Importance of pedigree

Is pedigree important for pet animals but not for humans?

When rich people buy a puppy they check the pedigree. When European dairy farms buy cows and bulls they check the pedigree. So, the record of ancestors, genealogy is important when it comes to buying an animal but it seems a matter of least interest when it comes to humans.

Is the quality of next generation important for pet animals but not for humans?

While Mating two animals the pedigree becomes relevant even today so that the next generation is equally good if not better. But it seems that when humans mate and produce children the next generation is not so important. Therefore, they do not care to look at the pedigree.

A little knowledge is always very dangerous

It all started in India with the spread of ChristianEnglish education system. Two thousand year old Christianity is so very ignorant of the laws of the Nature and like fools they always try to conquer the Nature. When Christian Missionary Educators saw Hindus having a very sophisticated system of applied mathematics to human lives they simply could not make head or tail out of it1.

1 In any case, ChristianWorld has been awfully poor in mathematics. Few exceptions were like Sir Isaac Newton whose personal library was known for its large collection of books relating to astrology.

Immense harm they have done by imposing their ignorance

Pampering their immensely inflated ego they thought that they were a superior race, and like all fools do they too simply condemned Hindu system as nothing but superstition. And with that they passed on their own ignorance and lack of understanding to Hindu children whom they taught for six generations after systematically eliminating ancient Hindu education system.

Importance of marriages in the same Varn वर्ण

Hindu social structure placed high degree of importance to marriages of likes to strengthen offspring of like qualities. For instance, a Kshatriya would be married to a Kshatriya so that the children born are with the qualities of Kshatriya and each new generation of newborns is geared to fulfill its social obligations well when they grow up, as expected of a Kshatriya.

Maintaining self-reliance and equilibrium

Thus, Braahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shoodr all have their respective responsibilities towards the society’s needs and its equilibrium, and thus, self-reliance is maintained within the society by adequate supply and training of necessary skills.

Self-governance was the key

The society lived in small units of villages and each village would be self-sufficient to its needs without requiring migration from one to the other. It also maintained the safety and ethical norms within the commune. Each village would thus be self-governed as had been witnessed by Colonel Sleeman as late as in 19th century2.

2 Please refer to the earlier part of this book

Comparative scenario

In that social structure of yesteryears we did not have (a) hypocrisy as rampant as is today in modern Christianized urban society, (b) lack of security needing excessive and unduly expensive security measures as it is today3, and (c) total lack of moral values as compared to the Hindu society of olden days.

In today’s Christianized societies, there is no doubt lot of talk about morality, but little in evidence in reality. Probably, so much talk about morality is necessitated by the stark absence4 of it in conducts of the people.

Today we look down upon the olden day social structure, and gloat upon the beauties of present day social structure; but if only we had learned to be honest to ourselves, we would realize how low we have drooped down the stream. Unfortunately, our ego is so blinding that we fail to see the truth in Max Muller’s words when he says:

If you approach the Hindus with such feelings, you will teach them neither rectitude, nor science, nor literature. Nay, they might appeal to their own literature, even to their law-books, to teach us at least one lesson of truthfulness, truthfulness to ourselves, or, in other words, - humility.
INDIA what can it teach us? Max Muller ISBN 0-14-100437-1 p 67-68
3 Recommended further reading ISBN 81-89746-04-9 Christianity in a different Light - Face behind the Mask for ample real life examples
4 Recommended further reading “Christianity in a different Light - Face behind the Mask” and “That Unknown Face of Christianity” for plenty of real life examples

Hotchpotch ruins Social Economics

With mixed-Varn children we have new generations of undefined social characteristics and social responsibilities. Kshatriya-Shoodr, Vaishya-Kshatriya, Shoodr-Braahman children would not know which direction of social training and responsibility they need to take up.

Lesser acknowledged Truth

As a result, today Christian countries (like USA, Canada) face acute shortage of people willing to take up lower-end jobs, and these societies have been forced to depend on immigrants, and that in turn, has raised issues relating to racial discrimination and deep discontentment among new immigrants until they somehow settle down.

The art of cover up

Racial discrimination nevertheless remains alive deep into the system and only victims know it too well though not acknowledged by these Christian societies for they are trained to maintain a positive face before others.

And who points finger at whom?

And these are the people who talk of social discrimination in olden day society forgetting that those societies were essentially village-based societies with less than thousand people in a habitat and migration was not called for.

Not long ago but only 123 years ago

Following was the situation only 123 years ago [1882] and that too after the ChristianBritish had substantially messed up our social structure. Try to visualize what would have been the situation before ChristianBritish messing up the structure.

I see from Dr Hunter’s latest statistical tables that the whole number of towns and villages in British India amounts to 493,498. Out of this number 448,320 have less than 1000 inhabitants, and may be called villages. In Bengal, where the growth of towns has been most encouraged through Government establishments, the total number of homesteads is 117,042 and more than half of these contain less than 200 inhabitants. In the Northwestern Provinces the last census gives us 105,124 villages, against 297 towns. See Times 14 August 1882.
INDIA what can it teach us? Max Muller, ISBN 0-14-100437-1 p 230 n 14

Before you proceed
Explanatory notes

Humanity has been put on Trial by those very people who conspired against humanity
And, they accused such humanity which had no parallel in documented history of mankind

Let us put it on Trial again with a new set of Evidences
How then the scenario changed so drastically after middle of 19th-century?

Importance of Pedigree
It was not social discrimination but social structure for a balanced society
Plenty of strength in social structure of Hindu society

Understanding Hindu FamilyDharm'
Marriages under Hindu Joint Family system vs. Modern marriages
The Secret of Stable Hindu marriages of yesteryear

Purpose of Varn Vyavastha wrongly termed as Cast System
Rigorous life cycle of a Braahman born
All Shoodrs were NOT Untouchable

No point seeking the Escape Route
ChaaturVarnyam Mayaa Srishtam
Timing the event of birth