These documented Results of 4-Varn' system can make you Proud of your Hindu heritage (2002-2004-2005)—C

They Impeached Humanity (2007)—C

How then the scenario changed so drastically after middle of 19th-century?

I am not going to provide you with all the answers here. The scope of this work is predefined. It is to raise enough doubt in your mind about the veracity of the impressions you hold. If you have any love and pride left in you for your own heritage then you should feel the urge to probe further. And that enquiry should lead you towards the truth. I shall only provide you with some clues here in summarized form.

ChristianBritish made Hindu Braahmans Rich

Things rapidly changed after introduction of ChristianEnglish Education System in 1835 which not only replaced but also systematically eliminated1 the ancient Hindu education system from this soil.

• You must understand one basic thing that it is education that shapes our understanding of this world and the happenings here; it is the education that shapes our thoughts and attitudes; it is the education that forms our value system.
• Braahmans were chosen by the ChristianBritish for their induction into Christianized Anglicized culture. As Braahmans were most literate and capable of adopting any new form of education with ease, they were made the first guinea pigs of new education system. The graduates were given plush jobs in ChristianBritish administration which dramatically raised their fortunes as these Braahmans earlier used to be poorest of all 4 Varn(s). With this change in their life style and living comforts - their whole attitude towards life and the society changed. With new Christianized education from childhood the newer generations of Braahman born were made to learn new philosophy and new attitudes towards life and its goal. Now they started becoming no less expansive in their life style and attitudes and the inherent contracting tendencies were soon replaced by Christianized expansive tendencies, the ills of all that we see today.

Braahmans were manipulated by the ChristianBritish

How these Braahmans were manipulated and then gradually victimized is a tale of conspiracy against humanity that I have touched upon in varying degree in two of my earlier works2. In this context, it must be understood that none of my works are stand alone and cannot tell the whole story at one place. There is a continuity and connectivity among all.

Evidence incidental to the main theme

Macaulay: “We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a class of persons, Indian in blood and color, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals and in intellect.” Minute of TB Macaulay's speech in the British Parliament on 2 Feb 1835

In ChristianBritish company they became the so-called Upper Class

These Braahmans and Kshatriyas having been groomed up under ChristianizedEnglish education they learned to admire their ChristianBritish masters and adopted all3 their ills fully.

• They saw their ChristianBritish master acting as the oppressors of worst kind and they too gradually became much like them.
• They saw their ChristianBritish masters treating the poor section of people as dirt not as human beings and they also adopted those evils from their masters whom they admired.
• Then having corrupted these two classes very substantially, those very ChristianBritish masters and their ChristianBritish Missionary stooges turned the poorer class against the affluent class of Christianized Braahman and Kshatriya born.

Divide and Rule Policy is not British, it is Christian - it is the gift from their messiah Jesus Christ - and, here we have ample evidence from Holy Bible

What you saw above - first creating an upper class - isolating them from the mainstream - then poisoning the masses against that upper class - is the technique of creating division and putting one against the other.

ChristianBritish ran away from India in great hurry as they were in tatters due to the immense pressure built from outside4 and from inside5 but they did not forget to plant their stooges6 carefully placed in the new government and thus, left behind their legacy in form of ChristianEnglish educated Hindus who continued to practice Divide and Rule Policy as before.

Evidence incidental to the main theme

We find the following documentations in the authoritative text in the New Testament, the second part of Holy Bible.

• St Mathew was one of the Chief Disciples of Jesus Christ and he documented in Christian Bible what he heard himself from Jesus Christ. The documentation can be found in the 1st Gospel written by Saint Matthew.

Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against the mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 10:36 And a man’s foe shall be they of his own household. 10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me. 12: 30 He that is not with me is against me Source: Holy Bible, King James Version, Pilot Books, ISBN 0-8400-3625-4 [1996] p 757
St Matthewan Apostle, and the author of the first Gospel — The New Oxford Dictionary of English ISBN 019-565432-3 p 1143
ApostleEach of the twelve chief disciples of Jesus Christ — The New Oxford Dictionary of English p 77
GospelThe record of Christ’s life and teachings in the first four books of the New Testament — The New Oxford Dictionary of English p 792
New TestamentThe second part of the Christian Bible — The New Oxford Dictionary of English p 1249

• Statements made by St Matthew were duly validated and can be found in the 3rd Gospel written by Saint Luke.

