
select [ si lékt ]

transitive and intransitive verb  (3rd person present singular selects, present participle selecting, past and past participle selected)


choose from others: to choose somebody or something from among several
selected a chocolate from the box



1. of good quality: chosen on grounds of particularly high quality

2. having limited membership: admitting only a few carefully chosen members
one of the more select gentlemen's clubs

3. specially chosen: chosen from several others and given special treatment or a special privilege
advance copies sent to a select few

4. discriminating: showing care and discernment when choosing

noun  (plural selects)


somebody or something chosen: somebody or something chosen from among others, often on the basis of high quality ( often used in the plural )

[Mid-16th century. < Latin select-, past participle of seligere< legere 'pick out']

selectable adjective

selectee [ si lék tee ] noun

selectness noun