plane (2)

plane [ playn ]
noun  (plural planes)
1. flat surface: a flat or level surface

2. level of reality: a particular level of existence, mental activity, or achievement
never felt he was on the same intellectual plane as the others

3. mathematics two-dimensional surface or space: a two-dimensional surface in which a straight line between any two points will lie wholly on that surface

4. aviation wing or hydrofoil: a flat surface that provides lift for an aircraft or hydroplane, e.g. a wing or a hydrofoil

1. flat: flat or level

2. mathematics two-dimensional: lying within a plane

intransitive verb  (3rd person present singular planes, present participle planing, past and past participle planed)
1. skim over surface of water: to rise partly out of water and skim along the surface

2. aviation birds glide: to glide through the air without propulsion

[Early 17th century. < Latin planus 'flat']

planeness noun

Regional History

See plain.


8 Dec 2010 18:14

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