Statistics seem to have
covered divorces out of registered marriages, ignoring uncountable
unregistered marriages. Registered marriages in north-American
society are less in number than unregistered marriages (live-in
relationship on trial basis). Registered marriages are more difficult
to break than unregistered marriages because of issues like
children and the length of relationships. If divorces (break ups)
out of unregistered marriages were to be counted, the percentage
of such broken unions would be far more than 50. So, we see
how deep-rooted is the influence of the above teachings of Bible
are on the North American society, which is predominantly a
Christian society under the cover of secular society!
Now this disease is spreading fast in BhaaratVarsh'. You know
why? It is because most Bhaaratiya children today go to Christian
schools. Their mental make up is firmed up from their very
childhood towards Christian thinking, though they all may not be
consciously aware of it fully. But, its deep-rooted influence is
later reflected in their actions and their value system as they
grow up to be modern-day adults.
We, however, are unwilling to admit that. We would want to believe
that it is the effect of Western influence, placing Western and
Christian in two separate compartments. This tendency to
compartmentalize has become our habit, which again evolves
from the same Christian education system as we have discussed
Gospel of Thomas 56 Jesus said: He who will not hate his father and
his mother cannot be my disciple. And he who will not hate his
brothers and sisters, and carry his cross as I have, will not become
worthy of me.
Well, Jesus said that you must hate your father, mother, brothers,
and sisters. Did he also say that you should hate your spouse? I
guess he must have said so. If I were study more of Bible, I
might stumble on it. But you know what, I have no more appetite
left to read that book. Though it is titled as ‘Holy’ Bible, but it
feels so very ‘unholy’ in its thoughts and preaching. I keep
wondering about the concept of Satan in Christianity. It occurs to
me as if Satan is truly the Christian God!
Months after writing this book, while working on the 2nd edition,
I found something that I would want to add here, as this one
Christian Bible Luke 14:26 If any man come to me, and hate not his
father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters,
yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
St Luke did not forget to document that. Jesus did say that a
man should hate his wife and children too. Oh! So much of hate.
I know of Canada, so I tell you about that place, but I am sure it
would be roughly the same in USA and Europe. I know it for sure
that if wife approaches a Canadian bank and asks for balance in
husband’s account, she would be refused. Similarly, husband
asking for balance in wife’s account will be turned down.
Now the question is, why does this happen? It happens because
banks have come to realize that generally wife and husband do
not trust each other in money matters. I am sure they would not
have come to this conclusion overnight. Over the years modern
Christian spouses must have proved it over and again through
their conduct that husband and wife can very well cheat each
other even in such simple matters. Don’t get carried away by all
that talk about trust and truthfulness they keep blabbering. They
do it to keep consoling themselves. All that show business comes
out of a deep sense of insecurity, if not hypocrisy.
Now, don’t think it has percolated down to the level of husband
and wife all of a sudden. No, it comes right from the top. As you
will come to know more about Christianity through my future
works, you will find that fraud is a way of life with Christianity all
through its history. Higher levels display greater degree of
fraudulent tendencies through their conduct. So, the common
man and woman also adopt the same life style, even at the level
of husband and wife.
Dominant Christian education in BhaaratVarsh' over the
generations has now corrupted Hindus substantially. Gradually,
it is moving towards alarming proportions, as reflected in television
serials of higher classes who are more Christianized than rest of
the folks. Yet, an average Bhaaratiya Hindu spouse has not yet
stooped down to the level of an average Western Christian spouse.
Banks still respect spousal relations and help in these matters.
But how long this will continue is anybody’s guess. Since
globalization, we notice much rapid erosion of the family institution
in BhaaratVarsh'. The stage is now well set after six generations
of continued Christianized education, and the influx of Internet
and Television has accelerated very significantly the pace of
Christianizing Hindu masses as far as thinking and outlook issues
are concerned. The situation may soon reach a stage where the
process will become irreversible.
At this point, it is important that we remember what Lord Macaulay
and Sir Thomas Munro had testified about the Hindu culture and
Hindu education system. Unless corrective measures are taken
on war footing to restore those bygone days, we may never
experience those beauties again!
But things don’t end there; Jesus has his spell cast over
public institutions as well
Look at the basic attitude behind Jesus’ teachings that we have
been discussing in last few pages. This destroys oneness and
dependability between family members. This attitude does not
limit itself to the family institution. It spreads far and wide. It
engulfs the social arena. It influences public institutions, as well!
This is by way of an example to elaborate the central point that I
narrate you this story. I know of an individual who had his entire
schooling at a convent. After that studies in England. Then work
in Canada. Now, as you look at the background, this Bhaaratiya
gentleman got a thoroughly Anglicized-Christianized upbringing
at school. At home, his parents were very simple, good Hindus.
But, parental culture could not save the boy’s Christianized psyche.
Parents were no less responsible either. They dreamt of
ChristianWest to be the abode of their children. Though they
themselves would not touch any kind of non-vegetarian food
(when they visited the West) out of fear that they might eat beef
unknowingly. In those days, vegetarian food was not so commonly
available in public eateries of the West, as is today after epidemic
of heart diseases in the West reached alarming proportions, and
modern science suddenly realized how harmful is beef eating.
[These Christianized modern medical men and women thought
of Hindus as primitive not realizing that Hindus gave up beef long
ago learning its disastrous effects. But modern medicine had to
establish its superiority; hence, Christian educators told Hindu
children that not eating beef is a superstition. And finally after
wasting billions of dollars they reinvented the wheel! At least
they can boast their modern science has established this fact,
primitive Hindus did not.] Anyhow, the parents practically lived
on raw cabbage whenever they ate out. Such is the attraction of
ChristianWest among we Hindus that we want to stay Hindu
ourselves but we would not mind let our children turn
ChristianizedHindu! This is our one of the greatest misfortune,
and to be honest, practically all of us are affected by this
contagious disease. Those who boast that they are not affected
by this euphoria are often the ones who have no means to jump
to the ChristianWest. So much for the Macaulay effect! Now let
me narrate the main incidence for which I started the whole topic.
One day he (the hero of our story) tells me, Satya Yug has
descended. People trust each other so much. Look at public
libraries, they trust you so much, they don’t even check what all
you are carrying out of the library. I had to tell him that no, they
don’t rely a bit on trust. The reality is that they simply do not
trust you; they only show that they trust you. You try taking a
book on your person, un-issued to you, and try crossing the gatelike
location after the issue desk, and a mild siren will blow,
cautioning the staff to hold you for search. Don’t you see the
electronic pen-like thing that they mildly move over the bar code
when you present a book for issuing it to you? What does it do?
It simply conveys to the security system that this particular bar
code should be allowed exit unchallenged. Now, if you have
forgotten or deliberately avoided presenting a book for issuing
on your name and try to smuggle it out of the library, then that
book would not have passed through the sensors of that electronic
pen, and that bar code will get challenged the moment you try to
cross that security gate.
But then, our ChristianizedHindu (who believed in superiority of
all that was part of that ChristianWorld and spoke often with
sarcasm about all that was Bhaaratiya revealing his supposedly
good sense of humor), he thought of it all as an expression of
trust! He ought to have known better that they trusted their
million-dollar security system, not the people.
Now ask yourself, why do such an affluent society need to spend
millions of dollars to protect itself from possible theft of few books
once a while, if it were a society of truthful honest people? That
too in a country where the value of books is like peanuts compared
to their earnings; you can often buy a book for a price less than
the price of a week’s newspaper. So people cannot be trusted
even for such petty things. And to protect such petty things, they
spend millions of dollars.
They will, however, tell you, it is the white Christians who are
trustworthy, but these browns and yellows and blacks that come
from other countries in search of jobs are the doubtful ones. It is
against them that we try to protect the establishment from
possible theft. Well, if it were true then Ontario’s economy wouldn’t
have been in such a mess due to parasite like white Christians
living merrily on Social Welfare, necessitating the state to invite
those browns and yellows with their human and cash capital (and
slogging it out) to rescue the state’s economy through immigration
process, which in a matter of few years gave the province surplus
budget and let the government refund part of income tax paid by
public around middle of year 2000.
Now our ChristianizedHindus will say look, at least, they repaid
200 dollars to every tax payer since they had surplus budget but
our Bhaaratiya government won’t ever do that. While claiming so
they would merrily forget that when they would sell their equity
shares or real estate holdings in BhaaratVarsh' they would try in
every possible way to evade tax simply because this government
could not yet equip itself with computerized controls adequately
enough to plug such tax evasions. But then in their country of
residence these ChristianizedHindus would pay through their nose
calling it tax payer’s pride simply because government has plugged
the avenues of tax evasion by spending heavily on technology at
the tax payer’s expense. To give you an example, once I got a
$500 monthly raise and I distinctly remember the next pay check
had $200 in government deductions. None of these deductions
were of personal nature like mortgage payment on house, etc.
The point I am trying to drive you home is that while we paid net
40% effective tax here in BhaaratVarsh' we paid, in those days,
less than 10% effective tax [forget all those deceptive slabs of
30-40% because they never represented effective tax ~ if you
got Rs 500 increment in those days you would have paid at the
most Rs 50 more in government deductions if employed in
executive position because good amount of your perks would
have come in cash form ~ reimbursements]. In spite this, I
remember ChristianizedHindus always cribbing in those days of
high tax rates in our country in comparison to other developed
Worst of all, look at these real life examples of Jesus having
injected deep sense of insecurity in every house and
apartment; this may sound absurd but read through and
see the connection, which is otherwise invisible to your
naked eyes; these examples are from a period prior to 9/
11 attacks when North America was considered a pretty
safe place to live, boasting their law and order situation
Christian Bible Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send
peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
Christian Bible Luke 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace
on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:
Gospel of Thomas 16 Jesus said: Perhaps men think that I came to
cast peace on the world; and they do not know that I came to cast
division upon earth, fire, sword, war.
Jesus is very clear in his objectives as conveyed by his talks to
his chief disciples. He does not want peace. He wants war
everywhere. He does not want unity. He wants division
Christians admire Jesus. They follow Jesus. They do what Jesus
wanted them to do. They also know deep down their hearts what
would be the repercussion of such actions. So they need to
safeguard themselves. How do they do it? Let us see.
They give war to the world. They give division to the mankind.
They know what their actions are like. They live in a constant
unspoken fear of its boomeranging onto them. This hidden fear is
reflected in how they live their lives.
Here are few simple and visible examples. Mind you, I am talking
about the days before 9/11 attacks by Bin Laden. I am speaking
of 1995 till 1999 when North America was yet considered pretty
safe from external aggression of Islam. However, it would appear
from their then life-style that they never considered themselves
safe from the internal aggression from Christians that they
themselves are!
