It was not social discrimination but social structure for a balanced society

Eyes blinded and minds shut failing to see the reality

It was not social discrimination but social structure for a balanced society. However, these modern educated with an education system, which essentially arose from a Christian base, fail to see this part of the reality because their eyes are blinded and their minds are shut by an education system, which did not care for truth but for propagating a mission, beneath which lay the hidden motive of expansion of Christian imperialism.

Oh! That unfulfilled wish...

These Christian societies and our ChristianizedHindu society, which now dutifully apes its Christian counterpart, is rife with social insecurity issues of the magnitude that were unknown in those days of Hindu society. And yet, it is ChristianizedHindus who are pretty much vocal about this alleged discrimination in the Hindu society in the name of Varn system, probably because their only wish to be born with white skin has not been fulfilled.

What Islam could not do...

Islam could not destroy Hinduism in thousand-year1 but Christianity has done it, in large measure, within 170 years! This is the greatest contribution (or, Curse?) of ChristianEnglish education system in India.

1 Correction: 700 hundred years

Before you proceed
Explanatory notes

Humanity has been put on Trial by those very people who conspired against humanity
And, they accused such humanity which had no parallel in documented history of mankind

Let us put it on Trial again with a new set of Evidences
How then the scenario changed so drastically after middle of 19th-century?

Importance of Pedigree
It was not social discrimination but social structure for a balanced society
Plenty of strength in social structure of Hindu society

Understanding Hindu FamilyDharm'
Marriages under Hindu Joint Family system vs. Modern marriages
The Secret of Stable Hindu marriages of yesteryear

Purpose of Varn Vyavastha wrongly termed as Cast System
Rigorous life cycle of a Braahman born
All Shoodrs were NOT Untouchable

No point seeking the Escape Route
ChaaturVarnyam Mayaa Srishtam
Timing the event of birth