Avidya अविद्या

"Illusion, illusion personified or Maya (a term frequently occurring in Vedaant; by means of this illusion one perceives the universe, which does not really exist, as inherent in Brahm which alone exists)".  Dictionary p63.
"Shri RaamKrishn acknowledged power of Maya in the relative life.  He perceived in it a mysterious and majestic expression of Divinity.  To him Maya it self was God, for every thing was God.  It was one of the faces of Brahm.  Shri RaamKrishn discovered that Maya operates in the relative world in two ways, and he termed these “Avidyaa Maya” and Vidya Maya”.  Avidyaa Maya represents the dark forces of the creation: sensuous desires, evil passions, greed, lust, cruelty, and so on.  It sustains the world system on the lower planes.  It is responsible for round of man’s birth and death.  It must be fought and vanquished." Swami Nikhilananda, The Gospel of Shri RaamKrishn, p13.