It is about the mega-city Toronto, which assumed the position of
the largest city in the world sometimes in 1999 I think. There are
primarily two kinds of residential complexes: (a) The houses, as
they call them, those having one or two stories, generally occupied
by a single-family (b) The high-rise buildings; these are generally
huge buildings and may have 15-20-25-30-35 floors. For instance,
the first condominium I owned, mine was at 36th floor [37th was
the top floor penthouse] and on cloudy days I could watch the
clouds floating outside, through my window, close to the level of
my eyes. In that building each floor had fewer apartments but
generally, in many other buildings each floor may have 10-15-20
individual flats. These buildings generally have either all ownership
flats or all rented flats.
All houses that I have visited have their own independent security
system. When the last resident of the house steps out, s/he
activates the security system by use of a security code. When the
first resident of the house steps in, s/he deactivates the security
code before entering the house. If anyone enters the house without
properly deactivating the security system, the police will soon be
at the doorstep.
Now, these are all common people like you and me. I am not
speaking of very rich who have lot to protect from burglars. So,
the point you need to note here is that the common man has the
security system over and above insurance. When I say common
man I really mean it, because all these houses are mortgaged to
banks. Owners are ordinary working people and they don’t have
lot of wealth. In reality, they have little net worth of their own
because all of them live on borrowings. Everything in the house
is purchased on credit cards, which they may be paying for years
in installments. Behind all that pomp and show, an average
Westerner or a Bhaaratiya in the West lives a life on borrowings
and s/he works till death to repay those debts.
Interestingly, this reminds me of stories written by PremChand
about poor men in village who would take a loan from the Baniya
and pay life long. The writer would speak of the exploitation by
the Baniya, of the poor gullible villager. Not very different is the
situation here. Here Baniya is replaced by the major bank, which
has impressive offices all over, modern technology, and all pomp
and show. Poor villager is replaced by the common man who
lives a life on borrowings till death. The Baniya is the villain
whereas the bank is the financier. The terminology changes and
the role assumes respectability.
In PremChand’s story the poor villager was truly poor because
ChristianBritish had sucked the lifeblood of the nation, a nation
that was so wealthy prior to the stranglehold of ChristianBritish.
A Native North American has long been consigned to the jungle
by the same ChristianBritish who landed there, and by the same
means of cheating them, which their history is witness. Those
whom you see often in North America today as white people are
mostly the descendants of those who cheated the natives of those
countries. This was a diversion but for the benefit of my
ChristianizedHindu readers who look up to the West with awe,
not realizing that all their affluence today is borrowed from the
natives of other countries through cheating in the past, and
therefore the ‘awe’ is totally unwarranted, this is basically my
point. I said all these only to drive home the reality. I used harsh
words towards them because the ‘awe’ that they have created on
your psyche can only be shaken by such harsh words.
Returning to the base story, these ordinary people of whom you
may think highly on account of the pomp and show they have,
are so very scared of their small belongings, as well as of their
life that before they go to bed they would activate the same
security system, so they have police protection while they are
unable to call the police themselves while asleep.
Now, this security system is such a common thing there that you
will find it practically in every house, and you need to ask what is
it that they are all so afraid of? Here in Mumbai (BhaaratVarsh'),
we too have things at home, and practically everything is
purchased from our own money, not borrowed money, and we
do not even take insurance and yet, we never feel the necessity
for installing a security system.
What are they all afraid of? They are supposed to be living in a
country, which boasts of its law and order situation, then why
should every one have such individual security system? They all
are afraid of themselves. Had this seemingly affluence were of
their own honest earnings, they would not have to have such an
imbedded insecurity. Christians have looted others through their
two thousand years history by unfair means and significantly by
cheating and that has gone deep into their conscious (not
conscience), so deep that it has become part of their genetic
system, and from each generation to the other it is compounded
further, and transmitted deep into their psyche.
We have spoken about the houses before 9/11 attacks. Now let
us look at the high-rise ownership condominiums, again before
9/11 attacks, year 1999. Here I am talking about a good locality
like Don Mills, opposite Ontario Science Center, a building
managed by white management. Be it day or night, expect it any
time throughout 24 hours, be it lobby, basement laundry,
underground parking, outside gardens or anywhere and
everywhere throughout the building complex, you can expect to
see huge police dogs along with hefty security men, women taking
As a resident, you feel safe and secured. What is the cost? It
wouldn’t be cheap. And, you pay for it. You feel it’s worth it. Why
that sense of insecurity? What are you afraid of in such good
locality? Here you don’t fear the blacks as you don’t see them
anywhere around. I speak here of blacks because that is how
whites and Christianized browns look at them or think of them
when they speak of good or bad localities. So back to the same
question, why and what are you so afraid of in such a country
with such good law and order situation that you feel proud of,
and do not hesitate talking about BhaaratVarsh' with low esteem
for its law and order situation?
This Christianized world and Christianized people, be they white
or brown, they judge the rest; who will judge them?
This all security police dogs taking rounds 24 hours, is over and
above, the basic security that no one can gain entry into the
building main lobby without proper key or coded electronic sensor.
And, these security keys cannot be duplicated. No duplicate key
maker in Toronto will make it for you. You press the buzzer and
talk to the occupant of the house. Or why talk; the occupant of
the house can see you on a special channel in his/her television,
while you wait outside the main lobby in the small corridor where
an overhead camera photographs you constantly.
In spite of all this, Christians in North America do not feel
themselves safe from their own Christian people around. And we
Hindus in BhaaratVarsh' do not need all this and yet we do not
feel unsafe about our living. They boast of their law and order
situation and yet they lived in constant fear of exposure even in
those days prior 9/11 within the safe heaven of Americas. They
deplore our law and order situation and yet we do not live in
constant fear of exposure. They give themselves high rating
through self-evaluation, when will they learn the process of
Let us look at another aspect. These ownership condominiums or
rented apartment buildings, as I mentioned earlier, could house
even 4,000 families (think of 20 floors, 20 flats on each floor).
Not a single apartment door will show the name of the occupant.
It is the fear of being identified. Again, why are they afraid of?
Here, in Mumbai, every apartment door invariably has the
occupants name plate, and you can simply walk up to the
apartment door in most Hindu buildings, though newer housing
complexes are becoming security conscious, as more newer
generation ChristianizedHindus coming to occupy those buildings.
Let us look at yet another aspect of living in such a supposedly
safe world of North America. Again, I am speaking of those days
prior to 9/11 attacks. This is only to remind you that the
ChristianWorld had not yet become paranoid about their safety
from Islamic onslaught as you may think sitting here. Christians
were afraid of Christians themselves because they know what
Christians are like.
Now, coming to the story: there in Canada, you can have your
personalized number plate for cars! So, I had my car number
plate, which read as MAANOJ that is my name. In other words,
my car number plate did not have any number but it had my
name on it. I still have those plates and I can use them in Canada
if I go there and drive my own car again, which is unlikely that I
will do. Looking at my number plate, a well-wisher friend advised
me against it. This could identify me as a non-Christian (I did not
adopt a Christian sounding name after landing there). And, I
could invite some unexpected problem, in form of assault to
myself, or my car in my absence.
Though I did not feel that way, and so I did not make any changes,
but the point that I am trying to convey here is that, different
kinds of fears are in their lives in those parts of the world towards
which we look up so admiringly, and most of these fear syndromes
are Christianity induced, but we never relate them to Christianity
because it is fraudulently projected as a religion of peace and
service to humanity.
Finally, all those beauties or horrors, whatever you may
choose to call them, are on their way to BhaaratVarsh' in a
big way, now that this Christian Education System has its
stranglehold everywhere
Now let us see as to how the Current Education System in
BhaaratVarsh' is primarily Christian Education system, and those
who administer this nation invariably come from such background.
Let us also see the condition of Hindu schools for want of
governmental support and care, a matter that is decided by those
who graduate from Christian education system. After that, let
me ask a soul-searching question to Hindus.
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, p 123 fn
It is estimated that 60 percent of all students in BhaaratVarsh' attend
Roman Catholic schools and colleges. [Ref: Malachi Martin, The
The real figure is much higher as this book was published over 15
years ago in 1987. They do not include non-Catholic educational
institutions, which have proliferated in recent years with rapid spread
of evangelical Protestant churches in BhaaratVarsh'.
More significantly, 90 percent of those who formulate administer
and monitor national policies and practices are the ones who
graduate from Christian educational institutions and
CommunistMarxist FakeSecularist infected universities. So, it
matters not how many students graduate from Hindu schools,
because they would have no say in the matters that ‘matter’ in
the national context.
As I walk down through my locality I see the huge building,
attractively painted, the Christian school with an array of large
well-maintained buses parked outside, which bring students from
their home. These buses carry numbers and I see 30 or 40 and
such numbers. A school that can afford to own such a large fleet
of buses - think how prosperous would it be, and this school
started just in front of my eyes some years ago on an empty
piece of land. It is named after a Saint of Christianity whose
brutal acts, worse than animal tendencies we have learned about.
So often I walked down through that locality but hardly ever
noticed the presence of a Hindu school. Once I stopped by and
had a brief look at it, wondering as to how it had missed my
attention all these years. I soon realized why it never registered
in my mind that it happened to be a school. The front row of
buildings had shutters down - shutters that we often see in
industrial estates. The rear row of buildings looked like burnt
buildings of yesteryears. Now think of it, would you want to send
your child to this Hindu school or to that Christian school?
Would it be out of place for me ask a soul searching question to
Hindus - do they not have enough money to build schools that
can help their children grow up in the environment of Hindu life
style and Hindu value system? I would not blame you for the
past. I understand that ChristianBritish methodically and cunningly
destroyed Hindu education system to enslave Bhaaratiya Hindu
minds. But now, can we not wake up to that reality and try to
reverse it gradually? How will the things change unless we make
a determined effort? The other day (2 November 2003) I heard a
‘concerned’ RSS member admit that even some of their children
go to English medium Christian schools.
USA and
Let us move away and look at these stories of US love for
secularism, and rip open Christian face hidden behind
secular mask
We had moved away from our main theme. Now let us return to
the base issue. No point fooling ourselves that USA is a secular
nation. It is essentially a Christian nation. Being in ChristianBritish
company for too long, we have imbibed lots of their bad qualities,
because it is generally easier to pick up bad qualities, and rather
difficult to acquire the good ones. And, that has made us
hypocrites. Let us not try to be a hypocrite saying that we are a
secular nation. We can be either a Hindu nation or a Communist
nation. As communism is not listed as a religion, no census data
is available as to what percentage of our population is influenced
by this ideology. Today we are a nation dominated by communist
thinkers under cover of secularism. Their crop has grown
substantially during the prolonged regime of Nehru dynasty. This
Communism is the biggest disease humanity has known so far.
Beware of it. Our self-branded-secularists are in reality the
CommunistMarxists who have no religion, except the religion of
no ethics and the religion of power game. These Communists do
not believe in God and, to cover that, they call themselves neutral.
