Blue border surrounding an image - what it is for? (Archived)

2010 10 11 AM 05:21

To avoid slow pages

This web site may carry numerous images. Some web pages may have multiple images. Inclusion of images tend to make web pages heavier resulting in increased load time. Visitors who use dial-up connection or 256 KB cable connection may experience some delay in loading pages with multiple images.

To resolve this issue I have thought of using thumbnails only. I expect this will help web pages load faster.

with blue border

Use of thumbnails will not deprive you from viewing the full size image. All you need to do is to click on the thumbnail and the full size image will appear.

without blue border

In few cases image used may not be a thumbnail and yet it may look small. In such situation image may continue to show as before even if you click on it. This happens when the original image in itself is small and creating a thumbnail serves no purpose.