Luke 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: 12:52 For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. 12:53 The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 14:26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. Source: Holy Bible, King James Version, Pilot Books, ISBN 0-8400-3625-4 [1996] p 815, p 827
Naya negative answer — The New Oxford Dictionary of English p 1237
St Lukean evangelist and the author of the third Gospel — The New Oxford Dictionary of English p 1099

• St Thomas, better known in India, was one of the Chief Disciples of Jesus Christ and he too documented what he heard himself from Jesus Christ. The documentation can be found in the Gospel of Saint Thomas.

16 Jesus said: Perhaps men think that I came to cast peace on the world; and they do not know that I came to cast division upon earth, fire, sword, war. For five will be in a house; there will be three against two and two against three, the father against the son and the son against the father. And they will stand because they are single ones. 56 Jesus said: He who will not hate his father and his mother cannot be my disciple. And he who will not hate his brothers and sisters, and carry his cross as I have, will not become worthy of me. Source: The Secret Sayings of Jesus (according to the Gospel of Thomas) Robert M Grant, et al, London 1960, quoted in The Myth of Saint Thomas and the Mylapore Shiva Temple Ishwar Sharan ISBN 81-85990-21-2 [1995] p76n
St Thomasan Apostle — The New Oxford Dictionary of English p 1928

Thus, you witness here what the Messiah himself said in very clear language to his own disciples as to what he truly wanted of his followers. You must realize that all those sweet words about so much overflowing love for humanity is nothing but advertisement to cover up the truth.

Therefore, you need to understand very clearly yet another thing, that is, so long the influence of Christianity remains on this Hindu land, the people living on this land will continue to practice that Divide and Rule Policy.

What you often fail to notice that it is not the “true” Hindus that practice Divide and Rule Policy for they believe in unifying and building, not breaking and destroying7. It is the Hindu born ChristianEnglish Educated and “their offshoots” who have been, and continue to, practice this policy. But then it has become very difficult to isolate them for identification simply because their numbers have grown exponentially, and they have become so numerous that they can be seen everywhere around you. To top it, they take one very special precaution: they do not give up their Hindu names8 while continuing their subversion activities9. With their suffocating grip over media and power platform of every kind10 they keep managing their destructive game un-understood by the gullible11 Hindus.

Importance of pedigree

Is pedigree important for pet animals but not for humans?

When rich people buy a puppy they check the pedigree. When European dairy farms buy cows and bulls they check the pedigree. So, the record of ancestors, genealogy is important when it comes to buying an animal but it seems a matter of least interest when it comes to humans.

Is the quality of next generation important for pet animals but not for humans?

While Mating two animals the pedigree becomes relevant even today so that the next generation is equally good if not better. But it seems that when humans mate and produce children the next generation is not so important. Therefore, they do not care to look at the pedigree.

A little knowledge is always very dangerous

It all started in India with the spread of ChristianEnglish education system. Two thousand year old Christianity is so very ignorant of the laws of the Nature and like fools they always try to conquer the Nature. When Christian Missionary Educators saw Hindus having a very sophisticated system of applied mathematics to human lives they simply could not make head or tail out of it12.

Immense harm they have done by imposing their ignorance

Pampering their immensely inflated ego they thought that they were a superior race, and like all fools do they too simply condemned Hindu system as nothing but superstition. And with that they passed on their own ignorance and lack of understanding to Hindu children whom they taught for six generations after systematically eliminating ancient Hindu education system.

Importance of marriages in the same Varn वर्ण

Hindu social structure placed high degree of importance to marriages of likes to strengthen offspring of like qualities. For instance, a Kshatriya would be married to a Kshatriya so that the children born are with the qualities of Kshatriya and each new generation of newborns is geared to fulfill its social obligations well when they grow up, as expected of a Kshatriya.

Maintaining self-reliance and equilibrium

Thus, Braahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shoodr all have their respective responsibilities towards the society’s needs and its equilibrium, and thus, self-reliance is maintained within the society by adequate supply and training of necessary skills.

Self-governance was the key

The society lived in small units of villages and each village would be self-sufficient to its needs without requiring migration from one to the other. It also maintained the safety and ethical norms within the commune. Each village would thus be self-governed as had been witnessed by Colonel Sleeman as late as in 19th century13.

Comparative scenario

In that social structure of yesteryears we did not have (a) hypocrisy as rampant as is today in modern Christianized urban society, (b) lack of security needing excessive and unduly expensive security measures as it is today14, and (c) total lack of moral values as compared to the Hindu society of olden days.

In today’s Christianized societies, there is no doubt lot of talk about morality, but little in evidence in reality. Probably, so much talk about morality is necessitated by the stark absence15 of it in conducts of the people.