Under cover they are the religious eunuchs. Being eunuchs they
have neither the qualities of male or female. Neither have they
belonged to Hinduism, nor to Islam, nor to Christianity. They
have only one religion. That is, opportunism.
Outstanding accomplishments of many Hindus in BhaaratVarsh'
do not get any coverage whatsoever in our English media, but an
achievement in USA by a Bhaaratiya-American gets repeated
coverage and that too, on a good scale, and titled as Creating
The name of the guy is Jindal which sounds like a Hindu family
name. When this person at his young age draws large number of
white votes in US elections, lot of people seem to be elated at
this unusual recognition. Now, do not live under the mistaken
belief that American white dominated so-called ‘secular’ society
has voted for a Hindu Bhaaratiya. No, no, they have voted
essentially for a Christian American, though to us he may sound
like a Hindu Bhaaratiya.
Source: The Free Press Journal, 8 October 2003, World p 7
Jindal, a teenage convert to Catholicism from Hinduism
Hinduism was no good for Jindal, so he became Christian in his
youth, or may be, Hinduism did not present him with enough
opportunity for advancement in Christian America to meet his
Christianized ambitions.
It is a different thing that a ‘modern’ Christianized-Bhaaratiya
Hindu may see nothing wrong in it, treating it as petty matter.
The English educated modern Bhaaratiya man or woman prides
himself/herself being above the ‘narrowness’ of religious thinking.
He/she looks up to the ‘secular’ West not realizing that their dream
West is after all ‘not so secular’ as it so laboriously portrays itself
to be.
Not only ‘no more’ a Hindu, Jindal also has strong ties with Bush.
You have already read that Bush starts his day with Bible.
Source: The Free Press Journal, 8 October 2003, World p 7
The 32 year old Jindal emphasized his strong ties with
the US President George W Bush saying “it will help to
have a Governor with strong ties to the White House”.
Naturally, Bush would not have allowed a Hindu Jindal around
him, and staying a Hindu, Jindal would not have met his ambitions;
so, conversion was the only option.
Though he was born as ‘Piyush’ a Hindu, now he happens to be
‘Bobby’ a Christian. Moreover, he was not even born on the soil of
Source: The Free Press Journal, 8 October 2003, World p 7
His family immigrated from Punjaab before he was born
and was brought up in Baton Rouge.
And finally, this is what happened:
Source: The Free Press Journal, 17 November 2003, p 1
New York: Bobby Jindal was today defeated in a close
race by Lieutenant Governor Kathleen Blanco who
became first woman to be elected to the highest office
in Louisiana, reports PTI.
It is good that someone with ancestry from BhaaratVarsh' attains
the support of whites, but do not harbor the impression that it is
on account of the secular nature of American society - this is my
Positive thinking or
Christianity has trained them well right from childhood; all
this positive sounding talks that come so close to Hypocrisy
Source: Being Indian Abroad II, Francois Gautier, Hindu Voice, Nov 2002,
p 39
The American population is overwhelmingly Christian
and nobody there finds anything to say that the President
of the United States is sworn in on the Bible, or that in
some states a Christian prayer is uttered before the
start of the school. BhaaratVarsh' has a thumping Hindu
majority (80 per cent), but imagine the uproar if Atal
Behari Vajpayee had been sworn in on BhagavadGita!
And remember what happened when Murli Manohar Joshi
wanted to introduce the chanting of the Saraswati
Vandana in schools. Yet, BhaaratVarsh' has today a
Muslim President, the third one since Independence.
Did the US ever have a Muslim President?
Have you noticed how Christianity has established itself as the
‘Service-to-Humanity Brand’ religion? When we think of
Christianity, we think of Mother Teresa, the savior of the poor
and downtrodden [fake though it may be if you read the true to
life account of Mother Teresa’s contribution to Calcutta in Dr Aroup
Chatterjee’s The Final Verdict]. When we think of Christianity, we
think of Jesus Christ who said, “Forgive them Lord, for they know
not what they are doing” or, some such thing during his crucifixion.
We do not even know of the Jesus who said so many nasty things
in the Bible that have been quoted verbatim in the beginning of
this book. So what we see here is that Christianity has mastered
the technique, how to fool the world by saying the right things
and broadcasting them full volume all over. They have also
groomed the Westerners well in that technique. For, these
Westerners, after all, in majority, are the Christians.
Christians-Westerners are great talkers. They love to talk things
that sound good. For, they know this is what creates the image!
In today’s media driven world, if you wish to make a positive
impact, you must know how to say the right things, things that
will sound right. This is what they cash in on. Saying the right
things. Creating the right images. Christianity of today does it all
the time. An average Westerner does it all the while, not faking,
but as a matter of habit.
They have been groomed so well from their very childhood,
something that they seem to term as ‘positive thinking’. In effect,
they are groomed to project their speech, which they have
carefully avoided naming, but if they attempted at doing so, they
might have called it ‘positive speaking’ or if they were trying to
be more direct, they may have wanted to call it ‘positive showing’
or ‘positive image building’. But they won’t name it that way. The
moment you try to be direct, the cover blows up.
The net result is that as they grow up, it becomes their second
nature. They don’t have to fake it. It just comes naturally to
them. That is, to project themselves the right way. And, in this
context, the right way is to project themselves the way it would
be acceptable to others in general.
In trying to do so, as a matter of habit all the while, they seem to
remain no more honest enough to themselves. By habit, they
speak the things that they do not truly believe in. And, the best
evidence of it can be found in their actions.
You will find a huge gap between their saying and their doing
about issues of morality. They teach the world today morality.
They seem to set the standards of morality for the rest of the
world to follow.
Start examining carefully their own conduct when it comes in
direct conflict with their interests and, here you will find the
hypocrisy in their talks. And, there will be plenty of such cases,
only if you have the eyes to look for them.
But the beauty is that they still tend to believe that they are
being wholly honest. This is something so deeply embedded in
Christianity and the Westernity that it is well nigh impossible to
make them see the point.
Hindus do not say it that we are secular. They do it today. They
have been doing it all through centuries. In my works, I shall
provide historical evidence that Hindus gave shelter to Muslims
and Christians. And, these very sheltered Muslims and Christians
later backstabbed Hindus. This has happened so many times,
and yet Hindus have not learned a lesson from the past. Till
today they continue to shelter these traitors. Despite that, those
CommunistMarxist FakeSecularist intellectuals who practically
control the Bhaaratiya media created a communal image of Hindus
based mostly on lies and distorted facts. Here I am saying this,
but I won’t stop at only saying it. I shall demonstrate it with
evidence. Each new work will bring some more evidence of this.
You need to have patience and follow it up with.
Francois Gautier has more to say:
Source: Being Indian Abroad II, Francois Gautier, Hindu Voice, Nov 2002,
p 39
But is America really the benevolent, casteless society
some readers are convinced it is? Well, I am not sure.
For one, what the White Americans did to the Blacks
not that long ago must rank among some of the saddest
deeds perpetuated by one class of humanity on another;
not to speak of the terrible and shameful treatment
inflicted upon the helpless Red Indians, the original
inhabitants of their land, a Karma (Karm) the US will
have to pay for sooner or later. There are also a lot of
inequalities in the States: extremely rich people and
some incredibly poor folks, mostly Blacks, for such a
country of tremendous wealth. Secondly, are the Blacks
today on a truly equal footing with the Whites? I am
not convinced either. BhaaratVarsh' has had an
untouchable President. Has the US ever had a Black
President, or Vice President? American journalists and
human rights activists like to highlight the ‘oppressed’
condition of women in BhaaratVarsh'. But as early as
the late sixties, BhaaratVarsh' democratically elected a
woman Prime Minister, the highest post of the nation -
and that for nearly twenty years. Can the country of
triumphant feminism and gender equality boast of a
woman President? Yes, in America one enjoys the liberty
to do whatever one wants without bureaucracy and
(*with) heavy taxation. But after September 11,
freedoms have been heavily curtailed in the US,
especially if you have a brown skin. Compare this to
BhaaratVarsh': I have lived here for 33 years; I have
gone to most remote places, traveled to the sacred spots
with my cameras, tape recorder and white face. And
never once have I been aggressed, never once has my
passport been asked for in the streets (try traveling in
the subway in Paris if you have a brown face and a
leather jacket), never once have I been mugged at late
nights in Delhi, Mumbai or Chennai, whereas in
Washington, the capital of the ‘land of freedom,’ we were
told not to go out alone in certain parts after 8 PM.
Westerner love to portray a positive image of them, and say all
goody-goody things disregard what their inner character is. It
has imbibed so deep in their nature that they do not even realize
that it is a kind of hypocrisy.
And, this characteristic comes to them from the values of
Christianity. It is not important that they all remain Christian
through their lives. It has gone into their genes. Generation after
generation they have been practicing it so well that even if they
turn non-Christian today, they can’t give up those traits so easily.
We have already seen through the earlier chapters of this book,
the kind of values Christianity inculcates amongst its leaders and
followers, and we will see plenty more in this and the forthcoming
works. They do something, and they show something. Like an
elephant has tusk to show and teeth to chew.
Unless you go through all of it, you will not get the whole picture
of what a fraud Christianity is. The term ‘fraud’ may sound too
harsh and farfetched at this point but just wait for the next
volume, and you will see fraud at the very foundation of
Christianity and frauds again and again, over and again, so much
that it has become the way of life with Christianity. And, I do not
use such words like fraud loosely. I shall demonstrate that their
conducts, repeated through the course of history, fit very well
with dictionary definition of fraud.
Money talks,
Morality is for Show
Then there are those morality talks, but look a bit deeper
and you will see that only the money talks, morality is just
for the show
Here I am tempted to add few lines months’ after this chapter
was written. I did not have these thoughts in mind when I wrote
this chapter, but let me add these examples for whatever worth
they may be.
Past few weeks [January-February 2004] there have been frontpage
news, photographs and plenty of writings in English dailies
about breast-baring of Michael Jackson’s sister Janet Jackson on
MTV/CBS during the halftime of Super Bowl football game.
Source: The Free Press Journal, 8 February 2004, World p 6
There is a “class action suit against Janet Jackson”.
Source: The Free Press Journal, 15 February 2004, Spectrum p 1
“President George Bush had to comment on it”
This gives the impression that morality is high on American agenda
that even President of the nation had to address the issue. An
aberration of morality demands the President’s attention. No doubt
setting great standards of morality. Well, but then, there has
been no talk whatsoever when you could see the same Janet
Jackson in total nude, not an inch covered, dancing in front of
you at length, on hotel room television screens in Calgary in
Canada [1996]. But here you have so much hullabaloo because
there can be pots of money in it.
Source: The Free Press Journal, 8 February 2004, World p 6
Advertising during the game* sold for more than 2
million dollars a spot.
