
corruption is not limited only to bribery, it can assume many faces, these are just a few

Medical world | Political world

Saturday, 3 March 2012, 7:18 PM, IST
I have all along maintained that corruption need not be "only" financial involving "bribery" and that it can reveal itself with different faces in a wide spectrum of scenarios. Today, as I decided to open this web page, it occurred to me that I should verify if my long-standing impression is correct or not, because only too often I have found people relating this term to "bribary" and take the position that India is one of the most corrupt countries today, a stand that I all along disagreed. Way back in my 2005 publication "That Unknown Face of Christianity" (pages 308) I took the position that corruption originated from the Christian World and has seeped into Indian system through the Christian British and I demonstrated with facts drawn from the documented history that it is truly so. However, most people tend to disagree with this either without looking into facts and analyzing them carefully. Those who care to look at them soon forget those and begin parroting what they had been taught by their alien education system and media.

Anyhow, to verify the veracity of my own thought process about corruption, I googled "definition:corruption" and got large number of entries. A quick look at them indicated that there had been ample debate on the topic challenging the traditional meaning of corruption. I can list them out here but that would hardly serve any purpose because those who are truly interested can google it themselves. However, two of the entries caught my attention and I opened those PDFs. For want of time I simply glanced at them spending not more than 5 minutes on each. Those two entries are listed below in "notes" area of this page.

Over the years I have gathered lot more documented evidence that demonstrate it is the Christian World which is most corrupt by judging it on any definition of the term. I do not know if I shall ever get time to colate them (collect, combine in proper order, comapre and analyze) and publish them together. Perhaps not, looking at current pending list.

I may, however, go on populating this page with topics that I may stumble on hereafter, may be from new sources or from my repository of data collected during prior years. However, such listing will not be able to follow any specific order to present an organized case study.

Once I did make an effort in collating such data and was quite satisfied with the way it was progressing but one inadvertent mistake ruined all that work. It was on Joomla and by sheer mistake I deleted the database from server. Data could not be recovered because my hosting plan did not cover automatic backup facility for individual shared hosting accounts. I do have some Akeeba backups that I preserved but some attempt at recovering the data using Akeeba Kickstart did not yield desired result. I think it is possible but needs greater degree of expertise for acquiring which I lack time.

Medical World

20 million children are drugged with psychiatric drugs with dangerous side effects  WMV  7,913 KB video
Hiding in the small print is a negative  If the average of 3 top-selling brands is the benchmark, then all drugs will cost more

Political World

US President Bush and his Enron Oil deal
US President Bush and his lies about his Enron Oil deal
US President Bush and his problems with Enron Oil deal (TIME)
Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney and Airbus Scandal
British Prime Minister Tont Blair and his Election Funding Scandal
Sonia Gandhi Scams, Nepotism, Man Mohan Singh  MP4  16,815 KB video
Vishw Bandhu Gupta on GoM  FLV  5,669 KB video

[PDF] Legal Corruption File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View by D Kaufmann - Cited by 50 - Related articles
1. Legal Corruption. Daniel Kaufmann1 and Pedro C. Vicente2. Second Draft, October, 2005. Abstract: We challenge the conventional definition of corruption as ...

[PDF] Research on Corruption File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View In Colin Nye's classical definition, corruption is “behaviour that deviates from the formal duties of a public role (elective or appointive) because of private- ...

Keywords: corruption, medical world, political world, legal world, christian world,