Today we look down upon the olden day social structure, and gloat upon the beauties of present day social structure; but if only we had learned to be honest to ourselves, we would realize how low we have drooped down the stream. Unfortunately, our ego is so blinding that we fail to see the truth in Max Muller’s words when he says:

If you approach the Hindus with such feelings, you will teach them neither rectitude, nor science, nor literature. Nay, they might appeal to their own literature, even to their law-books, to teach us at least one lesson of truthfulness, truthfulness to ourselves, or, in other words, - humility. INDIA what can it teach us? Max Muller ISBN 0-14-100437-1 p 67-68

Hotchpotch ruins Social Economics

With mixed-Varn children we have new generations of undefined social characteristics and social responsibilities. Kshatriya-Shoodr, Vaishya-Kshatriya, Shoodr-Braahman children would not know which direction of social training and responsibility they need to take up.

Lesser acknowledged Truth

As a result, today Christian countries (like USA, Canada) face acute shortage of people willing to take up lower-end jobs, and these societies have been forced to depend on immigrants, and that in turn, has raised issues relating to racial discrimination and deep discontentment among new immigrants until they somehow settle down.

The art of cover up

Racial discrimination nevertheless remains alive deep into the system and only victims know it too well though not acknowledged by these Christian societies for they are trained to maintain a positive face before others.

And who points finger at whom?

And these are the people who talk of social discrimination in olden day society forgetting that those societies were essentially village-based societies with less than thousand people in a habitat and migration was not called for.

Not long ago but only 123 years ago

Following was the situation only 123 years ago [1882] and that too after the ChristianBritish had substantially messed up our social structure. Try to visualize what would have been the situation before ChristianBritish messing up the structure.

I see from Dr Hunter’s latest statistical tables that the whole number of towns and villages in British India amounts to 493,498. Out of this number 448,320 have less than 1000 inhabitants, and may be called villages. In Bengal, where the growth of towns has been most encouraged through Government establishments, the total number of homesteads is 117,042 and more than half of these contain less than 200 inhabitants. In the Northwestern Provinces the last census gives us 105,124 villages, against 297 towns. See Times 14 August 1882. INDIA what can it teach us? Max Muller, ISBN 0-14-100437-1 p 230 n 14

It was not social discrimination but social structure for a balanced society

Eyes blinded and minds shut failing to see the reality

It was not social discrimination but social structure for a balanced society. However, these modern educated with an education system, which essentially arose from a Christian base, fail to see this part of the reality because their eyes are blinded and their minds are shut by an education system, which did not care for truth but for propagating a mission, beneath which lay the hidden motive of expansion of Christian imperialism.

Oh! That unfulfilled wish...

These Christian societies and our ChristianizedHindu society, which now dutifully apes its Christian counterpart, is rife with social insecurity issues of the magnitude that were unknown in those days of Hindu society. And yet, it is ChristianizedHindus who are pretty much vocal about this alleged discrimination in the Hindu society in the name of Varn system, probably because their only wish to be born with white skin has not been fulfilled.

What Islam could not do...

Islam could not destroy Hinduism in thousand-year16 but Christianity has done it, in large measure, within 170 years! This is the greatest contribution (or, Curse?) of ChristianEnglish education system in India.

Plenty of strength in social structure of Hindu society

Comparative scenario

Consider the success of Hindu 4-Varn System with a village based economy and social structure, not necessitating migration on account of job related needs. As against this, look at the dependence of Christianized urbanized societies on migration of labor, and the ills thereof on issues related to morality.

Consider the extraordinary sense of truth and justice in Hindu village communes, even as late as in the 19th century [see Colonel Sleeman’s account], and compare its striking absence in today’s litigation-prone Christianized urbanized societies.

Consider the 4-Varn based Hindu society’s extraordinary love for truth and justice as against Christian society’s latent racial discrimination and rich-poor class system with striking absence of true humanitarian feelings, where we do not recognize and care for the next-door neighbor, and ever ready to get into litigation on any instance of so-called infringement of privacy issues and personal rights.

That afternoon of July 2002 in Europe at lunch...

On the question of litigations relating to infringement of privacy issues and personal rights, I cannot resist but to tell you of an interesting episode. It was July of 2002 in Venezia in Europe, lunch time. While at lunch, I was watching the Italian television after watching Pope John Paul II’s drooping head on the screen for a while, a thing that they ritually do every day lunch time.

A real-life situation, not an imaginary story

A real-life courtroom proceeding was being live telecast. They do this also regularly, everyday around that time, and we get to watch in full view of camera the entire proceedings from beginning till end.

My host explained to me the subject matter of the judicial proceedings. Here was the man and the woman, both neighbors. Subject of litigation was man’s pet dog. This dog was very affectionate to the woman. This affection developed in the days when the man and the woman were in intimate terms and used to frequent each other’s house regularly. So did the dog, he too visited the woman’s apartment regularly.