[*Here the reference is to Janet Jackson breast-baring on MTV/CBS during
halftime of Super Bowl football game].
American morality is vastly guided by the amount of money
involved for those who make the noise.
In mega city Toronto of Canada we have huge Wal-Mart, Zellers
outlets where as you approach to pay for your purchases, you
have an array of magazines stacked near the cash register so
that you and your children simply cannot miss them [I am
speaking of 1996-99, I don’t know how it works these days].
These magazines portray on their cover beautiful bodies of men
and women, mostly bare, and highly tempting to the teenagers.
Here again morality is not the issue because not many million
dollars you can extract from them by making any noise.
Yet another instance: we have now photograph published in our
English dailies of two women, as if they were some kind of
celebrities. Caption below the photograph read as:
Source: The Free Press Journal, 13 February 2004, World p 7 center
US porn actress Julia Taylor (L) and Avy Scott, pose
during a press conference in Mexico City on Wednesday
after announcing their participation in the “Sex and
Entertainment” show, due to begin 12 February at the
Sports Palace. AFP.
Do you know what these women do? They display their sexual
acts in full view of camera from every possible angle, with every
possible part of their body exposed, and every possible kind of
erotic sexual intercourse possible. They do all this for money.
Here again morality is not the issue.
Then we had those days when hours of prime time on American
television channels were dedicated to an American President and
one of his White House women from which children learned all
about oral sex. Good way of educating children about morality!
After all, there is so much money in it.
And, why today there is so much hullabaloo about Michael
Jackson’s child molestation issue where every now and then a
new claimant pops up and today (FPJ 16 April 2005 p 9 reported by AP)
there is a claim by the mother of a child that Michael Jackson
molested 13 year old and kept the youngster and his family captive
on pretext that the family needed protection from killers.
There are so many cases for the ChristianWorld is the world of
sex maniacs but no one is going after them whereas Michael
Jackson is the prize catch because there is plenty of money in it.
The lawyers and the media all are after a part of that flesh which
they can snatch besides the accusers themselves. Where there is
no money, there is no talk, no morality issue.
One can go on writing about the ChristianAmerica’s actions [as
examples of American ‘doings’] in connection with Pakistan’s
support to Bin Laden and Taliban, state sponsored terrorism in
Kashmir, clandestine Nuclear technology sale, while comparing
them with American ‘sayings’ about truthfulness, need for control
over nuclear proliferation, and all such beautiful things that sound
good in speech.
Not White but
By all means listen to them but do not confuse the identity,
it is not white, but it is Christian
There are some things that are not easily identifiable at first
sight. We tend to identify them with the mask that is in front of
us without trying to penetrate through the outer cover of the
mask and look for what lies underneath it.
To elaborate the point, how we saw it at the first instance that is
how we continue to see it later. The way we saw it first time that
is the way we tend to remember it. The next time we look at it,
we identify it as we remembered before. The mask, of course,
stays there and the image is thus built. The image that is once
built continues, and with every repeated sighting it firms up, thus,
the tendency to look behind the mask keeps reducing. Thus, the
mask itself becomes the identity; no one then attempts to
penetrate it. This happens all the more in today’s media driven
world. With every now and then repetition occurs, and the image
that journalist portrays leaves its impact on peoples’ psyche. Thus,
the process continues, and the images are built.
Now, what I am going to tell you may come into clash with the
image you carry. It will be difficult for you to accept the way I try
to make you look at it. I may look to you a cynical, fanatic, or
whatever. If none of those, at least you would say I am out of
mind. For, simply I am projecting a weird picture that has nothing
to do with the way you have been used to looking at it. You would
naturally think, all these people cannot be wrong. They all look
at it the same way. How can they all be wrong? We cannot simply
blame it to media driven culture. This is what your mind will
probably tell you. In such a situation, it will probably be best for
you to discard all that I am saying. In this way, at least, you
don’t have to deal with the totally opposing interpretation of the
events that I am proposing. Why get into conflict, you would say,
while we can live in peace. Fine, let that be your choice but I
must go on my way. Let it be no one else’s way, and I may have
to walk it alone. Fifty years from today you may come to accept
it. Let it be that way, if it has to be that way.
Look at this news item:
Source: The Free Press Journal, 31 October 2003, front page
A right-wing organization had planned to ship all people
of Bhaaratiya origin back to BhaaratVarsh' and
threatened to shoot them if they resisted, reports PTI.
This dramatic evidence has been given in the terrorism
trial of 22 white right-wingers in the Pretoria High Court
on Wednesday. The right-wingers are facing charges of
murder, attempted murder, terrorism and high treason.
A police informer who had infiltrated the Boeremag
organization, Johannesburg Coenraad Smit, was giving
evidence at the start of the long-delayed trial of the 2
white Afrikaners. Smit said he had been given a
document in June 2001 by the number one accused,
Mike du Toit, in which the plan to overthrow the new
democratic government was contained. Part of the plan
was to drive all Bhaaratiyas out of Gauteng to Durban
from where they were to be shipped back to
Quite naturally, you won’t think twice that it is nothing but a
racial, political, economic issue. If I want to stay in good books
with you and want my work read, I would continue to present it
that way. I would probably write lengthy analysis as to how it is
a racial issue between whites and browns, reminding you of
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi who was thrown out of first class
railway compartment with his luggage at a Durban (or wherever)
platform calling him a Coolie (or whatever). Then I shall tell you
with pride that this was the beginning of the making of world
famous Mahaatma Gandhi.
Alternatively, I would probably brilliantly argue (and some
intellectually inclined newspaper or magazine will pay me for my
article) as to how it is an economic issue, in the overall context of
the African continent, where in some countries Hindus had good
control over the trade and commerce, thereby making the Native
Africans jealous of their financial prosperity, and here in Durban
it may not be the same story but it is essentially a reflection of
that pattern.
Alternatively, I would perhaps present a detailed survey of political
scenario in that continent, examining various angles, and
eventually branding it a politically motivated issue.
In any case, I would probably be paid adequately for my efforts
and would be recognized as a thinker of contemporary issues.
But my friends, I would throw away all that as garbage, and
present to you another viewpoint that you might readily call as
absurd. Let it be absurd but I got to share with you the thoughts
that transpired my mind no sooner than I read that news item.
Before that, I was thinking of nothing of that sort; this comment
is necessary to add here because, otherwise, psychologists will
present an explanation that I was probably brooding over such
thoughts (that I am going to present hereafter) and as soon I
read that news items I readily found it a fitting example. Or, they
might want to say that I am saying all this out of my deep seated
hatred for Christianity. There can be many such versions of
psychiatric analysis coming from modern scientists that he
psychologists are. Anyhow let us move on.
Think it over: Not for once we want to think that these ‘white
right-wingers’ who want to send or shoot Hindus have a Christian
upbringing that teaches death for idolaters.
Let us go back to the teachings of Bible in the very beginning of
this book. Let us read them again to remember well as to how
Bible teaches us to hate our loved ones, and how it prescribes
death penalty for the idolaters (those who worship idols). In
today’s context it is primarily Hindus because Christianity and
Islam have effectively eliminated idolatry from the face of the
earth, and they have so far failed only for Hinduism whom they
now consider to be their arch enemies, though Hindus do not
seem to think the same way for Christians and Muslims do - the
reason, we will discuss soon.
Let us look at yet another news item before going any further,
and you will probably find its interpretation far more absurd and
farfetched, as compared to this one.
Here is another news that appeared in today’s paper. On the face
of it, this would seem to be one of those routine political stuffs,
which we either ignore or simply scoff at American politicians’
biased attitude and then forget about it for the time being, knowing
well that nothing we can do about the powerful American policy
Source: The Free Press Journal, 31 October 2003, p 2
Holding both BhaaratVarsh' and Pakistan, whom Rocca
[US Assistant Secretary of State Christina Rocca]
described as close US allies, responsible for the Kashmir
imbroglio, Rocca said the US policy was to “encourage”
both the countries to sit down and resolve their
difference. Terming as “excellent” Pakistan’s cooperation
in counter-terrorism since 9/11, she said the US looked
to Islamabad to do everything in it’s power to prevent
extremist groups operating on its soil from crossing Line
of Control.
Probably you do not notice the pattern because it is disguised
under a different image. On the face of it, this may appear to you
as American double-talk. But look beneath it. Why do they have
such attitude? Don’t try to color it in usual ‘political’ or ‘economic’
parlance. That is how we look at things in Allopathy. We focus at
the disease. Just look at it differently, from religious angle, and
you will notice the underlying pattern, which is same. Look at the
root cause disregard how deep the root may be, and how difficult
it may be to trace it. With time and its depth, we may have even
lost the sight of its origin!
So you keep groping all over but the real thing deludes
you, from start to end it is all about polytheism vs.
Monotheism, many gods vs. One God
It is Monotheism’s (belief in only one God) opposition to Polytheism
(belief in many gods). You will find all Monotheists, like followers
of Christianity and Islam (predominantly), fundamentally in
opposition to Polytheists, like (predominantly) Hindus. But you
won’t find the same attitude in Polytheists because they embrace
belief in many gods, which includes the gods of Monotheism.
You might say, in case of Christina Rocca, where does the question
of Monotheists opposing Polytheists come from? It is not about
the individual as such, but about the deeper psyche of those
individuals who collectively make US policy. They come from the
same origin of Christianity, which makes up their deeper psyche.
When it comes to making a choice between a Polytheist
(BhaaratVarsh', which they perceive as Hindu India) and a
Monotheist (Pakistan, officially declared Muslim nation), their
natural tendency would be to take the side of Monotheist, despite
the fact they know very well that, in this particular case, the
Monotheist nation happens to be the true mischief maker. Yet
they find it so very difficult to admit the truth, because they
simply cannot do that. Until now they may have deliberately kept
their eyes closed towards ample evidence of Pakistani terrorism
in Kashmir, and when it hurt them below the belt (attack on
World Trade Center) they may have woken up to the reality, and
yet they find it so very difficult to take the side of truth because
it would amount to supporting a Polytheist nation.
Please do not tell me that I am mixing up the issues of American
politics (anti-Taliban interests) and American economics (of
armament sales) with American religiousness, simply out of my
lack of understanding of the profundities involved in those areas.
After all, the boundaries of religious, political and economic issues
are all merged in each other when it comes to Christianity. Their
separate identities are lost and I hope you have seen sufficient
evidence thereof in earlier pages, and you will see much more in
coming pages of this book as well as the next book.
Source: The Myth of St Thomas and Mylapore Shiva Temple, pp 121-122
Ishwar Sharan: Christianity ... is and has always been
a system of imperialist politics and financial racketeering
practiced under the guise of religion.
