Basic Purpose of this Web Site

With documented evidence—this site demonstrates—how the Teachings of Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Communism Shaped Humanity. It also demonstrates—with documented evidence—how the Values, Thoughts, Emotions, and Conducts of Your Children are being Shaped Today.

My emphasis is on religion because it has been—it is—and it will remain to be the single most significant factor which has—is—and will continue to influence social values, individual thoughts and conduct.

Next level of emphasis is on History, Politics and Current Events because these are closely connected with religion. History and related politics reflect at conducts of past generations. Current events and contemporary politics reflect at conducts of present generations.

I have examined, in-depth, the tenets of some major religions from authoritative documented sources, and critically examined how each religion molded social values of their followers. Then critically analyzed how those social values got translated into thought process of the followers. Next step was to demonstrate how those thoughts translated themselves into conducts. The available documented version of those conducts have gone into the pages of history. Present day conducts triggered by those social values and thought process continue to result in current events and get reported by media.

Among these past and present conducts, there is plenty that gets revealed; and at the same time, there is plenty which is kept under cover. Carefully kept under wraps are those conducts which may lead to far-reaching implications, and may change the course of humanity, if effectively revealed to the masses, and truly understood by them.

The target audience is the younger generation because it is them who will shape the future of the humanity. We, the elders—on our way out—are supposed to be here to show our youngsters the path of Truth, or else humanity would die!