No point seeking the Escape Route

ever since BR Chopra made TV serial महाभारत Hindoo apologists like him found an escape route for promoting a concoted version of what ShriKrishn' said

Shri Krishn' said:
चातुर्वर्ण्यं मया सृष्टं गुणकर्मविभागशः
“I have evolved” 4-Varn System based on Gun’Karm’

It has become fashionable to invent different meanings

It has become fashionable to explain this Shlok from BhagavadGita in a different manner because that explanation gets readily accepted in today’s environment.
Today’s environment has been carefully cultivated over six generations. Christian Missionary Education System was established in 1835 spearheaded by Thomas Babington Macaulay. Simultaneously Ancient Hindu Education System was systematically uprooted from the land of the Hindus by the ChristianBritish administrative machinery1.

1 Well documented evidence from the records of their own people has been presented in “Do your History textbooks tell you these Facts?”

To uproot Hindu children from their roots and divert their inclination towards Christianity

Macaulay brought a battalion of Christian Missionaries to open Convents and Missionary Schools all over India. Next six generation of Hindus have remained under their spell. Those Christian Missionaries who controlled the ChristianEnglish Education System had one fundamental agenda: to uproot Hindu children from their roots and divert their inclination towards Christianity.

Their motto till today remains the same

Even now significantly large section of educational institutions in our country are run and/or controlled by Christian Converts and/or Funding from Christian sources abroad. Their motto till today remains the same: uproot Hindu children from their roots and divert their inclination towards Christianity.

Not finding satisfactory alternative in Christianity

Hindu children effectively uprooted from their Hindu religious and cultural roots - not finding satisfactory alternative in Christianity - attracted towards Marxism - have taken effective control of fabulously funded JNU and other Central Institutions like NCERT and ICHR.
This, in turn, has placed the remote control of a large section of other educational institutions in their hand. They design the textbooks and decide on their contents and these textbooks are then taught at premier institutions all over the country.

This is how tomorrow’s adults are made out of today’s children

The process of brainwashing effectively begins at this point. Children are fed with lies about their heritage, about their ancestors, about their social systems, about their customs, about their religion, and practically about everything that matters with regard to building their future outlook towards their own society. This is how tomorrow’s adults are made out of today’s children. The future of Hindu India will be in hands of such brainwashed anti-Hindus.

Present Birth Theory

Among these ChristianEnglish educated the theory that has gained considerable popularity is the present birth theory. Proponents of this theory try to explain that Bhagawaan Shri Krishn referred to traits and deeds of “present birth”, which would mean, expressed differently, occupation of the present birth.

Until Hindus keep believing in Bhagawaan Shri Krishn

They do not wish to challenge this statement of BhagavadGita “ChaaturVarnyam Maya Srishtam”. They haven’t yet acquired that courage because large part of the Hindu population still has faith in Bhagawaan Shri Krishn. But they will not hesitate to challenge that statement once Hindu faith is substantially eroded in Bhagawaan Shri Krishn. And that process is gathering momentum.

But things are changing fast

Already Bhagawaan Shri Raam’s photos are being burned and the immortal epic Raamaayan is also receiving similar treatment. This is happening in small pockets of this large country but then efforts are on its way to give such movements extra push.
Already our Christianized Government has gone on record to state that Shri Raam never existed and Raam Setu at Raameshwaram has no historical basis.
University level books denounce Bhagawaan Shiv as drunkard and womanizer, so did the leading newspaper The Times of India, and some school textbooks show Bhagawaan Shri Krishn in very poor light.
Children who will learn such things at school level will tomorrow pass on the same kind of learning with added ugliness to their next generation.

Returning to Present Birth Theory

This theory has gained considerable popularity as it gets ready acceptance and causes no heart burns. Effectively it has become the escape route for the intellectuals and the preachers alike. No one wants to stir the hornet’s nest when the going is easy.

The inspiration comes from

Those who invented this explanation were inspired either by personal interests and/or by influence of Christian Missionary education. As for Christianity, it subscribed to the theory of prior birth for humans until AD 543 when the Council of Constantinople banned it at the instance of Empress Theodora.

While the commoner’s understanding depends on...

A commoner’s understanding of this depends on various factors, among them are: personal interest, educational background, cultural background, media exposure, and also their individual progress towards spirituality.

Escape route for intellectuals and preachers alike

When people find it inconvenient to question the statement of Bhagawaan Shri Krishn, they prefer to explain it away in a different manner. They present an explanation: He did not mean it by birth, but He meant it by occupation. Such explanation can be cited with an example:
If a couple had three sons who became saadhu, leader and businessman then what will be their “Jaati”? They would be Braahman, Kshatriya and Vaishya according to their occupation irrespective of the “Jaati” of their birth.

