Plenty of strength in social structure of Hindu society

Comparative scenario

Consider the success of Hindu 4-Varn System with a village based economy and social structure, not necessitating migration on account of job related needs. As against this, look at the dependence of Christianized urbanized societies on migration of labor, and the ills thereof on issues related to morality.

Consider the extraordinary sense of truth and justice in Hindu village communes, even as late as in the 19th century [see Colonel Sleeman’s account], and compare its striking absence in today’s litigation-prone Christianized urbanized societies.

Consider the 4-Varn based Hindu society’s extraordinary love for truth and justice as against Christian society’s latent racial discrimination and rich-poor class system with striking absence of true humanitarian feelings, where we do not recognize and care for the next-door neighbor, and ever ready to get into litigation on any instance of so-called infringement of privacy issues and personal rights.

That afternoon of July 2002 in Europe at lunch...

On the question of litigations relating to infringement of privacy issues and personal rights, I cannot resist but to tell you of an interesting episode. It was July of 2002 in Venezia in Europe, lunch time. While at lunch, I was watching the Italian television after watching Pope John Paul II’s drooping head on the screen for a while, a thing that they ritually do every day lunch time.

A real-life situation, not an imaginary story

A real-life courtroom proceeding was being live telecast. They do this also regularly, everyday around that time, and we get to watch in full view of camera the entire proceedings from beginning till end.

My host explained to me the subject matter of the judicial proceedings. Here was the man and the woman, both neighbors. Subject of litigation was man’s pet dog. This dog was very affectionate to the woman. This affection developed in the days when the man and the woman were in intimate terms and used to frequent each other’s house regularly. So did the dog, he too visited the woman’s apartment regularly.

Later the man and the woman broke up. As they broke up they would not visit each other any more. But the dog could not follow the same routine. He would still visit woman’s house regularly. The man had no objection but the woman did. She asked the man to stop his dog from visiting her place. The man tried his best but could not stop the dog from doing so.

Then, the woman sued the man in the court for letting his dog infringe her privacy. The man presented in the court his argument that he attempted his every bit but the dog wouldn’t listen. The woman argued before the court that the dog belonged to the man and therefore, legally he was obliged to ensure that the dog did not infringe her privacy by visiting her apartment, and thus violating her personal right not wanting the dog to come to her.

You can imagine the judge’s predicament in this case as far as delivering a just judgment was concerned. I leave to your imagination what the judge might have done eventually!

So much strength in ancient social structure and how they ruined it

I see plenty of strength in the social structure of yesteryears when I read the testimonies of those days’ independent observers of our society, and with dismay I see these ChristianizedHindus turning a blind-eye towards those; such a disaster had been the Macaulayite ChristianEnglish education system designed to produce “Indians in blood and color, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals and in intellect” as said by Macaulay in his own words.

And then, Castles of Sand they built

On a worldwide scale, if we look at the social structures evolved by Christian societies, Marxist societies and so-called Secular societies, we see them disintegrating already. The base unit family is fast eroding the social fabric of modern society and we can look at the number of years they have withstood the test of time.

Nothing surpasses the Test of Time

The Test of Time is the best test, it tells us what works in practice. It has worked for Hindu society; it has not worked for Christian societies, Marxist societies, and Secular societies long enough to stand the test of time.

I see NO reason to be defensive

And therefore, I see no reason to be defensive about Hindu system of social structure; those who speak ill of it looking at today’s situation, deliberately shut their eyes towards the fact that this very deterioration is the effect of its long association with Islamic, Christian, Marxist and Secular societies.

It had saved Hindu society from being obliterated

Instead of looking at the cause and effect relationship, Hindu hater IndianEnglishmen, ChristianizedHindus and FakeSecularists point fingers at the ancient system, which saved Hindu society from being obliterated by Islamic and Christian imperialism.

Before you proceed
Explanatory notes

Humanity has been put on Trial by those very people who conspired against humanity
And, they accused such humanity which had no parallel in documented history of mankind

Let us put it on Trial again with a new set of Evidences
How then the scenario changed so drastically after middle of 19th-century?

Importance of Pedigree
It was not social discrimination but social structure for a balanced society
Plenty of strength in social structure of Hindu society

Understanding Hindu FamilyDharm'
Marriages under Hindu Joint Family system vs. Modern marriages
The Secret of Stable Hindu marriages of yesteryear

Purpose of Varn Vyavastha wrongly termed as Cast System
Rigorous life cycle of a Braahman born
All Shoodrs were NOT Untouchable

No point seeking the Escape Route
ChaaturVarnyam Mayaa Srishtam
Timing the event of birth