And finally when the argument stops at atheists, their
choice is very simple
One may want to argue that all American policy makers may not
be Christian, some may be atheist. Well, when it comes to
American Atheist policy-makers (those who do not believe in God’s
existence), and they face the hard decision to choose between
Polytheists and Monotheists, their subconscious choice tilts
towards the Monotheists. To an Atheist, Monotheism is a lesser
evil than Polytheism. To them, Polytheism is just too much. Their
simple reaction would be, we don’t believe in existence of God
and these people have so many of them, uncountable; they must
be out of their mind! Finally, both types end up taking the same
So these American policy makers, be they monotheist or atheist,
when it comes to making a choice between the two, they prefer
the monotheist, be it a conscious act or otherwise.
Have you wondered why is it that FakeSecularists invariably
take the side of Christians and Muslims in opposition to
These FakeSecularists are generally atheists. Christianized
education has already turned them anti-Hindu but it failed to
convince them to become Christian. So they tried to become
neutral, but Christianity’s influence had been deep enough on
them not to let them remain honest towards being neutral. They
became FakeSecularist.
When Atheists have no option but to take the side, they would be
more comfortable with one God rather than too many gods, as
they themselves believe in no God. This is the reason why
FakeSecularists take side of Muslims and Christians even if the
truth and justice is on the side of Hindus (example: Ayodhya
imbroglio). For them Monotheism is the lesser of the two evils.
After all, in politics you have to consider all aspects before you
take sides, and deeper psyche issues do play their respective
Christianity knows
nothing of God
I was trained as an auditor many years ago. Though I did not
spend much of my work life in that profession, yet I liked it pretty
much and used those skills in different environments fruitfully.
For example, here I have chosen to audit history, instead of
auditing accounts. It is not important, what image you carry of
accountants but you will find me combining accountant’s
meticulous approach with Aquarian’s foresight. You may not want
to listen to me, what I have to tell you today, but that would be
your choice.
Last year (July-August 2002) I visited Venezia (proud Italians do
not call it Venice in anglicized fashion) at the invitation of an
Italian professor of literature, a linguist and a person of sharp
intellect, who had studied well Robindro Naath Thaakur (or call
him in anglicized fashion the Nobel Laureate Ravindra Nath
Tagore), as well as some of BhagavadGita.
Prof Meo must have found out early in life that Christianity
knows nothing of God, and is incapable of knowing anything
about the existence and nature of God
Professor D Meo (60) was Christian born, but turned agnostic at
an early age. Those who lived closest to the hub of Christianity
probably saw the true color of this religion, sooner than many of
us did.
Oxford Dictionary describes an agonistic as ‘a person who believes
that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature
of God’ [p 34]. I did not realize it then, but now it occurs to me
that Prof Meo might have turned agnostic after discovering the
hidden fact that, to Christianity “nothing is known or can be known
of the existence and nature of God”, and as a follower of
Christianity Prof Meo had no alternative but to turn agnostic.
Born Christian in Italy, having known of only one religion, the
only source of spirituality happened to be Christianity and Prof
Meo must have found out early in life that Christianity knows
nothing of God, and is incapable of knowing anything about the
existence and nature of God. As a result, there was no alternative
but to turn agnostic.
Those who could not turn agnostic, preferred to stay neutral
and called themselves secular, and that was in Europe
Those in Europe, who could not turn agnostic, preferred to remain
neutral. This is how, I would assume, Secularism was born in
Europe. These people, the neutral ones, today prefer to call
themselves as secularist.
Secular denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no
religious or spiritual basis Oxford Dictionary, p 1681
But the jargon had caught fancy of our prime minister and
he devised a new game
But, please do not be misled by the use of the same term
Secularism, in context of BhaaratVarsh'. Many still call it India,
not realizing that ‘ChristianBritish Sun’ has set long ago.
ChristianBritish legacy lives close to the hearts of many till date
in our country, so much for the Macaulay-effect.
Jawaharlal Nehru (the first Prime Minister of present-day
BhaaratVarsh'), turned a Communist at heart after his visit to
Soviet Russia, coined a new term for Communism, specifically
for use in our country. He preferred to clothe Communism in
Bhaaratiya context, as Secularism.
Nehru, probably, was very farsighted. He might have anticipated
that one day Communism would be looked down upon, because
the farce it truly is! So, he took due precautionary measures
beforehand. This is how Communism lives well and flourishes
even today, in our country, but in the disguise of Secularism, and
enjoys very significant intellectual support.
His legacy goes on and so does the power game and that
should tell you, why these FakeSecularists are only anti-
Though they call themselves Secular, these CommunistMarxists
are primarily anti-Hindu. It is not the religion of Hinduism that
makes them anti-Hindu. It is the power game that drives them
so hard against Hindus.
They have illegitimately acquired (over past 50 years of Nehru
dynasty after ChristianBritish left) an upper hand over the Hindus,
and they do not want to give it up.
Christians and Muslims are not immediate threat to their powerhold
and therefore, they perceive Hindu community as their
number one enemy, but being cunning to the core they do not
make their feeling public.
Instead, they continue to pose as the guardians and teachers to
the Hindu community, carrying Hindu names on their shoulders,
and thus remain the unidentified enemy of the Hindu community.
Now, Hindus have started getting a feel of their cunning game
plan, but yet majority of the Hindus are quite oblivious of their
game. Bhaaratiya Seculars take side of Muslims and Christians in
every illegitimate case against the Hindus [details: Arise Arjun
awaken my Hindu nation and Ayodhya Shri Raam Mandir facts
that did not reach you all].
Their strategy is very simple. They would fight these smaller
enemies later; first the bigger one has to be defeated with
combined efforts of the three.
And why do they consider Hindus their enemy number one? They
have understood it very well that Islam (through its thousand
years of genocide) and Christianity (with its two hundred years
of world’s worst ever Inquisition in Goa and surrounding areas,
followed by Macaulayite conspiracy to wipe out Hindu education
system and Hindu culture), could not obliterate Hinduism.
Hinduism has proven to be the toughest opposition for
Communism to overcome, and therefore, Hinduism has been their
primary target.
Strangles all other
Now, this may sound harsh but I have come to the
conclusion, and that too for good reasons, that Christianity
strangles all other religions; and this process of strangling
is slow, widespread and decisive
If only Prof Meo had an alternative but, unfortunately, had none!
This is because, wherever Christianity has its stronghold, it
strangles all other religions. It does not allow any other religion
to survive. This is the reason that now, finally after 2,000 years;
Italy has declared itself a non-Christian State.
Prof Meo, finally, found an alternative but probably very late in
life. It was through BhagavadGita. And, that is what took me to
Italia (they do not call it Italy, probably they do not feel themselves
British slaves in their minds).
If only Christianity had known something about the existence
and nature of God, it would not have strangled other religions.
Strangle squeeze or constrict the neck of (a person or animal),
especially so as to cause death Oxford Dictionary p 1836
From my choice of this word ‘Strangle’, please do not think that I
am overreacting. Hope you have realized by now that Christianity
did strangle other religions, after studying the documentary
evidence I have presented in this work, starting from the ‘Past’
till the ‘Present’, with due analysis of such evidence in my own
This process of strangling, however, has been so slow (yet so
decisive) that, with naked eyes, it has been hardly visible, unless
you have had the vision to see through the outer cover.
This process of strangling has been so widespread (geographically)
that its intensity has hardly been felt acutely enough by a
substantial mass of people, at a given point of time, that they
could feel compelled in their own minds to put all their might to
resist this strangling.
And yet, this slow-motion widespread process of strangling has
been so decisive that it has generated irreversible impact on the
humanity over past two thousand years of its slow poisoning.
Have you ever wondered, why less than 3% people
attended church in Italy, the birthplace of Christianity,
where every day lunch time for an hour you see the
drooping face of Pope John Paul II, and despite that Italians
have kicked Christianity out?
A good part of Europe finally rejected Christianity because it
strangles the religion itself. Probably this is the reason why a few
years ago, statistics indicated that less than 3% of Italian
population visited Christian churches. Prof Meo was no exception!
It happened where Christianity was born some 2,000 years ago.
How it was born is different story altogether, not the story you
have been told so often, but the story that had been deliberately
(and fraudulently) withheld from you. And when the evidence
came in form of archaeological findings of 1947, the Vatican kept
a lid on it for almost 45 years using its money and influence. You
will learn of that story from us very soon. When it became known,
a major part of the mass media refrained from bringing it to
public knowledge. Whose influence and whose money was at work
is a different question?
That happened because Italians finally realized that
Christianity strangulates not only other religions, but also
the religion itself
Oxford Dictionary defines Strangulation as ‘the action or state of
strangling or being strangled’ [p 1836]. We have demonstrated
through this work, and we will demonstrate through a series of
books that will follow hereafter, that Christianity possesses an
innate quality of strangulating “the religion itself”. For, it is no
religion in its standard sense. As we have witnessed through the
pages of this book, it is a system of Imperialistic Politics and
Financial Racketeering in disguise of religion. This is why
Christianity strangulates the religion itself!
To understand Christianity better, it would be necessary for you
to learn the lesser known facts about the origin and creed of
Christianity, its formative period through which it steadily grew,
the intrinsic qualities it acquired as it grew stronger and stronger.
Part of this you have already learned from this work and a lot
more will come to you from other works. Christianity that we
generally know of, and Christianity that it truly is; are two different
things altogether. Much the same way, as an elephant has different
teeth to show (tusks) and different teeth to eat.
And behind this remains the fact that the torchbearers of
Christianity know nothing of existence and nature of God,
and that is the precise reason why they love bloodbath
and financial racketeering so much, and God is only their
No one might come forward to support my theory that Christianity
knows nothing of God and more importantly, it is incapable of
knowing anything about the existence and nature of God. Such a
weird theory could not be presented without adequate supporting
evidence. Therefore, it imposes on me the responsibility to
demonstrate that the torchbearers of Christianity know nothing
of the existence and nature of God, except that they make false
claims and often use fraudulent means to achieve their objectives.
Oxford Dictionary describes [p 1955] torchbearer as ‘a person
who leads or inspires others in working towards a valued goal’. In
this context, attaining God is the valued goal, and persons who
lead or inspire other Christians are Christian Popes, Christian
Saints, Christian Archbishops, and Christian Cardinals, whose
characters we have already witnessed and will witness later.
Why is it so important to first understand them and their hidden
characters as supported by their actions? It is because, the
character they themselves possess, is the character they pass on
to their followers. Their thinking shapes the thinking of their
followers, and we have seen plenty of evidence in the actions of
their followers too, through this work and we will see more in
other works. I cannot point finger at them without having enough
supporting evidence. Evidence: that is what I have been
presenting, and I am going to present through these writings.
The evidence is so voluminous that even if I were to attempt at
making it brief (yet sufficiently intelligible), I cannot possibly
contain them in one book. So, you have to continue your journey
with me further, if so far I have been able to arouse your interest
through this introductory work.
