Contact details

As for contacting me
Phone calls often bring a sudden break in my chain of thoughts and therefore, I always prefer to avoid calls. An SMS (text message on mobile) and/or an email, however, does not cause similar distraction and, therefore, these two are best ways for communication with me.

As for personal meetings
It is generally not feasible as I have no fixed time for work. When my mind is active, I sit down at my desk and begin to work. It can be any time of the day or night, and there is no fixed time. When I am physically or mentally exhausted, I retire to bed. So, if I agree for a time for a particular day, I simply wouldn't know in advance as to what state I shall be in, at that given point of time. Working for 10-15-20 hours at a stretch is not unusual for me, and when my body and/or mind needs rest it can be a brief one or even a prolonged one. For this very reason, I do not accept any invitations as well besides requests for meeting at my place.

As for occassional offer of donations  from readers
While I thank you heartily for your kind gestures, and I have accepted such offers in the past, for now I would want to avoid it
But then, I do keep spending a lot on genuine computer software, computer hardware, web site hosting, domain registrations, broadband connection for web site development and research, etc. Any reader keen on helping can do so by directly paying to the suppliers of such goods and services.

Keywords: email, sms, phone, meeting, work hours, rest hours, donations, licensed software

This page was edited on 5 Mar 2012, 08:52 AM, IST
Archived pages Contact 2010-09-04 | Contact 2012-02-05