Dairy vs. Diary


dairy [ dáiri ] noun  (plural dairies) Definition:   1. place to store milk and cream: a room or building where milk and cream and sometimes other perishables are stored 2. farm for milk production: a farm that produces milk and milk products 3. place to make butter and cheese: a room or building where butter and cheese are made 4. establishment that sells or processes milk: a commercial establishment that processes, sells, or distributes milk and milk products 5. dairy products: dairy products collectively 6. New Zealand grocery store: a small local grocery store that sells milk, newspapers, and other provisions 7. US regional dug-out hole: a space dug out in the side of a hill adjective  Definition:   1. relating to milk products: relating to, producing, or containing milk or milk products 2. Judaism concerning foods in Jewish dietary law: relating to those foods, including milk products, eggs, fish, and vegetables, that Jewish dietary law allows on occasions when milk is consumed [13th century. < obsolete deie 'woman servant, dairy worker' < Old English dæge 'kneader (of bread)'] Spelling Note dairy or diary? Do not confuse the spelling of dairy and diary. The word dairy is a noun and adjective referring to milk, cream, butter, etc., as in buy milk from the dairy, dairy farming, cheese and other dairy products. The word diary is a noun denoting a personal record of events or appointments, or a book used for this purpose.


diary [ d əri  ] (plural diaries) noun  Definition:   1. personal record of life's events: a personal record of events in somebody's life, often including personal thoughts and observations 2. blank book: a book with blank or lined paper for keeping a diary in 3. UK book for appointments: a book, usually with pages labelled according to the days of a given year, in which people keep notes of appointments US term  appointment book a desk diary I'll check my diary to see if I'm free. 4. list of events: a list of events taking place somewhere during a specific period of time a diary of October's events [Late 16th century. < Latin diarium< dies 'day'] Spelling Note See dairy.

Encarta 15 March 2011 04:17 AM