Part - 5
Why seek shelter
under the slogan
‘Hinduism is not a
religion but a way
of life’?
Now, let us change the subject and look at those champions
of Hinduism who claim Hinduism is not a religion but a
way of life, and while parroting this slogan they don’t bother
to look at the dictionary definition of religion; let us also
examine what prompts them to do this, and where
Christianity and Communism fit in this game
Religion has been described by Oxford Dictionary as “the belief
in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a
personal God or gods” [p 1567]. Hinduism has every ingredient
of a religion. It believes in a superhuman power. It worships
superhuman power. It believes in personal God. It worships
personal God. It believes in gods. It worships gods.
“Hinduism is not a religion. It is a way of life!” I have often heard
this statement from learned Hindus, as well as from Hindu spiritual
gurus. First, it is untruth (that Hinduism is not a religion), as we
have seen from the dictionary definition of religion. Second, it
reveals the inferiority complex among these learned and the gurus,
when they try to explain Hinduism is not a religion, as if it were a
crime to be part of a religion!
In effect, they try to juggle with words for establishing that they
are part of Hinduism because it is not a religion. They try to run
away from the word ‘religion’ as if it were a derogatory term and
they could simply not be part of something so untouchable as a
‘religion’ if Hinduism were to be a religion. This brings the
compulsive urge in them to defend Hinduism as a way of life, an
expression that they only understand, not the ordinary human
beings who gather to listen to these learned men and women!
This inferiority complex among Hindu learned people and gurus
is the result of consistent propaganda by FakeSecularists (under
cover Bhaaratiya CommunistMarxists) on purpose. Communism
grew from the lands of Christianity (England and Germany; Karl
Marx and Friedrich Engels, both Germans, with English
connections; Marx resident in England from 1849; Engels’s own
writings include The Condition of the Working Classes in England
in 1844; Oxford Dictionary, p 1137, p 611). Witnessing the ills
(exploitative nature) of Christianity, Communist gurus came to
the erroneous conclusion that ‘all’ religions are bad, per se.
In BhaaratVarsh', undercover CommunistMarxists had a political
agenda. They had come to be known as the guiding intellectuals
to the supposedly ignorant Hindu masses. So, they took upon
themselves the task of educating these supposedly ignorant Hindu
masses that ‘religion’ is a dirty word. Their messiah Jawaharlal
Nehru and his daughter Indira Gandhi pampered these
CommunistMarxist intellectuals with a view to advancing their
own political ambitions. In all, this whole lot of supposedly
respectable men and women cheated Bhaaratiya Hindu masses.
The learned Hindus and gurus, who did not have the ability to
see through this whole game or, who did not have the courage to
challenge those rogues, meekly surrendered to this state of affairs,
and found a via media, in form of this brilliant idea that Hinduism
is not a religion but a way of life. This was essentially an escapist
Those who say this, they tend to argue that the Sanskrit term
Dharm and the English term Religion are not synonymous. As
English has no word that can explain Dharm, people have chosen
Religion for Dharm. This is true because Dharm is a term of much
wider import, and it needs to be understood very carefully [see
BhagavadGita in Today’s Context]. But that does not justify saying
Hinduism is not a religion. Remember that you are making a
statement in English language using the English word ‘religion’
and therefore, you must accept the dictionary definition of that
Those who will listen to you will remember the slogan ‘Hinduism
is not a religion’ and repeat it proudly to many others. This is
how you will be compounding the erroneous statement ‘Hinduism
is not a religion’. It would be a wrong statement, and an untrue
statement. You need to understand that Hinduism is first a religion,
and then much more than religion. I have heard and read over
and again this statement, Hinduism is not a religion. I have heard
this from men and women who are supposed to be learned. The
slogan must have caught their fancy, and they keep parroting it,
without caring to find out what is the meaning of English word
Religion. Listening to this slogan from such so-called learned
people, many common people also find it fashionable to repeat
the same.
Behind all this slogan-mongering remains the feeling that
religion is something bad and Hinduism is above it. This
attitude is bad; religion is not bad. Religion is a human
necessity; it irrigates human soul; without it the soul will
If we understand the meaning of the term religion as it is supposed
to mean in the English language, then we must stop saying,
“Hinduism is not a religion”. Why do we need to find shelter under
such pretext? Is it because, religion has become such a dirty
word in BhaaratVarsh'? Just because these CommunistMarxist
FakeSecularist (who denounce religion) ruled over the
intelligentsia of BhaaratVarsh' for about fifty years of Nehru
dynasty, must all learned Hindus raise hands and give up? Do we
have no intelligence of our own? Must we start defending Hinduism
under such explanations, as “Hinduism is not a religion”? Why
we run away from the truth? Why must we feel so impotent in
our own minds, that we have to defend ourselves under such
self-deceptive slogans as, Hinduism is not a religion; it is a way
of life?
It is high time that we start having some self-respect for our own
ability to understand dictionary definitions of English terms, and
stop defending Hinduism by calling “It is a way of life!”. May be it
is, but why play with words? Why say it is not a religion, when it
is essentially a religion? There is no need for you to be ashamed
that Hinduism is a religion. Rather, you should be proud that it is
the best religion on the face of the earth today. It is a religion par
excellence, provided you understand Hinduism.
What do you try to achieve by saying such things as, Hinduism is
a way of life? Are you trying to impress the masses with your
intelligent interpretation of Hinduism or with your fancy slogans?
By all means do that if that makes you feel good, but don’t tell
them, Hinduism is not a religion! That would be a lie. Hinduism
teaches you to be truthful.
Why do you do all this? Is it because Christianity and Islam
are understood to be religions, and therefore, we must
separate our identity from religion by saying “Hinduism is
not a religion”? These are self-deceptive approaches. They
are good for intellectual luxury but they don’t gel with
masses. Don’t fool yourself saying that, Hinduism is not a
religion. If you must separate yourself from Christianity’s
image as a religion, try to understand that it is Christianity,
which is not a religion, but is a system of imperialistic
politics and financial racketeering, under the guise of
religion. And, in that respect, Hinduism is different from a
religion that kinds of Christianity claim to be.
It seems that (a) you do not have guts to tell that Christianity is
not a religion, and (b) you do not want to equate Hinduism with
Christianity by calling both as religions. So, you try telling
Hinduism is not a religion. You are going in a round about manner.
Hinduism teaches you to respect truth. Do not insult that teaching
by trying to take shelter under false impressions and intellectual
luxury like “Hinduism is not a religion”. Masses understand
Hinduism as a religion, and Hinduism is a very good religion. To
me, it is the best religion, if you understand what Hinduism is.
Instead of understanding yourself, and making others understand
it well, many of you start defending Hinduism. Why such low
esteem of yourself and of your religion? Is it because of your
ignorance about your own religion and the true meaning of the
English word religion, or is this because of your mental impotence
that you feel uncomfortable about challenging those Christians
(who taught you for six generations now), and also those
CommunistMarxist FakeSecularist (who have now taken the reign
of your self-respect)?
I have noticed another such self-deceptive declaration. Some say,
I do not believe in religion, I believe in spirituality. Now, let them
describe what this spirituality is, that they believe in? They want
to play with the words, OK, let us see the dictionary meaning of
spirituality, and try to understand them who believe in spirituality,
but at the same time do not believe in religion! Spiritual has
been described by Oxford Dictionary as “of or relating to religion
or religious belief” [p 1794]. The same dictionary indicates that
Spiritual is the adjective and Spirituality is the noun. Now let
these smart ones explain, what do they believe in ‘spirituality’
that they do not believe in ‘religion’ and how do they distinguish
the two? They want to show, they are above the masses that
believe in religion! They are fooling themselves.
emotions of we
And that takes us to the next question, why should Hindu
live with self-defeating emotions, and for how long?
I am not interested in apologizing for Hinduism. Nor am I
interested in defending Hinduism. To my mind that is not at all
A Hindu has lived long enough under the spell of selfcondemnation
and self-defeating emotions.
There is no need for all that nonsense. This has happened because
of the Christian education over the six generations. The spell of
that education can break only when we see the true face of
Christianity. I am willing to walk you through that process, but it
is you who has to decide, if you are serious about it, or your
interest is casual.
Those who have been pointing fingers at Hinduism for past
few centuries, and those who are responsible for
systematically destroying the morale of Hindus - it is the
time to point fingers back at them. Those who evaluate
Hinduism and sit on judgment, it is time to evaluate them,
and show them their true worth.
If pen is mightier today than sword, then let it be my weapon. I
have arrived at this conclusion (that Christianity knows nothing
of God and is incapable of knowing anything about the existence
and nature of God) only after studying the innate character and
conduct of the leaders and guides of Christianity, which involved
a yearlong intensive research and several thousand hours of
continuous work on the subject, the findings of which have already
been documented in several books that may appear in print oneby-
one during coming months. I have, and I shall, demonstrate
this by drawing the real life incidences of Christian Popes, Christian
Saints, Christian Archbishops, Christian Cardinals, and the huge
array of those Missionaries who use money power to create a
false image of God, and that money is often amassed by
questionable means and from questionable sources. This book
and the next book (and also few other books that will come soon
after) deal with the true life incidences of these leaders and
followers of Christianity, which have a direct correlation to the
teachings of Jesus and Moses, the founders of Christianity. What
you have already read in my first book Arise Arjun awaken my
Hindu nation can at best be described as the tip of the iceberg,
and now you will have an in-depth exposure.
Here we shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that, it is not so
easy to come out of Macaulay spell; to admit the truth, it
took me a long journey and intense research to shatter my
own preconceived notions
Interestingly, my impressions were not same a year ago [note:
different parts of this book have been written in different stages]
when I met Prof Meo, who did not speak often about Christianity,
probably because I did not take much interest in it, at that time.
During my 21 days stay in Venezia, total number of sentences
spoken by the professor on the subject of Christianity may not
have exceeded twenty-one. And yet, they left some lasting
impressions on my subconscious. Let me admit that those
impressions did not enlighten me on the subject of Christianity.
They did not enlighten me because I did not ask right questions
seeking proper clarifications. I did not ask questions because I
did not fully believe in them in the first place [as you may not
believe in me right now, until you have completed your journey
with me]. For instance, “throwing live humans into huge vessels
of boiling oil” - that could not have been true, I thought at that
point of time. Popes and his men are the epitome of peace, love
and service to humanity. That is what I had been told all along.