Later the man and the woman broke up. As they broke up they would not visit each other any more. But the dog could not follow the same routine. He would still visit woman’s house regularly. The man had no objection but the woman did. She asked the man to stop his dog from visiting her place. The man tried his best but could not stop the dog from doing so.

Then, the woman sued the man in the court for letting his dog infringe her privacy. The man presented in the court his argument that he attempted his every bit but the dog wouldn’t listen. The woman argued before the court that the dog belonged to the man and therefore, legally he was obliged to ensure that the dog did not infringe her privacy by visiting her apartment, and thus violating her personal right not wanting the dog to come to her.

You can imagine the judge’s predicament in this case as far as delivering a just judgment was concerned. I leave to your imagination what the judge might have done eventually!

So much strength in ancient social structure and how they ruined it

I see plenty of strength in the social structure of yesteryears when I read the testimonies of those days’ independent observers of our society, and with dismay I see these ChristianizedHindus turning a blind-eye towards those; such a disaster had been the Macaulayite ChristianEnglish education system designed to produce “Indians in blood and color, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals and in intellect” as said by Macaulay in his own words.

And then, Castles of Sand they built

On a worldwide scale, if we look at the social structures evolved by Christian societies, Marxist societies and so-called Secular societies, we see them disintegrating already. The base unit family is fast eroding the social fabric of modern society and we can look at the number of years they have withstood the test of time.

Nothing surpasses the Test of Time

The Test of Time is the best test, it tells us what works in practice. It has worked for Hindu society; it has not worked for Christian societies, Marxist societies, and Secular societies long enough to stand the test of time.

I see NO reason to be defensive

And therefore, I see no reason to be defensive about Hindu system of social structure; those who speak ill of it looking at today’s situation, deliberately shut their eyes towards the fact that this very deterioration is the effect of its long association with Islamic, Christian, Marxist and Secular societies.

It had saved Hindu society from being obliterated

Instead of looking at the cause and effect relationship, Hindu hater IndianEnglishmen, ChristianizedHindus and FakeSecularists point fingers at the ancient system, which saved Hindu society from being obliterated by Islamic and Christian imperialism. Related reading: Caste—other side of the coin


Go To >> These documented Results of 4-Varn' system can make you Proud of your Hindu heritage (2002-2004-2005)—D

1 for additional details see Do your History textbooks tell you these Facts?
2 recommended further reading: (1) Do your History textbooks tell you these Facts? (2) That unknown face of Christianity
3 Well, not all, strictly speaking. They still retained many good qualities, which they kept giving up gradually with each new generation. They kept reading and hearing that Braahmans had been at the root of most ills and they preferred to join the band wagon and keep drifting with the stream With each new generation under influence of ChristianEnglish Education they kept losing more and more of Braahmanical truthful qualities, and went on adopting more and more of ChristianEnglish deceptive qualities. In spite of all this, we find many gem of Braahmans till today!

4 ChristianGermans led by Adolf Hitler shattered the military supremacy of ChristianBritish
5 Azad Hind Fauz led by HinduIndian Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose pulled the carpet away from under the feet of the ChristianBritish
6 Jawaharlal Nehru was only one of such numerous characters, perhaps the better known one. However, with new revelations that have become public now, it is becoming apparent that his family was Muslim, not Braahman, not even a Hindu

7 And yet, sometimes it becomes necessary to destroy a rotten base.
8 Offhand one example surfaces my mind at this very moment - Arundhati Roy. You will find detailed account of her subverting conducts in my other works. But remember that she happens to be just one example, perhaps a better known one; there are plenty of such characters all around you.
9 Subvert: (1) to try to destroy the authority of a political, religious, etc. system by attacking it secretly or indirectly (2) to try to destroy a person’s beliefs or loyalties. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English Sixth Ed 2000 ISBN 019 431 5851 CD-ROM
10 Financial, administration, political arena, government and its institutions, educational, etc.
11 Gullible: too willing to believe or accept what other people tell you and therefore easily tricked. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English CD-ROM

12 In any case, ChristianWorld has been awfully poor in mathematics. Few exceptions were like Sir Isaac Newton whose personal library was known for its large collection of books relating to astrology.
13 Please refer to the earlier part of this book
14 Recommended further reading ISBN 81-89746-04-9 Christianity in a different Light - Face behind the Mask for ample real life examples
15 Recommended further reading “Christianity in a different Light - Face behind the Mask” and “That Unknown Face of Christianity” for plenty of real life examples

16 Correction: 700 hundred years