News with Comments

Keywords: Indians, family relations, ginger cure, copyright greed, english medium education, parrot humanoid syndrome,

Indians among world's happiest people - Poll (TOI 3 Mar 2012 front page) (But for how long? Let another generation pass and we will be as bad as those in the Christian World. Missionaries took over our education system in 1835 and systematically destroyed the infrastructure of ancient Hindu education system. Hindoo children were brainwashed from primary school onwards. They drifted away from age-old proven Hindoo value system and gradually imbibed Christian value system. 1835 to 2015 will be 180 years meaning six generations. Give one more generation and by the end of 7th generation they will remain Hindoo for namesake and will become Christian for all practical purposes. That's when they will start showing all those symptoms that now plague the Christian World. Irony is that our Parrot Humanoids are pretty happy with the direction they are moving and many are even proud of it that they have "Advanced"! 2012-03-03, 19:04
Kashmir zealots push Christians into valley of fear TOI 23 Jan 2012 font-page top It's a (top) front-page news item because it relates to a Christian priest and foreign NGOs who baptized (converted) Muslim boy into Christianity; so our faithful media watchdog had to make it a front-page news drawing nation's attention towards problem Christians are facing in Kashmir. But for years together, lakhs of Hindoo pundits were (and are) being killed/deprived of all their belongings and, for our media, those had been no news at all. Now those Hindoos did no harm to Muslims nor attempted to convert them and yet tyranny against them kept our media silent. These hungry greedy media watchdogs bark (make noise on behalf of their keepers) only when someone throws a piece of bone at them (without which they have no lung-power). You have read in my History book (2008 edition) which media is controlled by which foreign Church. Now do you understand why this puppet media opts to suppress any tyranny against a Hindoo but suddenly regain all their lung-power to make a big noise when Christians get punished for their own misdoings? (3 March 2012, 10:22 PM, IST)
India foils UK firm's GINGER CURE patent bid (TOI 2012-01-05 p15) Christian World is so greedy that it wants to own everything disregard whether it belongs to them or not    
Over 2cr Indian kids study in English-medium schools (Times of India Front Page 2 March 2012) (Parents want their children to do well in today's English dominated competitive environment. These children grow up to become Trishankus (त्रिशंकु) hanging between two cultures which are essentially quite opposite of each other in every respect. Child's ability to think 'original' is seriously compromised when s/he is forced to think in a language alien to him/her. In time, they learn to compromise with the situation and adapt themselves to given scenario but, in final analysis, they end up suffering heavily from Parrot Humanoid Syndrome 2 Mar 2012, 08:06 PM IST)  
80% students in Indian schools are humiliated — — 4 Mar 2012 you cannot build a strong nation out of such childhood scars
Marathwada region beats Vidarbh' in farmer deaths (DNA 3 Mar 2012 p1) we don't hear city businessmen committing mass suicide
Chemical in Toiletry items causing Breast Cancer (TOI 14 Jan 2012 p8) so much for the modern science and their greed which led those hired scientist without inner-conscience (servants of businessmen/women and so-called professionals from greedy Christian world)
Sexting behind rise in casual sex (Plymouth University, teenagers, Britain, TOI 14 Jan 2012 p8) so much for the glorious modern university education in Christian world and its value system - expect it soon to invade Indian universities also, if not already happening - after all we are progressing !