At that time, I knew nothing of The Inquisitions. And, their Messiah
Jesus gave his life away for the sin of others! This is what I had
been told or taught. At that time, I did not know that story was
also fraudulently imposed on our mind. The archaeological findings
of Dead Sea Scrolls (Qumran Texts) have questioned the very
historicity of Jesus, and the Vatican made every possible effort to
keep those evidences out of public knowledge for almost halfcentury,
in spite of the fact that centuries ago Pope Leo X (1513-
21) had admitted this by saying, “It has served us well, this
myth of Christ”. As we will discuss these things in subsequent
books, you will see that the very foundation of Christianity is
based on fraud and deception, and it has been repeated over and
again through the centuries, and till date, so much so that it has
become the second nature of Christianity as a religion and that
of its followers [and we will demonstrate that]. You would be
wondering at this point, if I were totally out of my mind? Whatever,
I am saying here; nothing seems to corroborate with whatever
images you carry. Well, why you, I too carried the totally opposite
images, and would have entertained none of these (I would have
summarily dismissed that someone was talking sheer nonsense).
That brings me to the next question. How did I manage to carry
such an impression when Professor Meo, born in Italy (the place
of birth of Christianity), happened to have carried a totally opposite
image of that religion? Well, believe it or not, the kind of
newspaper we read, the kind of school we go to, can do wonders
with the type of impressions we carry. No wonder, The Times of
India does a great job in this respect (later through my writings
I shall quote you examples from TOI), a newspaper that I
(foolishly) admired for most of my life and until a year ago! Besides
that, part of my education had intermittently taken place in
missionary primary school, missionary secondary school and then
Christian college but fortunately not throughout, and that may
possibly be the reason that, today, I am able to see both sides of
the coin. This could have been the reason that, while in Venezia,
I wasn’t quite interested in digging out, as to what had gone
wrong with the ‘service-to-humanity brand’ religion. With
enormous money power, backed by mass media repeated
exposure, Christianity has well established a brand for itself, that
is, the ‘service-to-humanity oriented religion’. The truth, however,
is just the opposite, and you will yourself witness ample evidence
of it through my works.
As humans we all tend to continue with the images that we carried
all along. Generally we do not like to change our notions,
particularly at a late age like that of mine, unless we are shaken
up thoroughly. Despite these limitations, I could not avoid listening
with half-belief occasional outpourings of my host. What little I
heard was adequate to leave a few nagging questions in my mind.
They were to stay there, somewhere in the back corner of my
mind, until I returned home.
After my return, I did start my research but not directly into
Christianity because, as yet, it hardly mattered to me whether it
was a good religion, a bad religion, or a lousy religion, or no
religion at all. My research was primarily oriented towards
Hinduism the reasons for which, I have already explained to you
in my earlier book Ayodhya Shri Raam Mandir facts that did not
reach you all under the section This is how it all began. Therefore,
I am avoiding its repetition here. During the course of my research
on Hinduism, I happened to stumble on material connected with
Christianity that, in turn, compelled me to have a deeper look
into the roots of this religion.
I adopted a particular approach in selection of my research
material. First I read a couple of books of each author to arrive at
a conclusion about the integrity of the author. If you have the
right intuition, you might be able to get a feel of the inner character
of the author, as reflected through his or her works. This integrity
was of crucial importance to me because I was to later rely on
the work of those people for drawing my source material. My
interpretation of such material may not be same as that of the
authors I consulted, but the material itself, as the source of
historical facts, should not be questionable - that was my primary
concern. This is where the selection of authors became relevant.
I have already described in great detail the basic thrust behind
my all these works. I am skipping all that here. But to understand
and appreciate my objective fully, a serious reader will need to
go through these books sequentially, as they are connected by
an invisible chain, which will become gradually visible as, we will
progress through the series that I am presenting to you here.
Aasuric religions
Now it is time that we start recognizing these two Aasuric
religions, and you need to understand why I call
Communism a religion though the perception may be that
they are anti-religion
It will be very necessary to understand well the hidden character
of Christianity before we can begin to comprehend its conclusive
role in bringing down the image of Hinduism that we witness
today. This and some of the subsequent books will focus on this
topic. Christianity’s latent character is very different from the
one that is portrayed today, particularly in our country.
Communism is understood by us in BhaaratVarsh' as something
very different from its true inner character. In reality, present
form of Communism-in-practice is an advanced version of
Christian character, one with a further refinement, but in an
especially cunning way. This statement may surprise many and
it may be treated as absurd, in the first place. Well, it would be
for those with necessary patience, who would want to complete
the journey with me, to appreciate why I chose to say so.
At some point of time, through my works I shall clarify this issue,
establishing a sequential chain of developments from Christianity
to Communism, imbibing certain basic traits, finally to acquire a
different character and identity. For this, we may have to examine
from where Communism arose, what were the value system of
those who evolved this concept of Communism, and similarly,
what were the values (from childhood till adulthood) of those
who adopted it. Our past always haunts us even if we acquire a
different identity and ideology!
Understanding the hidden character of these two religions is an
absolute necessity before we can begin to comprehend the true
reason behind their attitude towards Hinduism, and the
significance of their role in bringing down the image of Hinduism,
where it stands today.
Let us not get carried away by few White men and women who
embrace Hinduism or countable few Westerners who write
favorably about Hinduism. Our self-esteem has stooped so low
that we easily begin to gloat over such limited appreciation, and
tend to assume an inflated sense of worth from a small pat on
the back. When that happens, we tend to turn complacent and in
the process, we lose our fighting spirit. This complacence has
been one of our great inner enemies that have robbed us of the
needed vigil against onslaught of Aasuric religions. The use of
the term Aasuric is not out of vengeance. I have, and I shall,
demonstrate it with plenty of real life examples throughout this
book and other books that will follow. Earlier chapters have
presented you with examples of the Aasuric character of their
Leaders and of their Creed.
I have mentioned above ‘these two religions’ while referring to
Christianity and Communism. Most of you may want to remind
me that Communism is anti-religion per se and therefore, it cannot
be called a religion. Here again, understanding the true nature of
Communism would help in viewing how much of a religion it is in
itself, though a religion of not the usual order. It has all the
negatives that a so-called religion may have, and that too in a
rather accentuated degree, because here men and women try to
play God; at the same time, it practically has no positives that a
good religion may have to offer to the humanity.
Religion the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling
power, especially a personal God or gods Oxford Dictionary p 1567
In Communism, the Party takes the position of the superhuman
controlling power, and those few who control the party, assume
the position of the personal God or gods. This is why, Communists
treat God as a historical concept, having assumed the position of
gods themselves, rewriting the history by their whims and fancy,
only to learn in the long run that they were nothing but a bunch
of overconfident fools!
Finally, I have a task on hand, that is, exposing those who
discredited Hinduism through the course of past few
centuries; they have turned it into an intellectual game, so
let it be a war on intellectual level
In the course of our work, we will need to examine in-depth the
character of those who conspired over centuries to discredit
Hinduism, particularly Christian missionaries and Communists
wearing the mask of secularism. In the process, it will become
necessary to examine:
• How creditable they themselves were? What were their basic
characters like?
• Were they worthy of judging Hinduism? What were their motives
behind judging Hinduism?
• How did they go about doing it? What were their methodologies?
• How they fabricated history? What frauds they committed in
doing so?
• Who were involved in those conspiracies? How systematically
those fabrications were carried out generation after generation?
At each stage, we may need to ask ourselves many a questions
that will give us a different meaning to what we have so far been
taught and made to believe in.
Fundamentally, this would be akin to auditing and reinterpreting
the history afresh without relying on past interpretations. Neither
trusting nor distrusting whatever we may have been taught so
far, but to look at the whole thing afresh...
My basic professional training as an auditor may come handy as
you will come to notice. Evidence before conclusion will be the
hallmark of my approach throughout. However, in a literary work
of this kind it may not always follow that sequence of presentation.
In other words, you may not always find it look like a drab thesis,
first enlisting the evidences and then the conclusions. At times
you will find the presentation of material not strictly in that order.
And yet, you will always find that disregard the sequence of
presentation, always the conclusions are duly supported by
evidence. For example, this was to be the introductory section,
in the very beginning of this book, titled This is how it all began,
where you were to find conclusions but no evidence in particular.
Then, as you were to proceed with first chapter and continue
thereafter, you were to find more space covered by hard evidences
and their necessary analytical interpretations, but not so much
space dedicated to conclusions, where conclusions were to be
the natural outcome of those analytical interpretations. However,
later I changed my mind and shifted this section towards the
end, where you find it now. This is because I like to go straight to
the subject without plenty of preamble.
But before we proceed, we need to be cautious of this Hindu
love for self-deceptive nobility, which defeats all such
Millions of viewers watch television every morning. One Mahaaraaj
(name deliberately withheld, but you can identify him if you
happen to follow his speeches) speaks to his audience every
morning. He speaks many good things about Hinduism. On
occasions he quotes Jesus. Twice I overheard him say exactly
opposite of what Jesus had said [year 2002-03]. He quoted Jesus
but did not give reference from Bible, so no one could verify if
what he was quoting was true. As I happened to have known
what Jesus had said in those contexts, I knew what this Mahaaraaj
spread amongst his millions of viewers was an untruth, most
likely out of his ignorance about Christianity and probably out of
his desire to reveal his big-heart that he holds respectful attitude
towards all religions. This is one particular kind of self-deceptive
nobility we Hindus are quite fond of engaging from time to time.
This Mahaaraaj has a large following and one of the web-site
claims it to a billion (which is quite absurd because then, every
Hindu on this earth would be his follower, and that simply cannot
be true, and I think the guy who wrote it got confused between
Crore and Billion, which differ by one zero), and his loyal followers
will not like my comments. But they need to realize that I am not
hitting out at an individual. The individual happens to be real-life
example, as I do not like to base my statements on fiction.
What they need to realize is that I am targeting a tendency
amongst we Hindus. That tendency is to make ourselves feel bighearted,
encompassing all religions with open arm. There is
nothing wrong in doing that. What is wrong is overdoing it. We
do it (welcome all religions openhearted) but we do not care to
learn their true innate characters. As a result, the history is witness
that we have been backstabbed and enslaved.
Now, there is no glory in being so naive. It harbors to the extent
of being foolish. And that is what, we not only have been doing
but still love to do it. Our Hindu preachers, in particular, are
affected by this fever of self-imposed greatness, and they love to
spread this contagious disease on a regular basis.
Again, you won’t agree with me at this stage, and that is quite
fine. I need to walk you through historical evidence before I can
expect you to believe in what I am saying. Simply file in the back
of your mind, those of my comments that you do not seem to
agree, do not rubbish them, walk with me through my research,
and I can assure you that you will be reminded yourself of these
comments, when evidence appears, in subsequent sessions.
Probably, based on such untruths being repeated over and again,
by our own people, I had lived under the mistaken belief that
Christianity is a religion of love for humanity. But then I had not
studied the teachings of Bible myself. I only relied upon those
who spoke for it with vested interest, or spoke of it with ignorance.