And others find it easier to keep parroting it

This explanation has gained considerable ground over the period, and many keep parroting it, like it was done in the above case, in an article published on the editorial page of The Free Press Journal on 6 March 2004 by an individual who flashed his Ph.D. This approach is hypocritical, because here you tend to explain it away in a more socially acceptable way, looking at the direction in which wind blows today.

The mischief BR Chopra and Raahi Maasoom Razaa combine played

Friday, 6 January 2012, 18:18

BR Chopra made a TV Serial on world's largest epic MahaaBhaarat' which laid firm foundation for this crooked explanation. Raahi Maasoom Razaa (राही मासूम रज़ा) wrote the script.

Nitish Bharadwaj  The duo ensured that ShrimadBhagavad'Gita is misinterpreted to popularize their own belief system. They made the actor Nitish Bharadwaj to recite and interpret ShrimadBhagavad'Gita in the role of Bhagawaan ShriKrishn'. They made him say that people are not born Braahman  or Kshatriya but made so by the job / profession they adopt. Millions and millions of people believed this crooked theory to be TRUE as they watched on television Bhagawaan ShriKrishn' delivering the message of ShrimadBhagavad'Gita and declaring that people were Braahman' or Kshatriya by their work NOT by birth.

The Chopra-Razaa duo did not stop at that. They used every possible opportunity throughout the television serial to remind and re-remind the audience that people were Braahman' or Kshatriya by their work NOT by birth. They continued it from beginning till end of the TV serial they conceptualized, wrote and produced. Towards the end of the TV Serial when Dur'yodhan was resting under the water and Paandav' come to challenge him for a duel, this Chopra-Razaa combine made Gajendra Chouhan as Yudhisthir' repeat the same: people are Braahman' or Kshatriya by their work NOT by birth.

They played yet another mischief. They made Nitish Bharadwaj speak as ShriKrishn' about Draupadi Cheer-haran' while delivering the message of Bhagavad'Gita. If you scan through the entire Bhagavad'Gita you will no where find Bhagawaan ShriKrishn' making any speech that was remotely connected with Draupadi Cheer-haran.

With pen in their hand and media under their control Chopra-Razaa duo came to believe that they were the Bhagawaan' ShriKrishn' and they could bend and twist HIS message the way they feel like to fulfill their personal agendas. This is one reason I am totally against anybody playing around the original scripts of Hindoo epics as per their choice. Now, Shah Rukh Khan has his eyes set on the epic and wants to make a trilogy out of that and it will probably be Karan Johar directed Islamized version of the Hindoo epic.     

In this context, it is important to understand BR Chopra and Raahi Maasoom Razaa's backgrounds

BR Chopra, M.A. (English) — an MA in English of today can hardly be compared with an MA in English during British Raaj, which BR Chopra was. Naturally, he received a thorough exposure to English literature which shaped his thought process. That made it impossible for him to comprehend deeper meanings of Bhagavad'Gita. ISKON may be a good place for those who seek Bhagawaan ShriKrishn' through Bhakti'Yog', it is hardly a place to get a deeper exposure to Gyaan'Yog'. Therefore, ISKON's influence on BR Chopra did not add any capability toward his assimilating esoteric knowledge of Bhagavad'Gita. He put on his scalp the "intellectual's cap" and did all thinking while putting words in mouths of the cast he hired.

Raahi Maasoom Razaa born as a Muslim and educated at Aligarh Muslim University was well groomed to understand Hindooism from an intellectual's point of view. Understanding deeper significance of Varn' Vyavastha (or, Portuguese term Cast System) could hardly be expected of him. The two intellectuals, BR and Raahi, made right partners to produce their own version Bhagavad'Gita.

The rest of the intellectuals, suffering from Parrot Humanoid Syndrome, simply followed the suit, and expanded on that ill-founded hypothesis in their own respective ways. In the process, common Hindoo, and particularly educated Hindoo, learned to imbibe and spread that crooked theory far and wide.  

Shah Rukh Khan: Ref: DNA after hrs. p1 Friday, 13 Jan 2012 "His khwab just went epic" "It would be fantastic, the world's greatest film. It would be Mahabharata made like Lord of the Rings — a trilogy" Shah Rukh Khan quoted in a London-based newspaper

Before you proceed
Explanatory notes

Humanity has been put on Trial by those very people who conspired against humanity
And, they accused such humanity which had no parallel in documented history of mankind

Let us put it on Trial again with a new set of Evidences
How then the scenario changed so drastically after middle of 19th-century?

Importance of Pedigree
It was not social discrimination but social structure for a balanced society
Plenty of strength in social structure of Hindu society

Understanding Hindu FamilyDharm'
Marriages under Hindu Joint Family system vs. Modern marriages
The Secret of Stable Hindu marriages of yesteryear

Purpose of Varn Vyavastha wrongly termed as Cast System
Rigorous life cycle of a Braahman born
All Shoodrs were NOT Untouchable

No point seeking the Escape Route
ChaaturVarnyam Mayaa Srishtam
Timing the event of birth