Before you proceed

Bombay 25 Oct 2007

My loyalty does not rest with any individual, any political outfit, any social organization, or any religious body for that matter. My loyalty rests with One - and only One - Shri Naaraayan, my Aaraadhya (whom I worship).

As I sit down to pen my thoughts, I remain aware that it is not easy for readers to accept truth in its bare naked form. With this realization, I wouldn't be surprised if a reader loves one of my works and then gets wild with another piece of my work. Similarly, the same work may make one reader elated, and make another reader angry. And yet, I wouldn't want to change my stance for I am not here to sell my works in one way or other. Neither I seek recognition, nor I am after praise, nor do I want wealth. And, please do not expect me to get into debate with you for I am not here to convince you or to make you think my way. I am not here to earn your respect. Nor I am here to raise a band of followers. Practically I have no reason to please or displease anyone of you in particular. My worldly ambitions have been fulfilled with the Grace of Shri Naaraayan.

The blanket

There is something you need to understand at the very beginning before you begin to read any of my works. If your slate is full you won't have any place to write on it until you clean it up well. Similarly, your mind, your thoughts, your emotions - almost your whole being - is covered with a blanket. This blanket is made of primarily three components - your religion, your education system and media around you. Using (or abusing) the Media (the immensely powerful tool that it is) you are constantly being bombarded with what you should know. These invisible shackles are too demanding to let you loose.

Free to form opinion?

You think that you are free to form your independent opinion - almost about anything - but the truth happens to be otherwise. You are also constantly reminded that you are making an informed choice but the reality is opposite. You never realize that you are always being fed with selective information. Your religious guides tell you what they want you to know. Much the same is the case with your educators and your media. Your psyche formation - right from your childhood through adolescence to the adulthood - takes place under their guidance. And, my objective is to break that cordon of cultivated misinformation, and the resultant ignorance.

Repetition has poisoned your minds

When an Untruth is repeated thousand times it begins to sound like truth. When it is repeated hundreds of thousands of time it becomes The Truth, and the real truth becomes the Untruth. Your school textbooks are the best tool to achieve this fete. From the very childhood your brains are washed thoroughly leading you to a make believe world of which you have no direct experience because it relates to that Past where “you” were not Present!

Your direct experiences of today (if any) are projected as the direct outcome of that remote past of which you have no true experience, except whatever you may have been told via your textbooks, your religious guides, and media stories. Guides of organized religions have their own agenda that itself guides their thought and action, and based on that they guide the thoughts and actions of their followers. Contents of educational textbooks and media coverages get widely influenced by the images that their religious guides have helped them form over generations. If there remains any question of doubt it is duly taken care of by those who control things from behind the scene, the very support system which regulates breathing of educational institutions and media outlets (that is the inflow of finances and the power centers).

Repetition can only offer the cure

The repetition which has carefully shaped the untruth as truth can only be neutralized by equal amount of repetition. And therefore, you must not frown upon any repetition in my works, though they are often not verbatim repetitions. You may as well enjoy reading them.

Before you proceed
Explanatory notes

Humanity has been put on Trial by those very people who conspired against humanity
And, they accused such humanity which had no parallel in documented history of mankind

Let us put it on Trial again with a new set of Evidences
How then the scenario changed so drastically after middle of 19th-century?

Importance of Pedigree
It was not social discrimination but social structure for a balanced society
Plenty of strength in social structure of Hindu society

Understanding Hindu FamilyDharm'
Marriages under Hindu Joint Family system vs. Modern marriages
The Secret of Stable Hindu marriages of yesteryear

Purpose of Varn Vyavastha wrongly termed as Cast System
Rigorous life cycle of a Braahman born
All Shoodrs were NOT Untouchable

No point seeking the Escape Route
ChaaturVarnyam Mayaa Srishtam
Timing the event of birth