I had also not realized that the things could be made to look like
what they are actually not, by using the enormous power of money
and mass media. Today’s media is cheap; it focuses on what
would sell well for money. Most part of present day journalism
revolves around marketing a product that is the newspaper or
magazine or a television channel or whatever. Upholding the truth
is last of their concerns.
Let us return to our base theme and try to understand that
secularists mistakenly rejected religion, when they actually
wanted to reject Christianity
Secularism was born in Europe. They saw and understood well
the evils of Christianity. They had known only one religion,
Christianity. So, they rejected religion, when they actually wanted
to reject Christianity. They thought religion is bad.
The problem with Secularists is that they did not know that there
existed an enlightened religion like Hinduism. They had heard of
Hinduism but in lot derogatory sense. They had not known that
Christianity had deliberately presented that image of Hinduism
to Europeans. It is the specialty of Christianity that it tries to
eliminate all other religions by hook or crook. As a result,
Secularists did not look for an alternative in Hinduism.
Without religion, their life became dry and they faced different
kind of problems that they did not anticipate. They had thought
that removal of religion from their lives would eliminate all their
woes. But the human life, as it is, needed to be filled with
something else in place of religion.
Here started their experimentation. And as we know, any
experimentation, particularly that with human lives and believes
take long time to find settling and dependable solutions.
CommunistMarxists mistakenly believed, and continue to
believe, or at least show that they believe, that economic
compulsions are pivotal to all human needs; at the base of
it, the fact remains that they have such a hypothetical and
superficial understanding of life-phenomenon itself
As for Communism, it was born from those who had a Christian
base. Remember Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels? Both were from
ChristianGermany and both had Christian-England connection.
Unlike Secularists, they formed a definitive, though hypothetical,
concept of life based on economic compulsions of human race.
In attempting to bring it fully into effect, and impose on humanity
as the only solution to the evils of religion, they unknowingly
invited the worst of the monsters humanity had known, to monitor
the ill-conceived theory of Communism.
They had well understood the evils of Christianity, but they
misunderstood the goodness of Hinduism, which was deliberately
misrepresented to them by Christianity.
Beware of Christianity and Communism. These two are bigger
threat than Islam. While Islam can physically wipe out a good
part of Hindu population, Christianity and Communism together
can totally destroy the entire Hindu clan morally and ethically!
By Communism, I am not referring to Communist Party members.
They are the visible ones and can be dealt with. The mischief
makers are the hidden ones. They carry Hindu names on their
shoulders. You think of them as Hindus. They come in different
variety; film makers, media personalities, economists, historians,
jurists, etc.; they call themselves professionals. They assume
different identities for themselves; Secularist, Marxist, reformers,
thinkers, intellectuals, etc. Fairly impressive crops have been
raised during Nehru dynasty. They pose as the guides to the
Hindu society, though they have no basic understanding of what
Hinduism is. Inside their mind, many of them are infected with
CommunistMarxist thought process. These people are pretty
contagious. Their masks are not often easily penetrable!
What kind of
Advancement are
we looking for?
Now, to our friends who say, if we want to advance, we
must have peace; so ask yourself what is your starting point
and what is your destination
You want to advance, don’t you? Do you know exactly what kind
of advancement are you looking for? ‘From where’ do you want
to Advance? ‘To where’ do you want Advance? ‘How’ do you want
to Advance?
Well, this is where you were before
Sir Thomas Munro, the eminent Governor of Madras: If
a good system of agriculture, unrivalled manufacturing
skill, a capacity to produce whatever can contribute to
either convenience or luxury, schools established in every
village for teaching, reading, writing, and arithmetic,
the general practice of hospitality and charity amongst
each other, and above all, a treatment of the female
sex full of confidence, respect, and delicacy, are among
the signs which denote a civilized people – then the
Hindus are not inferior to the nations of Europe, and if
civilization is to become an article of trade between
England and BhaaratVarsh', I am convinced that England
will gain by the import cargo.
And, this is where you have landed
You have lost all that, nothing remains of it any more. With the
help of Christian and Communist Education systems, you know
by now, where you have landed. Now, with their help how ‘far’ do
you want to go? Or, let us put it this way. With their help how
‘low’ do you want to go? It is for you to decide...
Who am I to question you? Yet, I want to put finger into your
eyes and show you, what you have fallen in love with! They say
love is blind, well; you can stay in love with Christian and
Communist education systems until you are ruined...
Before you go any further, have you thought this over: what
are you benchmarking yourself against, when you claim
that knowledge of English is your strength?
You keep gloating at your knowledge of English, and say the
knowledge of English is our strength. Look, how much American
Information Technology and Call Center business that we’ve
bagged. It is all due to our proficiency in English.
Don’t you see what are you measuring yourself against? You are
benchmarking American business as the measure of your success.
What better example do you need for exhibiting your mental
When will you learn that this is exactly what Christian Macaulay
had wanted? The only difference is that now you look up to
ChristianAmerica, instead of ChristianBritain...
By all means, learn English but not to turn mental slaves. Instead,
use your understanding of English to see through their speech,
action and motives.
You know it pretty well that in today’s world there are many
Asian and European nations, who do not care for English and yet
they are able to challenge the English speaking world,
technologically and economically, both ways. This should tell you
that English is not essential in today’s world. And you know that
English was not essential in earlier days too, as we ourselves
were technologically more advanced than them [except that we
did not build mass killer technology] and wealthier than rest of
the English speaking world [and, if we are not so today, it is also
because of English, not the language but the people, who cheated
us and made us poor].
Therefore, you know that if you need English, it is only for
maintaining your own supremacy over non-English speaking
people of your own nation. You also know that amongst those
non-English speaking people, there are many more than you in
number, who are intellectually and administratively superior to
you, but they are behind you only because they cannot express
themselves in English. It is not in the national interest but in your
personal interest that you are advocating for English at the cost
of national interest.
When you gloat over those little praises from white people,
think if these are the right reasons for patting your own
Handful few white skins become Hindu, or praise Hinduism, and
you all start gloating over the feel that how great Hinduism is!
Don’t you notice, what are you measuring Hinduism with?
Must Hinduism be benchmarked against the acknowledgment or
adoption by few Christian born white skins? Here I am not letting
down those Christian born white skins but putting finger into
your eyes and showing you that this is ‘not’ the right reason to be
patting your own back...
Yes, I have quoted testimonies of those Christian white men like
Max Muller and others because, your problem is that you will
accept it as truth only when they say it; for, they have brainwashed
you so well through their Christian missionary education system
that if I were to quote you some Hindus, you wouldn’t simply
want to believe them.
The time has come that you rise above this invisible mental
Rise above this invisible mental slavery. Do not feel ashamed of
this mental slavery because you haven’t acquired it by choice; it
has been imposed on you by systematic conspiracy of the cunning
ChristianBritish taking advantage of HinduBhaaratiya simplicity.
And also understand that I am not inventing HinduBhaaratiya
simplicity in defense of Hindus, but it is they, those white
foreigners, whom you hold in such great awe, it is they, who
have given the testimony through their own documentation. Want
to know more about it? Read my earlier title Arise Arjun awaken
my Hindu nation Chapter 1.
It is for those of you, who tell me that conflict can only
take us backwards, that I say this...
Some of you tell me, fighting can only take us backwards. Well,
that depends on what you think, “Backwardness is all about”?
Somewhat similar question Arjun had asked Bhagawaan Shri
Krishn 5,000 years ago, when he was in a state of confusion and
And what did Bhagawaan Shri Krishn tell him? And what did Arjun
do? And what was the result?
You have been told, the result was nothing but whole lot of
bloodshed at KuruKshetr. You have been told that 18 Akshauhini
(4 million = 40 lakh) men lost their lives in 18 days.
Have you also been told that following the historic battle of
MahaaBhaarat, Dharm was reestablished?
You may have heard it, but did you believe in it? Do you know
what does this exactly mean? What is reestablishing Dharm? How
do you measure it?
How do you determine that Dharm was truly reestablished after
eliminating the evil from the society? Do you understand how
necessary it is to eliminate the evil, from time to time?
Have you read Chapter 1 of my earlier title Arise Arjun awaken
my Hindu nation? Have you read the testimonies of Greeks, Arabs,
Chinese, Italian, Muslims, and British? Have you noticed what
they all found during 2,400 years about Hindu society, without a
trace of disagreement?
Did you realize how this extraordinary Hindu system of justice,
Hindu love for truth, such security of human lives, such honesty
in business, such care for foreigners, such extraordinary character
of the entire Hindu society over 2,400 years consistently - how
was this achieved and maintained all along - if not a better
foundation was established following the battle of MahaaBhaarat?
Think, my dear fellows think!
Go back and look at your forgotten heritage. Go back and recognize
your Roots. Don’t get fooled any more by these Christians and
CommunistMarxist FakeSecularist who have taught you all along
only to despise yourself.
Rediscover all your Strengths my fellow beings. Rediscover
the Glory within you. Believe in your Past then alone you
can recreate it!
For once, resolve to eliminate these who have fooled you all along.
Another MahaaBhaarat will take you back there where you started
5,000 years ago of which evidence was available until early
Nineteenth century, when they said:
Sir Thomas Munro, the eminent Governor of Madras: If a good system
of agriculture, unrivalled manufacturing skill, a capacity to produce
whatever can contribute to either convenience or luxury, schools
established in every village for teaching, reading, writing, and
arithmetic, the general practice of hospitality and charity amongst
each other, and above all, a treatment of the female sex full of
confidence, respect, and delicacy, are among the signs which denote
a civilized people – then the Hindus are not inferior to the nations
of Europe, and if civilization is to become an article of trade between
England and BhaaratVarsh', I am convinced that England will gain by
the import cargo.
Christian education system did corrupt you thoroughly and
uprooted you from your roots totally in a matter of one hundred
and twelve years (1835-1947) and today you have learned to
admire the same education system!
You will not be able to get back to there “where you started once”
until you eliminate what has brought you down to this level.
MahaaBhaarat did the same ~ total elimination. Remember that
MahaaBhaarat was not a bloody war as you have learned to
perceive. MahaaBhaarat was Dharm waging war against Adharm.
In this context, Dharm represents Hinduism and ancient Hindu
education system whereas Adharm represents Christianity and
Christian education system and its bad influence.
However, remember that no MahaaBhaarat can ever be fought
until you have an Arjun to fight that battle. And you know the
truth of today that you have no Arjun to fight and no Bhagawaan
Shri Krishn to show the way.
The day will come when Shri Naaraayan will descend, but must
you do nothing till then? Do you have no responsibility of your
own towards your Mother Earth?
Do you have no responsibility of your own towards Hinduism,
which has once given you such humanity that none could compare!
So what is it that you are waiting for, and how long do you want
to wait? This is not for me to ask you; this is for you to ask
yourself today.
An Aquarian is born before Time. Present generation may not
listen to him.
But, future generations will!