Rigorous life cycle of a Braahman born


Braahman born would be required to undertake a disciplined life style.
• First 25 years of Braahman’s life would be spent in total celibacy (Brahm’Charya).
He would be engaging himself, during this period of his life, in pursuit of knowledge. He would later be required to fulfill the role of the teacher and a guide to the society.


Next 25 years of Braahman’s life would be spent in family life (Grihasth).
• His being in the family life would have a very definitive purpose in social context.
• He would be meeting his responsibility towards the society in giving it, its next generation.
Children of next generation would be carrying on the tradition after he is gone.


Following 25 years he would spend in the woods (Vaan’Prasth) living close to the Mother Nature.
• The solitude this would provide, would not allow him day-to-day contact with children and household affairs.
• During this period, he would be gradually learning to detach him self from worldly affairs.
• With that, he would also be getting a taste of the world away from this world.


Remaining part of his life would be spent in total abandonment of worldly ties, Sannyaas.
• His sole occupation would be to focus his mind only on to the God.
• His preparation for the journey towards God would begin in full faith and consistency.
• This would allow a Braahman born to graduate towards the higher ends of earthly life through the course of numerous births, if he is able to maintain the sanctity of Braahman birth through his thoughts and actions.

The Varn of the Family of your subsequent births will depend on...

• If a Braahman born is not able to maintain the sanctity of Braahman birth through his thoughts and actions throughout his life time then he goes back the ladder as many steps as his thoughts and actions have earned him.
• This is where the concept of accumulated deeds comes into play.
• The deeds can take him back many steps even down to the Shoodr stage depending on the nature of his deeds.

The Varn of the Family of your subsequent births will depend on your acquired traits and accumulated deeds of earlier births.

ChristianEnglish education system has taught us...

• ChristianEnglish education system has taught we Hindus for past six generations that there is no rebirth.
• The man is born only once and after that he goes either to heaven or to Hell and lives there forever till eternity.
• He goes to heaven if was born a Christian or if he has adopted Christianity during his life time because Jesus is the Sole redeemer of the humanity.
• If the person was born not as a Christian and not adopted Christianity during his life time then he goes to Hell and lives there till eternity.
• Every Christian born or Christian convert is duty bound to convert all heathens into Christianity out of their sheer love for humanity as they cannot bear the thought of so many heathens burning in Hell Fire till eternity!

Heathens - example the Hindus

Heathens, according to dictionary definition, are those who are not Christian, Jew, or Muslim.
They are follower of a polytheistic religion. For instance, the Hindus.
They are the unenlightened people regarded as lacking culture or moral principles.

• This dictionary definition tells you how you are placed in comparison to Christians, Jews, and Muslims. If you have any misgivings about your standing in their eyes, at least, do not keep fooling yourself that all are equal.

No such rigor for Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shoodr born

Those born in other three Varn(s) would not be required to undergo the rigors that were expected of the Braahman Varn. They could live their whole life within the social framework and continue to enjoy the family life until death, unless an individual decided otherwise for himself.

Kshatriya born would be required to undergo training of a warrior and would be expected to participate in protection of the nation, human lives and wealth, social justice and administration. Their natural inclination would be towards organizing, managing, maintaining, politics, and ruler-ship.

Vaishya born would be required to undergo training in agriculture, manufacture and trade. They would engage themselves in cultivation of agriculture and manufacture of other produces that would be necessary for sustaining life on the earth. They would have natural aptitude for trade and commerce.

Shoodr born would be required to undergo training in meeting all other needs for the society. They would naturally gravitate towards service and labor. They would provide other services needed by Braahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya Varn, as well as Shoodr Varn.

Before you proceed
Explanatory notes

Humanity has been put on Trial by those very people who conspired against humanity
And, they accused such humanity which had no parallel in documented history of mankind

Let us put it on Trial again with a new set of Evidences
How then the scenario changed so drastically after middle of 19th-century?

Importance of Pedigree
It was not social discrimination but social structure for a balanced society
Plenty of strength in social structure of Hindu society

Understanding Hindu FamilyDharm'
Marriages under Hindu Joint Family system vs. Modern marriages
The Secret of Stable Hindu marriages of yesteryear

Purpose of Varn Vyavastha wrongly termed as Cast System
Rigorous life cycle of a Braahman born
All Shoodrs were NOT Untouchable

No point seeking the Escape Route
ChaaturVarnyam Mayaa Srishtam
Timing the event of birth